The Principle - III
New Agers solved the issue of Evil by putting on
blinding glasses.
They seek to reason the presence of Evil away by
creating a different perspective of looking at what we call Evil and division,
yet their solution is the equivalent of making yourself unconscious to the
presence of Evil by looking through thick, stained glasses which eliminate the awareness
of the presence of Evil.
Other glasses exist which create the same blindness
towards the ugly face of Evil.
Like the 'justification glasses' which paint a reality
people simply accept and choose to support because they are in slavery of the
benefits which come with acceptance and support of the system of Evil.
They include Evil as furniture in their world, readily accepting it and giving it a prominent place in their home.
The glasses of New Age also seek to 'include Evil' so
that it blends in their rosy colored world view, a world devoid of separation and
division, the 'unified field' of New Age.
New Agers simply redefine Evil on their 'own' terms so
that their concept of Evil becomes a false representation of what Evil truly is.
Yet by believing in their Falsehood New Agers simply
turn themselves into an extension of the very phenomenon they are in denial of.
'Love is the answer', so the New Age religion
preaches, yet even though we should all strive to love continuously, their
concept of what love is turns the statement into a lie.
If love seeks to join the Spiritual equivalent of
matter and antimatter, Good and Evil, the end result is not one big happy
family, but a big bang which destroys everything.
True love can never accept Evil and make allowances
for it, because Evil is anti-love, hate.
You cannot join the light of day with the darkness of
the night by blinding yourself to their fundamental difference.
While both are part of one and the same 24 hour period of a day, the
manifestation of the day-part of the day is the complete opposite of the
manifestation of the night-part of the day, and they have no common ground that
they can be joined.
Yet New Age reasons this basic Dualism away by a
deluge of deceptive and often illogical combination of words aimed to persuade
you into leaving behind your understanding and imbibe its insanity.
concentrating on what separates you, but instead replace it with a view of what
binds you, what you have in common, and you will learn to eliminate the projection of your own mind which you refer to as Evil'.
It may sound very nice on the surface, but if you
put it in practice you will discover that instead of the manifestation of
paradise, the very thing the New Agers are in denial of, Evil, will grow and
smack you in the face with its strengthened presence.
Evil does not allow you to reason it away anymore than
you can reason away the fact that your house is on fire.
First you have to acknowledge it, next you have to act
to prevent your house from burning down.
The New Age concept of Evil is a way of making
yourself blind to the true character of Evil, yet your blindness does not make Evil disappear.
It maintains its presence as it always has, only your
glasses prevent you from being aware of its presence and its true vile and sly
There is a very dangerous aspect of the New Age
pseudo-salvation: by giving Evil a false definition and explaining it away
based on this false definition, New Agers are tricked into embracing Evil, and by embracing Evil they not only end up
strengthening its presence and influence, they also hold the door open for
further infiltration of the Shadow world into the domain of Earth.
The Shadows wreak havoc on both a personal level and
the collective of the entire world, and by blinding themselves to the nature of the Shadows New Agers actually
end up adding to the division they seek to eliminate, and destroying the very
thing they are aiming for: Paradise on Earth.
If the Shadows succeed, mankind will no longer exist,
because they aim to substitute us.
For all human beings Evil is a reality, one we cannot possibly
deny, because we face it on a daily basis within us and without.
You can make yourself blind to it, but that only compounds
the problem.
The angels too are confronted with the presence of
Evil in the form of 'anti-angels', their former brothers who cut themselves off
from YHWH and became living embodiments of Evil.
This reality of the presence of Evil has led some to
believe that the Satan is the god of Evil, having the same authority and power
as YHWH.
If this were the case, we, -and ALL of Creation-, would
be in big trouble.
As a matter of fact, we would be extinct by now if the
Satan had the same power as YHWH.
But rest assured in the knowledge that the 'god of
Evil' stands beneath YHWH and in fact is dependent on what YHWH will allow.
Furthermore, this 'god of Evil' is not really a god,
because he cannot create the way YHWH can, nor is he a source of existence like
He does not have Life within himself, and as such he
is dependent on YHWH provision for Creation and what he can usurp.
Although the presence of Evil is very real and
tangible for us and the angels, the only reason why Evil is real for us is
because we and the angels MADE it real.
WE gave Evil our Life-force through our choice to sin,
and this choice transferred Life-force from our Spirit and Soul to the
manifestation of Evil so that it came alive in us, and projected itself through
us in our environment.
YHWH had to design an special environment for Evil to
be able to exist as a counterforce of
YHWH's Goodness.
Evil, Spiritual Darkness, can only exist as an
artificially created phenomenon in order for it to manifest the nature of something
which cannot exist.
To achieve this purpose energy is leeched, so that out
of this energy the manifestation of Evil grows into a reality on the level of
our Creation.
Evil is an avatar of non-existence which can only be
represented by a 'stylistic means of representation, an avatar, an artificially
created state of being'.
This is why Dualism is an artificial concept, because
it rests on the existence of both Good AND Evil.
Dualism is like a binary code of creation, which
simply states that 'Evil must embody
everything which YHWH is not'.
This makes Evil completely reactionary in nature.
Evil is the 'Off-state' of Creation.
It cannot exist as an independent force because it is
derived by means of the filter of Dualism which transforms energy into the
manifestation of the avatar of non-existence, Evil.
Evil grows and evolves out of a simple basic
instruction code in the same way as a human being grows out of the instruction
code embedded in DNA.
Evil is a simulation of what it is to live without
Since there is no other source of existence than YHWH, no one is able to live outside of Him, and Evil therefore can never exist in YHWH's reality.
The only way for YHWH to create existence for the un-existable is by means of a simulation, a special environment created for the purpose of manifesting the Dualism between Good and Evil, existence and non-existence.
The only way for YHWH to create existence for the un-existable is by means of a simulation, a special environment created for the purpose of manifesting the Dualism between Good and Evil, existence and non-existence.
Evil is like a symbolic avatar we are able to experience because we have been integrated into the 'simulation level' where Evil can exist.
This way we can know YHWH from the perspective of Dualism, and grow into the person we are designed to be.
This way we can know YHWH from the perspective of Dualism, and grow into the person we are designed to be.
When all of YHWH's children have completed the growth
process, the school of Dualism is closed and terminated, because it has served
its purpose as an artificial simulation which allowed us to learn and grow.
So, in spite of the fact that in reality Evil does not
exist, due to the fact that we are part of the Dualism simulation we experience
the avatar of Evil as something very real.
Evil manifests in millions of different variations on
the basic theme, which is the Spiritual DNA instruction 'to embody everything YHWH is
not, to manifest all aspects of anti-YHWH'.
To manifest all these different aspects Evil needs to
be energized, which means that Life-force needs to be transferred from the ones
who have it to the program code, the DNA of Evil.
We do this whenever we make the choice to sin.
Life-force is also harvested from the blood of the
Although YHWH knew that human sacrifice on Earth would
become common practice when He created the instruction code of Evil, His heart
could not fathom how man could sink to the depth of even sacrificing his own
Some of the variations on the basic theme of Evil
turned out to be so outlandish that YHWH said by mouth of His prophet
Jeremiah that 'it did not even come into His mind' when He told Jeremiah to
prophecy against the people of Israel who sacrificed their own children as an
offering to an idol.
Yet, even though there is such a plethora of different
ways in which Evil manifests to us that some are inclined to think of Evil as
an alternative source of existence, Evil in its most basic form simply comes
down to this one principle which YHWH programmed into His school simulation of
Dualism: to express everything which is anti-YHWH.
Life here on Earth as we have come to know it is part
of a simulation, a school where we learn lessons, not by committing dead
knowledge to our brain, but by experience which turns the lessons we learned
into living knowledge which changes us.
We experience the manifestation of what YHWH is not,
and it contrasts with the vision of our Spirit of YHWH's Light.
We meets obstacles and temptations which force us to
make a choice in our Soul how we will deal with the obstacle or the temptation.
The choice we make is our answer to the challenge
rising from the temptations and obstacles, and it shows whether or not we have
learned the lesson we needed to learn.
This lesson we need to learn is the tool which shapes
us into YHWH's vision of who we are created to be, and the answer of the choice translates
into a changed attitude and a renewal of our Soul in YHWH's image.
If we fail to come up with the right answer, YHWH will
allow the same temptation to come into our Life at another time, not because He
hates us, but because He loves us and He wants us 'to get it', to be changed
into His image of us, a better person.
The basic DNA instruction code of Evil is merely to express
everything which is anti-YHWH.
DNA uses the building blocks of creation (molecules) to
build a human Body so that we are literally 'printed' into the Physical
Likewise, the DNA of Evil uses the elementary building
blocks of metaphysical energy to build itself in accordance with its DNA, which
is reactionary in nature.
The DNA of Evil manifests in the reversal of the
polarity of the building blocks of Creation so that the Good Angels became Evil
Angels, anti-Angels.
But, everything in our world is so real, so tangible,
how can this possibly be part of a simulation?
The word 'simulation' often is connected to 'unreal',
'fantasy', and indeed from the perspective of the Angels in Heaven the reality
of our Physical dimension is of a lower order, like a dream.
But I am sure you all know how the emotions you
experience in a dream are very real, and they can affect you in real life after
waking up out of the dream.
Furthermore, as long as you are dreaming you
experience the dream as a very real environment.
Because we are put on Earth as integral parts of the Earth-dream, we experience this Physical realm as an
ultimate reality where everything we experience is part of this ultimate
But nevertheless, there is a greater reality than our
own, one of a higher order, one which is like the reality of real life.
Imagine you would like to be someone else, and
experience Life as the particular person you want to be.
In real Life this could never happen, but you COULD
program a virtual simulation on your computer in the form of a game where you
create a facsimile of the character you want to be.
Imagine that a helmet existed which would allow you to
be downloaded into the virtual reality of the computer game so that it would
become possible for you to exist as another person on the level of this
artificial computer reality, and that in the capacity of being 'downloaded into this avatar' you experience the emotional input and personality of this other person, an interactive virtual reality.
This would enable you to allow to experience something
which is not possible in real Life.
Likewise, Evil can ONLY exist on the level of a
simulation, the Dualism simulation, and we are 'downloaded' into a simulation where we experience that
which is not possible in real Life.
Still, even though we are part of a world which is of
a lower reality than the Spirit reality, the choices we make here on Earth have
a very real and lasting impact on the reality of the Spirit, and as such we
should not make the mistake of considering our Earth reality as insignificant.
Earth is not a simulation you can walk away from.
Earth is the fork in the eternal road of existence and
as such it is extremely significant.
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