
The Ultimate War

Since the Dawn of Time the Conspiracy existed, a Conspiracy which is part of the war between the Sons of the Light and the Sons of the Darkness.

The Sons of the Light believe in YHWH's word, thereby investing their Faith in Truth which sees the Sons of Darkness as the manifestation of Evil.
Every aspect of Creation is observed and assessed through the lens of Truth.

The Sons of Darkness see the Sons of the Light as Evil because first they believed in the Lie of the Adversary, the Satan, and as a result of this negative faith literally EVERYTHING they encounter is viewed through the lens of the Lie.

These two camps are diametrically opposed and cannot co-exist other than by means of a provision created by our Heavenly Father.
The Sons of the Light are watched over and protected by the Angels of the Light, just as the Sons of the Darkness are protected by the Fallen Ones.
The Evil side needs to leech energy from the Light side in order to gain power, and as such it has acquired by necessity the character of the vampire whose only option is to live at the expense of the other.

So the Sons of Darkness live at the expense of the Sons of the Light, and they conspire to keep them locked into a maze of their schemes and power structures in order to drain them from YHWH's Life-force in them.
On the one hand the Adversary wants to get rid of YHWH's image in Creation worn by the Sons of the Light, on the other hand he is restrained from doing so by the rule of the balance as well as the need for the energy he is able to leech from the Sons of the Light until the appointed time.

The only reason that YHWH created a provision so that both sides of the Dualism coin are able to co-habitate is that the Adversary serves to draw out the Light in the Sons of the Light, thereby reducing the Satan to nothing other than a useful fool receiving back the treatment he extended to the Sons of the Light.
Just as the Sons of the Light are regarded by the Adversary as useful idiots in his plot, easy to manipulate and food for the Devil's own, the Adversary is out-used by YHWH when his schemes to vex, manipulate, obstruct and torture YHWH's own end up awakening the Sons of Light to the power of the Light within them and strengthens their resolve to shatter the Darkness which had trapped and surrounded them.
The stress of Evil makes the Sons of Light look within and draw forth the power of the transforming Light, thus turning the Evil Tormenter into a tool which strengthens the Sons of Light and which draws forth its own destruction, the destruction of Evil.
The Light becomes their weapon, and they the trained soldiers able to use the weapon to destroy Darkness as well as using the power and talent YHWH put in them against the Adversary.

The ongoing strategies and games of manipulation of the Sons of Darkness aim to keep the Sons of Light isolated from having an impact on this reality, locked in a virtual prison guarded by invisible Demons.
Yet if the Sons of Light learn to assert their Faith time and again with increasing determination and fire from within, the prison loses its stronghold as the Sons of Light emerge and begin to attack the Evil empire and its warlord who seeks to keep us dumbed down in false ideas and empty illusions.
This is the time when the Sons (and Daughters) of the Light must emerge as warriors and destroy the Darkness in this reality realm through prayer activated by Faith and maintained through strict self-discipline.

This is the synopsis of what it is all about, the conspiracy which the Bible speaks of from the first until the last book.
In today's world we can see the war between Good and Evil manifest more openly and clearly with each new day.
Especially in the realm of politics the war between those who love Truth and those who love the Lie becomes more obvious and polarized as the latter tries to subvert everything in accordance with their Faith in the Lie.
They forget that what they believe in will NEVER result in a paradise as promised by their prince of Darkness, but it will turn out to be an eternal waste dump, Gehenna, in all its ugliness.
Because such is the character of Evil: unrestrained ugliness and complete absence of beauty.
Beauty, harmony and all that is Good is found in our Creator, YHWH.
Since YHWH placed us in a dualistic reality, everything which YHWH is NOT is to be found in Evil.

So any misguided Faith in Evil by Fallen Spirits, whether they dwell as disembodied Spirits or in bodily form, will inevitably be confronted with YHWH's Truth about the ugly nature of Evil which they believed in.
That is why the Devil's paradise will be a cosmic waste dump, wall to wall ugliness, the opposite of YHWH's Paradise.

If we want that ugliness and the savage nature of Evil as an integral part of our lives, all we have to do is to remain silent and/or support the traditional political power structure where Leftists are becoming more insane by the minute and where feeble imaginary opponents in the form of compromising right wingers are but an extension of the Left wing madness.
They believe the Lie of the Father of lies, a liar and a murderer from the beginning.
When he lies he speaks according to his inverted nature, because there is no Truth in him.

And this is exactly what makes the upcoming elections so incredibly important.
If the European nations vote the same treacherous ilk into position of power and authority as before, there will be NO return from the descent into Darkness, there will be no future for Europe left.
We all will be bound in chains to the United States of Europe, a stepping stone in the globalist plan to create the ultimate pyramid power structure.
It will be a slaughterhouse where Hitler's Endlösung will be implemented on a world wide scale.
STILL the Satanists believe they can build their paradise on the blood of the innocent, forgetting that the past has shown them differently...

The USA has voted for a man who is not part of the establishment, a man who is under constant attack by the treacherous Serpent lovers in the media who demonstrate the full extent of their sell-out to their Evil god of Darkness.
By giving their vote to a man who is committed to doing what is right they have given themselves a future where before it looked as if the nation was on a steep slope straight into Hell.
If the people of European nations likewise decide to give their vote to an outsider with a good heart who is not part of the establishment and who opposes the agenda of the corrupt establishment, they too may share in a better future with the USA.
If European nations lack the goodness of heart to do so, the descent into impenetrable Darkness will follow, and chaos and destruction are decreed.

You may feel that conspiracy nuts are exactly that: crazy psychotic paranoid individuals who love to wallow in self-pity as victims of a grand conspiracy rather than taking responsibility for their decisions.
And I have to say, there are MANY conspiracies which make me cringe because they miss the mark by such a wide margin that it results in defeatism fueled by a paranoid psychosis, elements which neuter them so that they no longer can make a difference since they are part of the madness.

Forget about the many conspiracy theories, and take a good critical, objective look at the world around you.
You will see certain people flocking together, supporting each other in their wrong ideas and beliefs, always in agreement with the very things which you can clearly distinguish as not Good.
You still believe it is just a coincidence that almost ALL the major artists (if not all of them) share the same opinions, displaying a slavish obedience to the global agenda of the establishment, supporting moral vices while vilifying those who abide by YHWH"s moral guidelines, you still think it is a coincidence that they receive so many financial rewards while the ones who dare to stand out and disagree suddenly find themselves isolated, under attacks, deprived from publish exposure and cut off from financial resources?
It is like an incestuous clique which took over the publicity platform so that all we can see and hear are the same prostitutes delivering the same idiotic lies over and over and over again.
They are the manifestation of a descent into idiocracy the Sons of Light can never be part of.

All this is the outcome of the ancient war between the Sons of the Light and the Sons of the Darkness, the Sons of Truth vs. the Sons of the Lie, the Sons of YHWH vs. the Sons of the Satan.
Now is the time when Evil is exposed for what it is: an insane spiritual psychosis which locks Spirits into a small container where the lies of the negative are projected unto its walls as their reality environment, one which is destined to morph into tools of torture created by the ones who believed in the Lie of Evil.

You who belong to the Light, we no longer have to put up with their lies and their games of deceit.
They throw us out?
We throw them out.
They use their wealth to lie to us?
We boycott them and give them NO more income, and furthermore we pay no attention anymore to what they say.
They use their art to bamboozle us and drug our mind to their lies?
We no  longer buy their art and treat it as the garbage it truly is: the waste bin is the perfect destination for it.
In short, if money is what makes the world go round, then by spending our money differently, consciously, selectively and wisely perhaps we can make it spin the other way.
And they will have to conform to our standards or go the way of the dinosaur.
We CAN turn the tables, so let's do it.

Furthermore, now that Satanism comes out of the closet, we can witness practitioners of Evil publicly announcing their plans, organizing ritual events which aim to call upon the powers of Darkness to bring down the president of the USA and all those who help him.
They are now openly waging war against all that is Good in YHWH's eyes.

Remember: Darkness has zero power over the Light.
So all of you who read this I want to urge you to put on your soldier's armament and use prayer fueled by pure Faith against their spells and curses.
Use prayer to YHWH to bind the powers of Evil and command them to stop performing the curses, and to send them away never allowing them to return to resume their nefarious activities.
Furthermore, pray that YHWH will bring the Evil of the spells and curses upon the heads of those who use them to further the cause of Evil.
This is not the time of leniency and kindness towards the Satanist, this is the time of judgment and execution of Evil and all who have given their Souls up to Darkness.

So be bold and ruthless towards Darkness, letting the Dark side taste the sharp blade of the sword of Truth and letting the relentless piercing Light of YHWH shine mercilessly into the Darkness of the Sons of Darkness.
They cannot abide in the Light.

Remember to pray that now that the serpent George Soros will be taken out of the way, because he is a key figure in the Satan's plan and facilitates a very Evil Spirit, an major authority figure in the rank of the Adversary.
George Soros' plan for this world is the same as the Adversary's plan, so this should tell you exactly where he is coming from and which Spirit dwells in his bodily form.

Surely all of you would like to see our nations prosper so that we can pursue our dreams and enjoy the freedom to lead constructive and fulfilling lives?
Don't we all like to see businesses being built up and grow, jobs in abundance so that everyone is able to work hard use the money to improve the quality of our lives and pursue our dreams and ideals?
It requires a dramatic turn around, not just in the physical realm of politics, but also in the spiritual realm in terms of returning to a sincere love for YHWH's Truth and doing it His way.

The Adversary seeks to destroy the individual initiative and personal freedom in order to regulate the place and function of individuals within a pyramid structure, neatly built, everything precisely and predictably in order, lifeless and dead like a concrete garden littered by the synthetic fading colors of plastic surrogate flowers.
His tactics for moving towards this objective are sly and underhanded, availing himself of dishonesty and lies in order to realize this pyramid Utopia.
All is deemed permissible as long as it serves the greater Cause.
The Satan is everything which YHWH is NOT, like an anti-god of Darkness lacking YHWH's omnipotence.

His ultimate goal, which he tries to realize from the very beginning, is to wipe out Man and replace him with a genetically modified creature which can be inhabited by Evil Spirits, a creature out of YHWH's reach because it has no place within YHWH's created order.
Man, as YHWH created him, carries YHWH's image, and the Adversary cannot tolerate YHWH's image in his grand Utopia since it is part of YHWH's created order.
So he has to erase YHWH's image and replace it with a synthetic Man usurping energy from synthetic food on a planet where synthetic genetically modified creatures have replaced the creatures which are part of YHWH's order.
Any form of occult magic can be effective ONLY by means of stealing YHWH's energy and using that fuel as the means to construct a New Order in Creation, an order derived from YHWH's order in the sense that it usurps energy out of YHWH's order, and it is the ideal the Adversary strives for at all cost.

This is the plan for the New Order in all its ugliness, a New Order which seeks to destroy and ultimately replace YHWH's order.
The Truth is that this New Order can and shall never have a place of existence, because ultimately it will self-destruct and cease to exist so that in the end all which will be left is the embodiment of the character of Evil: a lifeless, formless waste dump where once forests grew and animals lived.
The Truth of the so-called New Order is that it will turn out to be YHWH's definition of it: Gehenna, the ultimate reality of Evil, a hopeless prison of eternal Destruction, the number '9' in YHWH's numerical system.
The Devil makes it look like Paradise because he always lies.
He cannot relate to the Truth anymore since Evil became his nature when he transferred his Faith to the Lie and made it the foundation of his existence, something I wrote about in my story the Box of No.

Those who believe the Lie of the Adversary simply fail to see the reality of their future.
Just as their Faith in the Lie made them see lies as Truth and the Truth as a Lie, they see their blueprint of Destruction as the new Paradise promised them by the Serpent.
They truly are utterly insane and Evil, and today the Light is revealing the Truth of that mad nature displaying its character in all facets of our society, including politics where we can see feminists glorifying Islam and anti-fascists trying to impose fascism.
Today those who are irreversibly in the grip of the Satan now are exposed for what they truly are, utterly insane and in bondage of lies, and we simply cannot tolerate this.
What are we to do, simply stand by and watch them destroy our nations and allow them to use violence against those who oppose them?
Do we still want to be lied to by the ones in power about the exact identity of the ones who committed terror attacks simply because that identity sheds a harmful light on their hidden agenda?
By the fruit we can identify the tree, and if all we receive from those in power is nothing but a pack of lies, then they worship the Father of Lies, the Devil, and that is the plain simple Truth.

If we want to prosper we need to stand up and vote for true change, and not be afraid of what 'the others' will think of us.
You cannot live as wimps and expect to prosper, you have to be prepared to take a stand and make it count.
You give your vote to a candidate who makes a difference and goes against the agenda which aims towards to create a global Satanic pyramid structure, you give your vote to someone who wants to dismantle the EU and replace it with a structure based on cooperation between the nations from a position of sovereignty rather than an elitist club in Brussels imposing the Soros mandate on the European countries.
That club in Brussels has a vile Satanic nature, self-serving and enriching themselves at the expense of hard working people in European nations, and more than anything they need to be booted out of that comfort zone financed at the expense of the man in the street.

But be careful of wolves in sheep's clothing.
For instance, here in The Netherlands a new party called the FVD presents itself as an alternative to the establishment, yet when I read their proposal for a new law BNW which aims to curtail religious freedom in The Netherlands it comes across as more radical and extremist than the current establishment.
The problem with this newcomer is that the party (unlike Wilders' party the PVV) does not identify the incompatibility of Islam with the Dutch values, instead it generalizes and speaks of 'religious values' being in conflict with 'Dutch law'.

There is no problem resulting from Christian terrorism, Jewish terrorism, or Buddhist terrorism, there IS a specific problem with Islamic terrorism and the incompatibility of Islam with the Judeo-Christian roots of European nations.
As long as the root of the problem is not identified and named correctly the problem only grows worse with each imagined solution, and the proposed law can even become a tool to persecute Christians and Jews.

'Dutch values', what are they, what are their roots?
If the Judeo-Christian morality is not our foundation, then what is our frame of reference out of which our laws arise which distinguish between Good and Evil?
The shifting tides of fashion, the god-status of government officials, the dictates of the media propaganda?
This question touches upon the identity crisis of Western nations, and without defining that identity clearly as well as outlining the problem accurately you will never remedy the problem.

If we truly want to prosper and have a good Life, we need to return to the basics, the foundation upon which our lives and our nations are built.
YHWH's instructions to the people of Israel were not an expression of a dominating totalitarian mindset, they were given as guidelines enabling people to remain safe from Evil and prosper in Life, because if all of us followed those guidelines out of love for YHWH, Evil would not be able to act through us and thus obstruct people and manipulate them.
Evil would not have the means to create false lying mirrors which reward those who do Evil and punishes those who do Good.
This means that YHWH's Mirror would be the dominant Mirror of Truth reflecting Good to those who do Good, and Evil to those who do Evil.
This means that if we, as a society, truly desire to prosper, we MUST return to those instructions and base our laws on those guidelines.
It means a return to our Judeo Christian roots, and without that return the foundation will be corrupt so that any structure built on this imperfect foundation is bound to collapse.

And this is exactly what I do NOT see happening in Europe, and this lack of love for YHWH will be Europe's downfall.
If European nations do not want to listen to Truth, they will reap the harvest of lies which will manifest in Destruction.
I have issued this warning time and again, and I issue it again: this WILL happen.

How I desire to see the people of our nations return to YHWH with all their heart!
How good it would be, because we would have a future and hope for the future!
I will do my best and pray for a miracle from Heaven, that somehow YHWH in His mercy will touch the hearts of people and make them see and understand, because based on what I see in our nations it will take a humongous miracle for true change to happen.

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