
The Violent Spells - I

If the way of this world is violence, then what chance would YHWH's own have in this environment?
Violence is an expression of destruction, and the nature of Evil is a nature of destruction since it embodies the opposite of what YHWH is.
So if the world's way is established through violence, then the world has adopted the way of Evil and thus is a reality where Evil dominates through the expression of violence.

If YHWH's own were to live by the peaceful ways of Heaven and avoid the violent ways of Evil, then they would have ceased to exist on this Earth a long time ago.
However, there is one missing element in this equation.
That missing element is YHWH and His protection as well as His nature.

By nature YHWH is not violent because He creates and constructs, and He does not destroy.
Before you object and come up with examples where YHWH destroys, allow me to explain the principle which is involved in this process.

YHWH has established a principle in our reality as well as in the reality of Heaven which safeguards the existence of His own: the principle of the Mirror.
YHWH has the universal right to uphold a Mirror which reflects back at the one gazing in the Mirror what he truly is.
This principle is embodied in the rule of 'an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth'.
It means that if we originate violence against YHWH through our choice for Evil, then in YHWH's Mirror we receive back that violence.

That is how YHWH can appear as violent and destructive.
He IS NOT violent and destructive because of his nature as the One Who builds up and creates, but it is the principle of the Mirror which makes the one who opts for the destructive nature of Evil in our dualistic reality receive back what he is, experiencing in YHWH destruction and violence.
Thus fire is subdued with fire, and Evil ends up destroying itself.

It is pure genius the way YHWH created it, because Evil in essence is unable to exist other than by means of an avatar of its nature in our reality, and through the Mirror principle Evil in essence is reduced to what it is: non-existence.
In YHWH's Mirror non-existence begets the reflection of no existence.

The lack of awareness of the principle of the Mirror is the reason why Pacifism fails: it is based on a misunderstanding.
When Pacifism shuns violent opposition and thereby facilitates violent Evil-doers in their ambition to rule through violence, it completely fails to accomplish its objective of peace.
The missing element of how YHWH reflects back at Evil what it is turns Pacifism due to the lack of proper resistance against Evil into an enabler of it, creating a paradox where an idea of love and peace (the way of Heaven) is the fertilizer of Evil (the way of Hell).

Pacifism can act as an enabler of Evil and it is NOT the embodiment of the way of Heaven.
Non-violence becomes an act of Evil when YHWH wants to issue a reflection to violent Evildoers by means of a chosen medium, and that vessel resists YHWH by putting up an ideological shield of Pacifism thus allowing the violence of Evil to spread unhindered and create more victims.
Non-violence becomes Evil when you can do Good and protect others from Evil, but you refrain from doing so because of the Pacifist ideology.

The love of the Pacifist is an enabler of Evil and will not change the world, but instead strengthen the status quo of Evil exploitation.
When Yahshua told us to love our enemies He gave us a lesson in self-defense.
We should never operate out of hatred, because then Evil has turned us into an extension of Evil due to our reactionary attitude: we take our cue from Evil instead of our love for YHWH.
The idea is that when we see Evil, we should remain firmly rooted in our love for YHWH, and do whatever is Good and right, whatever YHWH tells us to.

If we see a terrorist raping a woman, we should disable that terrorist and not shun from using violence.
If we see a terrorist trying to kill a man, we should turn against that terrorist, reflecting back his violence in order to stop the Evil he embraced.
This is something many simply refuse to understand, and it is the reason why they fail to comprehend the 'Old Testament YHWH' and come to regard YHWH and Yahshua as two different opposing personalities in the Bible.

If you are a Pacifist and you put your ideology above doing what is Good, then your Pacifism turned you into a collaborator of Evil and an idolater.
How can you stand by and do nothing but protest with impotent words when a woman is murdered before your eyes?
YHWH will hold you accountable, I can assure you of that, and you will experience the reflection of Truth in His mirror when you behold the Evil you have become through your Pacifist idolatry.

Throughout history YHWH has used Israel as His means to issue back a reflection at instruments of Evil on Earth, and Israel had to use violence.
There was one big difference between the violence Israel used and the violence used by the vessels of Evil.
The vessels of Evil use violence as an expression of the destructive nature of Evil and not as an expression of YHWH's mirror.
This turns their violent ways into violent expressions of Evil, and since YHWH is the One with the Mirror of justice, He used vessels like the people of Israel as instruments of His Mirror to reciprocate, reflect back, violence at the violent Evil-doers as the execution of YHWH's justice, an expression of Good.

So violence may be the way of this world and  the way Evil expresses itself and seeks to assert and dominate the scene, but YHWH has the right to implement justice and issue back a reflection in His Mirror so that in His hand and His chosen vessel violence is used to combat violence, fire ends up destroying fire.
It means that the Evildoers may think they can dominate through violence and destruction, but in reality the violence and destruction they bring forth through their love of Evil ends up destroying themselves through the principle of YHWH's mirror.
And the ones who implement YHWH's justice through violence remain blameless and guiltless.

Of course in a dualistic cosmos where Fallen Beings design Shadow components of everything YHWH created, the Satan created his own perverted version of the principle of YHWH's Mirror.
We can see it in action when he throws the bewitching sand of an ideology in the eyes of people and manipulates them into using violence in service of a religious dogma.
We are all too familiar with this phenomenon in the form of Islamic terrorists who come here with the objective to commit violence, thinking they are doing the Creator a favor.
They are deceived and unwilling to see that it is the Adversary who is inspiring them.
He holds up a surrogate mirror to them which issues a reflection of the Lie and not Truth.
In YHWH's Mirror we see the Truth reflecting back at us what we are, in the Adversary's mirror we see a Lie of what we are and we receive back at us what we are NOT.
So, in the Satan's mirror YHWH's people are destroyed and the vessels of Evil are rewarded just as in YHWH's Mirror the Evildoers are destroyed and the ones who do Good are rewarded.

The use of violence does not automatically make someone guilty, as Pacifists tend to believe, it depends on the context.
The Pope seems to believe it does, as evidenced by his recent speech in response to the slaughter of Christians in Pakistan by an Islamic terrorist, with many children and women among the victims.
Funny how this Pope is such a strong preacher of love and tolerance towards those who make themselves guilty of the most heinous crimes, especially when you consider the bloody history of the Vatican and the 'tolerance' it had for those who refused to conform.
How many innocent Souls have been sacrificed on the sacrilege altar of the Roman Catholic Popes?
Then again, it is the same Pope who condemned Trump for not opening the borders to Islamic refugees while the Vatican has provided shelter for,  how many Islamic refugees?
Did anyone say 'zero'?

It is the same Pope who advocates a redistribution of the wealth 'for the sake of the poor' while living in extravagant luxury himself.
How big is the pot of gold of the Vatican, and how come it has not been redistributed for the sake of the poor?
No, the clergy elite loves to wallow in luxury and comfort, not forgetting the depraved and suppressed desires of the cloth which need to be gratified and financed...Hypocrites, lovers of Dagon!
By their lies andn insincerity they show the extent to which they are part and parcel of the order of this world, let there be no mistake about it.
YHWH knows your vile perversities and your secret ceremonies in honor of your dark god, and He will make you look into His Mirror on the day of your destruction.

Pacifism is not the way of Heaven, nor does the use of violence to combat Evil make someone guilty before YHWH.
The difference between the violent Evildoers and YHWH's instruction to use violence against Evil is that the former becomes guilty whereas the latter does not.
Everyone who sacrifices his Life-force to Evil creates guilt.
And so those who act out the nature of Evil, even though they may feel legitimized in doing so because of the dogma they believe in, become guilty before YHWH.
When YHWH holds up His Mirror to them of what they are, they receive their violence back on their own heads.
Remember that principle, because it is only when we sacrifice our energy to Evil and become enablers of Evil, vessels acting out the nature of Evil, that we become guilty.

Those who have sold out to the Satan and rejected YHWH's Spirit are not bothered by pangs of conscience when they obey their lord and kill innocent people.
Among them are terrorists, business men, religious leaders and politicians who are capable of cold blooded murder without losing a second of sleep over it.
The Satan has given them an identity and fills it with strength to act as a wall blocking out YHWH's accusing Light.
This is how the ones serving the Satan feel justified and confident in doing Evil just as the ones who serve YHWH feel justified and confident in serving YHWH.

But if these Satanic individuals do not obey their dark Master and kill when it is required of them, they suddenly may experience strong pangs of conscience.
The Satan manipulates their Body chemistry to let them know that they always should act in accordance with HIS will.
It is a false polar opposite of what a conscience inspired by YHWH should be, a conscience of Evil where the vessel of Evil experiences guilt over not acting in accordance with the dictates of Evil.
The Satan simply removes the wall which protects his own against YHWH's Light so that suddenly they experience guilt and anxiety, and as they always have done they run for shelter in the arms of their master the Satan.
Or the Satan may use a spell to compel his servants to act in accordance with his will.

In our dualistic Cosmos every phenomenon YHWH created has its polar opposite Shadow of Evil.
So too will you encounter a false conscience as the opposite of a clean conscience given to us by YHWH.

If a Good man does Evil he will experience pangs of conscience, and if he does Good he will be at peace.
If an Evil man does Good he will experience pangs of  a manipulated conscience, and if he does Evil he will be at (relative) peace.
I put the world 'relative' between brackets because the peace is an illusion created by the wall of his Evil false identity.
When that wall falls away, the Evil man will experience the true nature of Evil as he is haunted into the arms of Darkness by the pain caused by YHWH's Light.
But when YHWH's man dies, he simply continues to experience peace as he did during his Lifetime.
So one is true peace which flows from living in harmony with YHWH, the other is false peace achieved by blocking out YHWH's Light temporarily.
The false peace has no staying power and eventually will fall away, at the latest at the moment of Death.
It is temporary, just as Evil is temporary.

Even the Adversary's title is the reverse of our Creator's title which we came to know as His name YHWH.
The poetic shortened version of YHWH is 'YaH', written in Hebrew as the 'yud' followed by the 'hey'.
Isaiah refers to the Satan (Isaiah 14.12) as 'Heylel (ben Shahar)', 'Shiny one, son of the morning', the first two letters of 'Heylel' (='shiny one') being the Hebrew 'hey' followed by the 'yud'.
So it is 'yud-hey' for YHWH and 'hey-yud' for the Satan.
The word 'Heylel' is written as 'hey' - 'yud' - 'lamed' - 'lamed'.
If you compare that to 'YHWH', then in 'YHWH' the latter two letters are a continuation of the first two through the Ruach, the 'Hey' ('yud-hey-waw-hey'), yet in the case of 'Heylel' we see a double 'lamed' which look like two serpents following the reversal of YHWH's name, like the force of Dualism created by Evil being activated and given life through manipulation of YHWH's energy.

The true Satanist also thinks in reverse.
The process which makes YHWH's own understand is mirrored in reverse in the mind of the Satanist.
This makes it impossible to debate issues on their terms, because YHWH's own cannot follow the flow within the mind of the Satanist.

The political Left wing is very good at going with the Satanic flow, making folly sound as if it is an expression of a superior intellect.
Yet invariably when you think about what they said and untangle yourself from their train of thought you can see it for what it truly is: stupidity masked as wisdom, and whenever you want to debate them you have to make sure NOT to try to enter the flow of their thought process, but remain firmly anchored in your own.
When you succeed you will notice something very peculiar: they are no longer able to follow you and sometimes even fall silent because you hold on to your own mode of thought, which is the flow inspired by YHWH, the opposite flow of what the Evil mode of thought is.

Whatever makes the lover of Evil happy is the very thing which makes you unhappy.
It is a clash of realities, one of which is derived from the other as the polar opposite, and as such there is NO common ground whatsoever between the two.
This is the great divide which runs through this world and which can never be resolved, because there is no common ground between the two realities of Good and Evil.
You cannot resolve this issue through peace talks, love or tolerance, especially when you consider that the nature of Evil is to wage war against Good and destroy it, since it knows no tolerance for any expression of YHWH.

Evil is like a tension which came into existence through the sacrifice of Life-force through Sin, and all tensions by nature seek to be resolved and neutralized.
This is really what YHWH's Mirror is all about: correcting the tension of the imbalance caused by the presence of Evil.
If the nature of Evil reverses everything so that the way of peace of Heaven is turned into the way of violence of Hell, then in YHWH's Mirror the reflection of the way of Hell, violence and destruction, dictates that YHWH's will express violence towards and destruction of Evil.
Violence may be used by either a Good man against Evil or an Evil man against Good, but beyond the surface level there is a big difference in the mode of operation and what motivates the use of violence.

The Satanist gains confidence by making you lose yours, he gains a sense of sanity by making you lose yours.
But if you hold on to YHWH and He strengthens your sense of sanity in Him, which is the only sanity there is since Evil by its nature equals insanity, then the Satanist loses his grip and his sanity when the Evil empire crumbles.
Your joy is his grief, so your joy must be destroyed in order for him to have a sense of joy at your expense.
Your existence is an abomination in the eyes of Evil, so you must be eliminated, obliterated from the Evil book of life which really is the book of the Dead.
Your book of Life is the book of Death in the eyes of the Satanist, and vice versa.

We are living in the time of the end, which really is the time of the beginning.
Our day and age are is just a phase leading up to the beginning of YHWH's glorious new Creation.
Isn't it ironic that even the end times of this world really are the times of the beginning in Heaven?
In these times the reign of Evil on Earth will end, and it's cloak of sanity will be exposed for the insanity it is.
Once this insanity is exposed and crumbles because YHWH's Light is shining on it, those who are taking their identity from it will lose their sense of sanity as well.
Their sense of sanity made them fight for the preservation of that which they believed in.
To preserve that Evil, which cements the collective, means to preserve the status quo which gave the believers in the Lie their sense of sanity and belonging, their identity, so they will do whatever is necessary to preserve the old way of Evil.
Entirely in line with the Satanic reversal of reality, the propagated ideal of the New World Order is the Old World Order, and the fight to implement the New World Order is the fight to preserve and strengthen the Old World Order.

In the next part I want to discuss the phenomenon of the spell.
It's important to realize spells are not just the product of the imagination belonging to the realm of fairytales.
Spells are based on the existence of certain principles YHWH created and properties He assigned to for example how energy is transferred and can be used as an information carrier.
Spells really are just part of a different branch of science, one which includes the metaphysical realm and which seeks to manipulate certain principles and transform them so that they become Shadow components, derivations of what YHWH created used in service of Evil.


The Identity Killer

It sounds like an Evil thing, but it can be a Good thing depending on your perspective.
It is Good to destroy an Evil identity, and it is Evil to do the same with a Good identity, although I am sure die hard Satanists will disagree.
Yet an outward identity of Good is not always as good as one might think, especially when it becomes a denial mechanism, a shield of resistance against YHWH.
So too the many cultural religious identities may seem quite noble on the outside, but it is not the outside which matters but what is on the inside.

Whether it is Judaism, Catholicism, Protestantism, Jehovah Witnesses, Hebrew Roots Movement, Evangelicals, it really makes no difference.
You will find Truth in all of them as well as specific ideological idiosyncrasies.
All of them have one thing in common: they can become Satanic traps designed to absorb you into an adopted and/or imposed religious identity to create an illusion of Goodness.
All you do is repeat the mantras, put the left foot in front of the right like all the others, and move like they do.
And voila, you have become a typical representation of the denomination you have sold out to, a living icon in the stained glass reverse reality of this world.

But that is not what YHWH intended when He gave the Hebrews His instructions on how we should live.
Those instructions were nothing other than practical guidelines to make sure they would stay out of harm's way and in touch with YHWH's beneficial way.
He gave us these instructions like a loving father would advise his son to do certain things, and make sure NOT to do other things.
It is a love inspired relationship between Him and us what He wants, not a religious dress-up circus.
The religious circus was invented by Lucy to dumb us down and reduce us to a bunch of ignoramuses lost in a religious contraption, a wheel of deception.

Judaism in its various sub-denominational expressions is no exception to the rule.
I know there are Christians who put anyone with the label Jew on a pedestal just as there are others who will condemn anyone associated with the label of 'the Jew', but let me remind you that as is the case with anything else, there are Jews inclined to what is Good, and Jews who are inclined to what is Evil, this should be self-evident.
Don't think that the religious garb is what distinguishes one group from the other, because you will find Jews inclined to what is Good who do not appear religious at all, and you will find Jews inclined to what is Evil dressed up as rabbis.

All of the many different religious denominations in Christianity as well as Judaism have in common that underneath the label you will find Satanists as well as those whose hearts are inclined towards Good.
When any true man of YHWH appears, instantly the great divide between the two camps makes itself felt.
Invariably the man of YHWH will be loved by one group instantly, while the other group hates him for what he is.
One group uses their denomination as a guideline, a pointer to help them find their way back to YHWH, the other group is trapped in the religious identity of the denomination.
The latter dresses up as Good in order to appear as Good, because that is the only Good they will ever be since their lord is the Satan.

Identity labels belonging to particular (religious) group can turn someone into a vicious brutal murderer thinking of himself as a saint.
Recently Brussels made headlines again with a new terrorist attack.
It was just a matter of time before this one would happen, and it is not the last, nor the fiercest attack.
The worst is yet to come, and by then (finally) people will be shocked to realize that we really no longer live in peace but that we are at war, not only with a religiously inspired enemy but also with their political collaborators in office today.

Be sure to remember that not only are the terrorists to blame, ALSO our political leaders who have rolled out the red carpet for the terrorists and coddled them by means of the money of hardworking man in the street!
Our political leaders are traitors seeking to safeguard their own welfare first, even if it requires that they help to destroy the nation given into their care, don't forget that.
They set the door WIDE open to facilitate an invasion of our nations by people many of which pretend to be refugees, yet which turn out to be demanding, arrogant liars and criminals.
Many reports have appeared in the media about the double-faced refugee which does not behave like any refugee at all, but rather comes in to destroy, threaten and attack the ones who help them, just read some of the reports about well-meaning but naive volunteers who have helped them.
That is not the behavior of a war victim at all.

Merkel's love babies turn out to be quite vicious, and the woman STILL stubbornly keeps the doors WIDE open, destroying the entire German nation and with her power and influence also the other nations in Europe, also thanks to our spineless collaborative political traitors.
They eat up the people who gave them their vote and donate their hard-earned income to invaders who proceed to steal, rape and kill, the injustice of this situation cries out to Heaven!
And when a victim on the Muslim brutality protests he is depicted as an extremist, truly the ultimate reversal of justice where the victim of the crime is demonized and the offender glorified and rewarded.

But of course it fits SO nicely in the political agenda to create chaos and confusion which call out for active intervention by the powers that be!
That is the moment when they can make a big show of their altruism and appropriate whatever freedom is left.
And that is how Brussels ends up as the great totalitarian dictator, the illegitimate offspring of momma Soviet Union.

I understand that the notion of a big conspiracy can sound like the imagination of a paranoid psychotic individual, let alone when I mention that in the most fundamental sense it is all about a conspiracy which originates in another dimension where Fallen Beings have their domain.

But when we objectively look at what has occurred here in Europe, how hordes of migrants have been imported under a politically protected flag while MANY reports from different people working in different capacities have indicated that there is something very wrong with the imported asylum seekers, how there are many video clips of refugees showing evidence of arrogant ungrateful degenerates making outrageous demands on us as they misbehave on all levels, and if we then take into account how our political leaders whose first primary objective should be to guard over our national security keep the borders OPEN in the face of imminent danger which is tantamount to complete insanity, even worse, they continue to import Muslims into our nations KNOWING that they still are facing HUGE problems originating from the current Muslim community and KNOWING that they cannot check the background of each migrant adequately and that terrorist groups like ISIS have announced they would infiltrate our nations in order to destroy them from within, if we consider how reports of mass rapes and plunderings have flooded in and our leaders demand we show tolerance and welcome the responsible hoodlums in our midst, then this is such a large pile of evidence pointing in the direction of ulterior motives on the part of our political leaders that it is IMPOSSIBLE to deny that something else is going on, something which may seem hard to believe but nevertheless all the evidence points in that one direction: we are ruled by sell-outs who have betrayed their nations for the sake of pleasing the agenda of certain other parties which have no regard for democratic principles.
And when that happens then our political leaders do not represent the people, but they represent the interest of an oligarchy, stake holders who seek to manipulate events in order to derive benefit from it.
They are driven by certain agendas and dare not go against the flow, following the carrot dangling in front of them just as the ones who dangle the carrot are driven to realize a particular agenda which will benefit them, so they believe.
They forget that just as they dangle a carrot in front of their political workhorses they are following after a carrot of deception as well, because ultimately there will be no place for them in the new world order either.

Honestly, we should not accept this political scam any longer, and it is high time we ditch the current crop of traitors because, whereas they should represent US, they represent the terrorist enabling agenda of sick social engineers.
We need to kick Merkel, Hollande, Rutte and their ilk OUT of office, because what they are responsible for and what they continue to do in their unbridled arrogance is tantamount to organized crime.
And it should be obvious by now that the political left wing who always have been and still are in support of the Muslim import are completely bankrupt when it comes to supporting the ideals they have upheld in the past.
They lied and continue to lie on a daily basis.
They are just another variety of sick degenerate Evil hypocrites.

The latest round of terrorism comes as no surprise, and it is nothing compared to what is coming down the pike in the near future.
And you have your political sell-outs to thank for it.
Don't think Schiphol, Den Haag, Berlin or London are safe from any terrorist attack, nor will the Vatican continue to enjoy peace and tranquility.

But aside from this political treason which always succeeds to infuriate me because of the insolence, arrogance and hypocrisy, if we look at the cold-blooded murders which happened in Brussels (and I would even go as far as labeling the attacks as mass murder by proxy at the hands of our political traitors),  can you imagine how anyone can commit murder, slaughtering innocent people and then be happy and sleep well the night after the murder?
The only way someone is able to do that is by means of a mental/spiritual wall which shields them from their conscience.
The moment anyone indulges in such Evil is the moment when YHWH becomes his enemy.
He pursues him with His Ruach HaKodesh, His Spirit, the Spirit which brings joy, love and life to those who seek YHWH and the same Spirit which reduces Evil Demons to fearful blubbering wimps because of the fierceness of His Light.

The only way a terrorist is able to sleep at night after murdering innocent people is if he completely buries himself in the artificial identity which grew out of his belief.
By means of the murder that identity has built a much greater, thicker wall around itself, thereby providing the terrorist the means to escape the inner pain and conflict resulting from transgressing YHWH's commandments.
The terrorist thinks he finds freedom behind that big wall of the implanted identity, which in the case of Islam is the Muslim identity, yet the wall really is the enclosure of his prison.
He will never be able to go beyond that wall, no, even worse, he is doomed to keep building it up higher and higher, thicker and thicker, immersing himself to an ever increasing degree in the implanted religious identity.
But that process is finite, and if the terrorist stubbornly keeps living in the denial of his guilt there will come a moment when his Body will fall away and the wall around his identity comes crumbling down.
And he will react as he has always done: flee from the pain of the Light into the Outer Darkness, and there will he find his eternal prison, the Outer Darkness which he chose during his life on Earth, the Darkness he thought of as his home because of the presence of the painful Light.
But once he is trapped in that eternal Darkness the agony will be relentless and unceasing, because that is the moment when he realizes that the pain he ascribed to the Light did not come from the Light, but it was caused by his denial, the false identity he used as a shield.
The pain came from the Darkness, and now he is trapped forever.

This principle of denial by means of the adoption of a cultural/religious identity is the reason why gang initiations often require that the initiated murders an innocent human being.
The resulting force of guilt will drive the initiate to seek shelter in the identity of the gang where he gets approval and support for his embrace of the identity of Darkness.
Thus the initiate imprisons himself in the implanted identity of the gang, he becomes 'one of them', doomed to remain in that prison forever.
Coming out of that prison means facing up to the Light which haunts and torments him, and that Light will kill him.
Or rather, that Light will kill his identity, yet because he immersed his Soul in that identity he will feel the pain of dying which the identity experiences.

All of us are born in Sin and acquire an identity of Sin which grows within us and seeks to imprison us forever.
The process of Salvation means you accept that this part of you must be destroyed if you want to have intimacy with YHWH's Light, and it is a painful process.
Before we can live we must die.
But the joy of being set free from the slavery of the identity of Sin brings so much joy that we are willing to experience those painful moments when we feel our 'old self' is dying just to be able to receive more of the joy of the freedom we find in Yahshua.
We sacrifice our old self and let it die in order receive a new restored self which will live forever and know no Evil.

So any initiate into a gang cult is doomed to become a prisoner of the gang culture by virtue of the initiation rite, something which you also find in the ranks of Satanism.
You merge your Soul with the implanted cultural identity, and the guilt over what you have done, the crime you committed as part of the initiation rite, becomes the motor which drives you to seek shelter behind the great big wall around the implanted identity, over and over again.
Some end up destroying themselves completely, a few are given the privilege to repent.
This means that they are willing to accept the 'punishment' of the Ruach HaKodesh, which implies they experience the death of a part of them so that they can be set free and find forgiveness and consolation, and a new identity which only Yahshua can give them.

The implanted identity of Sin is not a static programming solely based on data residing in our physical brain.
It is an identity which is energized by a Dark Evil Spirit, and the more we run from YHWH into the comfort of the cultural implanted identity, the more we are infiltrated by an Evil Spirit which helps us strengthen and build up the wall around our Evil identity.
That Evil Spirit is like a false savior 'liberating' us from YHWH's Spirit, at least, that is how it appears to those who seek comfort in the presence of that Spirit.
That Evil Spirit really is a predatory Spirit which not only locks us into the prison it creates within us, but it also drains our life-force from our Spirit and appropriates our Soul.
YHWH's Spirit appears like the enemy to those believing in the lies of the Evil Spirit which fosters the 'inmate identity' we use for escape, but that Spirit, the Ruach HaKodesh, is really the Spirit which destroys the prison wall in order to set us free.
That Spirit wants to liberate us from a predatory Spirit which drains us and exploits us for its purpose, a purpose born out of the dualistic principle, and we can only be liberated and find true freedom if we succumb and give ourselves over to YHWH's Spirit.

Yahshua is the great liberator from all implanted artificial cultural identities.
Whether it is the identity of Catholicism, Protestantism, Judaism, Buddhism or any other '-ism', Yahshua saves us from them all and gives us a true new identity which is real and organic, an identity born from the Spirit and which is free from bondage to Sin, free to experience YHWH's Light and Love in unprecedented ways.

As I have written in the past, we can choose two kinds of freedom: freedom from YHWH to do Evil, or freedom from Evil to do Good.
But the former freedom is really bondage masked as freedom, because Evil by its nature will never set anyone free, including the Satan.
The Satan to is a slave to his Evil instinct and doomed to live in the shackles he forged for himself, the shackles which keep him bound to an identity which rose out of the principle of Dualism and which can never truly be an independent free identity because of that.
At best the Satan can only hope to continue to build up walls for all eternity, and that is not freedom, those walls are the walls of his prison.

Don't be like him, but rather endure the pain of dying in order to receive the joy of living.
You either succumb to the Evil identity killer which seeks to keep you out of reach of your true self which you will find in Yahshua, or you give yourself up to the Good Identity Killer, the Ruach HaKodesh, who destroys the Evil slave driver of the identity of Sin in order to set you free and make you heirs of eternal Life and Joy.


The Repeating Cycle

Everything we know moves in repeating cycles.
These cycles have in common that they represent a particular phenomenon in a particular manifestation.
As such they are like 'perspective-slices', a certain view of the phenomenon they represent.
The anti-Christ is the anti-Christ, referring both to one particular man as the fullness of the embodiment of the anti-Christ phenomenon and the many other anti-Christs throughout history.
The difference between those cycles is the particular way an anti-Christ manifests him- or herself to the world.
There is a difference in details, but although the overcoat may vary, the core essence of what an anti-Christ is, -which is the phenomenon of the anti-Christ-, was expressed through these individuals in different cycles throughout time.

One particular cycle is about to repeat itself: the cycle of the Hebrews in Egypt.
If you take a close look at this historical event you will see a portrayal of the plight of YHWH's people in this world vs. the Satanists.
The Hebrews were mostly descendents from Isaac, the son of the free woman, while Ishmael was the son of the slave woman.
Since this world is the domain where the Satan exercises authority it is a reversed image of reality, and as such it should come as no surprise that the Hebrews, the 'free ones', were treated as slaves in Egypt while the Egyptians, those who are in bondage to Evil, live as though they are free people.

This is the plight of YHWH's own, they are treated in today's world as slaves existing for the sole pleasure of those who live as free ones but who really are bonded in slavery to Sin and thereby to the ruler who has dominion over their Souls through Sin.
YHWH's own are tolerated for the sake of preserving the balance ratio between Good and Evil, as well as acting as reservoirs of talent and life-force which can be stolen and used for the Adversary's purpose.

Over the past decades we have seen a very strong increase in the presence of Evil all around the globe, and people, especially YHWH's own, suffer under these conditions.
Globalists and their financial and political collaborators are wrecking the economies of entire nations for the sake of being able to usher in their much desired New World Order, the order which has existed for millennia and which will then show its true face with the elitist advocates of the Satanic order on top and the slaves below.
They finance wars and create situations which give carte blanche to terrorists, also trained by proxy by the devious, Evil planners and schemers behind the veil, causing innocent blood to flow in the streets and the heads of Christian believers to be put on spikes.
If they have their way the nation Israel will become one large waiting room for the gas chamber.

The Hebrews in Egypt were given a place to stay within Egypt, also because they made a significant contribution to the welfare of Egypt.
But the Evil Pharaoh wanted to make sure the Hebrews could not grow into a threat.
So he made life hard and bitter for them, even to the point where he ordered the male Hebrew children to be murdered just to make sure that his Egyptian interest could not be threatened by the presence of the Hebrews.

Likewise, in today's world life is becoming increasingly hard for YHWH's own people.
All too often their refusal to go along with the great big Lie results in ostracization to the point where they have to make ends meet in menial dead end jobs even though they are given talent and skill to do so much more than that.
They are isolated and kept in the background so that their sound is lost in the multitude of sounds of the waves of the sea.
As the economy is strangled to death by the globalists and their political collaborators which sell out entire nations to the mercy of those predators just so that their own bed is spread and future is assured, the bill for the dire circumstances produced by a dying economy all too often has to be paid by YHWH's own, simply because 'they don't fit in, they don't go with the flow'.
The Satanists DO fit in with the order, they DO go with the flow and repeat the mantra of the great big Lie, and even though their skills and talents are no match to what YHWH has given to His own, THEY are the ones who do not suffer.
Some of them DO end up on the wrong side of the deal, but that is only because they have nothing of significance to offer to the Satanic structure and they failed to seize opportunities and make the required contribution.

And yes, just as the Hebrews had to endure the slaughter of the male children, YHWH's own are beheaded by factions created by proxy by the ones who push the Satanic global agenda forward.
And have you never wondered how many of YHWH's children never even got to see the light of day just because they were brutally murdered in abortion clinics?
The Satan is making sure his interest in the global Egypt is not harmed by the presence of YHWH's own, and he is making life harder for them in ever increasing increments.
After all, the New Order of the global Satanic Egypt dictates that the old economic system and social structure must be destroyed.
And so in order to destroy the social structure of the West, hordes of Muslim 'refugees' are created in order to serve as a blanket by means of which the West can be infiltrated and the traditional Christian values and sense of nationality of the European nations as well as the US can be annihilated.
And our political leaders simply are nothing but extensions of this agenda of Destruction.

YHWH saw the plight of His people in Egypt, and He began His work of deliverance.
Moses became YHWH's spokesman, and the Pharaoh's refusal to let the Hebrews serve YHWH in the wilderness led to the demonstration of YHWH's power and how much He cared for the Hebrews, and the great lengths to which YHWH would go to make sure their adversary the Pharaoh could no longer harm them or oppress them.
As the Pharaoh continued to oppress the Hebrews even more than before and continuously lied to them by giving false promises he did not keep, YHWH began to visit Egypt with His plagues.

Likewise, as the Pharaoh of this world continues to oppress YHWH's people and use them as food on his plate, making life harder for them in ever increasing increments, even killing some of them, YHWH will visit the globalist slaves of the Pharaoh with his plagues and let them know that their envisioned paradise will never come to be.
It was nothing more than a Satanic ploy anyway, a trick designed to exterminate the human race.
YHWH will bring plague upon plague, disaster after disaster if the globalists stubbornly harden their hearts like their father the Pharaoh.

Moses was chosen as YHWH's ambassador and the one representing Him at Pharaoh's court.
Moses grew up at the Pharaoh's court, enjoying all the luxury and comfort of the Pharaoh.
The Hebrews by contrast suffered greatly under the oppression of the Pharaoh.
They had to work hard just to make sure they were able to make ends meet while the Satanists lived comfortably and in luxury.
When the ugly reality of the situation dawned on Moses he made a decision which could only have been borne out of a sincere love for YHWH: he would rather endure the hard tough life as a Hebrew slave (yet who were set free as YHWH's people) than to enjoy a comfortable life at Pharaoh's court as a free man (yet a man who would be a slave to Sin and the deceptive exploitative world system).

Likewise, we all are given the choice between a comfortable life by 'going with the flow' and 'repeating the Lie when it is required of us', or to make the choice to serve and love YHWH and accept that the Adversary will turn life against us.
Many 'successful' artists received large financial rewards and public acceptance because they chose to serve the Satan and his system of exploitation, pushing his agenda forward.
Other artists refused and sought to expose the Lie with their art, and the Satan made sure they remained anonymous names held back by the winds of adversity constantly blowing in their faces.
One kind is outwardly successful, but in fact they are failures and unsuccessful in the true reality of Heaven, while the other kind is unsuccessful in this world, but in reality they ARE successful in the eyes of Heaven because they refuse to adopt the Lie and make it their home.

In the end the Pharaoh let the Hebrews go and serve their Heavenly Father, something which he opposed for a long time until he could no longer endure YHWH's plagues and let the Hebrews go.
Yet when the Pharaoh realized that YHWH's redemption of the Hebrews had been successful, he had second thoughts and tried to reverse it, making sure the Hebrews were dealt with for once and for all.
He pursued them to the Red Sea and planned to destroy them.
Yet in the supernatural escape route which YHWH provided for the Hebrews the Pharaoh met his own destruction when he pursued his plans for the destruction of the Hebrew people.
The Pharaoh received back on his own head exactly what he tried to do with the Hebrews: destruction.

Likewise there will be a moment when YHWH will use a supernatural escape route to liberate His own from the rule of the Adversary.
Faced with the consequence of this escape route and the imminent destruction of his own empire and plans he will pursue YHWH's own to the point where he will wage war with the One who created the escape route, and in doing so the Adversary will meet his own destruction.
YHWH's own will escape, and their delivery will be a story which will greatly overshadow the deliverance of the Hebrew people in Egypt because it is so much bigger and the supernatural element will be so overwhelming.

Let me assure you, the Pharaoh and his secretaries may continue to make life hard and miserable for YHWH's own, they may  move their plans forward in their push to realize the agenda of the globalists, YHWH WILL deliver His own out of their hands, He WILL stand up to protect His children, and the Adversary WILL be frustrated beyond belief when he is faced with YHWH's moves and His traps.

The historical scene of the Hebrews in Egypt is such a clear representation of the plight of YHWH's children in a world dominated by the Evil Pharaoh.
Not only that, this scene is repeating itself in a cycle which differs in the details, but it represent the exact same historical/spiritual phenomenon.
YHWH's own are oppressed, and just as the Pharaoh denied the Hebrews the opportunity to serve YHWH, YHWH's own will not be granted to opportunity to leave the Satanic realm to serve their Heavenly Father on YHWH's mountain.

But even today YHWH has surprises in store.
Like for instance when He suddenly raises up a man like Donald Trump who turns out to be an outsider, someone who is not part of the club of globalists.
YHWH uses him to delineate the liars and cheaters very clearly, separate the sheep from the wolves in sheep clothes, because in facing Trump all the wolves who dressed up as sheep suddenly throw off their disguise and reveal their ugly wolf skin.
Suddenly the extent to which political candidates and the media have sold out to the Lie of exploitation becomes very visible, and it is shocking to see how we all have been lied to and how we have been subjected to a political circus all those years.
This is not just an American phenomenon, it is a disease of the entire Western hemisphere, a cancer which ultimately will destroy our continents.
It may just be that YHWH is prepared to give all of us a second chance to repent of our immorality, come to our senses and make the right choices, stand up against Evil and be done with it.

But given the unscrupulous conduct of the establishment Trump (and also other politically incorrect candidates such as the Dutch Geert Wilders) better watch his back constantly, since that establishment thinks nothing of murder when it benefits them.
If Trump is too much of a threat you can be sure they will go to great lengths to make sure Trump will not enter the White House, either by eliminating him or by murdering millions of others in a war they create which will help Obama remain in office beyond his term.
Whether it is the killing of just one man or of millions of others, it is of no importance to the psychopathic plotters and schemers, they simply will opt for the route which benefits them most.

Some seem to believe that there will be a smooth transition into YHWH's paradise out of this old world order, and this notion is based upon people waking up to the ugly Truth of how they are exploited.
We gradually change into something much better.
I wish that were true, but it ain't.
Don't think for one split second that the movers and pushers behind the scenes will allow centuries of plotting and scheming go down the drain just because the scenery has changed to their disadvantage.
They have made provisions for the unpredictable elements in their plans, and there is no way that they  will ever relent and accept the fact that 'things have changed and they better give up on their plans'.
Neither will the Satan and his army of Fallen Ones allow millennia of scheming and working towards this particular window in time and space go to waste just because of a growth in awareness.

Be sure that the transition from the old order to YHWH's order will be very violent, and if people are waking up and the vested interest of the select few are at risk, they will not hesitate to plunge us into a huge traumatic war to get their way.
They will pull every string in their hands to make sure nothing gets in the way of their new world order paradise, even if it means they have to kill billions.
If a political candidate becomes a liability, they will remove him, either through blackmail, persecution, or simply by creating another JFK.
There is NO smooth transition to YHWH's Kingdom, and it's appearance will come about through extreme violence.

So too Donald Trump better be aware that there is more than just a few bankers, investors and corporation with their political pawns to combat.
Furthermore, they are prepared to go to extremes to protect their power and money.
If bribery does not work, maybe sacrificing a few pawns in exchange for certain liberties will, and if that fails perhaps blackmail will to the trick, and if that does not work there's always the option of the bullet.
And even if Trump were to succeed, there are powers behind the representation of the global agenda in this world, Dark unseen powers from another dimension who will never let anyone stand in the way of their plans.
Trump better be aware that he is facing more than just stakeholders in the political games of this world, there's another realm to consider, the realm which inspired the great conspiracy and which aims to destroy Mankind.

The Evil One is facing how YHWH also works in this world, and He is waking people up so that they are becoming aware of the extent to which they are fed lies on a daily basis.
Recently I saw the trailer for the upcoming X-Men movies called 'Apocalypse', and it was very interesting to see how the concept of the new world order is tied to the coming of a deceptive savior who seeks to build a new world out of the ashes of the old one.
I have no idea what the exact scenario of the movie is, whether it ultimately ends up being truthful or deceptive, anti-Satan or anti-Yahshua, but the theme of the movie is interesting and also very curiously timed in the hinge year 2016.

Up to now we have been like pawns in the hands of the domino pushers who destroy us with their sick games.
These sly serpents do not directly commit crimes against humanity, no, they set certain developments in motion which in turn influence decisions and create the responses they anticipated.
They love to murder and destroy by proxy so that they can profit from it, and never is anyone able to pinpoint them as the ones who are behind the murders and destruction simply because there is no direct relationship.
They go scot-free and claim no responsibility, even though they willfully and deliberately engineered the situation.

YHWH knows and He will not let anyone go scot-free.
He will judge you who are guilty of committing crimes against your fellowman, and in His mirror you will experience what you have done to others.
Your path to paradise is a path leading to your destruction in YHWH's mirror, and in spite of how clever you think you are with your schemes you cannot see the horror straight ahead of you.
But I am given to see it, and I rejoice greatly that YHWH's justice WILL be implemented and the callous brutal unrepentant murderers and exploiters who now live comfortably, not bothered by any pangs of conscience whatsoever, WILL face up to what they are in YHWH's mirror.

A change in happening as YHWH stirs the hearts and minds of people so that they can see what remained hidden from their eyes for the longest time.
Yet Darkness will not let power and control slip out of its hands, so brace yourself for the unthinkable.