
Profitable Business

An easy way to recognize religious frauds posing as prophets and messengers:

1. They receive dream after dream, vision after vision, visitation after visitation, hearing an audible 'voice of the Lord' speak clearly to them - a red flag should go up in your mind.
Some of them claim to be transported into Heaven where they received a special message for the end times.

Beware of them.
Not that YHWH does not give dreams, visions, or that people are indeed visited by angels, but usually the wolves in the pack try to create a shell of credibility around them by their claims of receiving dreams and visions, hearing audible voices of 'the Lord' in their mind, and being visited by angels who at times even transport them into Heaven.
Not that these things cannot or do not happen, but not on a weekly basis.

When you encounter individuals who fit in this category a red flag should go up.
Not yet a reason to dismiss them as frauds, but a reason to look further into what they have to say and how they present their message, which brings us to point 2.

2. They will tell you ALL about their dreams and visions in their latest book and/or DVD which you can buy for a nice 'donation'.

NO true prophet mixes business with YHWH's word, so a huge red flag should go up when someone who claims to be a prophet turns YHWH into his moneymaker: stay away from them, their prophecies are tricks to empty your wallet and have zero value.

MANY names float on the internet of people who fit in the category above, and some organizations seem to exist by the grace of promoting their scam.

It is just another variation on the same theme which is so well developed by the notorious TV evangelists in the USA who love to get drunk on the financial benefits they derive from selling Yahshua's blood as if it is liquor.
It is satanic and depraved.
Yes, the Satan can and does preach his own Jesus for his own benefit.

I can assure you that off all the sins known to man the exploitation of YHWH's word for financial gain at the expense of people looking for something which is truly inspired by YHWH is one of the worst sins imaginable.
Remember the words Yahshua spoke when He told the people that there would be many who knock on the door of Heaven claiming to have preached in His name and performed miracles in His name, yet who will hear Yahshua tell them that He never knew them?
The religious prostitutes I described here fall in this category.

Prophecy is not the equivalent of gazing into a crystal ball to predict the future; that's what the clairvoyants and other obscure mumblers in the dark do.
Prophecy is presenting and explaining YHWH's word to the people, and sometimes this goes hand in hand with a prophecy about the future in the case people make a wrong decision which will become their ruin.
YHWH warns them in that case what the consequences will be, and the emphasis is on the warning, not the prediction.

Don't let the leeches drain your wallet, because there is NO imaginary blessing attached to your donation given to the wolves.
Their profit is your loss.

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