The Principle - V
Life on this stage is like a night out at the opera, a physical dream of
existence in a realm which is but a
projection, a holographic setting which enables us to experience Dualism within
We see and experience the presence of that which exists, Good, and that
which cannot exist, Evil.
And from the dynamics between Good and Evil an intimate knowledge of
both is born.
This knowledge enables us to make the choice.
And yet, even though in our physical dimension nothing is real and
lasting, and everything is a projection of energy manifesting to us in the
bandwidth we refer to as the physical realm, our EXPERIENCE of Life on Earth is
extremely real, isn't it?
Try ignoring a tooth ache, try walking through a wall, and it will
become clear to you that this illusion of the physical realm has a very real
and tangible impact on us in terms of our experience of it.
Often I find myself perplexed at YHWH's incredible intelligence, that He
is able to create something as complex as our Creation with its infinite
different yet intertwined layers of dimensions and their reality, as well as
creating individual experiences for us as we move through His creation.
We, as His creatures, are like miniature creations, and YHWH gives all
of His attention to the tiniest detail of our lives as well.
Consider how real our experience of our Life on Earth is.
And yet, the reality of living in a physical human Body itself is but
part of a simulation designed to make the experience of internal Dualism
And in spite of the strength of the illusion, even Death itself is an
Yes, we see Death all around us, but the notion of non-existence (Death)
can never exist.
Everything exists in YHWH, and non-existence as an observable concept is
part of an artificially engineered structure of a Dualistic physical realm.
Death on this stage is the image (the physical avatar) of a horrible
reality no one in his right mind would want to choose for.
When we die we do not cease to exist.
Instead, we become part of a different reality we have chosen as our destiny during our
Life in our current realm.
In the play of Life we make choices which determine the reality we shall
be part of once we have finished acting out our role here on stage.
We do not cease to exist, but we will exist in a reality which opens up
as a result of the choices we make right here and now.
We either enter the portal leading to the reality where we live in the
presence of YHWH and His goodness and kindness, or a reality where we live as
an integral part of an artificial simulation (a dream) which depicts what it
means to be part of a reality without YHWH, or, Evil.
So, the choices we make here are of the highest importance, because
based on our choices we end up on the heads or tails side of the coin of
Dualism, and the tails-side of this coin is vexation to the extreme, an
existence of being stuck in a dream within a dream within a dream where we are
frozen in point zero of Creation.
In that state our EXPERIENCE of eternity is the result of being stuck in
a pseudo-eternity, a looped existence where the end is merged with the
beginning, an existence where we move around the edge of the same wheel over
and over again with nothing every changing for the better.
Although our reality is individual in nature, since we are receiving it
into our individual minds, and the movement of time likewise is an individual
experience, we DO share with others a common playground of the scenery in which
we live and operate.
This means that in spite of the individual nature of reality, it also is
collective, because our individual realities overlap in the greater picture
which YHWH created for our existence here in this theater.
This overlap allows us to influence and shape the reality of others, be
it for Good, or for Evil.
Dualism is the reason why empires collapse under their own weight.
Within the foundation upon which empires are built Evil is present, and
as such an empire is obstructed from the very beginning.
The growth of the Evil seed within the foundation of an empire and the
havoc it produces, all of which is the outcome of Dualism, can
also be expressed in terms of economic, social and political laws.
These laws describe prevailing consecutive trends (cycles) throughout
history which are part of the rise and fall of empires.
Through analysis of the trends, and observing the historical progression
of trends, it becomes possible to assess the current stage of an empire within
the context of a cycle or trend, and based on the historical statistical data
it is possible to extrapolate the data to make an accurate prediction for the
It is possible to capture the details of the dualistic dynamics in a complex algorithm by means of which you can generate a computer model of the future, and the more accurate you are in your algorithmic description of the dynamics, and the more details you are able to incorporate in the algorithm, the greater the accuracy will be of the computer model.
It is possible to capture the details of the dualistic dynamics in a complex algorithm by means of which you can generate a computer model of the future, and the more accurate you are in your algorithmic description of the dynamics, and the more details you are able to incorporate in the algorithm, the greater the accuracy will be of the computer model.
The dynamics caused by Dualism and the cyclic motion evolving from it
makes this possible.
After all, everything in this realm manifests the principle of Dualism,
and Dualism is responsible for the cyclic manifestation of time.
Because you have experienced many cycles of a day you know it is
quantized into 24 equal segments called 'hours', you know that the 'day-part'
begins with emerging light, that it gradually increases in intensity, and then
after the peak of intensity it slowly decreases its intensity until it gives
way to darkness, and you can accurately predict the stage of the day by means
of the presence of light in it.
The lifecycle of empires is not different from the cycle of a day,
because both are regulated by dualistic principles.
The entire sequence of events we refer to as a timeline is nothing other
than a string of the same cycles manifesting in slightly different
Dualism is the mother of the cyclic motion.
The cycle which is birthed by Dualism consists of this: a beginning
contrasted with an end, and the dynamics from the beginning to end follow
predictable patterns which make it possible to accurately predict the stage of
a cycle.
When the cycle has reached its end, its end becomes again the beginning
of the same cycle, albeit in a different incarnation.
The dynamics of an empire by means of which the cycle moves from its beginning to its
end are caused by the dynamics of Good vs. Evil embodied within Dualism.
These dynamics can be expressed in terms of an algorithm describing the cycle and the possible outcomes at a certain point in that cycle.
These dynamics can be expressed in terms of an algorithm describing the cycle and the possible outcomes at a certain point in that cycle.
Does this mean we can predict YHWH and His interference?
Although we can predict the fact that YHWH will interfere, we cannot predict how and when He will interfere, that is His secret and His prerogative.
The Fallen Ones try to turn YHWH into the horse pulling their cart
because of the dynamics involved in the principle of Dualism.
"If we want to realize our objective C, we first have to do A so
that YHWH has to respond with B, and when YHWH has responded with B we will be
able to realize C".
The Forces of Evil seek to manipulate YHWH into taking action in order
to realize their own agenda, because they are very aware of the dynamics
involved in the Dualistic principle.
But YHWH is unpredictable, He is not cyclic.
You never know when exactly He will interfere, and how He will choose to
interfere, and that is what the Forces of Evil fear most: the unpredictable
aspect of YHWH's character.
You cannot turn YHWH into an automaton, because even though He created
Dualism and the dynamics involved in the Dualistic interplay between Light and
Darkness, the way and timing of the manifestation of the Light is controlled by
YHWH, and more than that, the manifestation of Darkness is part of His plan and
under His control.
Empires carry within themselves the seed of their own destruction, just
as we carry within our own Body the seed of our own destruction, Evil.
When we are born we seem so sweet and adorable, but as we grow up we cannot
help but fall to Sin, and feed the identity of Evil which builds on the
imbalance caused by the presence of the memory of Evil in our Body.
And with each Sin we commit, we increase the tension of the imbalance.
And with each Sin we commit, we increase the tension of the imbalance.
However, we do not die the moment we are born just because we carry the
genetic imprint of Evil within our Body.
YHWH allows for us to grow and for Evil to mature, in the end
manifesting its nature in the Death of the Body.
Likewise, even if in the beginning the foundation of an empire seems
noble and good, it inevitably incorporates the mark of Evil and is bound to
bring forth fruit after the seed of Evil.
Just as we strengthen the false identity of Evil within us with each Sin
we commit, an empire gives strength and life to its Evil seed with each
individual who comes to identify with Evil and act on behalf of the agenda of Evil in society.
As the number of these individuals increases, so does their influence in
The very structure of empires today carries the image of the Fallen One,
because whereas YHWH builds according to the principle of individuals together
forming the Body of a society, the Fallen One builds from the perspective of
the collective shaping the individual.
This is why all empires have a great wall of Ranks and Rites, sometimes
so extreme that the one with the highest rank is revered as a god, like the Roman emperors or North-Korea's
Both principles of construction, where YHWH builds something from the
ground up while the Fallen Ones impose a structure from the top down, are
opposite contrary movements, which is the outcome of Dualism where Evil mimics
YHWH in reverse.
This principle of the collective transforming the individual into an
integral part of the collective through pressure and seduction is present not just in the macro-structure of
all the empires and nations on Earth.
We also find it in the micro-structures of companies and their
We find it in the education system and its way to 'educate' by means of
raping the mind, where true living understanding is replaced by a dead pseudo-understanding of mere intellectual absorption.
We find the principle in families and the family culture which destroys
unique characters and delivers a conformed extension of that culture, be it in
the form of the conformist or the rebel who bases the values of his life on his
reaction against the family culture.
Both the conformist and the rebel are shaped by what they adopt or react
against, because both have in common that they are the result from a
reactionary attitude.
Evil is in essence reactionary in nature, so both the conformist and the
rebel end up conforming to the Evil acting through the pressure of cultural
demands, either through acceptance of through accepting a reactionary lifestyle against it.
Evil creates the imbalance, and the more it absorbs energy to manifest
itself, the greater the imbalance becomes.
The very existence of an empire already incorporates the imbalance, and as
this imbalance grows it attracts its own destruction.
It takes time for the imbalance to grow to such proportions that the
manifestation of Evil expresses its character in the death of an empire, just
as it takes time for our Bodies to express the nature of Evil within the Body
in the form of the Death of the Body.
Just as we are born to die because we are flawed in our very foundation,
empires are born for destruction because they are flawed in their foundation.
They have already an imbalance right from the onset embedded within
their structure, and as the individual cells of an empire, the people, feed
that imbalance by catering to Evil, the imbalance increases right up to the
moment where it is so great that it unleashes the correction brought forth by
Remember, the proper balance for Creation is NO Evil whatsoever.
The slightest presence of Evil creates an imbalance, and Dualism exists
by the grace of YHWH allowing a measure of imbalance in order that the
character of Evil can manifest itself in Creation.
But YHWH will allow only a margin of Evil He has predetermined, and once
that margin is full and Evil seeks to go beyond that margin, YHWH steps in and
holds up His mirror to Evil, which means that Evil receives in that mirror that
which it is and what it seeks to bring to manifestations of Good in an empire:
Inevitably, the extent to which the cells of the Body of an empire merge
their identities with Evil and pass Evil for Good, is the extent to which they
add to the imbalance caused by the Dualism.
As the imbalance grows, it attracts the correcting force of the mirror
of Good.
This means that the charactertraits of Evil are mirrored by YHWH, which
we refer to as a 'judgment upon the nation'.
YHWH does not destroy because He is Evil, but because He holds up a
mirror to Evil in which Evil experiences a reflection of that which it is:
violence, bloodshed, injustice, immorality, perversity.
If YHWH would hold up His mirror of existence to an individual who seeks
to do Good, then this individual would experience YHWH not as a judgment, but
as a Reinforcer of that which he loves.
Light amplifies light, but it destroys Darkness.
Light amplifies light, but it destroys Darkness.
YHWH corrects the imbalance caused by Evil by mirroring back the nature of Evil to itself, so that cracks of division within the structure of the empire begin to show and tear up
the fabric.
And as the cracks increase and split the body of the empire, its
destruction is all too often completed in internal power-struggles and
This is how YHWH exposes the character of Evil: YHWH holds up the mirror
of existence by means of which the properties of Evil are reflected back to Evil.
Thus Evil becomes a destruction unto itself.
Once an imbalance begins to grow, you can be certain that this tension
MUST be resolved, either through repentance of the people who are part of the
empire from their identification with Evil, or by destruction.
The final empire on Earth before Yahshua's kingdom will translate into a
reality on Earth which will swallow up the entire Earth in the greatest Evil
YHWH will allow the Evil One to turn the entire Earth into the
'OFF-state' of Evil, so that it creates the greatest imaginable imbalance where
Evil rules from a pyramid top-down structure enforcing conformity on the
individual to the collective.
It is like the pendulum being allowed to swing all the way over to the
left in favor of Evil, so that YHWH can swing the pendulum back ALL the way to
the right.
When YHWH will mirror this extreme Evil it will experience total
annihilation, just as it sought to annihilate YHWH's presence on Earth.
The complete make-over of Earth in the image of Evil is the
precursor to the complete make-over of Earth in the image of YHWH's
Then Yahshua's kingdom will put the entire Earth into the 'ON-state' of
YHWH's Goodness just as Evil sought to put all of Earth into the 'OFF-state' of
Instead of a pyramid power structure transforming individuals into a
collective of the pyramid machine by means of enforcing conformity, in
Yahshua's kingdom it is the love in the hearts of individuals which unites them
as individuals into Yahshua's empire, one which is built from the ground up,
the inside out.
Everything in our realm is binary in nature, even our entrance in this
realm which knows a moment of being born and a moment of dying, a beginning and
an end, an 'ON' and an 'OFF'-state.
In this short time span we are set on the stage we need to make choices,
and from these choices the reality for our Soul and Spirit evolves.
That is why we are here: to make the choice and be shaped by it into the
person YHWH wants us to be.
Within Dualism Evil manifests as a horrible reality to illustrate what
it means for us to miss out on existence we may have in YHWH.
This is why we experience Evil as very unpleasant and a torture to our
Soul and Spirit: to impress on our minds what it truly means to choose against
YHWH as well as learning to appreciate the quality of YHWH's character from
that perspective.
It should be self-evident to any sane man or woman that it is only
natural to choose for love, kindness, and goodness.
If those qualities are pillars of YHWH's character, then who in his
right mind would choose to abandon Him in favor of hatred, meanness, and Evil?
Dualism exists to allow us to experience and appreciate YHWH's character
from the perspective of knowing that which He is not, or, to phrase it
differently, we are here to experience YHWH from the binary nature of Dualism
and develop love for Him from that perspective, the perspective of choice and
free will to exercise the choice.
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