
The Image Of The Beast

This truly is the age of the shedding of the masks which became very noticeable in 2015, and which continues to this very day.
We are witnessing the true faces of the people which collectively represent the establishment.
This is what makes someone like Trump such a phenomenon: he is used as an instrument in YHWH's hand to reveal the true faces of people who have hidden behind of smiling mask with a sincere, nice and acceptable expression on the surface, yet who now show their true faces as they are confronted with Trump.
This is why YHWH pushes him forward: He uses Trump to rip the remaining masks of the faces of the hypocrites and self-indulgent haters of Truth, and I can only marvel at this process and the way YHWH works.
They wear the image of the Lie on their faces, and YHWH pushes someone forward to destroy that image and reveal to the world the true face of the Lie beneath the image of the mask.

YHWH uses anyone He chooses for a specific purpose, it has nothing to do with us making ourselves worthy for a specific purpose.
And so YHWH appointed Trump to rip the masks of the faces of the lying establishment just as He uses Wilders in The Netherlands to rip the hypocritical masks off the faces of the liars pretending to have our best interest at heart.
These men are instruments YHWH uses to expose the liars.
And the category of liars includes that Satanic pope who also turned against Trump for that very reason.
The sword of Truth revealed the pope to be a hater of YHWH because he has a love affair with Lucifer.

Trump is the great divider in YHWH's hands by virtue of the function YHWH assigned to him.
And in that capacity I appreciate what YHWH is trying to do for the people living in the USA just as I am grateful for what YHWH is trying to do by means of Wilders for the Dutch people.
Believe me, Wilders generates just as much hatred and adversity from the establishment and their slaves as Trump.

In His love YHWH is giving us a chance to see the ugly Truth and a means to oppose that ugly, exploitative establishment which has turned against the people while pretending to act in their best interest.
Their best interest was, is and always will be their OWN best interest at the expense of everything else, pawns which the Adversary can use in his greater scheme which moves forward to the realization of his plan for his own paradise.

In the eyes of the Satanic New World Order architects and their ambition for their techno paradise we are just a collection of data packed into a biological container.
Hooking us up and integrating us into their network is the only logical next step in our evolution.
Downloading our personality data into a new synthesized container is the step after that.

All means are deemed acceptable to make this techno paradise a reality 'for the benefit of everyone'.
They really mean for THEIR benefit, but to entice you into joining them they dubbed it 'everyone's' benefit.
In the end you will realize there is no benefit to be derived, because the whole thing was based on a faulty premise and as such turned out to be a trap from which NO ONE is able to escape.
The network of Hell will never become anyone's paradise let alone benefit anyone.

But they don't mind.
It needs to serve THEIR best interest, and it is in THEIR best interest to have slave classes of different degrees and functions in their paradise serving them, so that they can enjoy the good things in Life forever.
Those who join and support them inevitably will end up in one of the slave classes.
It's the old paradigm of the rich elite vs. the dumb masses carried to its extreme.
You simply hold out the carrot of promise in front and a red hot rod behind them, and the masses will come to realize that it is only in their best interest to move in the direction of the carrot.

Furthermore, if you succeed in hooking them up into the network there's no way that they might be able to resist the delusions you feed them.
After all, you become the creator of their reality, and reality is what you determine and program it to be.
You become their god, and they don't even know it.
Such is the privilege of the ruling elite which aims to move towards the paradise of their veiled Master.

They order you around, but instead of seeing the order for what it is, a rank-based directive, you will think it rose out of your own needs and desires.
The Mark they have planned will seal the partakers of it into a perfect psychosis, a hypnosis from whence no one will emerge.
It's the first stage of the eternal sleep, and once it is over the horror of the second stage will make itself felt, the second Death.
Suddenly they will realize that their ticket into paradise was their entrance fee into the zone of the eternal Dead.
Cut off from Life, cut off from their reality creators, they now are subjected to the reality of the Evil they embraced, the outer Darkness cut off from the Light.

What a depressing message, don't I have anything else to write about?
Well, I never decide what I should write.
It just comes as word from YHWH, and if this gloomy message is the one I should bring, then I have the feeling that the age of the Mark and what it will require from us is not far off.
And surely you will agree that if the Mark implies that you will not be able to return to the Light for all eternity, then you want to be warned well in advance?
If I write that it is ONLY through your consent that you can be sealed into eternal Darkness, then surely you can use this information to your advantage by withholding that consent when the time of the Mark is here?

And that is really what I do, sharing the insight and words YHWH gives me from my own humble perspective.
We are close to the moment when the dreaded Mark will become reality, and the urge to consent to the Mark will be very compelling, especially when you consider that withholding your consent will effectively turn you in to a outcast who cannot participate in the system which requires the presence of the Mark.
Yet the Mark will seal you into the second Death.

When I read in the Bible about 'the image of the Beast' I am reminded of virtual reality and how an implant can turn this image into a reality.
It can become more than a holographic reality once the field of bio-engineering is ready to manufacture the Synthetic Man V2.0, and this virtual image can be downloaded into a synthetically engineered life-form and thus come alive in the physical world as well.
Because this life-form is both a physical creature as well as a virtual authority image in the world of the network, it is able to exercise a god-like authority as the omnipresent, all-knowing living image of the Beast over those who have received the Mark and by it also have been integrated in this network.
They share their details with the Almighty Server, which is the dominion of the image of the Beast who has access to the minds of everyone on the planet who carries the Mark.
Effectively he has become their god.

There is a very vile class of men and women in society which will stop at nothing.
They serve their Master the Devil, and it is their ambition to move his agenda forward.
Hoping to receive his blessings and material benefits they are merciless and have no tolerance for Truth whatsoever.
In their hearts they believe themselves to be part of a royal class of men and women destined to rule over the slave classes, so don't expect any sympathy or compassion from them.
The only sympathy you will see from them is when it serves to boost their public image, and the only compassion they will show is when it benefits their agenda.
No, in their hearts they would rather see you dead and harvest your organs for their benefit.

Among them you will find MANY politicians (no surprise there), bankers, oil and media magnates, influential business men, singers, composers, movie directors, painters, college professors, generals, and so on.

The Adversary has infiltrated every single aspect of society and keeps it under his control.
Already software is being built to connect the various information databases together so that eventually a very stringent and all-encompassing form of control can be exercised over our lives.
It is all done for our 'convenience' of course, to 'make life easier for us'.
The only thing missing is the ability to turn us into a live, integral part of a network by hooking us up into that stream of information which fills the databases all over the world.
If we can become an integral part of the Unholy Network, uploading and downloading information directly into our brain without having that data passing our cognitive senses (which act as a filter), then we become the extensions of the software regulating the distribution of certified information as well as sharing our most intimate details with the Almighty Server.

You can be sure they will make it VERY enticing.
It is not just a matter of sharing bank account details and passwords, who would want to modify his anatomy for that purpose alone?
No, there will be many additional benefits.
Imagine your health being monitored all day and night, and the Almighty Central Server making sure your cells cannot degenerate or turn into cancer cells?
Aside from health benefits including a significant lifespan extension and a prolonged youthful strength (and appearance), you have access to all the information in the world.
Imagine being able to download skills and have them at your disposal instantly without effort, imagine the ability to live in a virtual paradise created by the manipulation of 'feel-good' chemicals in your Body.
Suppose the implant will also be able to regulate the secretion of chemicals in your Body, then you will suddenly have the option of a Life without anxiety, grief and depression, a Life devoid of shame and guilt no matter what you do.

The Almighty Central Server becomes your god shaping your world, your feelings, and your moral concepts.
If you then do what is Evil in the eyes of YHWH and the modification implant stops the secretion of certain chemicals which produce feelings of guilt, shame and anxiety, even worse, the implant makes the Body secrete the chemicals which create good feelings, then without these warning signals and the presence of the good feelings on a physical level you are given a license for uninhibited depravity if you should so desire.
In other words, you then are given a license to do Evil without any conscience interfering with it so that you no longer think in terms of YHWH's concept of Good and Evil, but you think in terms of what the Almighty Central Server deems beneficial and in line with the 'party program'.

Since your biological Body is vulnerable and originally is based on one of YHWH's blueprints it will be necessary to get rid of this 'weak link' and replace it with a 'better and stronger' synthesized link.
You are just a collection of data in a biological container in the eyes of the Almighty Central Server.
Since the container is not up to specs of what the hierarchy wants, you will be required to accept the next step in your evolution: to upload all the information residing in your brain, and download it in a new synthetic container.
A copy of your data is always kept on file, so if anything happens to that container you can simply choose a replacement Body into which you are downloaded.

Kurzweil believes this is possible and in the charts for Mankind's future, yet I can assure you it is not in Mankind's future nor will it ever become possible.
The idea that we are just a collection of data in a biological container is incorrect and incomplete, and the idea that we can be uploaded and downloaded again by means of an Almighty Central Server is a trap.
It is a trap designed to terminate Mankind so that a new version of the Satanic Man can come into existence.
Disembodied Demons will be able to merge with this new Man and profit from the download of personality data residing in the brain of the one who gave permission to be part of the Unholy Network.
You will see a new Johnny walking around with the same personality traits, but with a different Spirit. 
Johnny's Spirit will have gone to the realm of the eternal Dead and a Demon Spirit has taken over the characteristics of the Soul stored in the machine.

That is the one thing many fail to realize: the Satan intends to become the god who resurrects the Demons, a Satanic parody of the resurrection of the Dead through belief in Yahshua.
The agenda behind the current technological development and the move towards a New World Order is the replacement of Man and the establishment of Satanica.
Earth must be transformed into planet Satanica as the crowning achievement of the Satan's rebellion, and Man simply is a tool he uses to carry out his plans.
Man must be eradicated, and the means the Adversary will use is to round him up in a  concentration camp spanning across the entire globe, get him to consent to be put into the equivalent of the gas chambers, extract his personality data, so that the new redesigned Man can take his place.
This new redesigned Man is doomed to become a failure, because YHWH does not make mistakes in His designs, and when He creates something for a specific purpose it is perfect in its blueprint for that purpose.

So when the Adversary aims to create a new better version of Man which is an integral part of his own network, he will end up creating a Man who will turn out to be defective and not at all what the Adversary envisioned.
That is, IF the Satan were allowed to fully carry out his plans.
He will only partially be able to do so.
YHWH will put an end to his plans before he can wipe out Mankind from the face of the Earth, because Earth was designed by YHWH for Man.
YHWH owns the place, even with the Adversary being in charge of this world.

The move towards the New World Order is doomed to fail from the very start, even though this knowledge will not stop the architects from moving forward towards their desired end goal.
They will not stop at war, even if it creates billions of casualties.
If the war gives them the means to implement their Order they will MAKE happen, at their appointed time.

The problem is that there are uncertain developments they cannot foresee.
They have their plans ready, but somehow when YHWH interferes it upsets their plans and they need to adjust them accordingly.
And that is the one element which will be the final nail in the coffin of their New World Order: YHWH will interfere in ways they did not foresee.
He did it in the past, He is doing it now, and He will continue to do it in the future.

He is sending warnings for all to see.
Meteorites have been seen all around the globe and they should make us aware how vulnerable we are, and if YHWH were to withdraw His protection one of them is bound to hit us with devastating consequences.
And this WILL happen if the world does not listen and the Satanists stubbornly do as they like.

We have seen how odd and out of shape the weather has been.
The way things used to be is not automatically a guarantee that they will be the same tomorrow as yesterday.
Again our vulnerability is brought to our attention.

The same is true for the economy which does not progress or recover anymore.
It has come to a standstill as if it is waiting for the big crush, again something which should make us aware of how vulnerable we are.

Strange sounds are heard which seem to come from every direction, skies suddenly light up in the middle of the night as in Melbourne, reality is not what it always has been.
Change is coming, a big change, and the Devil will seek to keep us locked in his grip, because the change will not be good for him.
The Devil knows that the change Yahshua will bring means the end of his plans.
So Yahshua must be stopped at all costs, even if it means he has to wage war directly against Yahshua.
And he will do so, but it will be utterly futile.

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