
The Rule Of Insanity

If there still was any lingering doubt, the recent attacks should make it clear that we are at war.
Incessantly violent outbursts create many innocent victims, a pattern of brainwashed robots embarking on a murderous spree, all too often motivated by an ideology sanctioning the atrocities they are about to commit, such as  the infamous ideology of Islam, a more spiritual oriented sibling of Nazism.
In spite of the politically correct evangelists promoting the 'Islam is peace' message you will find that hatred towards non-Muslims and especially the 'free West' is preached in the Mosques, and either these Islam sympathizers are mentally deranged or deliberate wicked liars, or a combination of both.

This war makes itself felt in the destruction we see around us, and it is part of a larger scheme which intends to set fire to civilization as we know it in order to create a fascist paradise where mind-controlled and micro-chipped slaves work on behalf of the ruling elite, the globalists who intend to usher in a Satanic paradise rising on the collapse of Western civilization.
The public only sees the puppets guilty of bloodshed, yet behind the puppets there are unseen forces, facilitators and social engineers at work.
They are the ones priming the puppets for their intended purpose, but since they remain out of sight who will be able to track them and bring them to justice?
This purpose is one established through social engineering and psychological manipulation, and the violence we encounter stands in service of these two pillars.

But then again, what is left of the 'civilized' aspect of Western 'civilization'?
It has been eroded from within and covers a stinking swamp of lies and deceit, exploitation, greed, selfishness, immorality and legalized murder.
A civilization where leaders have sold out to the highest bidder and sacrifice their own people on the altar of the highest bidder.
A civilization where the internal division is growing exponentially with each new day as the established political club  and their corporate buddies display more signs of clinical insanity and being downright Evil, while on the other side people are awakening to the reality of the insanity and how they have been lied to, and thus find themselves confronted with the ugly reality of being ruled by an enemy who steals from them and uses their money to fund their demise.
More and more people are awakening to the fact that the notion of a conspiracy is not so outlandish anymore, although many remain clue less on how to connect the dots as well as being unable to fathom the depths of Evil their leaders have sunk to.

This is a war, not between nations, but between Good and Evil everywhere.
And Evil uses manipulation through lies and deceit as its primary means to steer the war towards the desired outcome.
All too often the manipulation involves the equivalent of guiding an arsonist to a room where a box of matches and a gallon of gasoline are left on the table.
It should come as no surprise when the arsonist compulsively sets the place on fire, so that ALL the fingers can be pointed at the arsonist, or maybe the presence of the matches and gasoline.
It does not matter if many people have gasoline and matches at home without ever even contemplating setting anything on fire, but in the heat of the emotional backlash when fingers are pointed towards the gasoline and the matches there are those who are manipulated into appointing the tools as the cause, and not the person, let alone the manipulating forces which drove the person to the act of insanity.
The manipulating forces who made the arsonist what he is and who guided him to the room with the gasoline and the matches remain out of sight, yet they engineered the situation in order to be able to use it in favor of their agenda.
It is a spiritual and psychological war where the guilty parties remain out of sight and out of reach.

Such is the wicked, Evil character of the globalists in this world, the ones who have a sworn allegiance to their lord and master beyond the veil.
They have no qualms about ruining people's lives if they can benefit, because they see themselves as superior, so in their view it is only fitting that they should rule over the dumb masses who cannot figure out even the most basic strategy used against them.
Our politicians are their managers, their team leaders who push and drive their agenda forward, and they are so ruthless that they have no qualms about killing off their own population.
He who serves this agenda is blessed and doors swing wide open, but woe unto him who turns against the holy script of the almighty agenda!

Am I exaggerating?
Just the other day headlines stated that the European 9/11 is just a matter of time now that the IS troops have entered Europe.
This means a bloodbath of unprecedented proportions in recent history.

Let me ask you, shortly after ISIS announced that they would infiltrate Europe disguised as fugitives, WHO were the ones setting the doors to our nations WIDE open, WHO were the ones refusing to close borders (which is something that should have been done IMMEDIATELY), WHO were the ones making us pay to welcome the fugitives as kings and queens while the ones born in our nations have to work hard for each cent of income, WHO were the ones imposing censorship on every news item and police report concerning refugees indulging in theft, rape and murder, WHO were the ones LYING about statistics as well as the nature of the crimes committed such as in Bataclan where the victims were tortured and Muslims were cheering in the streets over the bloodbath?
If you cannot see how OUR politicians have let them enter our nations on purpose then I have no hope for you to ever be able to recognize and acknowledge Truth, because right now it is staring you in the face with all the evidence spread out on the table.
They aided and abetted the enemy, and if blood flows through our streets THEY are responsible, THEY are the guilty ones.
This is the equivalent of murder by proxy.

I have written it before, I'll write it again: our political leaders have betrayed the people.
The Dutch prime minister Rutte is like the white version of Obama, and it makes me sick to see his lying face in the newspapers knowing what he has done and what he stands for.
He should not be in office but in court facing a judge, and if there is any justice left, if the Dutch people have ANY decency and intelligence left in them, they will massively vote him and his party out in the next elections.
That is, IF there will be elections, because something very Evil and very big is coming down the pike, something which will make it crystal clear we are at war.
Our political leaders AND THE EU COMMISSION should be under thorough investigation about what their role has been in the invasion by IS troops.

People have their limits, and although revolts in The Netherlands are scarce, a nation like France is different.
You can push and stress and lie to the people only for so long before they will lash out, and if the current traitors continue on their chosen road of destruction THEY will be the ones directly responsible for the counter reaction of a full blown civil war, both in European nations and the USA.
Isn't it sad that today our own leaders wage war against the people who pay their salaries and who trusted them to be honorable and do good?
The shepherds eat the flock and fatten themselves forgetting that the time of the great slaughter has arrived.

Obama is working overtime to create a situation which will legally let him prolong his term in office.
Syria did not yield the desired result, Ukraine did not provoke Putin into starting a huge war with the West (and I have to praise Putin and the Russians for their restrained attitude towards the madman Obama), so now Obama is trying to create a race war in his own country, a war between black and white, as well as using the NATO to step up provocations towards Russia.
When I look at the incredibly unstable situation in the world, where even within nations citizens begin to fight against the political leaders (just look at Turkey), and how Putin warned time and again that if he believes Russia is in danger because the West has plans to attack Russia he will not hesitate to launch a pre-emptive strike, then I hold my heart for what the remainder of this year may have in store for us.
Because this war, which started in the Middle East and which spread into the world, is gaining momentum and increases in intensity on a daily basis.

The recent coup d'état in Turkey should make it evident that the government can turn out to be the people's worst enemy if they dare to turn against it.
When the coup happened immediately the government blocked internet traffic, because they know all too well how important electronic communication is and the role it plays it a war.
So, to believe that all the things you currently take for granted, such as internet, phone, food supplies, water, electricity, will continue to be as they always were during a time of great upheaval, is to set yourself up for a very nasty surprise when push comes to shove.
Or do you really think that the ones holding the door open to murderers will suffer from pangs of conscience when it comes to safeguarding their own interest, that they will take care of you and help you and admit they lied about certain things?
No, they are of a depravity which defies description.

And have you noticed how well revolts such as in Turkey plays into the cards of Erdogan who now has the mandate to infringe upon personal rights for the sake of 'the well-being and security of Turkey'?
How convenient, almost as if Erdogan engineered it himself in order to orchestrate support for expanding his authority and establishing himself even more than before as a dictator, a little Hitler, using his own Reichstag event to push himself forward and make his dreams for the revived Ottoman empire come true.
Most of you probably are familiar with Erdogan's fascination with Hitler's bible Mein Kampf and his admiration for that despicable piece of dog vomit who murdered millions of Jews without losing any sleep over it.
But consider this, nothing will remain hidden as YHWH will bring it out and expose that which was hidden to the entire world!

Have you ever considered the tragedy if the soldiers of IS succeed in blowing up a nuclear plant in Europe?
There are many nuclear power plants here, and you only have to bring to mind what happened in Fukushima and its aftermath to have an idea of the magnitude of such a disaster.
It would mean that large areas become uninhabitable for many years, cancer would explode like never before, and Europe as we have known it for many centuries would become a historical fossil.

Safety and security, we used to think that living in Israel meant you would not enjoy as much safety as living in the US or a European nation.
How things have changed!
No longer this difference exists.
Our political mongrels refused to express sympathy for Israel's plight, so YHWH turned the tables and made the Israeli plight OUR plight, and we find ourselves living in the exact same conditions where you never know when some madman may decide to run a truck with bulletproof glass into an unsuspecting crowd.
Considering the safety measures taken in Israel I think you may actually be safer in Israel than here in Europe or the USA.

One thing should be very clear by now: the stage is set for violence, and blood will fill the streets.
To the ones who thought there might be a chance for a peaceful transition to a better world it should be evident by now that this is not going to happen.
The transitions are pangs of intense pain and violence, and the Adversary is dead set on putting us through his wrench just for the sake of pushing his agenda forward.
This is an agenda for the realization of an efficient people farm where man as he is will be redesigned into a new Life form into which Evil Spirits can dwell.
And if he cannot win, you can be sure he will be dead set on making sure NO ONE will be left to enjoy any victory.
It will take Heavenly intervention and protection to prevent the Adversary from carrying out his plans for our destruction.

But to you who belong to YHWH I tell you, don't worry.
Our Heavenly Father has created provisions for His own, some of which He kept hidden and which remain hidden at the current time until the moment arrives when He will act.
Don't forget, He is the Author of reality who has access to the script of interdimensional realities and how they are intertwined and even can be superposed upon each other.
That is the area which will bring the unexpected surprises and confuse the Enemy.
Thus, the author of confusion will receive the confusion he has sown.
Isn't that perfect justice?

The one thing which should infuriate anyone with an ounce of decency is how our governments have collaborated and engineered the situation we are in.
How the US with support of Europe loved to train the terrorists and use ISIS as a buffer against Assad, how they loved to liberate the people of the Middle East from the oppressive regimes!
And how we could see with our own eyes that the military intervention only served to help Islamic regimes to power so that the people, formerly enjoying at least a modest amount of freedom, now are completely stripped of it and forced to bow before fundamentalist regime of the Islamic persuasion.
Obama and Clinton together with their European lackeys have created the violent turbulence and left a trail of blood in their wake, and they are and will be directly responsible for the bloodbaths we have to endure.

And how convenient the violence turns out to be!
It allows them to manipulate the opinion of the people they consider to be brainless idiots and cattle on their ranch, it allows them to strip away any rights the people have on paper for the sake of national security (although they were not bothered with safety and security when the let the doors wide open for IS!).

What makes it even worse is that they are helped by the established media.
Have you read any reports other than the underground information about the warning Putin gave to journalists concerning the ongoing aggressive attitude of Western leaders and their NATO?
He said he did no longer know how to get through to us concerning the danger of the current situation and how easily it will escalate into a full blown war.
He warned us that we are on the brink of a full blown war.
And I assure you that Putin will most definitely act when he sees Russia being put into grave danger by aggressive Western leaders who show themselves to be nothing but a bunch of habitual liars.
How is it that such a grave warning did not make it into the headlines?
The established media too is bought and paid for.

Let there be no mistake about it, Putin knows very well the nature of what he is dealing with, he is no idiot and he knows the extent to which lies, deceit and manipulation are used as weapons against him and Russia by Evil forces operating through the mask of humanoid forms.
Likewise the US candidate for the presidency Trump also knows a WHOLE lot more about the nature of what he is fighting against, and the best chance we may have on at least postponing and containing the damage is if Trump is chosen over that Evil wicked Clinton.
Don't forget, through her policies she is responsible for the horrible death of many Christians in the Middle East, and their blood rests upon the heads of primarily the US but also the spineless collaborators of Europe.

If I were a psychologist I would diagnose the current Western collective as mentally insane at best, suffering from a such a severe psychosis that a comparison with a coma patient would not be inappropriate.
The West has become utterly insane, and the ones who are the craziest run the asylum while the remaining sane ones are deemed mad and assigned to the role of the black sheep.
I do not cherish one tiny bit of hope for a good outcome of this current situation, because I don't think there is any avenue left which would allow this to happen.
It will take a miracle, but then again, if many of you will pray for YHWH's intervention He may just give us that miracle, a miracle of grace.
But even then blood will flow, the world has gone too far.

I pray that YHWH will continue to expose the lying traitors who are in office and that for the sake of His own He will protect us and make a full end of the game of manipulation and psychological engineering.
You see, the Adversary thinks he is smart and that he can succeed through lies and manipulation, but what he has not foreseen is how YHWH has a few very nasty surprises in store for him and his servants.
And I pray YHWH will open the eyes of the people so that they realize that the problem is not just a random group of terrorists, not just one particular ideology, but that the problem is how certain parties in our nations operating under legal mandate shape and facilitate these groups and these violent individuals for the sake of creating an unstable situation which allows them to steer and maneuver the nations towards the realization of a certain global agenda.

The sad fact is that our enemies are not so much the terrorists, but the ones who create them and provide them with opportunity and means to act out their violent insanity.
And if people could get a glimpse of the true identity of some of these Evil humanoid forms in positions of authority they would begin to question their own sanity, because it would contradict the worldview they were conditioned to accept from childhood.
There are those who live on this planet wearing their humanoid costume like a programmed mask to fool us and beguile us, but beneath the mask the true form of what they are hides.

But YHWH has a couple of surprises planned...
After all, the Apocalypse does not mean 'the end' or 'the destruction', but the UNVEILING.
Veils will be ripped, torn and cast aside, and the Truth of what was behind the veils will be brought to Light for everyone to see.
Veils will be ripped between dimensions so that they melt together in one, just as the veil of Time will be ripped.
The veil of the Lie is about to be ripped apart, and I assure you the Evil One will go to extremes to hold up appearances and maintain the status quo, beware of him and his slippery ways.

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