
The Weaponry

On the stage of this world you will find an army working in service of the one who chose to merge with Evil, the Satan.
In this army you will find the Sleepwalkers, the Lucid Dreamers, and the active Agents of Evil, all of them part of the Satan's intelligence network.

The Sleepwalkers don't know, the Lucid Dreamers feel the force of the flow the Adversary sends into this world and go with the flow, and the Agents DO know and align themselves with the cause of the Adversary.
The first category consists of the grey mass of useful fools.
The Lucid Dreamers are the sailors letting the stream carry them to the carrot of their desire in the distant horizon.
The Agents of Evil are the third category, the ones who use the occult knowledge and weaponry they have at their disposal to bring about the glorious empire of their hero.

It is to the advantage of this latter category that their weaponry remains concealed, hidden, confined to the realms of movies and folklore, so that they are able to shape reality by means of their hidden weaponry without the public being aware of it.

These three categories march in the ranks of the army of the Satan.
One is pushed forward and used as cannon fodder.
The other is given a measure of authority in accordance with their zeal for the Satanic cause and their usefulness to his ideal, yet they too are not able to escape the same fate of serving as cannon fodder when the expiration date on their usefulness has run out.
The last category issues the marching orders, even though, -in spite of their conviction, their hopes and illusions of grandeur and power-, they too cannot escape the fate YHWH decreed for the Adversary and all those walking in the ranks of his army.

The Sleepwalkers lack awareness of what moves them.
The Lucid Dreamers have a shimmering, dim intuitive knowing that they act in alignment with what they refer to as 'the system', or 'a greater force', and to get ahead you have to 'go with the flow of the system', 'move with the force and not against it'.
The third category consists of those who are fully aware of their position in the empire of the Evil One, and they actively manipulate men by a great diversity of means which includes metaphysical manipulation of the physical through wizardry and spells.
I am not referring to fancy pretenders who do not have any true deep knowledge of occult magic and how to bring it about, but I am writing about the ones behind the scenes who know exactly how to make magic work for them, and they apply it at will.

I know it seems like an old wives' tale intended to scare kids, but the initiated into occult magic have the knowledge of how to use supernatural force and energy to bring about the purpose they have in mind.
They laugh at Christians when they use the formulas containing the name of Jesus as perscribed by their religious denomination, because that simply is the equivalent of some sort of impotent white magic incapable of  hindering their occult purpose.

Only faith in the Messiah coming from a living relationship has power, but many of those who call themselves Christian have forgotten what this is.
They have traded in their faith in the Messiah for having faith in religious dogma.

And by the way, white and black magic are simply the equivalent of the Devil's right and left hand, and not an expression of Good vs. Evil.
It is Evil tossed against Evil to bring about a dynamics which amplifies the presence of Evil.

Your physical senses can register physical phenomena only, but behind these phenomena there's a Spirit realm which affects the physical world and which shapes it.
YHWH's Angels work in this world and protect us in ways we have no knowledge of.
Likewise, the Fallen Ones work in this world, seeking to advance the cause of their ringleader, which is to bring YHWH's plans to naught and implement the Adversary's plans for mankind.
And he seeks to eliminate Man as he is, because in his current state Man as created by YHWH is a liability.
To change this he needs to change the structure of Man and create a different breed of Man in his own image, a synthetic Man.

The Fallen Ones avail themselves of the help of the vast army they have at their disposal, although it needs to be said that this army is unstable since YHWH has the power to affect the minds of those walking in the ranks of this army, and when He does, confusion abounds.
The biggest fools in the eyes of the Fallen Ones are the ones who are part of the large mass lacking awareness and focusing so much on the illusion of the Earth dream that they are not able to see beyond into the reality of the Spirit.
They are joined in their stupidity by the second rank of Lucid Dreamers, although they have a dimmed awareness of acting on behalf of a greater cause.
They are the ones who seek to secure a prominent, comfortable position for themselves in this Earth dream, and they are willing to prostitute themselves for it.

The third rank are the spiritually awakened ones.
They are aware of the passing illusion of the Earth dream, and how energy can be manipulated to affect the setting and the reality of this Earth dream.
Their allegiance lies with the greater cause of their master the Satan, their god inhabiting the world beyond.
They serve him or an image of him they created, and fight to secure a position in the Dark Cosmos beyond the Earth dream for themselves.

Those who believe in Yahshua should learn to be more aware of this latter category, because a lot of harm can be done by means of occult knowledge of how to shape reality and manipulate it by means of re-routing and transforming energy.
I am not writing about meaningless rituals or powerless magic spells, and it is important that you know how to respond and defend yourself against them and their Fallen Benefactors.
Spells DO exist, and they DO have power to affect your Life, and this power is experienced by your Soul and Spirit as strong oppression capable of making you physically and mentally ill.

I have written how YHWH spoke Creation into existence, and how the energy of sound really is the result of numbers acting on acoustic energy.
When we hear a tone, we hear a number expressing itself in energy manifesting in aural form to the physical ear, when we see a color we see a number expressing itself in energy in a visual form to the physical eye.
Both light and sound are expressions of one and the same phenomenon.
Our reality and our perception of it is shaped by numbers, and I have explained how numbers are used by YHWH not only to shape reality but also to express concepts and ideas.

I have also explained how the Satan used YHWH's numerical system to build his own counterfeit system on it in order to express and create his own reality, the reality based on his numbers.
Like YHWH, the Satan wants to shape reality in his image, and for this purpose he avails himself of certain numbers expressing his own concepts of reality, which are derived from YHWH's concept.
The Satan is not like YHWH that he can bring forth energy out of himself and shape a Cosmos based on his own rules.
He needs to take what YHWH has built, and avail himself of the principles and energy YHWH created in order to establish a reality of his own.
And so, therefore he applies the same principles and uses the same instruments as YHWH, only in a subverted way.
He takes YHWH's concept of '1', and turns it in '11' and '111'.
He takes YHWH's concept of '9', and turns it into '99' ('3x3x11'), and '999'.

So why am I mentioning the use of numbers in this article?
Because the concept of numbers is used to create a link with our consciousness, and in that capacity the appearance of certain numbers associated with the Evil One and his plans should alert you to the fact that your reality is being accessed by Dark Forces.
That sounds a bit fuzzy, doesn't it?
Perhaps you will allow me to give you some examples of how this works.

When the Adversary or his minions are meddling with your reality, or when spells are cast against you, don't be surprised when suddenly you find yourself awake at night looking at the clock at precisely 1:11, or when your awareness suddenly is fixed on the clock displaying 9:11.
Multiple ones, nines, thirteen, thirty-tree, and so forth are numbers which the Adversary uses for his own cause, I explained this in my article about numbers.
This week I faced a lot of adversity and betrayal from people I trusted, even including the man who is supposed to be my own father on Earth who caused me much pain, and before this happened I encountered many instances when the Adversary's numbers impressed themselves on my consciousness, such as when I worked well into the night and after going to bed I suddenly woke up to stare at the alarm clock at exactly 9:11.
When you see those numbers popping up to your consciousness, be on alert.

When the Evil One or people working in his service mess with you, it is important to realize and know in your heart that you are not helpless, but that you have been given power and authority over the Fallen Ones and the magic they use to affect you negatively.
You may have to go through a bad patch in your Life as a result, but always make sure you counter it in the right way with the right attitude, and assert the power in Yahshua which He gave to all those who believe in Him.

So when the Adversary or someone working for his cause seeks to affect your reality, don't be surprised to see the Adversary's numbers popping up a lot, because he seeks to link your reality to his concepts and affect you negatively.
I know it sounds like superstition, but it is not.
The repeated occurrence of certain numbers is a sign of warning you better take seriously.

The truly initiated in occult magic know that you have to follow certain rites, use certain numbers, also  in geometric representations, and you need to have the ability to concentrate, focus and channel energy of Dark Faith in order to achieve the goals you have in mind.
All this will not come by itself, but whatever you desire needs to be willed into existence by means of the assistance of Dark Spirits.
YHWH's people have Angels watching over them and helping them through Life just as the Adversary's charmers use rites of magic and ceremonies to call forth their Dark Demons to assist them.

Unfortunately, so many Christians lack understanding of the ways of Evil, and that lack of understanding only works to the advantage of the Evil One when he turns himself against you.
You don't have to know all about occult practices because it is not important, but you DO need to know certain aspects of magic, and most importantly, how to COUNTER the ways of Evil.

Once you made the choice to love YHWH and embrace His Salvation, Yahshua, then your faith will cut you loose from the occult system which provides the blueprint for this world as a colony of the Evil empire.
Your separation is immediately noted by unseen powers operating in this system, and they will seek to draw you back into their bond by various means.
In is in their best interest to keep you unaware of the authority and power you have in Yahshua, because it supersedes their power.

They will try to influence your private reality by seeking to entice you into acceptance of thoughts they project into your head, feelings and ideas they manipulate, because your surrender to their traps is an offering of energy they can use against you.
Through Sin you supply those who hate you with the ammunition to blow holes in your Soul.
If Evil Spirits succeed in seducing you to sin, you open up the gateway to your Soul and your reality.
The more resilient you show yourself to be against their traps through your awareness of them, the more they will avail themselves of 'magic bullets', occult means which they use to channel energy against you in order to harm you.

They have ways to manipulate your Body and make it sick in order to stop you in your tracks.
Your Body is your weak link because it is fallen, or, to put it in different words, your Body is set up so that it functions as an instrument for Evil.
Because our physical Body is fallen it can be used by the Fallen Ones, since it is integrated into the network of Evil due to its fallen nature.
Through our physical Body Evil has a chance to express itself as an internal reality to our Soul so that we are under attack from the inside.

Evil Spirits can impact your well-being by availing themselves of the fallen nature of your Body.
They can make you ill, they can cause you to feel weak and drained, or they can depress your Spirit by means of causing the release of certain chemicals in your Body which bring about a feeling of sadness, fear, or depression.

However, remember this one rule: Light is stronger than Darkness.
Light is active and something which exists, Darkness is passive and only begets an appearance of existence in the absence of Light.
That is why Dark Spirits MUST obey the voice of the Spirit of Light, the Ruach HaKodesh or the Holy Spirit, they have no choice in the matter.
And that is also why Evil Spirits will go to great lengths to keep you ignorant of the authority you are given in Yahshua and how to use that power.
Because once you know how to use that power they no longer can have their way with you, even worse, you become the smoking gun in the hand of the Savior, and they don't like that.
They prefer to keep you docile and ignorant so that you remain the suffering servant in their magic games.

Fallen Spirit may be able to access you through your physical Body, but they have no power over your Spirit and your Soul as long as you govern your Soul with your Spirit.

You are given the power to bind all Evil Powers that interfere with your life and forbid them to do that.
In Yahshua you have the power to send them away from you if speak WITH BELIEF, and this belief can only come into existence as the result of 'having a relationship with YHWH's power in Yahshua', or to put it in different words, the extent to which you become one with Yahshua is the extent to which His power shines through you into the Darkness of this world.
That latter part determines if your words actually have effect or not, living belief in Yahshua and a life which shows that love for and faith in Yahshua through your obedience to His instructions.
His instructions are given to keep you out of reach of the Evil One, and that is why keeping these instructions is so very important.
Your sincere belief in Yahshua gives you the power to break all spells and occult means used to harm you, and you have the authority in Yahshua to bind the powers behind the spells (including human beings who lend themselves as instruments of Evil Spirits) and order them to desist and go away from you.
It is a struggle for power, and as long as you persist in faith and hold on to Yahshua, you will triumph over Evil because Yahshua's power shines through you, and the oppression you felt will cease and give way to peace.
When that happens, your oppression now will be experienced by those who sought to affect your reality through spells and occult rituals.

Do these things which I have written about every day, because they are part of your spiritual weaponry.
USE it constantly, because we live in a warzone, and you either learn to defend yourself effectively against the powers of Evil, or end up as a toy in the hands of Evil Spirits.
Each day make sure you bind Evil Spirits and break any spell used against you, because each day you face the same battle with the Fallen Ones.
It is very important that you learn to do this and persist in this habit, because otherwise you will be like wax in the hands of Fallen Spirits because of the simple fact that you do not realize and use the power you have in Yahshua.

Do your best to keep His instructions which are universal, and not the domain of religion.
YHWH's instructions were given for our benefit, and not as a psychological straightjacket.
His instructions are intended to keep us out of reach of Evil and the harm Evil minions can do to us.

If you sin, be quick to repent and ask to be forgiven, and never let any sin fester into a habit.
Be sincere to YHWH, ask Him to deliver you from Evil because He is the only One who can, and command any spell used against you or your family to be broken.
Punish the Evil Spirits responsible for the spell by the word of your mouth, and command them to depart and leave you and your family alone.
Make this a daily habit.
Bind all Evil Spirits who seek to interfere with your Life or the lives of your family members, and rebuke them, commanding them in the name of Yahshua to leave you alone.

All this WILL have a dramatic effect on Evil Spirits IF you believe and IF you lead a kodesh Life, a Life dedicated to your first love YHWH.
If you do not do this, if YHWH is not your number ONE, then nothing of what I wrote will have any effect of importance, and your words will be nothing more than hot air.

I have made the choice to serve YHWH and love Him with all my heart and my strength.
He conquered my heart with His great Love and His incredible patience, and I could not imagine ever turning away from such a kind and loving Father.
He is my number One, and I dearly love His Salvation, my King Yahshua.
As a result I am hated by the Evil One, although I fail to understand why he has come after me with such zeal.
The Adversary has dealt me many blows in my Life, and he had ample opportunity to do so during the time of my ignorance when I lacked awareness of who I was, why I am here, and how the Evil One is able to have his way with me.
But YHWH used all the blows of the Adversary to awaken me to my true identity, and as a result I show my immense gratitude and love for my Heavenly Father by having made a clear choice to serve Him, and I renew that choice every single moment of my Life.

Even to this day the Adversary keeps pounding on my Soul whenever the opportunity is given to him.
Whenever he is able to maneuver circumstances against me, this manipulation of my reality always goes hand in hand with a quiet suggestion in my mind to 'say yes and abandon YHWH, and everything will change for the better in no time at all'.
Your daily renewal of your love for your Heavenly Father means that during those times you simply persist in the most stubborn way, and say 'NO' to that inflated bag of wind blowing through your mind.

Yahshua's own are Yahshua's voice of Truth in a world built on the Lie, and in that capacity they become like swords in Yahshua's hands capable of ripping the veil resting upon this world.
We are a threat to the status quo of the Evil One, so is it any wonder he wants to get rid of us?

As a result of my love for YHWH the Adversary hates my guts and would rather see me dead.
I stand out like a sore thumb in his world, and it is an abomination to his mind.
But that ancient serpent knows he cannot have his way with me, because I stand under the protection of my Hero and my King, Yahshua, the living embodiment of our Father's Word of Salvation.
He made it clear to me that I am not helpless, and that in Yahshua I have the power the Adversary and all other Evil Spirits fear, because it is the power of the Light shining in the Darkness.

And YHWH is teaching me and instructing me how I can use that power.
The closer I grow in love to Him, the more and the greater His power can shine through me.
It is not my power or my strength, it is my Father's power and strength, He is the rock I lean on, He is the Eagle in Whose wings I seek refuge.

So make that choice and stand by it, learning to smile and laugh at the roaring of the enemy.
Because it really is nothing but the roaring of wind, the sound of a great bag of wind.
Forgive me for using a little profanity, but the voice of the Adversary is like a fart escaping from the asshole of Creation.
It is only because it is amplified by your emotions that it seems like a huge force of Evil, but don't let that bother you.

Don't let that Evil wind sweep you away, but let the living Breath of our Father blow in your heart and shape your character, and let negative, manipulated feelings pass you by.
Renew your devotion to your loving Father each day, and assert your power in His Yahshua so that the reality of Heaven can shine its power in the Darkened Dream World of this Earth and your Life on this Dark Stage.

Always bear in mind that you have been born into a battlefield where Evil Warriors of the Dark combat with the Freedom Warriors of the Light, the resistance movement against the Evil invaders.
Sometimes being at the wrong place at the wrong time gives the forces of Evil the opportunity to hurt you.
When this happens, do not become angry with YHWH.
Remember Solomon's words, it may be that your own folly or deafness of heart contributed to the circumstances you find yourself in.

Always let your heart be open to YHWH, and when you sin, confess your wrongdoings immediately and ask to be forgiven, and wait for YHWH to cleanse you.
He is not after your destruction, but He seeks to build you up and make you a better person.
Don't let Evil have power over you to the extent that it can separate you from YHWH by making you feel unworthy of forgiveness due to your sins and all the sins of your past.
It is a ploy designed to keep you separated from YHWH.
No one is worthy, but Yahshua IS.
No one can make himself worthy anymore than we can lift ourselves up.
But we are made worthy through belief in Yahshua, so dismiss thoughts of unworthiness and cling to YHWH Who stands ready to cleanse you and liberate you from the oppression of Evil and make you whole.
By loving YHWH, you hate Evil, and no Darkness can persist in the presence of YHWH's Light.

I wish I could tell you that when you make the choice for YHWH everything in your Life on Earth will change for the better, but the Truth is the opposite.
Once you make that choice you will know a peace in your Soul and Spirit you did not have before, but at the same time your change will be noted by Fallen Spirits who will try to force you back in line with their will and their agenda.
They will avail themselves of any means at their disposal, since they are bereft of any form of conscience.
This means they will seek to affect your reality in the most negative way and whip you back into compliance with their egos, the result of which will be that your Life on Earth will come to reflect their obstruction.

Yet when you work out your choice for YHWH Salvation, you grow in power as you grow closer to Him, and that is really what the Evil Spirits fear, since they are impotent in the face of YHWH's power.
Not only that, but when YHWH allows Evil Spirits to obstruct your way in Life, He uses their obstructions to not only make you stronger, but to help you towards advance towards your goal in Life, or rather HIS goal for you in Life.
That is the great frustration the Evil Ones face, that their attempts to obstruct you backfire in their faces and they realize that YHWH used them just as they attempted to use you.

I face hardship, difficulties and humiliations on a regular basis, and although I don't like that one bit, I trust YHWH, and my love for Him only grows in spite of the adversity thrown at me.
That is the miracle of Life, YHWH's own grow AGAINST all odds, and whatever should have destroyed them ends up strengthening and revitalizing them.
As such we are living miracles, embodiments of YHWH's power to achieve that which was deemed impossible.

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