
The Fork In The Road

Prophecy comes in different forms and different functions, but all these functions have in common that they act in the capacity of being a fork in the road.
Whether it is a revelation, a crumb of Truth, or a prediction, all these can be recognized as Truth and be accepted, or be regarded as a Lie and be rejected.

Unfortunately, too many people have come to accept lies as prophecy while rejecting Truth as false.
This is not without consequence, because  prophecy is the fork in the road which forces you to choose either for the left road, or the right road.
If you reject Truth as false, you take the left road, and this means you will regress in spiritual terms instead of progressing further on the path of Truth.
The left turn may even lead to utter destruction.
But if you accept the Truth because you recognize it, you take the right road, and you grow closer to YHWH and more intimate with His Truth.
The right turn may even avert a reality of destruction and leave a blessing instead.

Prophecy has suffered from corrosion of the worst kind.
In their hunger for sensation and self-validation people choose the prophets which will cater to their needs, and invariably the ones in the top ten of prophets are the equivalent of the songs you find in the average top ten: utter garbage spewed by conformists to the dictates of the Fallen One in search of fame and money.
They give you the sensation you crave, they tell you that if you follow their dictates, you are so Good that you will escape all the horrors which are reserved for the unbelievers.
They present you with dates of destruction, they scare you with their explanation of signs in the Heavens and telling you that now is the time, they satisfy your cravings for sensationalism with elaborate timeline charts featuring an overview of when cataclysms are going to take place and how long they will last.

I understand the fascination with prophetic predictions and the appeal they have.
But real prophecy is not meant to be sensational, nor it is meant to validate you.
It is intended to testify to Truth and be a fork in the road, a warning to the ones concerned that if they do not listen, they are headed for destruction.
Prophecy is meant to validate YHWH's Truth, not ours, and it is given for our benefit.

Contrary to what some believe, a truthful prophetic prediction does not necessarily have to come to pass, because of the function it has, which is the function of being a fork in the road.
I know this may sound like a conman's excuse for giving out false predictions, but nevertheless, it is true.

A famous example is the Nineveh incident.
Like all of us Jonah had an ego and cared too much about what men might think of him, and so he dreaded having to go to Nineveh to announce its destruction.
He knew that if people actually might heed his words and repent, YHWH in His mercy might want to change their future and annul the destruction of Nineveh.

After trying to run away in vain, he reluctantly set out to announce Nineveh's destruction.
And that which he feared might happen actually DID happen: the people listened and repented, Nineveh was not destroyed, and Jonah was angry because of the damage done to his own reputation and his name.
He had worked so hard and suffered so much for delivering this message, and now it looked as if he was a false prophet.
He was angry, so much that he sat down in anger and even begged YHWH to end his life.

Of course YHWH did not, because He loved Jonah, and patiently like a true Father He taught him a lesson that it was not about him or his name or reputation, but it was about YHWH and the message He wanted Jonah to deliver for the sake of the thousands of people living in Nineveh.
YHWH does not think lightly about the life of a human being, and He does what He can do make people turn around and stop upsetting the balance between Good and Evil.
But He always leaves us the freedom to choose.

So, aside from giving Jonah the task to plant the fork in the road of the people of Nineveh, YHWH used this as a means to make Jonah aware that he should not care so much about his own reputation and fear man, but that he should learn to fix his eyes on YHWH alone, and that is a lesson we all should take to heart.

Through Jonah's prophecy the people of Nineveh were given a choice to go left, or to go right.
They repented and turned right, and the prophecy did not come to pass, even though it was a true prophecy: the reality of Nineveh's destruction existed, but the people of Nineveh chose a different road leading to a different reality.
If they would have chosen to turn left, the destruction Jonah announced would have come to pass.
It shows very clearly that some prophecies are not necessarily etched in stone as an inevitable future.
They are given as a warning: if you continue on that road, you surely will perish, but if you turn from your ways, you will not perish.

Like the destruction the Western nations are bringing on their heads by persisting in Sin and upholding Evil as Good while calling Good Evil.
Unless we repent, we are headed for destruction.
It does not have to come to the point where we will suffer because of our Sins, if ONLY we repent of them with all our Heart and Soul, and turn back from our ways.
This is why I urge you, I BEG you to stop and wonder about yourself and your ways.

You who call yourselves Palestinian people, look at yourself and what you promote, can you call the brutal murderers of Hamas Good with a clear conscience?
Our Creator gave you a conscience representing the element of Good on the Tree of Good and Evil, and He gave it to you to keep you in His protective custody.
Does your conscience tell you that it is Good to go out and kill someone who lives next door to you, just because he or she is Jewish?
Does your conscience tell you it is good to hate Israel, to hate Jews, and to teach your children to hate?

For generations you have been exploited, no, not by the Jews, but by those who live among you and feed you a steady diet of lies.
I am referring to your lying leaders who keep the hate legacy alive and exploit it at your expense (and to their own advantage as they reap the rewards of their con-game).
They will teach you to hate the Jews and Israel, they will even go as far as turning a blind eye when radical elements use your children as living shields they can hide behind, they even teach you to sacrifice your children for THEIR cause, THEIR ideal of a Jihad, NOT the ideal of your Creator, and call such a sacrifice noble  and Good.
But in doing so they act as the Satan's instruments of exploitation and destruction, turning you into a victim of their lies and their deceit.

Why do you put up with that?

Even money reserved for 'Palestinians' which was sent to Palestinian leaders 'magically' disappears and never reaches the hands of the people for whom it was intended.
Instead it resurfaces in hidden bank accounts of the 'benefactors', the leaders of the Palestinians, it resurfaces in the form of guns and explosives which the degenerates will use to kill Jews.
I tell you, you are MUCH better off living under an Israeli government than be subjected to con-artists living at your expense, seeking to turn your children into blood sacrifices for their bank accounts.

You have been lied to and cheated by those you trusted because they speak your language, mimic your mannerisms, share in your traditions.
Why do you put up with liars, cheaters and murderous scumbags who want to make you bleed for their cause?
It is time that FINALLY you will learn to stand up against the REAL exploiters, the REAL liars.
They love to point their finger at Israel so that Israel becomes the black sheep and the catalyst for your anger, but YOU should learn to point your finger at the REAL culprits, your lying leaders, your imams, and the lying murderous scumbags of Hamas.
They use religion as a license to do Evil.

I tell you, as sure as I live, YHWH will destroy the liars and murderers who claim to 'fight for the Palestinian cause' and seek to do harm to Israel and the Israelites.
Will you then let yourself be exploited, and after being leeched by your own people, share in their destruction because of the simple fact that you joined yourself to their lies and their Evil?

Turn around.
You are given a choice: join yourself to Truth, and learn to love and bless Israel because YHWH has tied His Name to Israel, and become heirs of YHWH's blessings and eternal Life.
Or reject Truth and sacrifice yourself and your children to the father of the Lie, hate and curse Israel, and receive YHWH's curse and eternal Death.
Either join yourself to Israel, or be a Philistinian destined for destruction, a person who is in love with the Lie, violence and bloodshed, a people with whom YHWH will be angry forever.

I have placed this fork in the road of you who reads this, and to you the power of the choice has been given.
Choose then wisely, choose for Life and what is Good, I beg you.

The same is true for the Western nations, including Holland and the USA.
Why should you continue to persist in holding up and defending the Lie as Truth?
Do you really want to turn yourself into a lawless people, a Torah-less people without any regard for the instructions YHWH gave us?
You embrace homosexuality and sink deeper in your acceptance of 'alternative lifestyles', you give ample room to supporters of the false cause of Palestinian instruments in the hands of the Satan, you celebrate your immorality and pride yourself on giving this immorality a special politically protected place in your midst, you pride yourself on a perverted sense of tolerance which allows Evil to proliferate itself and parade itself as part of the 'colourful palette' of your perverted ideal of tolerance.
You celebrate your tolerance of Evil while others who support and try to do Good suffer and are subjected to torture and murder by that same Evil you tolerate.

Hence my question, how Good can you be?
I tell you, it is not Good, and YHWH has placed a fork in your road.
He makes the Israeli plight OUR plight, the full extent of which is yet to be revealed, and it will send shockwaves throughout the Western world.

And what should I call you, USA, when even nations traditionally hostile towards Israel, such as Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt, SUPPORT Israel in the fight against the radical Hamas, Hezbollah and the murderous Brotherhood likes, because YHWH made Israel's plight theirs as well, while your treacherous president holds out a protective hand over the heads of the terrorists and obstructs Israel when it wants to defend itself?
Shall anyone call you Good for protecting murderous scumbags and helping their ilk to power?
Have you become the protector and promoter of Evil in this world?
That a nation such as the USA could ever sink so low is beyond imagination.

I have warned you where your unrepentant attitude will lead you, that YHWH will bring destruction and bloodshed to our nations when we are tolerant towards or even supportive of terrorists who seek destroy Israel.
How can you celebrate Evil's mask of immorality when that same face behind the mask persecutes Good people when it changes its mask, even kills them in its lust for the blood of the innocent?
And then I have not even begun to mention the silent cries of the unborn in clinics where they are brutally murdered in the name of personal freedom, an expression of freedom which is regarded as part and parcel of our Western concept of freedom that we love to celebrate...
It is sick beyond words.

We live in the timeframe which will give birth to the ultimate man (men) of lawlessness, the son(s) of the Satan, the rise of the beast man (men).
He and his ilk will follow in his father's footsteps in calling Good whatever they deem Good, and Evil whatever they deem Evil, because the Satan is a god unto himself, bound in shackles to the Evil side of the Dualism principle while thinking himself to be free and autonomous.
He is not.
He is a puppet on the strings of Dualism acting out a programming which he activated.

Our reality IS already changing, and old certainties which we took for granted are slowly being eroded and fading away.
I have written years ago that this would happen, yet it is nothing compared to the dramatic changes which lie ahead of us.

If you will persist and continue on your chosen path, I am innocent of your blood, because I told you the Truth but you rejected it.
Why should you suffer destruction when you can choose for Life?
Come now, turn around, and repent of your Evil, choose the road to the right which leads to forgiveness and eternal Life.
You do not HAVE to suffer, it is not etched in stone as inevitable.
So please, reconsider your ways and turn around.
But if you don't and you reject all the warnings YHWH gives you, know that you will suffer destruction when YHWH confronts you with the Evil you have embraced.

The past few entries on my blog YHWH put it on my heart to write to you these warnings.
I wave no magic wand, I do not put up a show, nor do I not present myself as a major prophet or teacher or anyone of any title of importance whatsoever.
I am just someone like you, who has been given a specific task and specific knowledge, and I always pray that YHWH keeps me pure and untainted, out of reach of my stubborn ego, so that I can pass on His message without any distortion produced by my personality or by my ego getting in the way.
I hope that my sincerity and the Truth of the message can reach your heart and inspire you to make the right choice as you face the fork in the road.

It is ALL about our Heavenly Father and our Saviour.
We are just vessels, instruments He might use, and I hope and pray that at the end of my stay here on Earth I will have been a useful vessel, and not too much of an obstruction to His cause.
I may not be politically correct, and some of the things I write may come across as offensive.
Don't feel offended, but stand back and get in touch with your conscience, or better, get in touch with the One who created the conscience and ask Him to guide you in matters of Truth.
Because to the extent that you recognize and embrace Truth in your heart, you will be able to recognize and embrace Truth in others.

Make the right turn when the fork in the road forces you to choose.

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