
Perfect Justice

I recently came across a comment by a purportedly Christian author who wrote that he would never vote for Trump because Trump referred to the rule of the Torah: 'an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth'.
According to that Christian this rule was abolished by Yahshua when He instructed us not to seek vengeance but rather to turn the other cheek.
And that reply indicated a lack of understanding. 

There is one principle which many Christians simply fail to understand because they think it is abrogated by Yahshua, and that is the principle of 'an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth'.
Too many Christians read 'vengeance' in this principle, 'getting even', but it is not about vengeance or getting even, but about the Mirror.

It is the Mirror which gives us back that which we gave.

I cannot stress enough how important it is to understand the principle of the Mirror in Creation.
This Mirror is the principle of justice embodied in the principle of the Torah: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
It means that whatever we do unto another is what we ultimately do unto ourselves.

This is why Yahshua emphasized NOT to return Evil for Evil, but instead we should always do Good, be an extension of YHWH's Goodness.
If we act as extensions of Good, we will receive Good by the principle of the Mirror.
When we however respond with Evil, then we will receive back Evil, even though we may purport to believe in Yahshua.

Because of this principle Yahshua instructed us not to judge, because the extent to which we judge is the judgment we receive.
So if you judge someone as Evil and proceed to vilify and slander his character, as recently happened with Prince after he died and which I abhor, then you really are slandering and vilifying yourself, and that is exactly what you will receive.
The Mirror of YHWH's justice is the reason why we as YHWH's children can NEVER allow ourselves to be used as instruments of Evil, because if we do we will receive back that Evil upon our own heads if we have not found forgiveness.

The cosmic Mirror which implements justice in its purest form (because we only receive that which we extended to others) is the reason why the judgment upon the Satan is so severe: to this day he murders, cheats and lies, and creates billions of victims, and yet not only does he refuse to acknowledge that his deeds are crimes, he rejects YHWH's Goodness and thus excuses his own criminal behavior.
Because of the untold suffering he has brought into the cosmos, the cosmos will bring this untold suffering upon his own head.
By committing crimes against the Angels and Mankind he really committed crimes against himself, and his punishment is really the punishment he created for himself.

I cannot think of any better and purer form of justice than the justice YHWH created by means of His Mirror which mirrors back at us what we say and do.
So if we are sorry for what we have done and we forgive others, we receive that forgiveness back in YHWH's Mirror.
In other words, as we forgive, we are forgiven, as we show repentance, we receive the fruit of repentance, as we show kindness, the mirror will give us kindness in YHWH's countenance, as we do Good, we receive back YHWH's Goodness to us.

This is why Yahshua's words did not negate or abrogate the principle of the Torah, 'an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth'.
Yahshua referred to this principle of the Mirror when He instructed us that we should not seek revenge and get even.
To many Christian it reads as if Yahshua abrogated the principle as described by Moses, but He did not.
To say that He did is the same as equating Yahshua's instruction to turn the other cheek with Pacifism, a very grave error which I wrote about previously in another post.
Quite the contrary, Yahshua's words are a confirmation of the principle upon which the Torah is based since they acknowledge the existence AND the authority of that Mirror, and He instructs us how to behave with that principle of the Mirror in mind so that we end up receiving Good.

This principle of YHWH's Mirror still remains valid for the entire Creation to this very day.
Even Angels have to abide by that principle, because in YHWH they too receive a Mirror of what they are.

The Satan was the father of the Lie and he gained dominion over us through the Lie.
He issued the Lie, and he receives back the Lie, which is that he believes he can be a god existing in a state of separation from YHWH.
That is belief in a lie, because it can and will never be.
The best he can do is change his experience of YHWH.
How can his experience of YHWH change?
By means of YHWH's Mirror which He holds up to everyone.
In YHWH the Satan does not see the nature of YHWH, but a reflection of who he is.

Furthermore the Satan and all the ones who believe in the Lie of Evil, whether Angel of Man, steal Life-force and energy from others in order to gain momentum themselves.
They create their happiness by making YHWH's own (and thereby YHWH) miserable, and as such the principle of 'an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth' means that THEY will be made miserable and unhappy.
All the energy and Life-force they stole will be taken back from them just as they took it from their victims, and they will descend down into the realm where the hapless criminals will lack the energy and Life-force to escape.
As such all of them ended up stealing happiness, joy, energy and Life-force from themselves when they took it from their victims.
Again, it is the perfect justice of the Mirror which causes the criminals receive the punishment they have created for themselves.

No one escapes the Mirror.
The Fallen Ones seek to distort that Mirror.
They take YHWH's principle of the Mirror which reflects Good as Good, Evil as Evil, and they create their own false version of it, a mirror which reflects Good as Evil and Evil as Good.
In this Mirror the Satanists receive Good although they do Evil, and the ones who do Good receive Evil.

YHWH simply uses their perversion of His Mirror to allow the Faith of His children to grow.
Because, when we do Good yet our prayers seem to go unanswered when we receive Evil in return for doing Good, then this distortion creates a field of tension between that which we believe and the false information fed into our senses by the Fallen Ones.
Being exposed in our Soul to this tension makes us experience the pull of gravity towards a negative belief, Doubt, the belief that our Heavenly Father does not listen, that He is a liar, that our Faith is useless, that we are not loved by our Creator.
To be able to resist that pull on our Faith we need a different perspective and a Strength beyond our own, and it is the longing and praying for that Strength, the inner reaching out to our Heavenly Father which draws His Strength into us, and thus making our Belief stronger and our filling our Soul with His Light of a greater intensity than before.

Rest assured that just as Evil will be destroyed, all false mirrors created by the Fallen Ones will be shattered to pieces and nothing will be left of them.
Their lies will be exposed and their power will be curtailed.

In the end only one Mirror remains: the Mirror of YHWH's Truth and Justice.
It is from that perspective Yahshua spoke when He told us to 'turn the other cheek' and 'bless those who curse us'.
If we allow the pressure of Evil to seduce us into returning Evil for Evil so that we become vehicles of Evil, extensions of those who acted Evil against us, then YHWH's Mirror will reflect to us that Evil so that we experience double Evil, one acting through the person who pressured us, and one acting through ourselves.
If we on the other hand make sure to stick to YHWH and act on His instructions, then we will remain extensions of YHWH's Goodness, and YHWH's Mirror will reflect that Goodness to us so that we experience Goodness.
More than that, YHWH's Mirror then exists in us so that the one who tried to do Evil unto us now sees the reflection of his Evil in YHWH's mirror in us, and he will experience that same Evil which he tried to do to us.
It is Perfect Justice.

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