
The Takeover

The idea is to reduce our awareness and our consciousness to the point where we compulsively act out our programming in exchange for a sense of belonging and contentment, as if we are fulfilling Life's purpose by our slavish behavior and mode of thought.
It is the equivalent of drugging ourselves to Death, but hey, as long as we feel fine and get our kicks which make us feel alive, then it is OK, right?
Don't ask too many questions, don't rock the boat and go with the flow, and all will be fine.

That is exactly where many miss the boat in the biggest way imaginable.
They are literally sacrificing their Life and their Souls, precious goods which have an immense value in the Real World of the Spirit, for a couple of plastic beads and a shiny mirror where you see a projection of an image which is NOT you, but a projection of what your Masters want you to see.
In exchange for the good times and the good feelings you get by acting out the programming, you end up missing your calling and your purpose in Life, things which could have given you true meaning and true fulfillment in spite of the adversity and pain you would encounter.

The sad fact of the matter is that as you live like a programmed zombie there comes a point in your Life where you no longer are able to return.
You become an empty biological robotic shell until you have reached your final heartbeat and your eyes are opened: you believed the Lie, and you gave away your Soul to thieves who do not care for you in the slightest.

The engineers behind the mass media use this medium to install false images into people's minds.
Images which tell you what your aim should be in Life, what will bring you satisfaction, what you should tolerate and allow, what you should identify with, how you should think, how you should learn, how and what you should eat, how you should sleep and dream false dreams.
It is so comprehensive and omnipresent every moment of the day and the night, that even in spite of the resistance many put up the sheer volume of the indoctrination makes them sway eventually and give in.
The noise they hated becomes the music they love.

If you want a lie to succeed and be adopted as Truth, simply repeat it over and over again until people feel familiar with its sound and content, and find themselves adopting it in spite of the fact that it is a lie.
The Lie they hated becomes the truth they love.

Thus people are taken over and reduced to willing collaborators of the Luciferian order on this planet which aims to reduce people to cattle, food on the plate of Demons.
But they fail to realize the ugly Truth of what they are up against because they walk around like zombies chained in slavish obedience to the programming, walking around as if in a daydream  which is the result of the constant bombardment of false information.

The Truth is that they are cooperative prisoners in a colony where people are raised to be Soul food for Demonic entities, smiling because of the euphoria the lying Prozac spoon-fed to them on a daily basis brings about.
They see a pretty Disneyland veneer where Life is full of opportunities knocking on people's doors, and if they are willing to answer the knock and rise to the challenge, put in hard work, then surely they will be rewarded for their effort and reap the harvest of what they have sown.
They fail to see that if you knock on the Devil's door the only way you will be let in if you agree to his terms and conditions.
They don't see the Devil's door, they see the gateway into magic wonderland.

The more they are willing to sacrifice to their Evil overlords, and the more they can be used in service of the Evil One, the more chance they have certain doors will open.
At every point during their climb on the imaginary career ladder which they are indoctrinated to climb in order to reach Nirvana, they are tested in their loyalty to the cause of the Adversary and their willingness to sacrifice all to him.
If the Adversary has very little use for them other than to be a supporting actor in his movie, then that is all they get in Life, nothing but a face in the crowd in exchange for serving up their Soul to the Satan.
If only the Truth would dawn in their minds and they would realize the extent to which they have adopted a Lie as Truth...

But unfortunately the Evil One also has his own seed planted in the soil of this Earth, and his own children love the Lie as much as their father the Devil.
They will never accept Truth because they hate the Light, and because Darkness is their home they love and embrace the Lie as Truth.
For some there never will be an awakening moment, because they ARE Darkness, they LIVE the Lie.
For some the Satan is the only god they will ever serve, even though he is no god.
Nevertheless, they believe the deception, they eat spiritual Prozac as if it is their nutritious dinner, and they will never face Truth because the Truth is a Lie to them and the Lie is truth.
Prayer will never awaken them, but it CAN stop them from carrying out the wicked plans of the Devil.

Prayer is a weapon which goes straight against that hypnotic flow of false indoctrination prevalent in this world, and it assaults the spell it casts upon people's minds.
Prayer destroys veils and makes people see the ugliness of the Lie.
Some cannot handle it and retreat into an Evil cocoon of permanent oblivion, yet others are shocked to the point where they wake up and begin to act against the ongoing flow of lies.
The first group is permanently lost and will end up on the plate of Demons, the latter group is learning to repossess their Soul and become a threat to the status quo of this world.

Prayer is immensely strong, but there are a few guidelines you must follow.
First and foremost is the guideline that YHWH guides you in your heart to pray at certain times, and when that urge is not present and your prayers feel like an intellectual exercise, a drag, then it may not be the right time to pray about something.
But when YHWH brings something to your mind to pray about, don't hesitate and pray, believing and knowing in your heart that what you pray for is heard and answered.
Those are moments you are called upon to act as one of YHWH's warriors.

Like when I read again about Soros and how he wants the EU to import MORE immigrants in the future.
That is when YHWH put it in my mind to pray against that globalist Luciferian collaborator, and I obeyed.
He continuously influences the world in such a way that YHWH's own suffer under the effect he and his ilk cause, and since it affects YHWH's children adversely while the Satanists benefit I came against him in prayer, especially when, -as a result of his meddlesome activities, blood will flow abundantly.
I prayed that YHWH would put an end to Soros' manipulation so that he no longer is able to act in the capacity of a pawn in the hands of the Evil One, and that YHWH would do whatever it takes to stop him.
At that moment my prayer was done in faith and obedience, and I know this has changed Soros' position in the Satanic game, and the effect will become visible in the near future.

It is not because I am so good that YHWH will put into effect what I prayed for, but because YHWH put it in my mind and I obeyed so that through my prayer the Earth reality is affected and changed accordingly.
Not because I am so good, but because Yahshua is so Good, because our Heavenly Father is so good that He uses us for His purpose.

I may be browsing the internet when suddenly my heart is inclined to pray for something, and when that happens I know that I should not hesitate, but pray instantly.
I may be at work when the urge comes, and I pray then in my mind with all  my power for that one thing I should pray for.
Not a multitude of words, but just a sincere prayer in Faith, that's all, and its effect is immensely powerful.

I have written about this many times before and I urge you now to take it to heart and practice it.
Prayer is the most powerful weapon given to us, and it is activated and sealed in and through Faith.
Sometimes you may feel in your heart you should pray about something, and if you do, pray then, believing that what you pray for will come to pass.
Prayer can act as a reality-modifying instrument which can be used directly against the Evil One.
Our authority in Yahshua gives us power to bind up Evil Demons, destroy veils of deception so that people begin to wake up to Truth.
And when people wake up to Truth it means that the power and the spell of the Lie are broken and destroyed.

No, prayer won't work if your heart still is in bondage to the Evil One.
And this includes the various religious systems which people subscribe to for a sense of 'meaning and salvation'
Religion does not save nor does it give true meaning, but it CAN bind people to a particular dogma to the point where they become religious zombies acting out the religious programming, thinking themselves to be well on their way to Heaven not realizing they are getting deeper into the wheel of deception of the Evil One.

Prayer will work ONLY if your heart and Soul are connected to YHWH, and you live accordingly.
You don't act out religious customs because you are programmed and expected to, you live out YHWH's living instructions within you because you love Him and believe Him, and you know that whatever your Heavenly Father tells you to do is for your own Good.
When THAT is your basis, then your prayer can be powerful, because it becomes the link through which YHWH's power manifests in this reality.
It does not mean that automatically every prayer will be fulfilled, because YHWH is not a slot machine where you put in the money and out pops whatever you chose.
But if your prayer aligns with His will, and you believe, it will come to pass.

This is a time of war, and we were sent here to play an important part in the final end times .
We are the generation which will see the destruction of Evil on this planet so that it no longer has the power to reduce us to prisoners lost in a coma.
I also have prayed directly for the destruction of Evil on this planet and for end of the reign of the Evil One in our domain.
And I want to urge you to use this weapon of war, prayer, and stop doubting yourself and whether or not your prayers matter.
Of course they do.
The Evil One wants you to stop praying because it affects his plans adversely, so don't listen to the doubt he whispers into your mind, but tell that Evil seducer to get lost, and pray fervently and with fire, believing.

You HAVE TO learn how to cast fire upon this Earth with your prayer.
Or would you rather stand before your Heavenly Father in an embarrassing silence because somehow you failed to do your job as a warrior?
The end times are here, the world is going down the drain, and we are the generation from Heaven put here on this Earth to play our part and see it through.

So learn to be disciplined like a true soldier ought to be, and use your weapon of prayer not sparingly, but as often as you can.
When the General tells you to shoot, shoot, and do not hesitate.
I have seen powerful effects in my Life as a result of prayer, some were almost instantly, others took years to manifest, but when you pray, believing, it WILL have effect.
The Fallen Ones dread the moment when YHWH's army on Earth rises up massively and uses the weapon of prayer.
Through prayer Darkness is destroyed because the Light takes over.

This is all the more important in this day and age where the Lie is so extreme and so omnipresent that you cannot close your eyes and go about your daily business as if everything is fine and normal as it should be, as if nothing is changing around you.
Our own leaders turn out to be our own worst enemy, devoid of any conscience, the media obediently acts as the PR-extension of politically correct lies, ALL the ones in power and authority (and there are only a handful of people left who have not sold out) bombard us with lies and do not care if their decisions will cause massive bloodshed in the future.
Even worse, their actions are designed to elicit violence for the sake of the global agenda.
The serpent people rule over us and the gap between them and us is widening exponentially with each new day.

This world does NOT need the Ahab and Jezebel couple in the White House, and in case you wondered I am referring to the Clintons.
If Jezebel will ascend her throne and shapes the world as the queen of Babylon we will reap fire and destruction, you can be sure of that.

You think it is just a misguided notion which makes our leaders have open borders and import a massive army of migrants of the Islamic persuasion into European nations and welcome them as kings and queens?
If Israel were attacked and all the Jews were forced to flee, and they would knock on the European door you would be surprised how quickly the leaders would be in favor of closing down the borders and refusing to give shelter to the Jews!
But no, we are not dealing with Jews here, we are dealing with Islamists, a very suitable ideological battering ram to bring down the remaining pillars of Christianity and destroy whatever is left of the national, cultural and ideological identity in European nations, and among them are quite a few terrorists who create havoc and bring destruction so that their act will cry out for intervention and more power in the hands of a wicked and corrupt government which pretends to be good but which is downright Evil.

And how they love to forbid speaking the plain honest Truth about criminal offences and terrorist attacks carried out by Islamists in our nations!
Have you ever considered how weird political correctness is?
It is the expression of a dictatorial mindset which does not allow Truth to be spoken, but demands that certain facts are not mentioned for what they are, and as such it the vehicle used to manufacture a Lie.
Those who are of the Lie will go along with the Lie, but those who cannot stand it are subjected to persecution for speaking the unwanted Truth.
I tell you: always speak the Truth and don't let the Serpents silence you.
Truth exposes the Lie and destroys the Lie, so don't let the Serpents stop you from speaking the Truth, because in doing so you are destroying their lies and their power.

'The Truth shall set you free', words spoken by Yahshua.
Think about these words for a moment in the context of what I wrote.
It means that the hypnotic bondage to anything which is a lie is broken and destroyed by the appearance of Truth.
If you established your power by means of a lie, then it would be a disaster if people saw through your lies because they realize the Truth.
They would offer resistance and no longer accept your power over them.

If you ever wondered how the Adversary, the Satan, will be broken and destroyed, bring to mind the name used for the last book in the Christian Bible: the 'Apocalypse'.
It is right there in front of us, and it tells us how the Enemy will be destroyed.
It means 'the unveiling', or, the disclosure of Truth.
And when Truth is revealed, the power of the Lie ceases to be.

So in His words Yahshua revealed how the power of the Enemy will be destroyed: by the awakening to Truth so that he no longer has the advantage of keeping people imprisoned to his lies.
That is why you should pray constantly that YHWH will lift the veil over the eyes of the people so that they can see the Truth about Life on Earth, the Truth about the exploitation by Evil Serpentines, the Truth about how many of those in power are there because they are extensions of the power of the Evil One.
Once the people realize the Truth, the Lie is exposed and destroyed, and with it the Enemy's power over people is done away with.

Do not fear the governments or the wealthy globalists and the companies they own.
They are only a few men and women against masses of people, so should masses of people be exploited by the few who sold out?
No, stand up, pray against the wicked power-hungry exploiters, pray against the leeches, pray against the powers of Darkness that YHWH will bring them to a full end and that Yahshua will finally make His big entrance.

Those Exploiters were the ones responsible for humiliating Yahshua, torturing and putting Him to Death just as they had done with His servants so often before, while they made the people believe the false prophets, the liars in the holy robes who told the people what they wanted to hear in exchange for esteem and of course a handsome sum of money.
They thought they could have their way with Yahshua, and I pray that finally, FINALLY, our Heavenly Father will bring them to justice and honor His beloved Son with the honor and praise that He is worthy to receive by letting Him appear to this world as the ultimate King of All.

I pray, let Yahshua finally come and permanently destroy the power of the Evil One in our domain!

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