
The Heart

It is not in your words.
Words are mere sounds generated by your intellect shaping the vocal cords and the tongue.
If your intellect stands in service of the Lie, your words will carry the Lie within them.
If your intellect stands in service of the Truth, your words will carry the Truth within them.
But where do you decide what your intellect will service, what make you choose the Lie over Truth, or Truth over the Lie?

There are some who hear Truth.
Truth enters their ears, and through their ears it enters their mind.
So they know Truth intellectually, and they ought to act accordingly.

Yet in the case of the hypocrite the words enter the ears, and through the ears they venture into their minds, yet they do not enter the heart.
And the heart is the most important element in this equation, because the heart aligns the Soul with the Truth or the Lie and makes the Soul love the choice of the heart.

The hypocrite hears, and his mind is conditioned in the image of what he hears.
Yet his heart has aligned itself with the Lie, and the love of the Lie makes him reproduce what he heard out of the intellect.
The external veneer of Truth is reflected in the face of the hypocrite, but only because the hypocrite loves the Lie and acts in accordance with the nature of the Lie.
So, the hypocrite LIES about what he is by reflecting that veneer of Truth, since he loves the Lie in his heart.
Thus he sends out two conflicting messages: the external image of Truth and Goodness which conflicts with the Evil Lying Spirit in the hypocrite.

When the Lie meets the living Truth in another person, the hypocrite's heart is turned against that Truth and experiences it as a threat just as Light is a threat to Darkness.
So the hypocrite's heart will hate that Light and the vessel in whom the Light resides because he hates the Light in his own heart, and he will seize every opportunity to extinguish that Light, either through confusion and intimidation, or by pure violence.

The religious hypocrite dresses in religion as if to provide himself with a costume of Light to mask the Darkness of his heart.
His religion is the religion which consist of the ear-mind connection only, and this connection is fueled by a wicked heart using it as a cloak, a false implanted identity.

Many (if not all) religious leaders love to parade around in the costumes they made for themselves.
Is it any wonder that, if a hypocrite loves to dress in a costume of Light to mask the Darkness within, he also extends this pattern in the religious garb he wears as a sign of his religious identity?
Many dress themselves in a garb which represents the code of the hypocritical order to which they belong, and this garb not only refers to the clothes but also to the choice of certain words and phrases, mannerisms which belong to the particular order of the Lie they chose.

And then they meet Yahshua.
And so they try to confuse Him, outwit Him so that He will appear as a dumb ignorant idiot in the eyes of the people and lose His credibility.
And they fail.
And so they decide that it would be good for this Man to be put to death, since He dared to insult them by (Truthfully) calling them hypocrites, liars, children of the Satan.
And they justify their murderous plans by telling themselves that it would be better for one Man to die than for the whole nation to perish, for if the masses choose that Man to be their King and Messiah and Rome gets to hear about it, surely troops will be sent to burn down Jerusalem and -God forbid!- the temple.
And so they kill the living Temple , telling themselves it is to preserve the lifeless temple building.
And no, they will not make their hands dirty, they force the Romans to do that for them.
And so a couple of decades later, after they deliberately and willfully with premeditation murdered Yahshua, the Romans came and destroyed Jerusalem anyway, making a full end to the nation Israel.
The lifeless temple building was destroyed, just as the religious murderers had destroyed the living Temple.

That was then, and today not a thing has changed.
The sons and daughters of the hypocrites keep massaging their egos with the same Lie.
They build their own staircases to Heaven and build their own predefined trapdoors into Hell for those who do not see it their way, those who are different.
They still dress up in their costumes, they still carry their titles as honorary badges which bestow an air of religious importance on them, they still hold their exclusive conferences which their religious slaves can attend by buying tickets from them in order to hear their latest prophecies and revelations, they still live in comfort and luxury while the true children of the Kingdom suffer as rejects and outcasts, aliens in a hostile world.
Some things never change, so it seems.

But change WILL come, and the time of change is very close.
That time of change which the hypocrites long for will not vindicate them, but it will judge them by revealing their hearts.
And when the Darkness of their hearts is exposed to the Light of Truth, they will perish as children of Darkness.
For Destruction does not exist for the children of the Light, after all, how can Light be the destruction of Light?
Light amplifies Light, but it destroys Darkness.
And if a heart has aligned itself with Darkness and immersed itself in that Darkness, it will suffer Destruction when the Light enters it.

The hypocrite hears, but what he hears does not find fertile soil in his heart since his heart belongs to Darkness.
And the Darkness compels his Soul to identify with the Lie.
The children of the Light hear, and the seed they hear is planted in their hearts and carries fruit in its season, since their heart belongs to the Light.
And the Light urges their Soul to accept and identity with the Light of Truth when they hear it.

One dresses up in Light to mask the Darkness, the other is the Light and Truthfully expresses that which is in his heart.
Both may look the same on the outside, but in the Spirit they belong to different realities, realities which are mutually exclusive and polarized against each other.
Both have in common that they act out what is in the heart: the hypocrite portrays the Lie when he pretends to be the opposite of what he is, while the children of Truth portray the Truth and embody that which they truly are in their hearts.

It's the heart that reveals the Spirit of the heart, the heart that pulls the Soul to Light or Darkness, and it is the Spirit which discerns the heart through the veneer.
The offering of the heart is what matters to our Father, because without it all is empty and meaningless.
Because Love can only flow from the heart.


The Stress Factory

Stress is fantastic.
It's the most powerful and effective instrument in the hands of skilful conditioners.
Using stress in a clever way you are able to determine what people will do, how they will react, what their preferences are, their likes and dislikes.
Stress enables you to control people in all aspects of their lives and as a result it gives you an immense power, the power of a god.

Stress gives you the toolkit which allows you to carve out personality types.
It allows you to combine these personality types into a personality shaping environment, like a manufacturing plant which will by its very nature act as a self-reproducing culture.
The stress within this culture shapes personalities in the image of the stress, thus allowing you to control endless generations repeating your stress formula, endlessly reproducing the exact same personalities you have shaped in the very beginning by means of skillfully applying the right kind of stress at the exact right moment.

The Fallen One has this knowledge.
He has used stress as his conditioning tool to create a slave class consisting of standard personalities shaped in the image of the type of stress he applied.
He is like a re-creator, perverting that which has been created to such an extent that it carries his image.
He re-created the free Man and turned him into his slave pet fooled by the false notions and lying images implanted in his mind.

The Satan has created stress factories in the form of families, schools, corporations.
Throughout history he made sure that the most important formative institution of the family became his playground, the factory which shapes personalities by means of the family culture and the conditioning it applies to young Souls through psychological pressures.
Conformity within this family factory is rewarded with acceptance, rebellion against it is punished by rejection.
Yet even the rebellion serves to shape the rebel in the image of the stress applied to him, only it takes on a different polarity.
And the stress factories consists of different standard polarities expressing themselves in different standard personality types.

This core principle has always worked for him, and no family has ever existed capable of escaping the pressure of the original stress the Evil One applied to the first family on Earth.
He succeeded even beyond his wildest expectations, and took pride in his success, even thinking of himself as the heir to the throne of Creation.
For if by planting a simple seed of stress he succeeded in the creation of an entire system consisting of a class of slaves serving his best interest, then surely this evidence of his superior intellect would qualify him as a Creator?
He took the simple basic principle of Dualism, plus and minus, injected it into his own game, and let it act out its nature so that it spun an entire stress web, a factory transforming individual Souls into a stereotype mass product of the stress.
He took YHWH's creation as raw material, and fashioned his own production line out of it.

And that was just the first step.
His stress factories were intended to create one large stress factory where the slaves remain asleep forever, never realizing they are shaped in the image of the Satanic culture, but fully embracing their slave nature as their freedom and the meaning of their existence.

Why did the stress factory work so well, why did the original stress keep on replicating itself though the centuries?
Because the Adversary knew all too well that energy cannot disappear, vanish out of existence.

So when the queen of Heaven applied the transformed energy of Evil to create the first stress, by acceptance of that first stress it would continue to replicate itself forever in the direction the stress was aimed.
And by reacting to this first stress by means of creating a counter-stress, the stressed subject also invests his own energy in the image of the stress, so that it turns into an ever increasing snowball.

But there was this one Man which bothered her, because He was like a drain which swallowed the energy of the stress.
Somehow the energy invested in stress was reverted back to its original form in Him.
The problem was that some of her products became just like Him when they made the decision to believe Him, and as a result invested energy in His de-stressing power.
This Belief was the opposite of investing energy in the first stress, like a reversed stress to undo the first manipulated stress.

It caused her so much grief and agony when He made His appearance, that she sought to rid herself of all those useless products contaminating her product line and disturbing her plans for the Order.
Yet harsh violence did not work, so she set her intellect to work on a solution.
She remembered her old strategies and how well they had yielded good results, and smiled at the thought that came into her mind.
Yes, she truly was the queen of Heaven, because only a superior intellect could come up with such a brilliant idea.
She would take everything the Man did and said, and turn it into another department within her stress factory.
She would add a few things, take away a couple of things, change some words, sow some confusion, leave out some elements, and she would take this mix and turn it into a state religion, a stress factory replicating products in the image of her blueprint.

'A stroke of pure genius', she whispered when she beheld the success of her strategy.
Yes, failed products kept appearing on the assembly line, but that always had been the case and part of the production process.
It no longer bothered her because she had been successful in turning her Enemy's mission into an element contributing to abundant prosperity of her stress-factory, she mused.
She smiled as she brought her plans for her Brave New World to mind.

All her stress factories were set up so that as the right time would arrive, the giant stress factory could be set up all across the globe and give rise to the children of the New Order.
It really is the Old Order she created, but just as she induced a false duality in the minds of the slaves where the rebel thinks of himself as the opposite of the conformist, she created a false dichotomy between the 'old' and the 'new'.
The label 'new' is just the outcome of millennia of the product line development where the products look back at what once was, and decide to 'make a change'.
Little do they know that 'the change' was planned from the very beginning, and that the 'Old Order' was a seed destined to grow into what they would call 'the New Order'.
From the very start the plan was to bring forth nothing but perfect products in the ultimate, all-encompassing stress factory, the New Order or the New Atlantis, the New Utopia.
The Old Order and the New Order were one and the same thing, with this one big difference that this New Order has all the technological tools at her disposal which will allow her to control every detail of every product's life on a global scale.

Today there still were products which were shaped in the image of the stress, but somehow they never grew into the product queen Jezebel had in mind.
No, it was the Enemy meddling with her plans, reaching out and breaking the stress effect in the Soul of one of her products.
They were discarded as failed products, misfits which should be removed from the assembly line.
She kept them as much as possible in safe isolation from the rest, but she did not throw all of them away.
They always had some useful elements within them she could use in service of other products, and so she took their gifts to distribute them to other products she had in mind.
Until nothing was left of the discarded product but a useless shell.

No, her New Order was set up to be devoid of failed products.
Only, it made her unsure, because she knew that her Enemy would not let her have it her way.
He cared for those discarded products, the ones she isolated as failed items, and she knew in her heart that she would have to take special precaution against Him if she wanted to destroy all of those failures in her product line.

And so she was careful not to implement her Order too soon.
She tried it once as an experiment to test Him and see in what manner and at what precise moment the Enemy would try to interfere.
Armed with that knowledge she waited patiently until the time was right and her products would be safely protected.
She knew that time was short now, and she was forced to act on short notice, since she had a feeling the Enemy was nearby and just might step in before she could finalize her plans.

So, seeing the first ray of light of a new day she stepped out of her palace and decided that today was the day.
Today she was going to activate the series of events which would lead to the culmination of the age-old plan to use the domino effect of stress applied to the fallen condition of Man in service of the creation of a New Order.
And she smiled, because even though blood would flow and uncertain factors could potentially disturb her plans, she was confident she would succeed.

Hadn't she always succeeded, from the first moment Man appeared on the scene?
Always, well, almost always.
There was One Who escaped, but He was not part of the product line anyway, so she did not let that bother her too much.
Yes, she used to fret over it all the time when it happened, but seeing the success of destroying the Man's legacy and even transforming Him and His work into a foundation for a religious stress factory she got over it rather quickly.

Now was the time to act and fully do away with the memory of this Man, her Enemy, and make her dream for her better and superior Order come true.
After all, if she can make the Lie triumph over Truth, violence over peace, Darkness over Light, didn't her Order deserve to rule?
'Yes, today was the day', she mused as she anticipated the time of the great sacrifice.


The Transformative Power Of Faith

Try to think of Man as a dimmed Angel.
We are dimmed in our awareness and consciousness, as if we have been put in an enclosure with certain limiting parameters.
Angels have a much larger measure of freedom by comparison, although they too have to operate within the parameters our Creator determined for them.

We are dimmed in our awareness and our consciousness as well as our ability to believe because we have been assigned a physical Body which acts as a temporary prison.
We are locked into one particular reality, the 4-D reality, locked into one specific perspective of Creation.
The walls of this prison and its small window limits to a great extent what we are able to see from the total picture of reality.

Angels are not confined to a human Body and inherently not restricted by the walls of our prison.
They have a much broader view of reality and the parameters involved, and therefore a much greater awareness.
Furthermore they do not know the obstructing power of the human Body when it comes to Faith.

Why was Man limited in such a severe way?
This has to do with the unique gifts bestowed on the human Soul and the transformative power of true Faith.
Given the ability of Faith to transform reality, the combination of unrestricted Faith with Man's fallen condition could produce disastrous end results.

We are dimmed in our Faith.
The very act of giving our attention to something energizes the object of our attention as a part of our reality.
Faith is like the exponential equivalent.
When you truly believe, the object of your belief becomes real.
So when you believe in Evil, not meaning that you believe Evil exists but rather that you identify with Evil, you become Evil, and when you believe in Yahshua's saving words, you are saved from destruction because the words become a reality through your Faith.

Whereas the limitations of the Flesh obstruct an unhindered Faith, Angels do not suffer from this obstruction.
What they believe comes true, for Faith has been given by  our Creator as the method, the conduit which allows our Creator's creating force to flow through us, by means of which reality is transformed and created.

Without Faith nothing is possible.
Because Man's Body is a playground for Evil, Evil's anti-Faith (doubt) severely obstructs and limits Man's capability to believe as our Creator intended us to.
Belief is like extending the creative power of YHWH's Spirit into the object of our Belief so that it is created as a part of our reality.

Whereas the Fallen Angels' Faith is much stronger than ours, when an Angel falls to Evil he transforms into a different species which has certain limitations imposed on its Faith, but not like our limitations.
They do not doubt like us, but instead they are equipped with the power of a darkened Faith which is capable of manifesting a reality of Evil.
This kind of Evil Faith in Fallen Angels has reality-transformative powers too, only not as strong as Faith which is rooted in YHWH.

Faith transforms our identity.
When we give our attention to Yahshua, and we contemplate His words, our attention energizes our awareness of Yahshua and His words.
If we then proceed to believe those words and believe in the Man, our identity is changed by Faith in the image of what we believe in.
Since Yahshua has been given the authority to link us to our Creator like He is, Belief in Him changes our identity in the image of our Creator.
Yahshua is like the Image-restorer, restoring us back to the image we lost.
Our image used to be in the image of YHWH and our identity used to be of children of His Light.
We lost both that image and our identity when Man fell, but Yahshua can restore us back to that image AND our identity.
The mechanism which sets this in motion is Faith.

Likewise when Angels fell it happened because firstly they focused their attention on Evil, and THEN believed in the Lie of Evil.
Their identity was changed from Angels of YHWH into Angels of Evil, and as a result Good ceased to exist within them as a reality.
Their Faith transformed their reality AND their identity.

Faith is the mechanism our Creator invented which can give us the power to transform our identity and our reality, be it for Good or for Evil.
Skilled occult magicians know all too well that this transformative power is very real and they use it to their wicked advantage as a reality-sculpting tool.

Through Faith we change our experience of YHWH.
The Satan believed in Evil, and as a result he no longer knew Good from Evil.
The distinction between the two ceased to exist in him as he immersed into an Evil identity, one which he definitely would NOT characterize as such because in his eyes the distinction between Good and Evil exists as a result of YHWH's decree and a 'truly independent thinker' should create his own set of values and distinctions which work for him.

As the result of the Satan's belief in Evil, his identity changed into an identity of Evil and his reality became a reality of Evil.
His belief made him experience YHWH from the perspective of that belief, and in that sense Faith is like choosing a particular lens through which you see and experience YHWH.
The Adversary believed in the Lie of Evil, he became the living Lie of Evil, and in that particular reality which he created through Belief his God was an Evil God, a merciless God of destruction and fierce wrath and anger.
YHWH did not become that way, but He gave the Satan the ability to transform his identity in such a way that he would come experience YHWH through the setting of Evil, which is like a filter disfiguring reality in accordance with the rules or visual image of the lens.

Yahshua believes in our Heavenly Father, and chose Good over Evil.
His identity grew in the image of Good motivated by a Good Creator, and His experience of our Heavenly Father is one of construction, kindness, patience and Love.
This is the lens which Yahshua created through Faith, a clear lens, and it shows YHWH as He truly is, the truthful lens of the greater reality as opposed to the lying lens the Satan created for Himself.

So there are no two opposite identities of YHWH, but there are two opposite experiences of one and the same YHWH caused by our Faith in one of the two, and our Faith creates the identity which goes through the resulting experience.

The destruction of the man in the family entirely stands in service of the abuse of the Faith principle in the hands of the Fallen Ones.
The man is supposed to represent the image of our Heavenly Father, and by upholding a wrong image the children in the family are imprinted by this image.
Because they are exposed to this image on a daily basis, they constantly feed it with the attention it draws and the emotional reaction it produces in the children, and because they have an image which corresponds with the way their father behaves, their Faith invests their energy in this image as the image of what a father is, and it becomes their reality.
And the reality of this image then is projected unto YHWH so that they experience YHWH from the perspective of their manipulated Faith which constructed a wrong image in their minds, acting as an obstruction between YHWH and the children, thus serving the purpose of the Fallen Ones who used the failing father for their purposes.

YHWH created the principle of Faith as a reality-transformer, and it creates a reality fueled by the fact that whatever we give our attention to energizes the object of our attention as a part of our reality.
Powers of Evil are very aware of this principle, and they abuse its qualities.
By adding conditioning to the mix of focusing our attention and investing our Faith, they manipulate and steer our reality.

For instance, if you constantly punish a child for not getting the best grades in school the child is subjected to a conditioning based on fear of not being able to expectations and be perfect.
If this child grows up and makes mistakes, this conditioning can turn him into a fear-based perfectionist, or someone acting out the image of a complete failure because he believes that he is a failure.
Either way the individual is conditioned to consider each mistake he makes as a crime.

The perfectionist keeps obsessing over the mistake, thereby energizing the incident and the emotions involved so that it becomes a mental rod punishing him and driving him to be better, to be faultless the next time.
His Faith is directed to the image of the perfectionist so that it becomes his identity, but it really is the result of a pattern of fear-based conditioning which steered and directed his attention and emotions, which in turn manipulated his Faith, which in turn shaped his identity in the image of the manipulation.

The same holds true for the case of the 'failure'.
Only in this case the incident of making a mistake serves to confirm the identity of a failure, tormenting him and driving him in the opposite direction of the perfectionist: he sees himself as a failure because he failed to live up to the expectations, he failed to live up to the image of perfection he is supposed to be, so he believes.
In his case the fear-based pattern of conditioning directed his attention too, and it manipulated his Faith, thereby shaping his identity in the image of the conditioning, only in the opposite polarity.

One has the identity of the perfectionist seeking to be the best and faultless, the other has an identity of a failure vexed by his inability to live up to the image of perfection.
Every mistake the latter makes serves to confirm his identity as a failure.
Both identities are the result of the deadly cocktail of conditioning, and the principles of focus and Faith.

So by Faith we are saved from Evil and made Good, or by Faith we are saved from Good and made Evil.
The first is Faith as YHWH intended it to be, an instrument for Good, and latter is the perversion of Faith through the (emotionally conditioned) acceptance of the Lie.

Through Faith in YHWH the perfectionist learns it is OK to make mistakes and that mistakes are part of the process of growth.
He learns perfection can only be found in YHWH and instead of trying to BE perfect he lets himself be made perfect through Faith.

Through Faith in YHWH the 'failure' learns it is OK to make mistakes, because they are part of the process.
He learns that only YHWH is perfect and perfection is not required from him since we are not made perfect in ourselves in order that we might search and be made perfect in YHWH's perfection.
Instead of seeing himself as a failure because HE is not perfect, he learns to rely on and believe in YHWH's perfection.

Through Faith the perfectionist loses his phony and manipulated identity of someone seeking to BE perfect, just as the failure loses his identity of being a failure because he can't live up to an image of perfection.
The failure learns he is not a failure and a worthless asset, because he is an integral part of YHWH's network with a worthwhile place and a valued presence.
The perfectionist learns he does not have to make himself perfect to get YHWH's approval, because he too is an integral part of YHWH's people with a worthwhile place and a valued presence which do not depend on his ability to be perfect.

Both learn to let go and YHWH do His work, both learn to accept their mistakes without letting it fuel their old dying identities, because they gave their attention to their Creator and believed in Him, and their Belief created new identities they found in YHWH, identities shaped in the image of their Heavenly Father.
They paid attention, they believed, and through Faith they were transformed into new human beings.
Faith was the transformative tool which let the power of their Heavenly Father create new identities in His image, identities which were not the result of manipulation through conditioning, identities which were not burdened like their old identities were.
Through Faith their reality was transformed in the image of their Creator, and Faith made a new Heaven and a new Earth part of their reality.

Learn to live by Faith.
This is all the more important now that the drums of war are beating and approaching rapidly.
It will not be long before devastation will be poured out on the world, and the time bomb in our midst goes off.
The pope from hell seeks to unite the world under his umbrella, but he will find that the ones he seeks to appease and embrace will turn against him and reduce him to a fleeing idiot.
The man in the street is systematically being lied to by his leaders and the mainstream media slaves censoring information to the extent that a politically correct diet of lies we are fed on a daily basis, just for the sake of keeping a false image of reality alive.
Woe to the man or woman who dares to speak against these lies, for he or she is instantly labeled as a hater, a xenophobe, a retard, a populist.
If there is any justice left in the world they should suffer the consequences when the spark ignites, not the ones who protested.

If I would have told you in 2001, right after the USA was attacked, that in 2015 the USA would have helped Islamic fundamentalism rise to power, that an Islamic oriented president would reside in the White House because the Americans elected him twice(!), that this president would pressure Europe in opening their doors to Muslims and give them a special status in their midst, would you have believed me?
I would not have believed myself, yet this is exactly the situation right now in 2015.
The USA and Europe have fought for Islam and political power for Islam in the Middle East.
The very book and its author which inspired the horrifying attack on the USA is upheld as a book we should respect and a prophet we should honor, and we should respect the psychotic culture spawned, a culture of low self-esteem, victim-mentality, a brainwashing package producing a long line of plastic authority worshippers whose greatest virtue it seems to be to repeat the holy phrases and incantations of the head sheep, especially if that authority wears a holy robe and a Koran under its arm.

The fire is rising in the Middle East, and it will spread to include our nations since the fuel for the fire has been imported into our nations, and it only takes a spark to set the place ablaze.
And that spark will come...
But know this, when Israel suffers, WE will suffer.