It is the Lie which dominates everything we see around us.
How is it that all this power has been given to the Lie when our own common sense tells us we are being lied to and that the Truth is suppressed?
This question has baffled me for the longest time.
How is it that the intelligentsia all too often uphold pure meaningless garbage as art while true art is looked down upon?
How is it that in politics those who ought to have our best interest at heart and declare to us they are doing whatever they can to ensure a good future for us are doing the exact opposite, lying to us as they lead us into destruction?
How is it that in medicine those who ought to heal us are but straw puppets for billion dollar pharmaceutical companies, prescribing 'medicine' which addresses symptoms and creates new problems so that we end up becoming lifetime members of the medical service providers, donating our hard earned money to the pharmaceutical wizard scammers until we are dead?
How is it that meaningless entertainers producing nothing but garbage receive all the attention and promotion they can hope for as long as they comply with a certain agenda, while others with a lot more talent producing meaningful art are kept down, even obstructed simply because they do NOT go along with that agenda?
The liars and collaborators with the Lie receive all the bonus point, the truth speakers and those supporting Truth are treated shamefully.
It is becoming tiresome and extremely boring, isn't it, the same old game perpetuated over and over again?
Politics, like the arts, music, medicine, the media, education, they all are facades for a Soul factory where one is demanded to conform and comply in order to get the necessary brownie points which will bring you many advantages in Life on Earth.
The downside is that if you do, you lose your Soul.
And it is your Soul ONLY which has real meaningful value.
All the other bonuses and brownie points are like plastic beads of no value whatsoever.
Would you trade a diamond for plastic beads?
I prefer to keep my Soul, and I serve only one Adon, my King Yahshua, and my Heavenly Father in Him.
The same game of deceit is being played over and over again, and it has gotten to the point where it is almost impossible to see any real human being in politics anymore.
If any truthful human being DOES appear in politics he is attacked in the most viscious brutal way.
Politics has turned into one big billboard for the Satanic scam which aims to turn us into food on the plate of Demons.
It comes as no surprise to me that there are so many Satanists in politics, since that is the area where power can be accumulated, and if you have legal power you have the means at your disposal to further your own agenda.
If anything I will pray that this Yom Teruah will be the turning point leading to the Adversary's defeat, and I know in my heart that this really IS so.
This Yom Teruah is a marker which will lead us into uncharted territory, a period of great upheaval, but also of great fulfillment of prophecies and ultimately a happy ending.
That is, a happy ending for YHWH's own, and a not-so-happy ending for the Satanists in this world.
And they are many.
The Satan invents Shadow components out of every concept YHWH created.
He has a good reason for doing so: in every concept YHWH created resides Energy He put into the concept in order that the reality of the concept can come into existence.
By creating a facsimile of a concept which looks the same yet incorporates a lie the Adversary made derivatives usurping energy from the original concept YHWH created so that the reality of the lie can come into existence.
It is like a nefarious branch of plumbing where the Satan installs his own side branches of the main pipe YHWH created, a way of leaching energy.
This is why YHWH's concept of the Messiah has its Shadow component in the Satan's false messiahs throughout the cyclic history of Mankind, all of which point towards the ultimate false messiah, the one destined to usher in the Satanic redemption away from YHWH, and just as YHWH has appointed a resurrection of the Dead the Satan intends to create his own resurrection of the dead, just as YHWH based his concepts on numbers and created a numerical system where each number has a specific property, the Satan created his own numerical system derived from YHWH's system of numbers.
So, if you want to know what lies ahead for you and I in the Satanic agenda, all you need to do is bring to mind the words Yahshua spoke and remember that based on these words the Adversary created his own Shadow component:
"The Son of Man will send His Angels, and they will gather out of His Kingdom all causes of Sin and all Evildoers, and throw them into the furnace of Fire".
Just as the Son of Man will send out His Angels to remove the Evil-doers and temptations to sin and throw them into the Fire, the Son of Perdition, the Satan, intends to send out his Demons to remove YHWH's children from his empire and all causes pointing Man to YHWH and His instructions.
The Adversary needs to be careful with his timing, because until he is ready to take on YHWH (in his imagination) he needs to preserve a certain balance between Good and Evil on Earth.
Fifty-fifty you think?
Think again.
What percentage are the 144,000 who are to be sealed on a population of 7 billion?
There you have a figure close to the balance tipping point: a remnant of 0.002%.
The Adversary will not kill off every single one of YHWH's children BEFORE he feels he has the capacity to commence his form of ethnic cleansing.
But you can be sure that he WILL try to destroy every single one of us until none of us is left here anymore, and he WILL send out his Demons and the Fallen Ones to make it happen.
He ALREADY is commanding his Demons to start the cleansing work in such a way that it creates a support for his own agenda in the form of for instance gun control, more power to the government, abolishment of privacy.
Just as the Son of Man has an appointed time of the great Harvest, so has the Son of Perdition created his own Shadow component, the Satanic Harvest.
Just as the Nazi regime had its share of collaborators, today and in the future you will see on one side the Satanists and their collaborators willing accepting the mark of the Beast, versus the other side consisting of those who have chosen YHWH and His Son Yahshua, lovingly and willing embracing the Mark of the Son of Man.
If you feel discouraged by the fact that there is only a tiny army of 144,000 of us, then bring to mind that if one single Man was able to overcome the world and be victorious over all the armies of the Satan in the Heavens and on Earth, imagine what 144,000 times that Man will do together with His Angelic armies in Heaven!
YHWH's strength does not lie in quantity, but in quality.
Besides that, there will be those who will join and support the 144,000.
This is the time YHWH's own need to pray FOR their family on Earth, and pray AGAINST the Enemy.
During the past year YHWH stressed my heart to pray more frequently AGAINST the Evil-doers and all those who work in favor the Satan's agenda.
Today the lines are very clearly drawn between the camp of the Satanists on one side, and the camp of YHWH's army on the other.
The fact that YHWH pressed upon my heart that I should pray against certain people and companies in service of the Lie is a very clear and distinct sign that the final battle is on, and YHWH is unsheathing His sword.
You all know that there are certain people and certain companies who consciously and deliberately work for the Adversary.
They are traitors and should receive the wages of traitors in the form of spiritual destruction.
When the destruction has been accomplished in the Spirit, physical destruction follows inevitably.
That is why we should pray with fire against the Evil-doers.
I know we all need to make a living, but sometimes you have to choose between a nice salary because you work for the Adversary's company, or to forfeit that income and be at peace with YHWH.
Personally I would find it impossible to work for a company like Monsanto or Bayer AND have a clear conscience.
Monsanto is a company which destroys the Earth and disrupts the natural order, while Bayer adds to this the fact that the company profited from the production of Zyklon-B gas during WWII, a gas which was utilized to murder millions of Jews.
Remember that Bayer (as part of IG Farben) also used forced labor (slavery) as well as prisoners of the Nazi regime to test certain chemical compounds such as Zyklon-B.
Can you imagine that, a company profiting from the willful deliberate murder of Jews, and sacrificing only a few CEO's in order to move ahead as a company?
That is NOT justice in YHWH's book!
I read the other day that Bayer has taken over Monsanto, so that you end up with a merger of two purely Satanic companies hell-bent on destroying us in the guise of 'helping us'.
If anything, pray AGAINST these companies that YHWH will expose and destroy them both for the Evil they have brought and continue to bring upon us.
There are many independent farmers who were driven to bankruptcy as a result of Monsanto's policies, some even committing suicide.
I can see that today, as I write, YHWH is implementing His Justice, acting against companies which treat their employees as slaves, not paying them for extra hours of work, having no qualms about using certain government constructs in order to let people work for them without having to pay them the first few months.
So besides your prayer against the two Devil companies I mentioned, pray AGAINST all the companies which keep up a pretty hypocritical veneer while oppressing their employees, treating them badly.
Pray for justice.
Today we see the formation of large supranational companies which abide by the Satanic agenda, and that is just part of the formation of a very dark cloud looming over the history of Mankind, a cloud which abodes our destruction.
And that is really the problem in today's world: as more and more companies are turning into vehicles of Evil, where can a true child of YHWH work AND be at peace with YHWH?
This trend of the Satanization of this world will only get worse and worse, and as a result life will become harder and harder for YHWH's children.
That is, IF there is no intervention from the side of our Heavenly Father.
And that is precisely the one thing which the Adversary cannot anticipate: YHWH's intervention.
Because He is intervening already in a most dramatic way, causing big losses on the side of the Satanic army, and this intervention will only increase.
We are here to play our part in the war, and the weapon given to us is prayer.
Prayer in faith, done consistently and in full conviction of the outcome, can and will move mountains.
For you it is important to play your part and learn to pray against the enemy and his instruments so that our combined prayer becomes part of the noise which brought down the thick walls of the Satanic Jericho.
Raise a joyful noise with your prayers and the expression of the talents your Heavenly Father gave you, and bring those walls down!
Let Yahshua's Light come to destroy the Shadows and the Shadow components which promote the Lie, and PRAY that Yahshua will return to this Earth soon!
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