
The Sins Of The Fathers

Exodus 20.5-6:
"..for I, YHWH thy Elohim, am a jealous El, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate Me, and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love Me and keep My commandments."

After reading my article about fathers as the Image Bearer of the Creator, these words as dictated by YHWH should have more meaning.
It means your Sins do not affect just you.
It means your Sins reach beyond and through you into your children.
It means you burden your children just as you have been burdened.
It means you add to the burden which was passed on to you.
It means you become part of the problem, not the solution.
It means Evil uses you to imprint and shape the Souls of your children.

Does it means that YHWH is an unjust Creator because He makes children suffer for the Sins of their fathers?
No, because each child has a choice to be the third or fourth generation inheriting the weight of Evil, or to become the first of a thousand unto whom YHWH shows His mercy and lifts the burden from them.

It means that if you do not harden your heart and build upon the legacy of your forefathers, you may be the first of many generations to come in whom YHWH's Light shines, because you have been forgiven.
It means that the image you are supposed to represent is purified and restored.
It means your children can see the pure image of Yahshua in you.
It means the bucket of the burden stops with you.
It means the curse will become the blessing.

Your children still will have to deal with the legacy of the genetic weight they inherited and the fact that they live in a fallen Body, but you will not add to their burden, quite the contrary.
Experiencing Yahshua's Light in you gives them rest and makes it easier for them to believe in YHWH because of the image you uphold, the image which has been restored.
Your mere presence gives them a real choice.

Due to the image function of the father we usually tend to project the image we have of our earthly father unto YHWH, and that is why it plays a crucial role in the strategy of the Adversary to corrupt human Souls and enslave them to Evil through corruption of this image.
All it takes is one single man in a long line of generations who reaches out with all his heart to YHWH so that the generational Evil which was placed on his shoulders can be broken and reversed.
One change of heart is all it takes and a perseverance in faith in Yahshua, the Bearer of the pure Image of our Father YHWH.

"He who has seen Me, has seen My Father", remember these words Yahshua spoke when He replied to the request of Philip to show the disciples the Father in Heaven?
Yahshua was the ultimate Image Bearer of our Heavenly Father, bringing us what none of the earthly fathers were able to.
Through faith, that image of the Father in Yahshua becomes the image children see in their earthly father.

That is what men are supposed to be, not sensual ravenous beasts or weaklings seeking approval from Momma, no.
Real men are supposed to face the pain so that they can be faithful Image Bearers of the One Who gives them the strength to believe and overcome.
Real men take the pain, if not for their own sake then for the sake of not placing any burden on the shoulders of their children.
Isn't that what love is all about?

Yes, becoming the first in a line of blessed generations is not an easy task, but if you were born in that position, then the strength to be that first man is given to you.
It means you have to face the Evil your forefathers invoked through their Sins, and you will experience the same torment and seduction of that Evil.
But do not let that trouble you, because you will come to realize that your weakness and powerlessness really are occasions for YHWH to show His strength and power in you.
You will come to rely on His strength and His power, and you will know that the goodness in you is not yours, but it belongs to YHWH Who is renewing you and building you up.

But before He can build you up, He has to tear you down.
Before you, the new man, can take the place of the old man of Sin, that old man needs to be taken down.
This is the result of living in the dualistic paradigm of this fallen world.

To find Life, we have to lose our life.
To be Healed, we have to be broken.
To become Whole, we have to be destroyed.
To find Joy, we have to suffer.
To become the Bearer of a pure Image, we have to let the old corrup image be destroyed.

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