
The Craving

Perfect equilibrium brings stillness, a perfect rest not to be mistaken for a static state of inactivity.
This perfect balance knows no force of pressure caused by an upset balance.
Any imbalance gives birth to the force which seeks to restore the former balance, and this force drives us to restore for the lost balance.

Our mistake is that we, in our fallen state which creates an imbalance due to the presence of Evil (the absence of Light), seek to restore the spiritual balance within us by compensating with the wrong means.
The force which comes into being as a result of our imbalance expresses itself on a cognitive level as a craving for a sensual experience to generate the good feelings we associate with the perfect balance.
We seek to compensate for the absence of Light by drawing Darkness masking as Light into our Soul.
The reason why we mistake Darkness for Light is because the force which corrupted us hypnotizes us into believing the Lie which depicts Darkness as Light.

Sensual distractions such as overeating, drugs, or whatever, serve the purpose of manipulating our feelings so that when we are compelled to compensate, we come to regard the wrong means of compensation as Light due to the good feelings associated with them.
However, afterwards our conscience kicks in and activates bad feelings so that the spiritual Truth of our failure translates into a physical reality by means of the feelings of discomfort, guilt and shame.

And so, in our fallen state we now seek to compensate for these bad feelings  by indulging in more of that which gave us the good feelings.
In other words, the guilt, discomfort and shame drive us to seek consolation in partaking more of that which caused our conscience to send out an alarm signal.
After a while we no longer are aware of the role our conscience plays and how it sends out an alarm signal in the form of feelings of guilt, shame and discomfort.
Instead, these feelings are buried in the grave of our sub-consciousness.
All we can see now is that we have developed a craving for that which corrupted us, and we need to satisfy that craving.
The role of our conscience no longer is visible, and we are left with the constant hunger compelling us to continuously indulge into our wrong compensation.
This is how Evil becomes a slave driver, and we become its slaves when we fall for Evil seductions which upset the balance.

Men have inherited the weakness of using the Spirit of the female as their means to compensate for the lack of a perfect relationship with their Creator, an imbalance which drives them to seek completion in the woman or the female Spirit.
The compensation can be a real woman, or a man with a female imprint in the case of a homosexual corruption, or it can be a derivative thereof.
The essence comes down to a sensual craving which cries out to receive more of what it is, and at its core it is Darkness crying out for Darkness.

Whatever may be the case, any relationship born out of this craving turns into a prison of Hell itself.
The man becomes the addict, the woman (or whatever represents the female Spirit) becomes the pusher.
And even though the man may hold up an appearance of authority to the world, the female Spirit is his master and his god, and she in fact holds the reign of power.
And through the woman Hell itself is in charge, shaping the world of both the woman (female Spirit) and the man in its image of Destruction.
Yes, in that sense and within that context the Devil is a woman, and the man worships this Devil through his Dark craving for the elusive elixir this Devil offers him.

There are thousands if not millions of songs glorifying the craving of men to complete themselves through the female form.
'I need you', 'I can't live without you', 'You are my everything', decrepit garbage coming straight from the sewers of Hell, yet they are called 'love' songs though they really are 'hate-songs'.
And as you look back you will notice how the past decades show the trend where these lyrics are turned into more explicit and deviant forms of the sensual route into the abyss.
But such is the nature of this reversed reality: that which passes for love is really hate in disguise.
And whether the lyrics of the songs are romantic gravy covering a sinister reality, or they come in the form of rebellious looking, coarse trash metal conformity noise where the singer declares his love for the Satan, they really are nothing but variations on the same theme.
It is the tossing of the ball between the right and left hand of one and the same Deceiver.

The problem with our reversed world is that this corrupt form of relationship between a man and a woman (or whatever represents the female Spirit) is celebrated and promoted as 'natural' and 'good'.
Just take a good look around you, observe the message behind the images which are used to promote the inane idiotic popular music scene.
Not to mention the horrible, sugary sweet garbage passing for music.
It's just refined sugar for the damned to make the cake of damnation have a seductive sweet taste which appeals to the sensual appetite of fallen creatures.
Eat it, and you die.
After all, aren't we what we eat, and if you feed your Soul with garbage, YOU turn into garbage?
That's why on a physical level YHWH gave the people of Israel instructions for what they should and should not eat.

This sugar which passes for music carrying inane lyrics all too often is enhanced by the form of scantily dressed women acting out fantasies which appeal to the need of men to compensate for their spiritual failure by indulging in the sensual delight of the female form.
Men can and do transfer this weakness to a large plethora of activities and obsessions representing the female Spirit, so that the object or activity of their transference now becomes the representation and extension of the female Spirit they cry out to.
But in its deepest essence the wrong relationship stems from the fact that men seek to complete themselves and compensate for what they lost by means of the woman, and this quest for compensation, the craving, is what drives men and what makes this corrupt world turn.
It also is exactly that which transforms this world into a prison camp.

The delight derived from the sensual woman is the manipulation of feelings designed to provide men with the illusion of having compensated for the lack of Good (the broken relationship with YHWH) by means of the female image delivering them the good feelings they crave.
Because of the good feelings, the Darkness lurking behind the feelings appears to them as Light, and this optical illusion causes them to accept Evil as a means to compensate for the presence of Evil within them, a presence which causes their inner imbalance.

Female entertainers volunteering for the role of seductress are rewarded with immense power over men.
They receive fame, fortune and the 'love' of the slaves they created.
Only, the 'love' they receive is empty because it is a love for the fake image of Hell the women hold up, and the power they receive becomes a torment to any decent woman with so much as a remnant of a human Soul inside her.
Any woman playing the role of seductress will be tormented by her success if she still has a Soul, and it may even drive her to the brink of suicide.
Because, aside from the fact that the love is not real, the fame and attention did not fill the emptiness inside her, and the money turns out to be a false lover incapable of delivering that which she seeks and needs.

The lure of money is the seduction of a false lover, because it is an empty image incapable of providing the substance which it promises.
If you have money in excess, more than you can spend, then the discovery of the fact that nothing you buy can make you happy and fill the spiritual emptiness reveals to you the extent to which the lure of money is just the projection of a carrot which eternally is dangling at the end of the proverbial stick.

The men who seek to compensate for the broken relationship with their Creator through the female form are seeking to fill a hole in their Soul by investing in a bottomless Pit.
It will never satisfy, it will never fill a man's Soul, because the Pit has no bottom, and the part within him which drives him to compensate comes from this Bottomless Pit, using the fuel of the denial of the conscience as its motor.

That is, if there still IS a conscience.
Some human beings are nothing but Evil Spirits in Evil Bodies, and there is no element of Goodness left in them which can function as a conscience.
Whereas those who still have a conscience are driven by the denial of the conscience to satisfy their unholy craving, those who lack a conscience simply are attracted by that which they are: living expressions of the Darkness of the Bottomless Pit.
In all eternity you can never fill a Bottomless Pit.

Likewise, the women who volunteer as billboards for the Bottomless Pit can never find fulfilment in the men who feed on them just as they feed on the men.
Or rather, both do not only feed on each other, but they both use each other to feed themselves with Darkness.
Such an unholy relationship will never satisfy, the good feelings will never last and always serve as the whip driving men and women deeper into the Bottomless Pit.
The men and women involved in the game of delving into the Bottomless Pit end up sacrificing all their Life-force, even their very Souls for the sake of an empty illusion.

Men have been imprinted with the craving for the female Spirit from the day their Spirit entered a Body of Flesh, and this imprint is caused by a trauma which is passed on from generation to generation.
We are born with a deficiency which is like a leak in the hull of a boat.
Just as the boat is filled with water due to the presence of the leak, we are filled with Evil rushing in and shaping into an alternate identity which aims to devour our Soul.
The very existence of this hole means we are born with an imbalance.
Our plight drives us to make a choice to either merge with the identity which grew out of the Darkness pulling on our Soul through the hole, or to merge with the saving Light shining through our Spirit beckoning our Soul to return to the Light.
Our choice steers our Soul in the direction of our choice.

A perfect balance would be 100% Goodness and no Evil whatsoever, a balance which is established by living in perfect harmony with our Creator.
Our Body carries a genetic defect which causes it to be part of the second Cloud, the network of Evil.
More than that, the defect is like a malfunctioning firewall which causes us to cater to Evil whether we like it or not.
The moment our Soul and Spirit are put in the physical Body is the moment when we have a less than 100% perfect balance, and the imbalance grows each time the genetically inherited Darkness drives us to increase the Darkness through Sin.

Because of this imperfection within men, they are driven to perfect themselves again and restore the balance.
Only, the conditioning of the Dark side within men drives them to restore this balance in the wrong way: Darkness cries out to Darkness.
Since we are created as male and female, men in their hypnotized state cannot help but reach out to the female Spirit for restoration, and that is something the female Spirit cannot give him since it too is subject to the same imbalance, and it is contrary to the order YHWH created.

This order is YHWH <- male <- female, but the Darkness within men drives them to seek completion through the reversal of this order, male -> female -> Evil.
In this corrupt order Evil takes the place of YHWH, and women dominate men through the failings of men.

I wrote how we live in a world which has a reversed reality, and the reversed order I mentioned is an example.
Just like the order of YHWH's restoration: it is designed to flow from the inside out, while the Satan's paradise is established by imposing his structure from the outside in, an order which can never succeed because it goes contrary to what YHWH created.
The Kingdom of Heaven is within, yet the Queendom of the Satan is without.
YHWH's Kingdom is established through reformation of the tiniest cells so that the structure comes to reflect the Kingdom of Heaven found in the single cells (Man) which are part of this Kingdom, but the Satan's Queendom is establish through reformation of the top structure, and the single cells which stand under this structure (Man) are required to conform to this image.
Again, a reversal of the order as created by YHWH, and that is why it can never succeed.

Likewise, the Satan has reversed the order YHWH created for men and women, so that the man worships the female form and the Darkness behind it in order to complete himself, something which can never succeed because it goes against the order as created by YHWH.

When men in their fallen state reach out to the female Spirit for completion, they are like addicts giving power to the pusher.
The women who cater to this need are the pushers, and as such they receive unholy power enabling them to rule over men, even though they may appear as being submissive on the surface.
A good woman searches for the man who does not seek to complete himself through the female Spirit, because that means this man has found the completion within himself in his Creator.
When a good woman finds that element in a man, then if she joins herself to him she joins herself to that completion and the Holy Spirit behind it, and she knows that she has found a husband who does not seek to draw up Hell inside her simply because he seeks for something she can never give him.

This need to retrieve what was lost by the wrong means can spread to include something which seems innocent on the surface, like stamp collecting, yet which originates in that one basic flaw.
The sensual aspect and the psychological reaction to it are the elements which cause the craving for the female Spirit to transfer itself so that it is able to control every aspect of a man's Life.
In essence, a Life spent on seeking that impossible satisfaction through the female Spirit or derivatives thereof is a wasted Life, vanity, a striving after wind only to harvest Death.

Solomon knew this, yet all his knowledge and wisdom did not suffice to keep him from falling for that same trick when he worshipped his women and gave them the status which YHWH ought to have.
His women became his god, and YHWH was demoted in favour of the women.
And thus, despite the great wealth of insight given to him, he became a victim of the same craving and worshipped Death.
This is a great example of how knowledge alone cannot save you, but it is the love for YHWH, His Salvation and His Ruach filling you which will deliver you from the Bottomless Pit present within the unholy craving.

The deeper men and women venture into the Bottomless Pit, the farther away from YHWH they are.
That is why adulterers and fornicators and the likes cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven: they have merged with the Darkness of the Bottomless Pit and descended into its depths so that they can never tolerate the Light of Heaven.
Because they have turned themselves into manifestations of Lightlessness, and the presence of Light destroys them.
They called upon the Spirit of the Bottomless Pit to complete themselves, and in doing so they were drawn into the Pit and merged with its Darkness.

And yet, the descent into the Bottomless Pit is celebrated and held up as the highest Good in this reversed world.
When you look at the annual rewards in the pop industry you see the women dressed as harlots, shaking their rear ends and making suggestive and seductive moves as if it is the highest ideal for women to set themselves up as fonts for the language of Evil.
And how they are cheered, applauded and rewarded, especially if they dare to show themselves nude in a music clip!
These celebrations are nothing other than fifty shades of Darkness, all too often incorporating occult rituals and ceremonies where the darkest shade ends up receiving the biggest accolades, and they are set in a glamorous environment to make them appear as a celebration of Light!

The overwhelming majority of music promoted in the media, if not all of it, is nothing but moronic infantile garbage designed to dumb you down, keep you ignorant, and reward the artist promoting the hypnotic lies with fame and fortune.
But they cannot escape the dumbing down effect of the very thing they promote, so that in the end they too end up as victims of their own garbage in more than one way.
To be rich and famous all you have to do is to glorify and promote the Lie of the Evil One, yet I am telling you that it will cost you your very Soul.
Tell me, how wise can you be when you swap pearls for beads?
Because, you end up giving away your REAL Soul in exchange for Monopoly money, something of no value or use in the REAL world.

What does this harlotry and the accompanying noise pollution have to do with music and the purpose of music our Creator had in mind?
Music was created for noble use, to lift up our Souls and Spirit and communicate with YHWH's Spirit through the language of music.
It is supposed to enhance YHWH's Creation in a unique way which only music is capable of, it is supposed to testify of Truth instead of suffering abuse as refined sugar in the cake of damnation the Evil One offers us, a cake which will cause the teeth of your Soul to rot away.
Instead it has been turned into an instrument promoting the Lie, it is used to defile and degrade us, a vehicle for ignoble abuse, in the hands of the minions of the Evil One it stains YHWH's Creation when it is used to lead us into communion with the Spirit of the Satan, the Fallen One who seeks to turn us into puppets promoting his false cause.

Unfortunately, YHWH's true artists and composers tend to be pushed into anonymity so that the widespread abuse of music can be promoted all over the globe where women reap the rewards of acting as enablers of the failings and weaknesses of men.
It is a false image designed to steal Life-force from men and women and harvest their Souls, and music is relegated to the role of hypnotizing pulsating sound designed to draw in the Souls of men through the seductive image of the woman.
It has nothing to do with music, it has everything to do with the promotion and perpetuation of the Lie.
The Lie which robs us of our freedom and turns us into slaves sacrificing our Souls on the altar of the Evil tyrant.

This reversed world thrives because of our failings.
We seek to compensate for our spiritual loss by inviting the Darkness of deception into our lives, and this invitation, unfortunately, is celebrated and upheld as a noble sentiment in dumb love songs.
It is given a glamorous glossy image, even if it involves the vilest acts of sexual corruption.
Devote yourself to promotion of that Lie, and be rich beyond your wildest dreams.
Yethe artist who lends him(her-)self for the promotion of garbage becomes a fossil required to repeat the same garbage over and over again.
The Truth is that you make yourself poor in the real world of the Spirit, a beggar standing outside the gates of Heaven.

The Fallen Ones do everything in their power to strip us from that powerful elixir we have been given, the human Soul.
They turned this world into a fabric hall filled with machines designed to drain the Soul out of us, and everywhere around us the draining game is celebrated.
We are leeched, and should we be so stupid as to praise and applaud the ones involved in the leeching game?
Like Hell I will, or rather, like Heaven I won´t.


The Reversed Reality

The day of our birth is the day of our reversal.
We are born in a world where reality has been reversed in the image of Evil, and to be able to function in this reversed world we have to learn to adapt to the reversal.
Unfortunately this means part of us is reversed and comes to stand in opposition to the reality of the Spirit.

When I write we should accept YHWH's definitions and abide by His rules, the ruler of this world will whisper into our ears that in doing so we become obedient little doormats bowing before a tyrant's demands, puny conformists lacking the stamina to rebel and stand up for the ideal of freedom.
'If you have any guts left, then be a rebel and refuse to cater to the tyrant.'

Only, the opposite of what he tells you is true.
If you heed his call to reject YHWH's rules, you in fact become the conformist to the deception of the great Deceiver.
You end up conforming to the reversed reality by reversing your Soul, and in doing so you lose substance and fade into a hollow Shadow.

The Adversary has set up his empire in this world, and as long as you do as he tells you to, you are rewarded, that is, if you are of use to him.
But woe unto you if you go against his wishes and rebel against the rules he decreed for his empire!
HE is the tyrant who punishes those who dare to rebel against the status quo of this world, and the One he refers to as the almighty Tyrant is in fact the One who gives us freedom of choice.
The Devil gobbles up your freedom while YHWH gives you back the freedom you lost when you heeded the call of the Fallen One.

To heed YHWH's instructions and abide by His rules is in fact the ultimate form of rebellion in the reversed reality of this world.
To accept YHWH's words means you accept Truth, and the Truth sets you free from the bondage of the Lie which the Evil One uses to keep you in submission to his dictates.
In his heart he knows he is destined for Destruction, and by golly, he is going to make sure that if HE is forced into the arms of Destruction he will take as many human Souls with him as he can.

To accept the Lie as Truth is plain idiocy, that should be obvious to everyone.
The trick the Evil One uses is to mask the Lie as Truth and thus seduce you into acceptance of that mask.
He never presents himself as the Liar, the bringer of Darkness, but he portrays himself to Man as the great Liberator, the bringer of Truth, the carrier of the Light.

Because we are born in a physical Body which is compromised and an integral part of the 'Cloud of Evil' which is the network of Evil capable of downloading information into our Body, we inherit a tendency to act as extensions of the information the Evil One downloads into our Body.
This information is not limited to sinful thoughts and feelings drawing you into Sin, but it also includes diseases of the Body and the Mind, even unto Death.
After we are born we inherit a compulsion to sin and conform to the gravity of the laws of the Evil One.
When we comply, we reverse part of our Soul so that it becomes an integral part of the reversed reality of Evil.

Our conscience, which is the part where our Soul is integrated into the Spirit which is not yet fallen or reversed, accuses us when we identify with our Evil side and act on the impulses it produces.
Our conscience is the part which reminds us how we are becoming part of a reversed reality, and it is able to fulfil that function as long as it stands in contrast as the element which is not reversed due to the fact that our Spirit is not reversed.
When we sin in the Spirit, such as when we reject the Ruach HaKodesh (the Holy Spirit) as unclean and alien, then because of the fact that we sinned in the eternal reality of the Spirit our own Spirit is cut off from YHWH's Spirit and turns Dark.
When that happens, we no longer have any part in us which can stand in contrast with the reversed reality of the Evil One, and we become one with him as completely reversed creations.

The Evil One considers the presence of this conscience as a weakness preventing us from fully rebelling against the 'dictates of YHWH'.
He refers to this 'bondage' as our chains of slavery, and he wants to seduce us to rebel to get rid of these chains.
He presents this as his roadmap to freedom, but it is the roadmap leading to spiritual Death, turning us into an integral part of the Death realm.

Because of our natural tendency to sin and build up an identity of Sin, the rebellion the Evil One seeks to inspire in us is in fact nothing more than conformity to the dictates of this fallen artificial implanted identity.
Yes, it is an artificial implanted identity which draws us away from our true identity, who we really are.
The implanted false identity is fostered and given form by the Fallen Ones acting through manipulation of our circumstances and our environment as well as the impulses of our physical Body.

Yahshua was the ultimate rebel Who defeated the Evil One.
He inspires in us a true rebellion against the compulsive tendency to sin and thereby turning ourselves into slaves having no other choice but to obey Evil impulses.
Through our obedience to Evil impulses we become puppets dangling on the strings of Dark, Evil entities manipulating us through the impulses.

Giving heed to Yahshua's instructions, learning to turn our backs to our fallen mind because we listen to and comply with our renewed and restored mind, is the ultimate rebellion, because it means we go against the dictates of the slavery we were born in.
It means we turn our backs to the tyrant who seeks to bind us through our bondage to Sin.

This world is like a negative film which depicts Good as Evil, Light as Darkness, a truly reversed image of reality.
This world turns the reality of Heaven upside down because of its bondage to the god of Death.
Therefore, what this world calls rebellion really is conformity, and what this world holds up as virtue is in fact a vice.

I seek to inspire rebellion in all of you, rebellion against the dictates of the great Liar, rebellion against his Evil empire, rebellion against his lies.
I do this by expressing Truth in the words I write, words which point to the ultimate Rebel: Yahshua.
He WAS and IS the Truth, the Way, and Life, and that is what He offers all of us.
His Truth reveals the Darkness of this world for what it is, His way shows you the multitude of erroneous ways of the Fallen One, and His Life makes you realize to what extent you were in bondage of Death when you did not yet realize the extent of your slavery to Evil through your Sins.

"Don't be a fool, he just wants to turn you into a slave of religion.
Just look at how he refers to 'YHWH' and 'Yahshua', names tied to the domain of religion, look at how he promotes the 'Shabbat'.
He wants to bind you to the rules of his exclusive religious dogma so that you lose the freedom I offer you in exchange for the mind-numbing chains of religion".

If anything, I seek to set you free from bondage to any religion.
I do not subscribe to a specific religion in any way, but I DO subscribe to Truth.
The Truth is that we have a loving Father in Heaven Who made us and put us in this reversed reality so that we might learn and grow, the Truth is that He truly is referred to as YHWH as Moses called Him, the Truth is that He became our Salvation in Yahshua and  you will look in vain to find Life outside of Him.
Although it has the ring of the Judaic/Christian/Messianic religion it really has nothing to do with religion.
You may try the Buddhist way, the Muslim way, the Hindu way, but none of them can give you what a personal living relationship with Yahshua will bring you, and that relationship really has nothing to do with religion.

As a matter of fact, religion and the way it compels people to dress up in the image of the religious dogma is an integral part of the Fallen One's circus of deception in this world.
Yet even within these wheels of religion you may find YHWH's people, growing and learning as they go along for a season, as well as a host of weeds dressed in holy robes to hide the fact that they are dead graves inside.
The latter conformed to the ways of this world, and the Satan gave them a place in his empire as a reward.
The greater their conformity, the greater their prominence and rank in the wheel of religion.
It is not a coincidence that Yahshua was delivered to be put to Death by those wearing the holy robes of organized religion.

When I refer to YHWH and Yahshua it is not a reference to any religion or a token of having converted myself to Judaism or some other form of Messianic religion, and when I refer to the importance of keeping the Shabbat it is not because I have converted to Judaism.
The name of YHWH and Yahshua do not belong to the domain of religion, but they are universal, as well as what those names imply.

The same is true for the Shabbat and YHWH's instructions which you can find in the Torah: they are not the exclusive property of the domain of Judaism, but they are universal gifts of YHWH to those who love Him for their own well-being.
They testify of Truth.
The more a religion incorporates universal Truth, the more I may look like a religious fanatic because of my reference to concepts found in that religion.
Judaism as a lot of Truth in it, and the same can be said about Christianity.
Both ALSO have human traditions and un-truth woven into the fabric of their particular religious denomination, and as organized religious institutes both have their place in the religious wheel of Babel's empire.

When I keep Shabbat I do it because YHWH personally brought it to me as a gift, and having experienced the rest and beauty of the Shabbat I have come to treasure it.
I have always had an aversion towards the artificial and enforced concept of Sunday as the obligatory day of rest where you are required to immerse yourself in the deadness of a church service followed by the deadness of obligatory family meetings and the horrible meals ensuing the deadness of the day, and as a young man I had made up my mind to throw all this religious garbage in the bin and go my own way.
I did not dread Mondays, I dreaded those horrible stillborn Sundays!

When I was a kid and I heard someone say that in Heaven each day is like Sunday I felt really bad, because it meant that Hell had all the fun days of Monday to Saturday, and I preferred that over the horrible ongoing series of Sundays.
Sunday was for people who loved to play harps on drifting clouds for all eternity, people who loved Sunday meals where the omnipresent stale thick smell of selfmade soup suffocated any remnant of vitality, it was for those who loved family gatherings which seemed to extend into a miniature eternity and thus drain the remaining Life out of the Soul, it was for people who had an ongoing love-affair with mr. Sandman lulling them to sleep on the dreaded Sunday afternoons in order to recover from the draining onslaught of the rituals which were an integral part of the 'day of rest'.
All the other days of the week were for people who love to go out and have fun and DO things, and if Hell had all the other days, then...

Seeing all the lies and hypocrisy around me I had made up my mind never to be part of that graveyard.
I was going to rebel against the lies and dark deception I saw all around me and do whatever I wanted to do.

However, contrary to what I thought, YHWH did not hate me for feeling this way.
He actually loved my aversion against the lies and understood my wrong reaction.
He protected me and guided me closer to Him so that I grew in understanding and I was given a clearer vision of the Dark Spirits behind ceremonies, rituals and people.
Through His lessons and the understanding He gave me I learned not to throw the child away with the bathwater in my ambition to rebel against the order of this world, but to separate the two.

So, the concept of a day of rest such as the Shabbat did not come natural to me AT ALL, but when YHWH introduced it to me at the right time and pressed upon my heart to give it a try, I complied because I loved and trusted YHWH, and as a result I have come to love Shabbat and honour it as a sign between me and the One I love, a  very special day I always look forward to.
My Shabbat does not have ANY resemblance to the concept of the Sunday rest whatsoever.
The Sunday rest I saw around me was the rest of the grave, while my Shabbat is the rest of Heaven, Life, a bubbling creative kind of rest as opposed to the draining mind-numbing fatigue of the Sunday rest.

When I keep YHWH's instructions, it is because His Spirit, His Ruach, binds them on my heart, and I benefit greatly from keeping those instructions because they protect me and keep me well.
They keep me close to YHWH and out of reach of Evil Fallen Spirits, instructions designed to keep me on the safe side of the road.
They are gifts, blessings I have received, and not rules I am forced to comply with.
They are extensions of Life and the energy of Life, not extensions of the grave carrying Death in its bossom.
Because I have experienced the beauty of those gifts I want to pass these gifts on to you so that you may find freedom from the lies of the Evil One and protection against his ways, because you found protection in His bastion of Truth.

It is not religion I preach, it is love for our Creator, it is not conformity I preach, but rebellion against the order of the Adversary a.k.a. the God of Destruction, it is not mindless obedience to rules and regulations I preach, but cultivating and securing a living relationship with your true Father Who wants you to be well.
Listen to Him and seek Him then, because the more you hear His voice and love the sound of Truth, the more you will find freedom and true happiness in that sound.


The False Badge

We used to take pride in ourselves and our sense of right and wrong, Good and Evil.
We cultivated our brand of tolerance based on that sense of Good and Evil, and we delighted in wearing the badge of our own values as expressed in our concept of tolerance and anti-discrimination on our chest as if it was the highest distinction any man could possibly receive, a medal of the greatest honour.

Yet our pride was blind, unable to recognize YHWH's distinction between Good and Evil, and this blindness turned us into fools thinking themselves to be wise.

A man with true understanding knows you cannot join Darkness to Light and expect them to co-exist peacefully, because Darkness exists at the expense of Light and the struggle for survival and growth causes the two to be at eternal enmity with each other.
It is the law YHWH created for all of Creation, the law which springs from the principle of Dualism which YHWH invented, a principle which allows the expression of Evil as an avatar into our reality so that it seems as if it can exist, while it cannot.

Yet in our pride we set aside YHWH's definition, we discarded YHWH's instructions and told ourselves that we can be gods ourselves and determine our own sense of what is right and wrong based on our own concepts and ideas.
And so we ignored YHWH's guidelines and made up our own rules, and proceeded from there onwards to achieve that which the sane man knows is not possible: to mingle Light with Darkness because we chose to alter YHWH's definitions of what is Good and Evil.

In our self-imposed blindness we criticized those who did not bow before our mighty badge and who refused to wear it.
We told them THEY were at fault, THEY were too rigid, THEY did not give in and offer land in exchange for peace, THEY took military action where we urged them to turn the other cheek and share in our self-delusion.
Yet if THEY had listened, THEY would not exist today.
If THEY had not listened to sanity and acted accordingly, THEY would have been reduced to a pile of ashes.

And yet we pressured them, we kept telling them to exercise 'self-control' and 'restraint'.
If their neighbours desired it, then LET them appoint terrorists as rulers.
Yes, in our blind naivety we believed terrorists could be domesticated too, as long as you gave them what they wanted and let them have autonomous self-control.
'Give-give-give' we shouted, even if THEY never received a crumb in return.

In our blind pride we saw ourselves as gods creating our own rules of what was right and wrong, Good and Evil.
We came to accept Evil as Good, calling Light that which is Darkness, and feeling disdain, yes, even cherishing animosity against that which is Good, because we chose to see it as Darkness.
We even created laws to protect the rights of those choosing to partake of Darkness because they referred to that Darkness as their Light, while trodding under our feet the basic rights of those who come from the Light to be sacrificed to the Demons of Darkness.

In our blind pride which fuelled our naive skewed sense of Good and Evil and our tolerance based upon our own faulty premise, we ended up supporting terrorists, we believed their lies even when afterwards we were confronted with them, and we stubbornly persisted in our erroneous prideful ways.
Our blind pride made us invite strange gods into our land and foster terrorists in our midst, even giving them a place of prominence for the sake of our glorious badge.
We chose to live in denial of YHWH's Truth and believed we could prosper in our rebellious pride.

We even chose to make ourselves blind to the past whenever it contradicted our sense of what is Good and what is Evil, we wilfully wore the blindfold which affirmed our brand of tolerance as good and glorious, because WE were Good, WE were glorious.
We considered ourselves to be gods having the right to impose our own concept of Good and Evil upon this world, so that we might re-create it in our own image.
And we ended up repeating the same mistakes all over again, simply because we chose not to believe, we chose not to listen, we chose not to see, we chose not to learn.

YHWH saw and He was amazed at the hardness of heart.
How could they persist in blindness, how could they continue to turn a deaf ear?
What will it take for them to see and learn?

YHWH knew more was required to make us aware of our erroneous ways.
And so He caused our false sense of tolerance to invite those in our midst who hate us and seek to devour us.
We fostered them and gave them a special place of prominence and political protection, for they were living affirmations of our superior sense of tolerance and the goodness of our national character, LIES we all too gladly accepted as truth.
Because Truth was painful and did not show us in a favorable light.

Surely, if our false tolerance causes us to accept intolerance towards our identity, then the madness of the consequences ought to suffice and wake us from our slumber?

"Perhaps when they feel the sting of pain their folly brings them, they will come to their senses and realize that it was their badge of honour causing their suffering, that it was their blind pride which transformed them into ignorant fools.
Perhaps when they live in the same circumstances as My nation they will finally realize that their demands, which they placed on My chosen nation, were unreasonable and would have caused the destruction of My nation if it had complied.
Perhaps when they feel the correcting lash of My rod on their backs, they will turn from calling that which is Evil Good, while rejecting Good as Evil.
Surely even the fool who will not listen to reason WILL respond to the voice of the rod?".

And so it took just one measure of YHWH to address a multitude of Sins we carry on our national shoulders: the Sin of rejecting His ways and His distinction between Good and Evil, and the Sin of lacking compassion and awareness of the plight of YHWH's chosen nation on Earth, and the Sins of committing Evil and calling it Good.
Our false sense of tolerance was born from our rebellious pride, a weakness masking itself as a strength, and it caused us to invite the enemy in our midst so that we might realize our folly as well as learn what the people of Israel have to endure on a daily basis.

If we still refuse to learn our lesson and we still are found lacking in our support of YHWH's chosen nation, He will add fuel to the fire.
That is when those our blind pride invited in our midst will turn against us and literally slay the sons and daughters born in our nations, that is when cities will burn and we will feel as if we are living in a  warzone.

And we WILL be living in the warzone.
It just will not be a traditional war fought by nation against nation, but nations will be devoured from within.

Do not let it come to this, but realize your folly, and learn what it means to love YHWH and abide by His rules.
He defined reality, and there is no way for us that we can escape His structure of reality.
So when He makes a clear distinction between Good and Evil as mutually exclusive opposites, let us have the wisdom to abide by His definition of what is Good and what is Evil, and not seek to create our own definition of Good and Evil.

If we choose for Evil, even though we may call it Good, YHWH will give us over to the consequences of embracing Evil.
It is not possible to deny YHWH's definition of our reality, and when we do and we embrace Evil because we deem it Good, we WILL experience the true nature of what we have embraced as defined by YHWH: Death and Destruction.
The road to Death and Destruction is preceded by many, MANY warnings YHWH gives us, instances where He lifts up His mirror so that we might be awakened by the reflection in His mirror.
But if we stubbornly persist in our denial of YHWH's definition of Good and Evil because we embrace that which He defined as Evil, then INEVITABLY we WILL end up facing the true character of Evil in the form of our Death and Destruction.

Who can stand up to rival YHWH's wisdom?
Who has power to shape reality in accordance with his own definitions of Good and Evil?
I know one who thinks he is able to, only to discover he loses time and again.
Yes, even the god of Death, the Satan, cannot escape the law of reality as created by YHWH, and his reality will be one of Death and Destruction.
He will have one final attempt to lift himself up over YHWH, but I am here to tell you he will fail, as he always has.


The Rise Of The Israel Haters

Although I had made up my mind not to turn this blog into a political commentary since there are other sites who do a far better job than I can, I cannot remain silent when I see the extreme and rapid rise in anti-Semitism and hatred against Israel lately.

Today another bucket of oil was thrown on the fire by a public servant working at the Dutch Justice department who tweeted that 'ISIS was just a Zionist plot to harmthe reputation of Islam'.
Can you believe that such a psychotic individual is given a very comfortable salary paid for by the Dutch people, working in a job where justice should be a number one priority, and then uttering such garbage which promotes injustice towards Jews and the state of Israel?
Islam is doing a great job  to promote itself as a hate religion all by itself, and it does not need any 'Zionist' help whatsoever.
It appears that this woman also was part of an anti-police demonstration, and now she is working for the Justice department?
Tell me I am living in a fantasy and this madness is not real...

And have I written about a district in Den Haag named the 'Schilderswijk', a notorious area because it resembles a small caliphate within the Netherlands, an area where you will find many ISIS supporters?
We are not an Islamic caliphate, and we abide by the DUTCH law and not the Shariah.
Anyone who seeks to impose the Shariah should get out and not want to be part of the Dutch nation.
I agree with Wilders that something radical needs to be done about it, because it has gotten seriously out of hand, and we cannot let parts of our cities be overtaken by Islam.
Wilders has proposed a second march of freedom on September 20, followed by the response of groups of Muslim immigrants to organize combat crews, and the heat is rising rapidly.

Our nations are torn apart by radical Islamic elements from within, and the very threat which Israel is facing on a daily basis now has become our threat.
Perhaps NOW we will understand Israel's reaction and stop criticizing the nation when it seeks to defend itself against the Hamas/ISIS breed of murderers?
YHWH is turning Israel's plight into our plight because we were found lacking.

The Dutch department of Safety and Justice has suspended the contract ofYasmina Haifi immediately after her psychotic biased comments, which is the right thing to do.
It makes you wonder though how thorough someone is reviewed before considering employment for the department of Safety and Justice...


A Flicker Of Darkness?

I wrote how the Israeli plight is turned into our plight when we lack compassion towards Israel, and the evidence of how YHWH is trying to wake us up is found in the increasing support in our Western nations for the Nazi ideology, not just among Muslims, but also among radical left wingers in their support of the cause of ultra-fanatical Islamists.
Imagine, the ones so virulently shouting for the rights of women and homosexuals are now openly and unabashedly voicing their support for terrorists such as Hamas who have ZERO regard for any of the aforementioned minority groups.
Hypocrisy to the extreme.

But,  the left wing radicals who support the destruction of Israel have one thing in common with the Islamic terrorists of Hamas: they both adore the Fallen One and call that deceiver their god, and they follow his inspirational voice when he instructs his puppets to hate Israel and the Jews, they fall before his feet worshipping his ideal to rid the world of Jews, to rid the world of Christianity, and to erase the name Israel from the maps.
That's the glue which binds them, the hate-glue used by the Satan to paste his Evil empire together.

Recently George Galloway took his antisemitc views to a new level.
In the typical sycophantic drivel he uses to worship the Muslim hatred of Israel and the Jews, he advocated making Bradford an Israel-free zone.
I mean, it's like the thirties all over with the human equivalent of living garbage seeking to rid the world of the Jew.
To any British readers of my blog: can't you do something about that dreadful vile hypocrite named George Galloway, like ban him from the premises of Britain and send him to Gaza for instance?
I'm sure that where our Western nations fail, Israel knows how to deal with the likes of him.
As far as I'm concerned we make our Western nations a Galloway-free zone, because I think we have seen enough Nazis in our past.

Let me repeat it again: YHWH will destroy those who seek to destroy Israel, He will rid the world of those who seek to rid the world of His people.
As you do unto Israel, so YHWH will to unto you, even more so.
So if you are wise and you have a good heart, bless Israel abundantly, and stand against Evil men who are out to quench their thirst for Jewish and Christian blood.


A Flicker Of Light?

Whereas many Spanish celebrities were quick to accuse Israel of war crimes while remaining silent in the face of the atrocities the Palestinian Hamas is guilty of, today a large advertisement in the Dutch media appeared signed by various celebrities and politicians which read 'No Excuse For Hatred Against Jews'.
Those who signed the advertisement had different opinions about Israel, but on one thing they agreed: the Dutch people should not tolerate the creation of a climate which is a replica of the climate in Nazi Germany preceding the war.
It's a little flicker of Light, but nevertheless it is good to see that there still are people who stand up against the steady rise of anti-Semitism.

...however, it appears that the name of Wilders has been deliberately scrapped from the ad by CIDI because he connected Islam with the rise of anti-Semitism.
Now, where on Earth did Wilders get the idea that Islam might somehow be connected to any form of anti-Semitism...?
I think it's a slap in the face of Wilders, who has supported Israel and the Jews MANY times in the past.
You may not agree with his political ideas, but at least you should have the decency to show some gratitude for his support.
The fact that CIDI had asked Wilders to sign the advertisement, and then decided to humiliate Wilders by not mentioning him in the ad was reason enough for 'Federatief Joods Nederland' to write a letter to Wilders apologizing for the actions of CIDI, and thanking him for his stance against anti-Semitism.
Shame on you, CIDI.


The Fork In The Road

Prophecy comes in different forms and different functions, but all these functions have in common that they act in the capacity of being a fork in the road.
Whether it is a revelation, a crumb of Truth, or a prediction, all these can be recognized as Truth and be accepted, or be regarded as a Lie and be rejected.

Unfortunately, too many people have come to accept lies as prophecy while rejecting Truth as false.
This is not without consequence, because  prophecy is the fork in the road which forces you to choose either for the left road, or the right road.
If you reject Truth as false, you take the left road, and this means you will regress in spiritual terms instead of progressing further on the path of Truth.
The left turn may even lead to utter destruction.
But if you accept the Truth because you recognize it, you take the right road, and you grow closer to YHWH and more intimate with His Truth.
The right turn may even avert a reality of destruction and leave a blessing instead.

Prophecy has suffered from corrosion of the worst kind.
In their hunger for sensation and self-validation people choose the prophets which will cater to their needs, and invariably the ones in the top ten of prophets are the equivalent of the songs you find in the average top ten: utter garbage spewed by conformists to the dictates of the Fallen One in search of fame and money.
They give you the sensation you crave, they tell you that if you follow their dictates, you are so Good that you will escape all the horrors which are reserved for the unbelievers.
They present you with dates of destruction, they scare you with their explanation of signs in the Heavens and telling you that now is the time, they satisfy your cravings for sensationalism with elaborate timeline charts featuring an overview of when cataclysms are going to take place and how long they will last.

I understand the fascination with prophetic predictions and the appeal they have.
But real prophecy is not meant to be sensational, nor it is meant to validate you.
It is intended to testify to Truth and be a fork in the road, a warning to the ones concerned that if they do not listen, they are headed for destruction.
Prophecy is meant to validate YHWH's Truth, not ours, and it is given for our benefit.

Contrary to what some believe, a truthful prophetic prediction does not necessarily have to come to pass, because of the function it has, which is the function of being a fork in the road.
I know this may sound like a conman's excuse for giving out false predictions, but nevertheless, it is true.

A famous example is the Nineveh incident.
Like all of us Jonah had an ego and cared too much about what men might think of him, and so he dreaded having to go to Nineveh to announce its destruction.
He knew that if people actually might heed his words and repent, YHWH in His mercy might want to change their future and annul the destruction of Nineveh.

After trying to run away in vain, he reluctantly set out to announce Nineveh's destruction.
And that which he feared might happen actually DID happen: the people listened and repented, Nineveh was not destroyed, and Jonah was angry because of the damage done to his own reputation and his name.
He had worked so hard and suffered so much for delivering this message, and now it looked as if he was a false prophet.
He was angry, so much that he sat down in anger and even begged YHWH to end his life.

Of course YHWH did not, because He loved Jonah, and patiently like a true Father He taught him a lesson that it was not about him or his name or reputation, but it was about YHWH and the message He wanted Jonah to deliver for the sake of the thousands of people living in Nineveh.
YHWH does not think lightly about the life of a human being, and He does what He can do make people turn around and stop upsetting the balance between Good and Evil.
But He always leaves us the freedom to choose.

So, aside from giving Jonah the task to plant the fork in the road of the people of Nineveh, YHWH used this as a means to make Jonah aware that he should not care so much about his own reputation and fear man, but that he should learn to fix his eyes on YHWH alone, and that is a lesson we all should take to heart.

Through Jonah's prophecy the people of Nineveh were given a choice to go left, or to go right.
They repented and turned right, and the prophecy did not come to pass, even though it was a true prophecy: the reality of Nineveh's destruction existed, but the people of Nineveh chose a different road leading to a different reality.
If they would have chosen to turn left, the destruction Jonah announced would have come to pass.
It shows very clearly that some prophecies are not necessarily etched in stone as an inevitable future.
They are given as a warning: if you continue on that road, you surely will perish, but if you turn from your ways, you will not perish.

Like the destruction the Western nations are bringing on their heads by persisting in Sin and upholding Evil as Good while calling Good Evil.
Unless we repent, we are headed for destruction.
It does not have to come to the point where we will suffer because of our Sins, if ONLY we repent of them with all our Heart and Soul, and turn back from our ways.
This is why I urge you, I BEG you to stop and wonder about yourself and your ways.

You who call yourselves Palestinian people, look at yourself and what you promote, can you call the brutal murderers of Hamas Good with a clear conscience?
Our Creator gave you a conscience representing the element of Good on the Tree of Good and Evil, and He gave it to you to keep you in His protective custody.
Does your conscience tell you that it is Good to go out and kill someone who lives next door to you, just because he or she is Jewish?
Does your conscience tell you it is good to hate Israel, to hate Jews, and to teach your children to hate?

For generations you have been exploited, no, not by the Jews, but by those who live among you and feed you a steady diet of lies.
I am referring to your lying leaders who keep the hate legacy alive and exploit it at your expense (and to their own advantage as they reap the rewards of their con-game).
They will teach you to hate the Jews and Israel, they will even go as far as turning a blind eye when radical elements use your children as living shields they can hide behind, they even teach you to sacrifice your children for THEIR cause, THEIR ideal of a Jihad, NOT the ideal of your Creator, and call such a sacrifice noble  and Good.
But in doing so they act as the Satan's instruments of exploitation and destruction, turning you into a victim of their lies and their deceit.

Why do you put up with that?

Even money reserved for 'Palestinians' which was sent to Palestinian leaders 'magically' disappears and never reaches the hands of the people for whom it was intended.
Instead it resurfaces in hidden bank accounts of the 'benefactors', the leaders of the Palestinians, it resurfaces in the form of guns and explosives which the degenerates will use to kill Jews.
I tell you, you are MUCH better off living under an Israeli government than be subjected to con-artists living at your expense, seeking to turn your children into blood sacrifices for their bank accounts.

You have been lied to and cheated by those you trusted because they speak your language, mimic your mannerisms, share in your traditions.
Why do you put up with liars, cheaters and murderous scumbags who want to make you bleed for their cause?
It is time that FINALLY you will learn to stand up against the REAL exploiters, the REAL liars.
They love to point their finger at Israel so that Israel becomes the black sheep and the catalyst for your anger, but YOU should learn to point your finger at the REAL culprits, your lying leaders, your imams, and the lying murderous scumbags of Hamas.
They use religion as a license to do Evil.

I tell you, as sure as I live, YHWH will destroy the liars and murderers who claim to 'fight for the Palestinian cause' and seek to do harm to Israel and the Israelites.
Will you then let yourself be exploited, and after being leeched by your own people, share in their destruction because of the simple fact that you joined yourself to their lies and their Evil?

Turn around.
You are given a choice: join yourself to Truth, and learn to love and bless Israel because YHWH has tied His Name to Israel, and become heirs of YHWH's blessings and eternal Life.
Or reject Truth and sacrifice yourself and your children to the father of the Lie, hate and curse Israel, and receive YHWH's curse and eternal Death.
Either join yourself to Israel, or be a Philistinian destined for destruction, a person who is in love with the Lie, violence and bloodshed, a people with whom YHWH will be angry forever.

I have placed this fork in the road of you who reads this, and to you the power of the choice has been given.
Choose then wisely, choose for Life and what is Good, I beg you.

The same is true for the Western nations, including Holland and the USA.
Why should you continue to persist in holding up and defending the Lie as Truth?
Do you really want to turn yourself into a lawless people, a Torah-less people without any regard for the instructions YHWH gave us?
You embrace homosexuality and sink deeper in your acceptance of 'alternative lifestyles', you give ample room to supporters of the false cause of Palestinian instruments in the hands of the Satan, you celebrate your immorality and pride yourself on giving this immorality a special politically protected place in your midst, you pride yourself on a perverted sense of tolerance which allows Evil to proliferate itself and parade itself as part of the 'colourful palette' of your perverted ideal of tolerance.
You celebrate your tolerance of Evil while others who support and try to do Good suffer and are subjected to torture and murder by that same Evil you tolerate.

Hence my question, how Good can you be?
I tell you, it is not Good, and YHWH has placed a fork in your road.
He makes the Israeli plight OUR plight, the full extent of which is yet to be revealed, and it will send shockwaves throughout the Western world.

And what should I call you, USA, when even nations traditionally hostile towards Israel, such as Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt, SUPPORT Israel in the fight against the radical Hamas, Hezbollah and the murderous Brotherhood likes, because YHWH made Israel's plight theirs as well, while your treacherous president holds out a protective hand over the heads of the terrorists and obstructs Israel when it wants to defend itself?
Shall anyone call you Good for protecting murderous scumbags and helping their ilk to power?
Have you become the protector and promoter of Evil in this world?
That a nation such as the USA could ever sink so low is beyond imagination.

I have warned you where your unrepentant attitude will lead you, that YHWH will bring destruction and bloodshed to our nations when we are tolerant towards or even supportive of terrorists who seek destroy Israel.
How can you celebrate Evil's mask of immorality when that same face behind the mask persecutes Good people when it changes its mask, even kills them in its lust for the blood of the innocent?
And then I have not even begun to mention the silent cries of the unborn in clinics where they are brutally murdered in the name of personal freedom, an expression of freedom which is regarded as part and parcel of our Western concept of freedom that we love to celebrate...
It is sick beyond words.

We live in the timeframe which will give birth to the ultimate man (men) of lawlessness, the son(s) of the Satan, the rise of the beast man (men).
He and his ilk will follow in his father's footsteps in calling Good whatever they deem Good, and Evil whatever they deem Evil, because the Satan is a god unto himself, bound in shackles to the Evil side of the Dualism principle while thinking himself to be free and autonomous.
He is not.
He is a puppet on the strings of Dualism acting out a programming which he activated.

Our reality IS already changing, and old certainties which we took for granted are slowly being eroded and fading away.
I have written years ago that this would happen, yet it is nothing compared to the dramatic changes which lie ahead of us.

If you will persist and continue on your chosen path, I am innocent of your blood, because I told you the Truth but you rejected it.
Why should you suffer destruction when you can choose for Life?
Come now, turn around, and repent of your Evil, choose the road to the right which leads to forgiveness and eternal Life.
You do not HAVE to suffer, it is not etched in stone as inevitable.
So please, reconsider your ways and turn around.
But if you don't and you reject all the warnings YHWH gives you, know that you will suffer destruction when YHWH confronts you with the Evil you have embraced.

The past few entries on my blog YHWH put it on my heart to write to you these warnings.
I wave no magic wand, I do not put up a show, nor do I not present myself as a major prophet or teacher or anyone of any title of importance whatsoever.
I am just someone like you, who has been given a specific task and specific knowledge, and I always pray that YHWH keeps me pure and untainted, out of reach of my stubborn ego, so that I can pass on His message without any distortion produced by my personality or by my ego getting in the way.
I hope that my sincerity and the Truth of the message can reach your heart and inspire you to make the right choice as you face the fork in the road.

It is ALL about our Heavenly Father and our Saviour.
We are just vessels, instruments He might use, and I hope and pray that at the end of my stay here on Earth I will have been a useful vessel, and not too much of an obstruction to His cause.
I may not be politically correct, and some of the things I write may come across as offensive.
Don't feel offended, but stand back and get in touch with your conscience, or better, get in touch with the One who created the conscience and ask Him to guide you in matters of Truth.
Because to the extent that you recognize and embrace Truth in your heart, you will be able to recognize and embrace Truth in others.

Make the right turn when the fork in the road forces you to choose.