The Voice of Madness - III
YHWH tries to snatch this theater out of MY hands, a theater which rightfully
belongs to ME, then I will snatch this entire theater out of YHWH's hands!
not just by mindless destruction."
'Babel had worked out a plan which she tried to implement many years ago, a plan which
YHWH ruined by flooding the stage.
Her plan was to re-design the Earth stage.
would implement a completely new order of species and plants, one which would replace YHWH's order.'
She had laid the ground work over the past years
through genetic manipulation of plants, vegetables, animals, and pharmaceutics
so that man would come to destroy himself.
Her plan was to take YHWH's crowning glory, man, and
re-invent him so that the body of man no longer would be able to harbor a human
soul and spirit, but it would become a vessel for the Shadows to dwell in.
Many disembodied demon spirits roamed on the stage.
YHWH's flood had robbed the Evil genetic mutants of their physical body and left them stuck in the bandwidth of the physical creation without the interface of a physical body, and Babel wanted to create her own
resurrection from the dead by creating bodies for these disembodied
spirits to dwell in.
The Shadows would finally have a body which was their
own, and Babel wanted to make sure that this new synthetic immortal body was
able to sustain itself with synthetic engineered food, food which was resistant to plagues, pests and drought, self-replicating synthetic food.
'Babel's plan even envisions the creation of biological
robots in the form of new animals, new insects, each fulfilling a useful
function in Babel's new ecological system.
She would improve their design and make them better
than what YHWH created.
In this new ecological system Babel did not assign any
place for man as YHWH created him.
It was Babel's New Order.
Not just a political system as many believed their
Novus Ordo Seclorum to be.
Not just the extermination of man.
No, it was much more than that, it was designed to be
a complete new order of life on Earth, a new ecological system with a new
'improved' man at the center, a man locked out of YHWH's order because he
belongs to a new order, Babel's New Order.
Babel has ambitious plans to create an order where the
current man no longer is needed for energy.'
If Babel succeeds in her purpose it would mean that
she has created a potential escape route out of the misery of Gehenna.
Babel and
her Shadow Servants will be able to live in the body of the new man, a body with no place in YHWH's order of Creation, but vessels which are suitable
homes for Evil Spirits.
The DNA of these synthetic bodies will provide them with a shield which blocks YHWH's
presence because it is an artifical synthetic derivative based on re-combined elements which do not exist within YHWH's order of life.
It will give them a place of relative independency from YHWH's order.
It will allow them to create a stronghold for
themselves in the dream reality of the physical dimension and thus escape the misery of Gehenna, giving
them the opportunity to partake of the good things the physical Creation offers like burglars feasting on YHWH's property.
This is why the Fallen Ones have their hopes set on
Babel, the Satan.
They believe Babel to be able to deliver them just as
we have our hopes set on Yahshua to deliver us from the consequences of having
fallen to Evil.
YHWH's Adam will be excluded from Babel's order, since this Adam belongs to
YHWH's order and therefore is unfit to take up a place in Babel's order.
now Babel still needs the energy she can draw out of the souls of men, and she has to allow the presence of Yah's people within her structures in order to keep a safe balance, but once
her new order is set up there will no longer be a need for the old man.
irony is that not only did Adam give his permission to Babel to use him as her
chess piece, but he also voluntarily decided to work in Babel's service, thus
enabling her to work towards her ambitious goal which would result in his
Babel laughed madly at this plan.
shows not only my competence as a creator on equal footing with YHWH, it also
illustrates in a crystal clear way that I am superior to YHWH."
whereas YHWH had plans to destroy her structure, she did not just mirror Him by
destroying YHWH's creation of Earth, no, she was busy inventing a completely
new order with a new human being wherein the disembodied Shadow Spirits
dwelled, thus proving to the host of Heaven that Babel the Exalted One was even
capable of resurrecting the dead just as YHWH could do.'
EVEN in my destruction I shall show myself to be superior, because I destroy by
creating something NEW.
Shadow darlings shall inherit the Earth, and NOT Your mind-numbing herd of meek sheep!"
Babel rose and walked up and down to calm the fury
welling up inside her.
To think of how she had been obstructed in her plans
for a new creation made her so angry that she wanted to tear down the fabric of
Heaven itself.
She would show for once and for all that she was even
better than YHWH by creating an entirely new order of life on Earth, an
entirely new eco-system where the Shadows shall live, Babel's paradise for her new Adam.
Babel would become their long awaited savior.
YHWH may have prophecied Babel's defeat, and she is all too aware of how Yah's people are out of her reach, but only losers indulge in a fatalistic acceptance of their defeat, and Babel does not consider herself a loser, no, quite the contrary.
In spite of YHWH's power she is determined to make the prophecy of her defeat fail.
She will fight with all her might to the last day, and if in spite of all her efforts YHWH will lock her into the dimension of the Pit, she will try to drag all of mankind with her into the Pit.
In spite of all her intellectual efforts Babel is
unable to detect how she simply acts out the basic DNA of Evil, which is to
'embody everything which is against YHWH'.
So, each action from YHWH is followed by an equal and
opposite reaction on Babel's part.
Whereas YHWH creates something new, Babel reacts and mimics
YHWH, not by creating the way YHWH is able to, but by taking what YHWH has
created, and turning it into a Shadow-component, preferably one which will
replace what YHWH has created so that YHWH becomes invisible under Babel's Shadow
So, if YHWH had His Christ, Babel will have her
'against-Christ', or the 'anti-Christ', a reactionary move in response to
Yahshua's coming to Earth, a Shadow-component of Yahshua designed to implement
'anti-salvation', or the 'salvation from Good to become completely Evil'.
ought to thank me and worship me at my feet for coming to rescue you from your
slavery to YHWH's will!
spite of your rejection and your insane attacks I do not come to judge and
destroy you like YHWH always does, no, I come to rescue you.
sent Yahshua under the pretence to 'save mankind from Evil and destruction', but it really meant that He came to forge the chain of slavery to His will.
Whereas He sent His phony salvation, I will come to TRULY save mankind
from their bondage to YHWH's will."
Whereas Yahshua came to restore man in the image of
YHWH, which is Good only, the Satan will come to re-create man in his image, the image of only Evil.
If YHWH puts His mark of protection on His own, a mark
which seals them into the protective custody of Heaven, Babel will give those
who worship her the mark of her protection, an 'anti-mark', a reactionary
Shadow-component designed to protect the Evil-doers from the force of Good,
locking them into an Evil instinct like the Fallen Ones.
It would come as no surprise that just as Yahshua had
the prophet John to prepare His way, Babel's reactionary 'anti-Christ' has someone
to pave his way, perhaps someone who is his senior, and it would be a perfect mirror image if this forerunner
is 6 months the senior of the anti-Christ just as John was 6 months older than
The Satan shall be the Shadow-component of YHWH our Father, entering his anointed anti-christ to become man's savior from Good, and renewing man in the image of Evil through his demonic Shadow Spirit working through Dark Magic in the hearts of man, the '666' perversion of the Father entering the Son to save man from Evil and renew him through His Spirit.
Yes, Babel would enter her reactionary Christ to
become the Savior of mankind, saving them from the bondage to YHWH's standard
of Good vs. Evil.
Yet whereas Yahshua saved man so that he might live,
Babel's 'salvation' kills man and replaces him with a synthetic substitute.
Babel had even prepared a body for herself to dwell
home for her own Shadow Spirit, just as YHWH had prepared a body for His
Salvation to dwell in.
body will herald the new salvation for the disembodied Shadow Spirits, and in
that body she shall present herself to mankind as their savior, that is, the
NEW mankind she has planned.'
Yes, the Satan had assigned himself the role of
becoming the new savior for the rebels of creation.
will bring a new golden dawn announcing the birth of the New Order in the
coming millennium that will last forever.
to MY superior intellect Earth will be made over completely in MY image, and my
own elect will live forever on this new Earth."
in the sight of my skill and superiority, who could possibly deny me my
rightful place on the throne of Creation?
not only did I bring forth a new reality with an order in my own image, not
only did I overwrite and replace YHWH's Creation and His standard with a
creation made in the image of my standard, I will also resurrect the
disembodied Evil Spirits and give them an immortal body to live in.
shall live as the new man in a new, genetically engineered environment which no
longer is dependent on YHWH's provision, but which is able to sustain itself
independent from Him.
shall be their savior.
Just as that Yahshua came to save YHWH's pitiful inferior
creatures, I shall come to save man from the Savior."
she truly believed that she was every bit as capable as YHWH was, even more
than that, she was convinced that she was BETTER than Him.
is just her means to demonstrate her superior skill, pieces on a chessboard which allows her to prove for once and for all that she is capable of beating YHWH at His own
Filled with a rush of excitement over her master plan
Babel rushed from the palace unto the stage to make sure all the Shadows and
the human pawns dumb to work in her service put all their efforts in making
Babel's final solution come true.
The future of mankind lies in altering his DNA.
By 'changing man's DNA, diseases and degeneration
through aging would become a thing of the past', so they believed.
It made them work even harder to make sure that this
future would become a reality within their own lifetime.
did not realize they were working on their own genocide, for there is no place
in her creation for man carrying the image of Good AND Evil.
bondage to the Good vs. Evil concept is a chain which reduces them to YHWH's
I am
there to set them free from that slavery, free to look at Creation unhindered
by YHWH's standard."
HER image would be established, the image of Evil
ONLY, yet to Babel the image seemed Good, and Good was deemed Evil in her eyes.
Babel's freedom was her cloaked bondage to an instinct
of Evil, yet she considered this bondage as freedom and this instinct as good
and liberating.
Babel was captured into the eternal hypnosis of the
Lie, and with evangelical zeal she tried to spread her gospel throughout all of
Creation that others might partake of the same hypnotic fixation, believing it
to be true freedom and autonomy.
morons believe they will be part of her brave new world as the new master race.
little do they know that the new master race for planet Earth will be the
Shadow people, the New Man, and YHWH's man shall no longer be found on Earth.
new man will not be a suitable home for the soul and spirit of the old man, but
they are simply too dumb and blind to see this."
The New Order for the New Man is slated to be Babel's
crowning achievement, an entirely new Creation made over in the image of her
When she tinkered with man's DNA in the past it was
not just to prevent Yahshua from being born, because she knew YHWH is capable
of restoring man's DNA.
No, she was busy figuring out how to implement a new
order centered around a new man.
However, YHWH interfered with the flood, destroying all the
effort she had put into creating a new order.
But not this time.
This time Babel had carefully planned all her activities,
and she had taken great care to make sure the preparations for the
implementation of her new order went according to plan.
She succeeded in making man dependent on debilitating
drugs disguised as medicine that cures their problems.
She was successful in substituting natural food with
artificial packages passing for food.
Her minions succeeded in pushing the agenda of genetic
manipulation of not only food, but also of organisms including man, so that now
mankind was ready to accept genetic modification of their own species.
"Ha, if only the people knew of the secret DNA experiments which have already been carried out in labs, yes, including government labs, and the mutant breeds which already have seen the light of day ..."
Babel's Shadow Servants also have been very hugely successful in setting up an elaborate electronic
grid which allows Babel to have a detailed oversight over everyone's activities,
just as YHWH has, and this is the real reason why Babel has worked towards an
electronically documented world society which is made dependent on the
internet and the electronic regulation of financial transactions.
It allows her to keep tabs on everyone to the smallest
detail without the need to enlist the service of her Demon Shadows, and armed with this knowledge she can proceed forward towards the grand
finale she has in mind: a completely new order in her own image.
For the purpose of making sure her New Order can be implemented very smoothly she loves to avail herself of the advantages Earth technology offers her.
Not only by means of the electronic grid which allows her to keep track of everyone, but also in the form of using robotic tools such as drones.
The drones can carry cameras, they can be used as guns or even flying bombs, they are ideal instruments in making sure the cattle remains safely locked up in Babel's barns.
For the purpose of making sure her New Order can be implemented very smoothly she loves to avail herself of the advantages Earth technology offers her.
Not only by means of the electronic grid which allows her to keep track of everyone, but also in the form of using robotic tools such as drones.
The drones can carry cameras, they can be used as guns or even flying bombs, they are ideal instruments in making sure the cattle remains safely locked up in Babel's barns.
the end Babel will have resurrected the spirits of the demons in the body of
the new man so that in every aspect Babel has shown herself to be capable of
accomplishing everything YHWH set out to do.
she will rise up to Heaven, show YHWH this new creation in her image and ask
Him the question she has longing to ask for thousands of years, ever since the
moment she considered herself equally worthy to sit on YHWH's throne:'
I can take what You originally created, and overwrite it with a new creation
which I designed, have I not proven that I do not only have the skill and
intellect to create as you have, but that I am better than You?
if what you had created had been superior, would not Truth have prevailed over
the Lie, would not my creation have crumbled while yours would stand?
at Earth and behold my power, an Earth with a New Order of life and a new
species of man!
That which You call Evil, but which really is nothing but a standard which deviates from Your standard, has triumphed.
I win, and You lose!"
Both Babel and her mirror image spoke simultaneously
the words which she had treasured in her heart ever since she conceived the
notion of herself as the queen of Heaven.
Babel does not care if her new Earth is built on the
blood of the innocent, it does not matter if the foundation of her throne rests
on the genocide of the guiltless.
you think YHWH has the right to commit genocide by destroying all those who do
not agree with Him, then why do you criticize me for getting rid of all the
obstacles standing in the way of my new paradise for the new man?"
Babel is unable to see the difference between
punishing those who do Evil and punishing those who do Good.
One is justice, the Good and right thing to do, while
the other is injustice, Evil and wrong.
Since Babel's mind is cut off from YHWH and given over to Evil instinct,
it cannot differentiate because of this lacking relationship with YHWH.
She only sees YHWH's will versus her own will, and
because she considers her own will to be superior in terms of being able to
live up to the expectations of what a creator ought to be able to do, she feels
YHWH is unreasonable for pushing His own will and standards at the expense of
her own.
Good and Evil are mutually exclusive, and the angels
who became Evil can no longer relate to Good and evaluate the intrinsic worth
of Good, since they lack the connection to YHWH who gives man that perspective
of Good and Evil.
Instead, they began to act out the nature of Evil
Babel could not see how she projects her own
limited understanding and intellect on YHWH, for she operates from the
perspective of an Evil instinct.
YHWH knew, and He laughed.
For Babel talked like a serpent, she walked like a
serpent, and she stalked YHWH as a Serpent Shadow, imitating Him in almost every way.
And yet, whenever she stared in hypnotic fixation at
her mirror, she saw the image of a beautiful woman looking back at her, the image of a god.
She can never understand how that which she perceived to be
a flaw was an integral part of the design for a very specific purpose, one
she will never be able to fathom.
For Babel had lost her ability to understand the true
Creator when she decided to become a master plagiarist believing herself to be
a viable alternative to the true Creator.
Somehow she forgot that that Shadows are mere effects
created by a block against the Light.
They have no substance in themselves.
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