
The Sociopath

It is a path which leads straight into the Abyss of Hell itself.
No doubt this may seem like a strange way to start off a new post, but a sociopath, like a psychopath, lack an essential trait of humanity, and instead are in possession of the a trait commonly found in predators: they feed on others.
Although human in appearance, let there be no mistake about it: a psychopath, like a sociopath, are NOT human because they lack the one element which is so essential to humanity.
Some describe this element as empathy, but it is more than that.
It is a Spirit within them which does not come from Heaven, an Evil Spirit which knows no Good and therefore is a stranger to humanity since YHWH endowed true human beings with certain qualities, like sympathy and empathy, and the desire to do Good.

It is precisely the complete LACK of humanity in Hillary Clinton which makes her extremely dangerous.
If you, Americans, ever should be so completely dumb that you choose her into the White House, you have chosen a mad woman in the highest office of power, and your sons and daughters in the army will suffer, even to the point of losing their lives.
More than that, she will be the complete devastation of America, something which Obama desires to achieve, something Clinton aims to complete.
With the madwoman Jezebel Clinton in power, supported by her weak Ahab Clinton, and Obama as the Pharaoh of this world (the UN), the Devil will rule like never before and the world will bathe in blood.
So many lives will be sacrificed to the Demons, so many Souls will be caught in the false light of the Soul machine, that their combined power will destroy this world as we know it in order to create a paradise for Man 2.0, the Body which Demons will inhabit.
Only, the Evil One may strive for his concept of paradise, his paradise will become a reflection of the nature of Evil, a parasitical paradise, a Hellish nightmare, since the Evil One is an incompetent arrogant fool who thinks he is able to compete with YHWH, yet who invariably ends up creating a complete mess.

Does a bad tree bear good fruit, does a good tree bring forth bad fruit?
Therefore it is not possible that the one who came to believe in the Lie of Evil and evangelizes this Lie in all dimensions will bring forth a Good Paradise.
His Paradise will come to bear witness to the true character of Evil: destruction, imperfection, lovelessness, Darkness, and ultimately, non-existence.
It will turn into a lifeless icon on the pages of the Duality script, because non-existence, like the concept of 'nothing', cannot really exist.
There always has been 'something' and there always will be 'something', because nothing can never become something, and if we exist here and now, then the inevitable conclusion is that there always has been 'something'.
And I know that this 'something' really is our Heavenly Father Who always was, is and will be.
The concept of non-existence, Evil, can only have an appearance of existence in the form of an avatar which expresses the character of what it represents in a fictitious play, which is the reality we know.
We live in an artificial reality which demonstrates and imprints the character of Dualism on our Mind, where everything has a beginning and an end, Light and Darkness.

It is not because I believe that Trump is such a good man that I sincerely hope you will choose for him, but because I clearly see the immense danger of having someone like Jezebel Clinton in possession of the red button.
I see in Trump YHWH's Grace that He would give the US a chance to turn against the globalists by pushing one man forward who is not part of the insiders club of the serpentine globalists, a chance for a break even though it may be temporary.
It is not because Trump is the epitome of Goodness that YHWH uses him, but because YHWH chose him as the means to confuse the phony religious establishment in the US and around the globe and throw a wrench in the slick globalist machinery.

Jezebel Clinton truly is insane, and her behavior, even recorded in public, testifies of her insanity.
If you then desire to have an insane woman ruling over you, do you truly believe you will be safe when she is in office, a psychotic devoid of any remnant of a conscience, and Evil Spirit in a human Body?
If that is the case you are as mad as Jezebel, and you deserve the suffering she will bring upon you.
But my heart goes out to the rest of the world which will equally suffer under the madness of Jezebel.

I truly hope you are able to see that something is dead wrong with her, even if you don't like Trump, and that you will remember how many of those who were to come forth with incriminating statements about the Clintons have died under VERY mysterious circumstances, and that you can put one and one together.
At this point it has nothing to do anymore with the phony play between the camps of Democrats vs. Republicans, a political show designed to fool you into believing you are living in a nation which honors democratic principles, but it has everything to do with Life or Death, sanity or insanity, Good or Evil.

This coming election may be the most important election in the history of the USA, because your vote can change the US in such a way that the USA will never be the same.
Even worse, the USA will come to an end under the spell of the psychotic, Demon possessed witch Jezebel.
The irony is that Trump is being accused of the very thing the Clinton woman suffers from: insanity.
Don't be fooled.
You do not want to be part of the nation where the Queen of Babylon rules over you and pridefully whispers to herself, 'I sit as a queen, and besides me there is no other'. 

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