
The Craving

Perfect equilibrium brings stillness, a perfect rest not to be mistaken for a static state of inactivity.
This perfect balance knows no force of pressure caused by an upset balance.
Any imbalance gives birth to the force which seeks to restore the former balance, and this force drives us to restore for the lost balance.

Our mistake is that we, in our fallen state which creates an imbalance due to the presence of Evil (the absence of Light), seek to restore the spiritual balance within us by compensating with the wrong means.
The force which comes into being as a result of our imbalance expresses itself on a cognitive level as a craving for a sensual experience to generate the good feelings we associate with the perfect balance.
We seek to compensate for the absence of Light by drawing Darkness masking as Light into our Soul.
The reason why we mistake Darkness for Light is because the force which corrupted us hypnotizes us into believing the Lie which depicts Darkness as Light.

Sensual distractions such as overeating, drugs, or whatever, serve the purpose of manipulating our feelings so that when we are compelled to compensate, we come to regard the wrong means of compensation as Light due to the good feelings associated with them.
However, afterwards our conscience kicks in and activates bad feelings so that the spiritual Truth of our failure translates into a physical reality by means of the feelings of discomfort, guilt and shame.

And so, in our fallen state we now seek to compensate for these bad feelings  by indulging in more of that which gave us the good feelings.
In other words, the guilt, discomfort and shame drive us to seek consolation in partaking more of that which caused our conscience to send out an alarm signal.
After a while we no longer are aware of the role our conscience plays and how it sends out an alarm signal in the form of feelings of guilt, shame and discomfort.
Instead, these feelings are buried in the grave of our sub-consciousness.
All we can see now is that we have developed a craving for that which corrupted us, and we need to satisfy that craving.
The role of our conscience no longer is visible, and we are left with the constant hunger compelling us to continuously indulge into our wrong compensation.
This is how Evil becomes a slave driver, and we become its slaves when we fall for Evil seductions which upset the balance.

Men have inherited the weakness of using the Spirit of the female as their means to compensate for the lack of a perfect relationship with their Creator, an imbalance which drives them to seek completion in the woman or the female Spirit.
The compensation can be a real woman, or a man with a female imprint in the case of a homosexual corruption, or it can be a derivative thereof.
The essence comes down to a sensual craving which cries out to receive more of what it is, and at its core it is Darkness crying out for Darkness.

Whatever may be the case, any relationship born out of this craving turns into a prison of Hell itself.
The man becomes the addict, the woman (or whatever represents the female Spirit) becomes the pusher.
And even though the man may hold up an appearance of authority to the world, the female Spirit is his master and his god, and she in fact holds the reign of power.
And through the woman Hell itself is in charge, shaping the world of both the woman (female Spirit) and the man in its image of Destruction.
Yes, in that sense and within that context the Devil is a woman, and the man worships this Devil through his Dark craving for the elusive elixir this Devil offers him.

There are thousands if not millions of songs glorifying the craving of men to complete themselves through the female form.
'I need you', 'I can't live without you', 'You are my everything', decrepit garbage coming straight from the sewers of Hell, yet they are called 'love' songs though they really are 'hate-songs'.
And as you look back you will notice how the past decades show the trend where these lyrics are turned into more explicit and deviant forms of the sensual route into the abyss.
But such is the nature of this reversed reality: that which passes for love is really hate in disguise.
And whether the lyrics of the songs are romantic gravy covering a sinister reality, or they come in the form of rebellious looking, coarse trash metal conformity noise where the singer declares his love for the Satan, they really are nothing but variations on the same theme.
It is the tossing of the ball between the right and left hand of one and the same Deceiver.

The problem with our reversed world is that this corrupt form of relationship between a man and a woman (or whatever represents the female Spirit) is celebrated and promoted as 'natural' and 'good'.
Just take a good look around you, observe the message behind the images which are used to promote the inane idiotic popular music scene.
Not to mention the horrible, sugary sweet garbage passing for music.
It's just refined sugar for the damned to make the cake of damnation have a seductive sweet taste which appeals to the sensual appetite of fallen creatures.
Eat it, and you die.
After all, aren't we what we eat, and if you feed your Soul with garbage, YOU turn into garbage?
That's why on a physical level YHWH gave the people of Israel instructions for what they should and should not eat.

This sugar which passes for music carrying inane lyrics all too often is enhanced by the form of scantily dressed women acting out fantasies which appeal to the need of men to compensate for their spiritual failure by indulging in the sensual delight of the female form.
Men can and do transfer this weakness to a large plethora of activities and obsessions representing the female Spirit, so that the object or activity of their transference now becomes the representation and extension of the female Spirit they cry out to.
But in its deepest essence the wrong relationship stems from the fact that men seek to complete themselves and compensate for what they lost by means of the woman, and this quest for compensation, the craving, is what drives men and what makes this corrupt world turn.
It also is exactly that which transforms this world into a prison camp.

The delight derived from the sensual woman is the manipulation of feelings designed to provide men with the illusion of having compensated for the lack of Good (the broken relationship with YHWH) by means of the female image delivering them the good feelings they crave.
Because of the good feelings, the Darkness lurking behind the feelings appears to them as Light, and this optical illusion causes them to accept Evil as a means to compensate for the presence of Evil within them, a presence which causes their inner imbalance.

Female entertainers volunteering for the role of seductress are rewarded with immense power over men.
They receive fame, fortune and the 'love' of the slaves they created.
Only, the 'love' they receive is empty because it is a love for the fake image of Hell the women hold up, and the power they receive becomes a torment to any decent woman with so much as a remnant of a human Soul inside her.
Any woman playing the role of seductress will be tormented by her success if she still has a Soul, and it may even drive her to the brink of suicide.
Because, aside from the fact that the love is not real, the fame and attention did not fill the emptiness inside her, and the money turns out to be a false lover incapable of delivering that which she seeks and needs.

The lure of money is the seduction of a false lover, because it is an empty image incapable of providing the substance which it promises.
If you have money in excess, more than you can spend, then the discovery of the fact that nothing you buy can make you happy and fill the spiritual emptiness reveals to you the extent to which the lure of money is just the projection of a carrot which eternally is dangling at the end of the proverbial stick.

The men who seek to compensate for the broken relationship with their Creator through the female form are seeking to fill a hole in their Soul by investing in a bottomless Pit.
It will never satisfy, it will never fill a man's Soul, because the Pit has no bottom, and the part within him which drives him to compensate comes from this Bottomless Pit, using the fuel of the denial of the conscience as its motor.

That is, if there still IS a conscience.
Some human beings are nothing but Evil Spirits in Evil Bodies, and there is no element of Goodness left in them which can function as a conscience.
Whereas those who still have a conscience are driven by the denial of the conscience to satisfy their unholy craving, those who lack a conscience simply are attracted by that which they are: living expressions of the Darkness of the Bottomless Pit.
In all eternity you can never fill a Bottomless Pit.

Likewise, the women who volunteer as billboards for the Bottomless Pit can never find fulfilment in the men who feed on them just as they feed on the men.
Or rather, both do not only feed on each other, but they both use each other to feed themselves with Darkness.
Such an unholy relationship will never satisfy, the good feelings will never last and always serve as the whip driving men and women deeper into the Bottomless Pit.
The men and women involved in the game of delving into the Bottomless Pit end up sacrificing all their Life-force, even their very Souls for the sake of an empty illusion.

Men have been imprinted with the craving for the female Spirit from the day their Spirit entered a Body of Flesh, and this imprint is caused by a trauma which is passed on from generation to generation.
We are born with a deficiency which is like a leak in the hull of a boat.
Just as the boat is filled with water due to the presence of the leak, we are filled with Evil rushing in and shaping into an alternate identity which aims to devour our Soul.
The very existence of this hole means we are born with an imbalance.
Our plight drives us to make a choice to either merge with the identity which grew out of the Darkness pulling on our Soul through the hole, or to merge with the saving Light shining through our Spirit beckoning our Soul to return to the Light.
Our choice steers our Soul in the direction of our choice.

A perfect balance would be 100% Goodness and no Evil whatsoever, a balance which is established by living in perfect harmony with our Creator.
Our Body carries a genetic defect which causes it to be part of the second Cloud, the network of Evil.
More than that, the defect is like a malfunctioning firewall which causes us to cater to Evil whether we like it or not.
The moment our Soul and Spirit are put in the physical Body is the moment when we have a less than 100% perfect balance, and the imbalance grows each time the genetically inherited Darkness drives us to increase the Darkness through Sin.

Because of this imperfection within men, they are driven to perfect themselves again and restore the balance.
Only, the conditioning of the Dark side within men drives them to restore this balance in the wrong way: Darkness cries out to Darkness.
Since we are created as male and female, men in their hypnotized state cannot help but reach out to the female Spirit for restoration, and that is something the female Spirit cannot give him since it too is subject to the same imbalance, and it is contrary to the order YHWH created.

This order is YHWH <- male <- female, but the Darkness within men drives them to seek completion through the reversal of this order, male -> female -> Evil.
In this corrupt order Evil takes the place of YHWH, and women dominate men through the failings of men.

I wrote how we live in a world which has a reversed reality, and the reversed order I mentioned is an example.
Just like the order of YHWH's restoration: it is designed to flow from the inside out, while the Satan's paradise is established by imposing his structure from the outside in, an order which can never succeed because it goes contrary to what YHWH created.
The Kingdom of Heaven is within, yet the Queendom of the Satan is without.
YHWH's Kingdom is established through reformation of the tiniest cells so that the structure comes to reflect the Kingdom of Heaven found in the single cells (Man) which are part of this Kingdom, but the Satan's Queendom is establish through reformation of the top structure, and the single cells which stand under this structure (Man) are required to conform to this image.
Again, a reversal of the order as created by YHWH, and that is why it can never succeed.

Likewise, the Satan has reversed the order YHWH created for men and women, so that the man worships the female form and the Darkness behind it in order to complete himself, something which can never succeed because it goes against the order as created by YHWH.

When men in their fallen state reach out to the female Spirit for completion, they are like addicts giving power to the pusher.
The women who cater to this need are the pushers, and as such they receive unholy power enabling them to rule over men, even though they may appear as being submissive on the surface.
A good woman searches for the man who does not seek to complete himself through the female Spirit, because that means this man has found the completion within himself in his Creator.
When a good woman finds that element in a man, then if she joins herself to him she joins herself to that completion and the Holy Spirit behind it, and she knows that she has found a husband who does not seek to draw up Hell inside her simply because he seeks for something she can never give him.

This need to retrieve what was lost by the wrong means can spread to include something which seems innocent on the surface, like stamp collecting, yet which originates in that one basic flaw.
The sensual aspect and the psychological reaction to it are the elements which cause the craving for the female Spirit to transfer itself so that it is able to control every aspect of a man's Life.
In essence, a Life spent on seeking that impossible satisfaction through the female Spirit or derivatives thereof is a wasted Life, vanity, a striving after wind only to harvest Death.

Solomon knew this, yet all his knowledge and wisdom did not suffice to keep him from falling for that same trick when he worshipped his women and gave them the status which YHWH ought to have.
His women became his god, and YHWH was demoted in favour of the women.
And thus, despite the great wealth of insight given to him, he became a victim of the same craving and worshipped Death.
This is a great example of how knowledge alone cannot save you, but it is the love for YHWH, His Salvation and His Ruach filling you which will deliver you from the Bottomless Pit present within the unholy craving.

The deeper men and women venture into the Bottomless Pit, the farther away from YHWH they are.
That is why adulterers and fornicators and the likes cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven: they have merged with the Darkness of the Bottomless Pit and descended into its depths so that they can never tolerate the Light of Heaven.
Because they have turned themselves into manifestations of Lightlessness, and the presence of Light destroys them.
They called upon the Spirit of the Bottomless Pit to complete themselves, and in doing so they were drawn into the Pit and merged with its Darkness.

And yet, the descent into the Bottomless Pit is celebrated and held up as the highest Good in this reversed world.
When you look at the annual rewards in the pop industry you see the women dressed as harlots, shaking their rear ends and making suggestive and seductive moves as if it is the highest ideal for women to set themselves up as fonts for the language of Evil.
And how they are cheered, applauded and rewarded, especially if they dare to show themselves nude in a music clip!
These celebrations are nothing other than fifty shades of Darkness, all too often incorporating occult rituals and ceremonies where the darkest shade ends up receiving the biggest accolades, and they are set in a glamorous environment to make them appear as a celebration of Light!

The overwhelming majority of music promoted in the media, if not all of it, is nothing but moronic infantile garbage designed to dumb you down, keep you ignorant, and reward the artist promoting the hypnotic lies with fame and fortune.
But they cannot escape the dumbing down effect of the very thing they promote, so that in the end they too end up as victims of their own garbage in more than one way.
To be rich and famous all you have to do is to glorify and promote the Lie of the Evil One, yet I am telling you that it will cost you your very Soul.
Tell me, how wise can you be when you swap pearls for beads?
Because, you end up giving away your REAL Soul in exchange for Monopoly money, something of no value or use in the REAL world.

What does this harlotry and the accompanying noise pollution have to do with music and the purpose of music our Creator had in mind?
Music was created for noble use, to lift up our Souls and Spirit and communicate with YHWH's Spirit through the language of music.
It is supposed to enhance YHWH's Creation in a unique way which only music is capable of, it is supposed to testify of Truth instead of suffering abuse as refined sugar in the cake of damnation the Evil One offers us, a cake which will cause the teeth of your Soul to rot away.
Instead it has been turned into an instrument promoting the Lie, it is used to defile and degrade us, a vehicle for ignoble abuse, in the hands of the minions of the Evil One it stains YHWH's Creation when it is used to lead us into communion with the Spirit of the Satan, the Fallen One who seeks to turn us into puppets promoting his false cause.

Unfortunately, YHWH's true artists and composers tend to be pushed into anonymity so that the widespread abuse of music can be promoted all over the globe where women reap the rewards of acting as enablers of the failings and weaknesses of men.
It is a false image designed to steal Life-force from men and women and harvest their Souls, and music is relegated to the role of hypnotizing pulsating sound designed to draw in the Souls of men through the seductive image of the woman.
It has nothing to do with music, it has everything to do with the promotion and perpetuation of the Lie.
The Lie which robs us of our freedom and turns us into slaves sacrificing our Souls on the altar of the Evil tyrant.

This reversed world thrives because of our failings.
We seek to compensate for our spiritual loss by inviting the Darkness of deception into our lives, and this invitation, unfortunately, is celebrated and upheld as a noble sentiment in dumb love songs.
It is given a glamorous glossy image, even if it involves the vilest acts of sexual corruption.
Devote yourself to promotion of that Lie, and be rich beyond your wildest dreams.
Yethe artist who lends him(her-)self for the promotion of garbage becomes a fossil required to repeat the same garbage over and over again.
The Truth is that you make yourself poor in the real world of the Spirit, a beggar standing outside the gates of Heaven.

The Fallen Ones do everything in their power to strip us from that powerful elixir we have been given, the human Soul.
They turned this world into a fabric hall filled with machines designed to drain the Soul out of us, and everywhere around us the draining game is celebrated.
We are leeched, and should we be so stupid as to praise and applaud the ones involved in the leeching game?
Like Hell I will, or rather, like Heaven I won´t.

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