The Principle - I
Sitting on the slope of the mountain, I marveled
at the kindness of my Heavenly Father, YHWH.
The world in the valley below was wrapped in obscure
dark clouds, a scenery where Shadows scurried to and fro, a stage where people
clashed with each other whenever the Shadows pulled the strings on their
It was a world fraught with misery and suffering, where the marionettes built their entire lives on the quest to escape, seeking for ways to blind themselves to the sad state of affairs.
Life in the valley was a giant cage filled with distractions dulling the awareness of being forced to live in a big prison.
It was a world fraught with misery and suffering, where the marionettes built their entire lives on the quest to escape, seeking for ways to blind themselves to the sad state of affairs.
Life in the valley was a giant cage filled with distractions dulling the awareness of being forced to live in a big prison.
How different this mountain was, full of Light, warmth
and the caressing hand of a gentle breeze.
On this mountain there was no oppressing Darkness bearing down on the shoulders of all those who lived on it.
Life in the valley all too often felt like a gaint weight pressing on the Soul, but here on the slope of the mountain I could enjoy Life as a carefree, unburdened experience.
On this mountain there was no oppressing Darkness bearing down on the shoulders of all those who lived on it.
Life in the valley all too often felt like a gaint weight pressing on the Soul, but here on the slope of the mountain I could enjoy Life as a carefree, unburdened experience.
I loved to be on this mountain, but I was unable to
climb it myself.
If I could climb it myself I would pack up my bags and
never ever return to the valley again.
But as it was I always had to wait until an invisible Arm
reached out to lift me up, away from the monochrome Shadow-world
into a world of Light and colors where I could breathe in true freedom for a
There could not be a greater contrast between my home
in this world on the mountain, and the alien world where Yah's own wandered
around as exiled aliens who seemed to have lost their way.
Yet even though I very much preferred to remain on the mountain forever, I knew that I always had to return to the Shadow Zone, because I had a job to do in the valley.
Yet even though I very much preferred to remain on the mountain forever, I knew that I always had to return to the Shadow Zone, because I had a job to do in the valley.
The Shadows knew about this world on the mountain, for
it used to be their home.
Yet when they began to hate YHWH so much that they jumped
from the mountain just to get away from His presence and escape from His Arm, they fell into the valley where they now lived as Shadows.
They became Shadows when they rebelled and lost their
Their entire world in the valley began to reflect
their image so that it became a Shadow zone, a world shielded from the Light
by the thick clouds hovering over it.
The Shadows knew about the mountain, and they
persuaded puppets they elected to put on a robe of Light to preach
about the path leading to the mountain, while guiding them on a path which
leads them further into the maze of the wheels of the big Lie.
These religious masks of the Shadow sympathizers only
served the goal of pushing the buttons of religious authority to make the
puppets respond with obedience, so that they might follow the path shown to
Yet the path which was promised to lead to the mountain ran in circles, endless circles of endless wheels turning together in service of the great wheel of the big Lie.
Through all the effort of following the circular path leading nowhere they surrendered their Life-force to the Queen of Darkness sitting on the throne at the top of the pyramid shaped contraption of wheels.
Yet the path which was promised to lead to the mountain ran in circles, endless circles of endless wheels turning together in service of the great wheel of the big Lie.
Through all the effort of following the circular path leading nowhere they surrendered their Life-force to the Queen of Darkness sitting on the throne at the top of the pyramid shaped contraption of wheels.
In exchange for keeping Souls locked into the grip of
the wheels, the religious wolves received a place of authority on the Wall of
Ranks and Rites, as well as the financial rewards which come with the rank.
The words of Mammon's Shadow preachers became a fog
the moment they escaped from their mouths, and as the fog settled on the minds
of the audience it robbed them of their sight of the path to the mountain.
In this fog the name of YHWH and the multitude of
different titles they bestowed on Him flickered like neon lightbulbs around the edge of their
billboards, and the spectacle of fog lit up by flickering neon lights together with a lithany of commercials promoting their salvation package, became a seductive stage performance drawing people in hypnotic fixation on a
false path leading them closer and in greater bondage to the Darkness within
the wheels serving the big Lie.
Many religious wolves taught people that blessings
first and foremost come in the form of an increase in finances, seducing them
and manipulating them for their own benefit by means of that concept.
The fatter their wallets grew to be, the more blood
dripped from the side of them.
How they loved to preach to their prisoners that 'the
more they would give, the more they would get', a lust-driven corruption of
what faith is, and what the blessings of faith are.
Thus they sought to bring their victims into the same
bondage of slavery as they were.
Yet how far removed their corrupt concept of blessings
was from the true and lasting blessings YHWH gave to His own!
Enticed by the Shadow-illusions of serving YHWH in the
capacity of lackeys in Babel's empire, they even turned YHWH into a commercial commodity,
an item which brings them fame and fortune, expecting that when their Life is
over they will be heralded by legions of Angels bowing before them as they
parade through the pearly gates of Heaven because they have 'preached the word'.
Yet they seemed to have forgotten how Yahshua drove
out the merchants from the temple, they seem to have turned a deaf to Yahshua when He said that they cannot serve Mammon AND YHWH.
The understanding and insight which YHWH gives me are
the true eternal blessings for which I cannot express my gratitude in mere
Rust cannot touch them, thieves cannot steal them
away for I keep them in my heart, and I will take these blessings with me when my marionette costume falls
away and I am released to return to the mountain forever.
Freely I receive, and freely I give.
As I abide on His mountain and He gives me one thing
after another, my heart simply melts in the presence of this infinite kindness
and goodness.
"If only
those who choose against Him would know exactly what they are denying
themselves, they would try to bury their faces in the sand out of shame for the
hardness of their heart, their stubborn stupidity, and their lack of kindness in
the face of the most gentle heart of YHWH".
Yet all too often they fall prey to the lies of
Shadows when they point their fingers at the mountain to put the blame on YHWH
for the things THEY are guilty of.
Just as they point their guilty fingers at YHWH, they
put the yoke of blame on Yah's own living in the valley, turning them into scapegoats in this nefarious Shadow play.
And the puppets all too often fall prey to selective blindness, seeing
only a Shadow-projection painting YHWH and His own in their monochrome taints
of grey.
YHWH blesses His own with jewels of understanding,
insight, virtues such as love and patience, and the kindness and the goodness
of His heart all too often leaves me searching in vain for words that might
describe my gratitude for trusting me with His personal jewels.
I do not understand because I cannot see why I should
be so special or different that I might be granted this privilege.
Yet I know that it is simply because of YHWH's nature,
and He gives His treasures and blessings liberally to ANYONE who comes to Him
out of love and knows to appreciate the jewels given to them.
YHWH is like someone who just loves it when He notices
that someone appreciates His true blessings and recognizes them for what they
are, and Who proceeds to rush back home to bring new bags of treasures just for
the sake of seeing the joy on the face of His own when they unpack His gifts.
YHWH is the great Giver, for He loves to give just for
the sake of bringing joy to us.
He even gave His own heart to us.
The Shadows took it and pierced His heart, holding it
up on a cross of ridicule for the entire stage to behold as an encouragement
for the wicked and a warning for the fearful.
But I love that heart to which my Soul cleaves, and
when the Shadows pierced that heart, they pierced mine as well.
Yet the blood which streamed from the pierced heart
became a river of Life flowing unto the stage, quickening and reviving
the Souls kept in the dark recesses of the great contraption seducing the
entire world.
The blood of the pierced heart revived the Body of
Yah's own and brought them back to the mountain.
Money is the blood of the great contraption, the
wheels within the great big wheel of the Lie.
It flows through its arteries to give Life to
wickedness like a river of Death, dulling and killing the Souls of the puppets partaking
of its cup of seduction.
Yet money in the artificial realm of the valley is
just dust upon which ILLUSIONS of grandeur and happiness are built.
It is the blood of the god binding the puppets in
slavery to its elixir, the greater tempter into Evil, yet in terms of real
value it is the equivalent of Monopoly money to the real world of the Spirit,
The blessings of love, patience, understanding, wisdom
and insight fueled by a sincere love for YHWH are like elixir to the Soul and Spirit.
They are watered by the river of Life, and to receive them is
to enjoy the greatest wealth imaginable.
Whereas hatred runs through the veins of the body of
Evil to give the various parts of the body life and energy stolen from others,
love runs through the veins of the body of YHWH's Goodness and bestows Life and
energy to the parts receiving the oxygen, the Breath of Life, carried by the
blood of YHWH's Heart, His strong Arm Who brought us restoration and a way out of this Shadow Zone.
It amazed me how this beauty from the world of the
mountain was able to enter and fill my heart in the midst of beholding the
surreal ugliness of the obnoxious presence of Evil in the valley on this stage.
Sometimes I would feel depressed and unhappy when my sight
was drowned by the overwhelming presence of so much Evil.
Yet whenever YHWH's Arm reached out and His Spirit,
His Ruach HaKodesh, lifted me up on the mountain, fixing my eyes on Yah's
presence, it felt like being lifted out of the TV box.
As if a switch was pulled which made the drab ugliness
of Evil appear like a distant image on a TV screen now flickering its light from
afar, while my eyes lit up as they were captivated by the presence of the
Bringer of Joy standing next to me.
And yet, Evil succeeded in filling the entire stage
with so many manifestations of Falsehood that it seduced a great multitude of
people into merging their identity with the Lie.
They gradually grew into Shadows themselves so that
when they were lifted out of their marionette costume, the Shadow Zone had
become their eternal habitat.
Noticing how so many persisted in living out the Lie
made me wonder.
I understand how the Lie can keep someone imprisoned for
a season.
Yet surely within everyone there is an ardent desire
to reach for Truth and search for it diligently?
I understand the feeling of betrayal when you discover
that what you were told and which you believed was just a lie.
I understand how this led some people to reject the
Creator because He was misrepresented by wolves serving their own self-interest and enriching themselves at their expense.
But surely, even if the tide of emotions can lock
someone in a prison of anger and bitterness for a season, there comes a time
when you stop evaluating everything by association, and start assessing something
or Someone for what He truly is?
Yet some build an ivory tower with thick walls upon the foundation of their anger and bitterness, making themselves blind to the dynamics which helped to create this foundation.
How is it that even after a long season of being on
the stage, many people still remained blind to the sinister game of the big contraption where it slaps a cog with the left hand and stretches out a consoling and
comforting right hand of acceptance?
It is just the game of the Devil's right and left
hand, feeding him with the release of energy arising from the response to the dynamics
as well as keeping people locked in that dynamic.
I found myself often wondering about the hardness of
heart I met in so many others on this same stage.
It was this hardness of heart and their ensnarement
into the dynamics of emotion evolving from the left-right hand
juggling act of the Devil which kept people from realizing the Truth, and thus rob
the deception game of its power.
All they needed to do was to learn to stand back from
the dynamics of their emotional involvement in the Death-scam perpetuated by
the Shadows, and learn to reach within, asking for YHWH to show them.
He ALWAYS honors the cry from the heart, and in my
life He has answered almost each single question I asked Him, while preparing
me to receive the answer to the remaining questions at a later time when I am
ready to receive the answer.
Yet so many people here in the valley turn their
resistance into a shield protecting their private comfort zone in a
cog-existence, persisting in views and judgments which were born from the emotions rising from a reactionary state of mind rather than understanding.
But since they buried the root of emotions in the deep cold grave of the invisibility zone of their subconscious mind, they no longer see the connection between their ideas and notions and the manipulation of their emotions which bought them their ticket into the game of deceit.
True understanding comes from standing under YHWH, all other forms of pseudo-understanding are born from standing under the Lie.
But since they buried the root of emotions in the deep cold grave of the invisibility zone of their subconscious mind, they no longer see the connection between their ideas and notions and the manipulation of their emotions which bought them their ticket into the game of deceit.
True understanding comes from standing under YHWH, all other forms of pseudo-understanding are born from standing under the Lie.
And deceit abounded here on the stage.
How few were able to see the part they played as
cogs in the wheels of the big Lie!
They put on glasses which were so thick and stained in
monochrome shades that they lacked the perception of the Shadow world they were
part of.
Looking across the stage I wondered about the various
incarnations of the contraption of wheels.
Over the centuries other contraptions were built to
replace parts of their predecessors, and I wondered why they kept building the
same contraptions over and over again on a foundation which was flawed.
It had a fatal flaw which always resulted in its own
Empires have sprouted up only to wither away as ugly
What is it that no sooner an empire comes into
existence, or it begins to suffer from a steadily growing cancerous tumor which
eventually overtakes and destroys the empire?
There is one aspect they all seem to have in common,
and which causes them to bring about their own destruction: their very
existence creates an imbalance, and the tension of the imbalance attracts its
own correction, which comes in the form of the destruction of that which caused
the imbalance.
All empires owe their existence to Babel because they are built in the image of her contraption of wheels.
Because of this, they share the same foundation, and this is why their very existence creates an imbalance, since the foundation carries the flaw of imbalance within itself: Evil.
All empires owe their existence to Babel because they are built in the image of her contraption of wheels.
Because of this, they share the same foundation, and this is why their very existence creates an imbalance, since the foundation carries the flaw of imbalance within itself: Evil.
The natural balance of Creation is not a ying/yang, a 50/50 proportion of Good and Evil, but a 100% Goodness and zero percent Evil.
The very presence of Evil creates an imbalance which
needs to be corrected.
The cause of the imbalance invariably lies in the foundation of the contraption itself, the deception of Evil, and the identification of the
individual cogs with this foundation.
The more they identify with the corruption and the
greater this corruption manifests itself at the expense of purity, the greater
the tension of the imbalance grows.
Thus the individual cogs, the marionettes, help to create the burden of the imbalance and add to it.
It is the choice of the single cells of an empire to
identify with Evil which gives life to the tumor which will destroy the
empire, and it is this choice which turns a living and thriving empire into a
collective suicide in the long run.
They identified with the flaw in the foundation, and as their corrupt identity transformed them into cancerous cells, the body of the empire was weakened and destroyed by the growing tumor.
All the empires in the valley were just variations on the same theme of the contraption of the wheels within the great wheel of the big Lie, and this is why they all shared the same degeneration which would result in their demise.
All of them were built on a foundation which was leavened with the Lie.
All the empires in the valley were just variations on the same theme of the contraption of the wheels within the great wheel of the big Lie, and this is why they all shared the same degeneration which would result in their demise.
All of them were built on a foundation which was leavened with the Lie.
So, what is Evil that it has the capacity to wrap
an entire realm in Darkness and turn it into a valley of Death standing in contrast with the
Light on the mountain?
I will explain.
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