The Timeline - II
Before I move on to part three I want to provide you
with illustrations of what I have discussed.
After all, a picture tells more than a thousand words.
In my previous post I made it clear that our Body is
like a portal which enables our Spirit and Soul to become part of a motion through different interconnected cycles, and we experience this motion as 'time'.
Life is like one big cycle with a beginning and an end,
comprising MANY other sub-cycles as well are being part of and influenced by
the dynamics of other (external) cycles.
And yet our Life is a slice, or a different manifestation, of the phenomenon 'Life' as a cyclic phenomenon within a generational line of 'Lives'.
Before we could enter the cyclic motion of time, the cycle of our Life had to be 'activated' by a preceding cyclic manifestation of the phenomenon 'Life' in the form of the Lives of our parents.
Or, to put it in simple terms, we could only be activated as part of the timeline because the trigger for our birth was given by our parents.
So, why do I express simple things with such an elaborate and difficult way?
Because I want to change your perpective of what you refer to as 'time'.
I used the analogy of a sine wave to depict the
dynamics of the dualistic cyclic movement, including the movement of the cycle
of Good vs. Evil:
A period or cycle in this case is an upward and downward slope, from A to B.
The different 'periods' of the sine wave are like different experiences or
slices of one and the same cycle of the sine wave.
The ongoing series of different periods of sine
waves therefore are like moving around the edge of the same circle representing
the cycle:
This constant motion around the 'edge of the circle',
going through different manifestations of what in essence is one and the same
circle, is what we experience as a 'timeline'.
We relate to those experiences just as we processed them:
in a sequential order, and our way of doing this is by putting them all on a
shelf, a linear timeline featuring a neat order of consecutive manifestations
of the circle:
Yet these items we have placed on the shelf of our
timeline are nothing other than different experiences of one single circle, or
cycle, experiences we processed and went through in a sequential order:
ALL of these different perspectives combined form a
complete 4-D perspective of the circle, the cycle, yet instead of being able to
perceive the 4-D picture in one moment we are put through a 3-D journey through
the different perspectives which together complete the 4-D picture.
Time is nothing other than a perpetual string of cycles repeating
themselves, allowing us to experience the different manifestations or 'slices'
of a cycle as the cycle manifests in slightly different yet similar ways.
When we are born, our first and most immediate and
all encompassing exposure is to the environment of our parents in all its
different aspects.
Due to our wrong responses to the faults of our
parents and the composition of our DNA, we inherit the dynamics of their cyclic
In other words: we begin to move to the rhythm of their beat, the dynamic motion of their
cycle of their Life.
The cycle incorporating the dynamics of Evil vs. Good
replicates itself in us, and we end up perpetuating the same dynamics of the
cycle of our forefathers.
The dynamics of the cycle of our parents may have
produced genetic mutations in the form of degenerative diseases which are
passed from one generation to the next.
After all, the dynamics of the cycle have a Spiritual,
Mental and Physical component, and where the Spiritual component is
instantaneous, the Physical component is like a recorder with all the wrong
information locked in its memory and therefore slow to change the conditioning
to the memory content.
The fear of genetic mutations passing from one
generation to another creates so much stress in some people that they will even amputate healthy body parts preventively, as one actress did who recently had her
breasts removed in order to avoid ending up like her mother who died of breast
Unfortunately, taking away a Body part does not take
away the Spiritual and Mental cause, and removing the breasts will only cause
the wrong dynamics of her parents' cycle to manifest in a different way.
It is sad to see people 'preventively' mutilating
themselves like that, just because a doctor added fuel to the flames of fear by
telling his patient that there is a 90% chance that the disease of her mother
will also strike her.
Blind guiding the blind.
Our exposure to Evil manifesting in the dynamics of
the cycle of our parents causes us to become imprinted with the dynamics of
their cycles.
In our current fallen state we tend to put up the wrong
defense whenever we are confronted with Evil.
Our 'natural' form of resistance is anger, hatred,
resentment, emotions which our fallen pride uses as a way of asserting and
strengthening itself.
These emotions cause our Soul to release energy which
'amplifies' the emotion, and imprints us with the memory of Evil residing
within our brains.
In our brains a memory of the event where Evil tempted
us is formed as a recording, and this recording is linked to the emotions
involved in our wrong resistance to the Evil temptation.
Not only that, but the Soul opens up a portal for Evil
influences and a matching Evil Spirit which can enter us and shape our
character and our lives in its image.
The problem is that the emotion of
anger/hatred/resentment now is linked to the memory of the event where we
responded in the wrong way to Evil.
This means that whenever we get upset and angry or resentful, we end up strengthening all other memories which are connected to the emotion,
like pulling on the string of a web which sets the entire web in motion.
So, if you get upset and angry because you missed a
train, you end up triggering the emotion linked to many other memories
including the wrong way you reacted to being exposed to the Evil of your
parents, a memory which may be hidden in the recesses of your sub-consciousness.
The result is that you end up releasing energy from
your Soul which activates conditioning patterns linked to the memories,
conditioning patterns which came forth out of being imprinted with the dynamic cycle
of your parents.
Triggering an emotion which is linked to traumatic
events causes your Soul to release energy which strengthens the memories of
these events and the Evil associated with them.
We end up sending energy through the many sub-cycles
which are part of the dynamics of our parents' cycle we 'inherited', and we
AFFECT those cycles to the extent that they now incorporate MORE Evil then
EVERYTHING and EVERY cycle is linked, and by
responding in the wrong way to temptation rising from the dynamics of one cycle
we end up changing the dynamics of other cycles.
The energy our Soul releases as a result of hating
someone or being resentful over something travels through ALL those links to
other cycles and changes them in a negative way.
In the illustration, which is still an extremely
simplified representation of reality, the complex interconnected structure of
cycles, sub-cycles and different manifestations of cycles over time is depicted.
It is not hard to imagine how, if you release energy
in Cycle 1, this energy becomes like a stream of electricity traveling through the multitude of
different links, thereby affecting the dynamics embedded within the cycles.
If that energy is the transformed energy resulting
from Sin, then it will affect the dynamics of the other cycles in a negative
The passing of the dynamics from one generation to the
next is referred to in the Bible, like in Exodus 20, where YHWH refers to this
process as 'visiting the sins of the fathers upon the children'.
Thus we come to perpetuate the cyclic imprisonment of
our parents within the setting of our own lives, and depending on the choices
we make we either build upon our inheritance of their cyclic motion which has
reproduced itself in us, perhaps even adding new Sins to the dynamics, OR we
learn to let go, and let YHWH deal with temptation in areas where our parents failed.
When we learn to let go and surrender it to YHWH, He
sets out to destroy the force emanating from the dynamics of Evil temptation,
and He uses our exposure to temptations as moments to sculpt out our character
in His image, creating different manifestations of the cycles in our lives
which incorporate more of His Light.
After all, caving in to temptations of pleasure or
hate = puffing up (feeding) our pride = transforming energy from YHWH into energy in service of
Evil = hating YHWH = perpetuating the
inheritance of the cycle of our forefathers.
But, letting go of temptations into pleasure or hate =
deflating our pride by withholding its food =
NOT giving energy to Evil = loving YHWH = breaking the cycle of our
parents which holds us captive in bondage to Evil.
We are given the opportunity to become the first
generation which passes on a new cycle to the next generations because YHWH has
the power to break the yoke of the legacy we inherited from our forefathers in
us so that we do not burden our children the way we have been.
I have
written about the relationship between the balance of Good vs. Evil in a
society, and the destructive end result of a growing imbalance in favor of Evil.
illustration here what happens when individuals begin to identify with the
deception of Evil to a greater extent than before.
dynamics of their personal cycle shifts in favor of a greater presence of Evil
and support of the deception of Evil, and a lessened support for and tolerance of expressions of
some individuals come to realize the deception of Life on Earth, and they
suffer as their eyes are opened to the presence of Evil within them, and how
this Evil affects them, causing thoughts to rise in them, making them say and do things
which are contrary to their Spirit.
They do not close their eyes nor go along with Evil, but it vexes them so that they cry out to be saved from this vexation.
When these
individuals cry out to YHWH to be saved, YHWH becomes their Yahshua who
delivers them and changes them from within.
change is reflected in an identification with YHWH and His Spirit, and as a
result the cycle of their internal reality in terms of Good vs. Evil begins to
change in favor of Good.
you take these two individuals I mentioned, one identifying to a greater degree
with Evil and the other growing closer to YHWH, the Source of all Good, and
their identities merge with the source of their identification to a greater
degree than before, the stress caused by the imbalance between these individuals will
increase to greater proportions, crying out for resolve.
this imbalance between those who chose for Evil and those who chose for YHWH
grows to greater extremes, invariably you will see the phenomenon that the pure
aggressive character of Evil will express itself through the individuals who
identify with Evil, which is depicted as the red arrow and the red lightning bolt in the illustration.
means that since these individuals grow increasingly uncomfortable with the presence of those who identify with YHWH (the blue arrow and lightning bolt in the illustration), they will seek to remove the
source of that stress, which they identify as the group of people loving YHWH and adhering to His instructions.
all, the ones who identify with Evil experience YHWH's presence in their hearts as a stress,
and therefore they seek to block His Light in their hearts in order to get rid of the stress the Light brings them.
when they are confronted with the presence of this Light in the hearts of
others, the presence of this Light is a reminder of that which they sought to erase in their own hearts,
and they experience this as a stress and a source of annoyance in their minds.
respond to this stress by a 'natural aversion' of and anger towards the ones
they deem to be responsible for the stress, meaning that they will project their
anger and strong aversion on their scapegoat.
As the
imbalance grows, the stress of the imbalance makes the ones who identify with
Evil seek for ways to eliminate the ones who identify with YHWH in order to
block out the presence of His Light shining in them.
Together, the ones who identify with Evil and the ones who identify with YHWH bring forth
the dynamics of the cycle of Good vs. Evil in a society.
As the
number of the group which identifies with Evil grows, and the group of people
who identify with Good diminishes, the dynamics of the cycle change.
affects the total cycle of a
society or empire in the sense that society is descending on a sliding scale, which is the downwards slope of the sine wave which ultimately brings about its correction in the form of its destruction.
NO empire has existed which managed to escape this law of dynamics.
NO empire has existed which managed to escape this law of dynamics.
As the
group of people identifying with Good becomes smaller, a minority of a society, and the group of
people identifying with Evil grows bigger, and society as a result begins to manifest and
promote the deception of Evil on a larger and more intense scale, the stress of
the imbalance between the two groups causes the group which identifies with
Evil to seek for ways to force the other group, -which they deem to be
responsible for being a stress on society and a hindrance on the road of progress-, to conform to the prevailing
ideology of society.
to comply with the demands of society results in the demonization of the group of people who still identify
with Good, and who seem to be a perpetual strumbling block on the road of 'progress' as society embraces the deception of Evil to an ever increasing degree.
As a result, the
group of people identifying with the deception of Evil will seek for ways to
turn their ideology into laws which force the other group to conform, or to face persecution as a just penalty for their failure to comply and conform.
process is in full swing in Western nations, especially the USA where the demonization of Christians is assuming preposterous proportions, simply because they refuse to accept doctrines which their nation has embraced, yet which have their roots in deception.
process of intolerance towards those who identify with Good will continue to
grow, until it tears up the fabric of society and brings about its own
After all, the embrace of the lies of Evil means the embrace of the character of Evil, which is destruction and annihilation, non-existence.
comes a certain point where Evil has reached the limit which YHWH set upon the imbalance created by the presence of Evil.
Before any nation reaches that point, YHWH will issue warnings in the form of stress, such as drought, extreme weather conditions, diseases, disasters, etc.
These warnings are expressions of the stress of the imbalance caused by Evil, like little mirrors YHWH holds up to a nation.
Failure to acknowledge these warnings will inevitably lead up to the point where the imbalance has reached its limit and is not allowed to cross that line.
Before any nation reaches that point, YHWH will issue warnings in the form of stress, such as drought, extreme weather conditions, diseases, disasters, etc.
These warnings are expressions of the stress of the imbalance caused by Evil, like little mirrors YHWH holds up to a nation.
Failure to acknowledge these warnings will inevitably lead up to the point where the imbalance has reached its limit and is not allowed to cross that line.
That is the moment when YHWH becomes a mirror unto the Evil in society and the people living in it, and He reflects the FULL extent of Evil back unto itself.
The preceding warnings were like miniature versions of the reflection of the destructive character of Evil, but when a nation does not heed the warning and continues to feed the tension of the imbalance, the full extent of the destructive character of Evil is unleashed upon the nation.
The nation will be forced to look in YHWH's mirror and experience what it has become: Evil, destructive.
The preceding warnings were like miniature versions of the reflection of the destructive character of Evil, but when a nation does not heed the warning and continues to feed the tension of the imbalance, the full extent of the destructive character of Evil is unleashed upon the nation.
The nation will be forced to look in YHWH's mirror and experience what it has become: Evil, destructive.
means that whereas Evil sought to destroy Good and those in support of what is
Good, YHWH will destroy Evil and the ones who support and have become instruments of Evil.
nation or empire has suffered destruction, and out of its ashes arises a new
slice of the cycle called 'empire', a cycle with a beginning where the empire
emerges, followed again by the downward motion on the slope of the dynamics in this
cycle which will result in its destruction.
cyclic motion of empires is a beautiful illustration of how we travel through
different slices of cycles.
These different 'slices' are like different empires belonging to the cycle (or concept) 'empire', a cycle with a beginning and end.
A cycle is the dualistic manifestation of a concept, containing smaller cycles which produce the total dynamic of the cycle they are part of and linked with.
This total dynamic is a point in the sine wave which illustrates the rise and fall of an empire.
instance, the concept or cycle of a day is one cycle consisting of the alternating dualistic pattern of light and
darkness, and this cycle is once again subdivided in smaller cycles of morning-afternoon/evening-night, hours, minutes, seconds, ad infinitum.
Yet the
cycle of a day is also linked to other cycles, such as the cycles of seasons influencing the manifestation of the cycle of a day, or a the cycle of health - illness where the experience of the day is influenced by being ill or being healthy for instance.
Many of
these cycles on a great multitude of different levels are linked and joined
together to form the dynamic of our experience related to moving through the multitude of different 'slices' of different cycles.
We refer to this motion as 'moving through time', a journey of moving through a great multitude of different cycles.
from the rise and fall of one empire to the same dualistic motion of the next
empire is like moving through the activation of different slices of the same
circle or cycle (in this case the cycle 'empire').
It is
like walking around the edge of the same circle called 'empire', yet experiencing
different manifestations of that circle, which are the equivalent of different
This is
how the cycle 'empire' is like a 'stretched-out circle' so that it becomes a
from the top the helix looks like a circle, yet when you look from the side you
can see how this circle seems to be 'stretched-out', so that as we have completed our walk
around the edge of the circle (as it appears to us if we look from the top), we
begin a second walk around the perimeter yet on a different slice of the same
circle on a lower level.
The same
principle can be applied for the cycle of one 24-hour day.
An hour is yet another sub-cycle, -a 'child of', connected to the cycle of the day ('the parent'), thereby creating the phenomenon of cycles within cycles within cycles and so forth.
All of these cycles and sub-cycles are interconnected, thus creating a hugely complex tapestry of what we perceive as a dead simple concept of a timeline moving from past to future.
An hour is yet another sub-cycle, -a 'child of', connected to the cycle of the day ('the parent'), thereby creating the phenomenon of cycles within cycles within cycles and so forth.
All of these cycles and sub-cycles are interconnected, thus creating a hugely complex tapestry of what we perceive as a dead simple concept of a timeline moving from past to future.
From the
top, the day looks like a two-dimensional circular cycle of light and darkness with us moving around the same perimeter over and over again.
Yet seen from the side, these different days are like interconnect slices of the same concept (circle)
creating a helix.
different slices are manifestations of the same concept of the 24-hour day, yet
in different settings which allow for a different perspective of the same phenomenon.
So, what we refer to as time is really a helix structure of ongoing cycles with a dualistic rhythm.
Interestingly, our DNA has a double helix structure, as if this concept of cyclic motion
through different experiences of one and the same phenomenon in terms of Good
and Evil is illustrated in our source-code.
But then again, our DNA is MUCH more than the 'source-code' of our physical make-up.
It regulates our perception of the physical reality, it is capable of translating us into different dimensions, it is an extremely advanced superconductor, it enables 'intuitive communication', and much more.
To think that in spite of the highly advanced design many scientists believe that our DNA consists of 90% junk-DNA, as if the Designer was an amateur, is a level of ignorance and stupidity which boggles my mind, and I guarantee you that in 50 years time scientists will scratch their heads in amazement over this kind of stupidity and ignorance.
But, that is a completely different subject matter which I will not discuss here.
In the next episode I will discuss how the cyclic motion of time relates to prophecy.
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