Has not
YHWH warned us all along the way?
Has He
not given us His instructions, warning us that if we reject them we inevitably
will turn ourselves into extensions of Evil, agents of Destruction?
not sent His own messengers time and again to remind the people of the
impending Destruction and calamities awaiting them as a result of activating
the seed of Destruction by their fornication with the god of Destruction, the
Why then
is it that these words which are repeated over and over again fall on hardened
soil which denies them the opportunity to bring forth any fruit?
How is it that a heart of flesh can be harder than a solid chunk of metal?
Nothing ever
seems to change.
bringers of the word which warned the people are turned into religious icons
and revered by the religious crowd as objects embedded in their religious tapestry.
become ornaments in stained glass windows, relics of a distant past.
words they spoke, who cares?
were intended for those 'obstinate Israelites' who refused to listen.
They stubbornly indulged in idolatry, something we would never do, no...
'we all are different, we can recognize and appreciate the prophets of the Bible'.
We go our churches and join the choir, we do not have any idols like Ba'al or Chemosh, no.
We do not think of our fornication with Mammon as Evil because it serves a good purpose, doesn't it, we do not think of our addictions to booze, or porn, or entertainment, or gossip as idolatry, do we?
Oh, how prophets have an aura of mystique and religious authority, and how we love to
differentiate between the 'major' prophets and the 'minor' prophets.
think a prophet can be major or minor?
I tell
you, there is no major or minor prophet, only YHWH is major, the One who sent
His own, and if anyone alive today claims to be a 'major prophet', then by
these words alone I already know he/she is but a liar inspired by his/her own deluded ego.
Oh, but how we love to dress up in titles which bestow an air of religious importance on us, how we love our conventions where we discuss the WORD of the LORD GOD, surely if we believe we are a prophet, an apostle, a priest, a minister of the WORD, if we attend the church services and the conventions, then surely that alone makes us special and different from all the others?
If only you knew the extent to which you have sold out to the Evil One wearing the mask of religion.
Yet even
today YHWH sends His own messengers, and He speaks through them.
They are
the lambs sent among a pack of wolves, and even today His own receive the same
treatment now as in the distant past.
The pack
of wolves regard the lambs as predators, believing in a lie whispered in their
hearts just as they have loved the Lie all of their lives.
The wolves see reality through warped lenses, and as such they do not relate to reality, but to a lying fantasy projected into their minds.
They live the Lie and identify with the Lie, and because of that they cannot relate to or even tolerate Truth, since Truth is a threat to the fantasy of the Lie.
sends His own to warn the people, knowing that His words will only be fruitful
in the hearts of His own, and His own are few in number.
Why is
it that so many can be so stupid, so dumb, so ignorant?
It is
your love of the Lie which dumbs you down and closes your heart towards YHWH's
uncomfortable Truth.
You make
yourselves dumb, stupid and ignorant by the choice you made in your hearts to
follow after the deception of the Evil One, the one you worship as your God,
yes, even calling him your savior, your father, thinking yourself to be
worshipping 'the God of the Bible while in the fruit of your thoughts, words
and deeds you show yourself to be a worshipper of the Satan.
'All is
well, we have nothing to worry about, things will remain the same, and any
discomfort of an economic crisis and the rise of religious killers in the name
of Islam will go just as they came.
And so,
let's drink and eat, enjoy ourselves as we immerse ourselves in a little immorality,
let's hold up religious/cultural traditions to keep our identity intact, and if
we feel guilty let's get rid of it by means of our booze, drugs, entertainment,
or if you are so inclined just proclaim the name of God a couple of times to
excuse the wantonness of your own heart'.
The rich
grow richer, thinking themselves to be smart because they regard their corrupt
ways of iniquity as clever ways to accumulate wealth.
They do
not think of acquittal of debt, for money is their god and to relinquish any
money they can gather is to rob themselves from the joy of their god.
Yet I
tell you that you who refuse to forgive shall not find forgiveness in the day
when YHWH will turn the tables, and all your most treasured possessions which
you spread out for your pleasure on your table will fall to the ground.
Today is the same as yesterday.
And yesterday the Israelites were warned that if they did not turn back from their Evil ways, YHWH would bring Destruction on their path.
The poor
grow poorer, many of whom share the same hardness of heart with the rich
elite thriving at their expense.
leaders devour the ones who elected them, taking away their freedom bit by bit
until no leeway exists any longer and they rule over a farm of domesticated
idiots who are in love with their booze, their drugs, their sexual
perversities, their idols, their movie stars, their musicians who love to
flaunt the symbolism of exploitation in front of the eyes which can't see, ears
that can't hear, and a heart that can't feel.
Today is just as it was yesterday in Israel before it was destroyed.
Oh how
the collaborators love to flash the pyramid of their unseen master!
symbol, the female delta flashing defiantly in the face of Heaven as the
eternal seduction to usurp YHWH's energy, the
symbol of rebellion against the most High, the 'three-four' seduction into
eternal Destruction portrayed as the Adversary's paradise.
Then, as
a true double whammy of defiance, the Evil One uses the phallus of the obelisk
to send back the fertilized seed of Evil into the womb of Heaven as a message
of what he ultimately desires: to bring his Evil (which he regards as freedom)
into the eternity of Heaven so that Heaven is impregnated with the Evil seed
and brings forth his new Heaven in his image.
phallus is the conduit through which the seed of Evil is
aimed towards Heaven, and that is the reason you see these
damned obelisks everywhere throughout history.
The Life
energy he leeched by means of seduction (in our case the seduction of Man), as symbolized in the pyramid, is now reversed and carries the blueprint of Evil, and it is sent back into the womb of Heaven
to produce the child in the image of the Evil One.
In other
words, YHWH's energy is stolen from Him through the lies of seduction, and used against Heaven itself.
It shows the double face of the Evil One.
If he wants something he cannot take by force, he uses the female seduction game for the purpose of manipulation by means of lies and deceit, and once he has what he wants he shows his other face, the face of the aggressive rapist who uses violence to get things his way.
How can
you remain so stupid that you keep up your promotion of the Devil's idiotic
seduction game which ultimately aims to destroy Man, including YOU?
there a remnant of sanity left in you, you think that what I write is just
religious superstition, the outcome of a mind which has a deluded sense of
religious sounding grandeur?
should you choose the kiss the boots of your Destroyer?
you have made a bargain, because you sell out like a prostitute in exchange for
fame and fortune, empty meaningless ideals which can never fulfill you or give
you a lasting sense of happiness?
And so
you seek that which you thought would bring you the bliss of Nirvana, hoping
that bringing more of it into your Life will ultimately suffice in
establishing the kind of bliss which will last, the happiness which will not
ever end.
But it
It was a lie to begin with, a lie straight from the mouth of the Father
of the Lie, and it will never deliver what you believe it could give you.
It will
leave you wanting and craving more and more and more, like an addict seeking
fulfillment from the drugs, only to realize that more drugs is needed, until
the moment the addict steps across the boundaries of Life and finds himself
trapped in a devastating reality where a torturous longing is constantly
present in the Soul, a longing which will never be fulfilled and which has
turned into an eternal pain of the Spirit.
fools, you think you gain something by joining the Adversary's promotion
think your financial reward for joining the corporate club of liars will bring
you bliss as you adopt the lying ways of the others?
You think
by conceding to experiment with chemicals in order to create food which is no
food and which destroys others is alright since you 'have to make sure there's
bread on the table for your family and yourself', and so you have to do what is
required of you in order to get your paycheck?
think your widespread public acceptance and the wealth it brings you will make
you happy, even though you rape Man's Soul on a daily basis with the muzak
garbage which is required of you to produce, or with the lies in the movie you
are required to promote?
What are
you going to do, join another great big gang bang just as the Israelites had
their orgies in celebration of their idols?
Are you
going to baptize the people with seductive Evil filth for the sake of money and
fame, will you seduce them to revel in the lowest, sick sexual depravities so
that they are integrated into the hive which drains the Life out of their Souls
and renders them as insipid slaves to a system run by administrators who regard
their slaves as utensils fit only to serve their personal pleasure?
Will you, a human being, turn yourself into a pet of dumb Demons?
How much
more depravity and stupifying destructive Evil do you think our intelligent Creator will put up with?
When we
rebel He seeks to wake us up by giving us over into the power of those who
gained power over our Soul through our weakness, so that the pain will make us
turn back.
But if
we do not turn back and become like big ugly stains of filth spreading on the carpet of
Creation, what is our Creator to do?
He will
clean up the carpet and wipe out the stains.
From the
first post until this one I have tried to inspire awareness of how we are
trapped in a cage we helped to create, a cage which dumbs us down and where our
awareness is dimmed by our own weaknesses, our own inclination to sin.
Just as
Light destroys Darkness, awareness destroys ignorance, and why should you
desire to keep yourself trapped in a cage of ignorance where you are ruled by
dark unseen masters which are after your destruction?
This is
not a figment of my imagination, I have seen them at work, YHWH told me how
they think and what makes them tick, and I tell you they are NOT like us who
carry the knowledge of Good and Evil within ourselves.
pose as creators but they are destroyers, they pretend to be lovers while
hiding the true face of a hater, they look as if they care while in fact they
don't give a damn, they look warm but they're as cold as ice.
And you
want to serve them just so that you can receive that carrot at the end of the
stick they are holding in their hands?
wrong with you that you lack the guts to stand up and tell the dark jerks to
get lost by refusing to join their circus and rather starve to death than to
compromise on Truth?
A coward
dies a thousand times, yet a man of courage dies only once, and even that one
time it is nothing but the shedding of a temporary skin which releases his heart to
Oh, you
poor thing, you love your booze, you love your porn, you love your stars and
you could not imagine a life without them?
You want
to be just like them and do the things they promote in their video clips,
because if it makes THEM feel good and gives them wealth, why deny yourself the
same kind of pleasure and the possible material benefits derived from them?
all, 'do what thou wilt', it's the 21st century, right?
you would think differently if you read the other two lines following the
Crowley lie promoting the 'do what thou wilt' ideology: do what thou wilt = do
what he wills = be a slave, give away your Soul for a plate of food, and die.
we nor any other creature can escape the rule of Dualism: you either are in
harmony with YHWH, or you are NOT in harmony with YHWH, in which case you fall
prone to the rule of Evil.
There is NO middle way, NO alternative beyond these
two realities.
understand the desire to escape the reality of daily Life on Earth, because at
the core it is ugly beyond belief, even though it would have been the most
beautiful experience if there were no Evil interference.
But the
need to escape is just a drive the Evil One uses to round you up into his camp
of oblivious fools.
He has a
right and a left hand, and he uses the dynamics of the interaction between both
as the fuel which helps him to rule over both sides.
really an ancient conspiracy which existed even before Man was created.
YHWH created Man in His image, the human Soul became the treasured relic
inspiring the Fallen Ones to seduce Man into joining their rebellion against
YHWH so that Man would become the slave of their Dark Cause.
fell, and as a result the Fallen Ones have ruled Earth since antiquity, posing
as gods and demanding that we serve them in order to be given a place within
the order they designed for Man, an order which requires sacrifice on a regular
is nothing other than the exchange of energy so that energy from YHWH is given
over to and transformed into a battery for Evil.
order or hierarchy of Evil is an order which avails itself of specific
symbolism and the numerical system the Evil One derived from YHWH's order of
Just as
Evil needs to steal energy from YHWH to exist, the occult numerical system
takes YHWH's numbers and seeks to transform them into numbers representing the
Satanic ideal for Creation.
are modulators manifesting a specific reality, and by modifying the modulators
the Evil One seeks to re-route the energy the numbers modulate and use them as
building blocks for his own reality.
I have
written about these symbols and the use of numbers repeatedly hoping that by
clarifying the system behind them you will arm yourself by the awareness you
And so
we find ourselves in a society where Evil symbolism and the perverted use of
numbers -also within the symbolism-, are promoted and upheld, flaunted in our
face on a daily basis.
It is a
celebration of exploitation and stupidity, since the masses remain unaware, while the few who are aware and who lend themselves as living commercials for
the Lie focus so much on the goodies they can derive from their fornication with Evil
that they make themselves blind to the true nature of what they are involved
the outer shell of a visible image of society an Evil embryo has grown into
maturity as a manifestation and extension of an Evil reality, and it is ready
to burst forth into this world.
symbols, the numbers, the gestures and secret clues flashing to and fro, all of
them are linked to this embryo and the way it influences its slaves, bestowing
privileges on the ones who volunteered to serve the well-being of this embryo,
ostracizing and even seeking to destroy those who want to expose the Truth
about the nature of this embryo.
It will
be born as Man's greatest benefactor, yet it will turn out to be Man's greatest vexation,
and the world will know its darkest moment when the true face of the embryo is
We are
living in a prison, and everything in Life we are exposed to is designed to
dress up the prison as freedom.
As we
venture through Life we are brainwashed and conditioned to accept the nagging
feeling of living in slavery to something we do not control as a product of our
imagination, and that we should learn to conform and adapt to the circumstances
and the demands of society.
As circumstances and society's demands are manipulated, a more stringent control of the prison can be
implemented, all for our own good of course.
And all
the while unseen Shadows pull our strings and leech our Life away from us,
seducing us into the oblivion of our vices, our Sins, in order to pull the
shades over our eyes so that we remain unaware of them.
Yet this
prison is in the process of manifesting itself in full foul glory now that
science and the advances made in electronics and genetic engineering arrived at the
point where they can effectively be used to implement an ever greater control over Man's movement within the prison where he awaits his Death sentence.
planned make-over of Man will turn out to be a hellish nightmare disguised as
Man's greatest bliss.
promised Utopia will prove to be a horrifying Alcatraz where every single
movement you make is registered and controlled by the brain police.
money will be taken away from you without you noticing it; all the bankers have
to do is to make electronic payments mandatory, and the tax inspectors will do the rest.
possessions will become a thing of the past, and people will be relegated to
the ranks of slaves.
Yet all
along the way YHWH sends out warnings, 'don't go that way, listen to My instructions and turn back from your wicked ways'.
When the Darkness in this world
increases and continues to disrupt the balance between Good and Evil, judgments are guaranteed to follow until the final Judgment when YHWH presses the ultimate reset-button.
As you
have done unto your fellow man, so will it be done unto you, as you showed no
mercy, no mercy will be shown to you, and your torture will know no end.
This is
what YHWH's final judgment is all about: the end of the rule of Evil by making
the agents of Evil eat their own dirt.
It means
the dish of pain they fed others will become THEIR daily meal, it means the
ongoing exploitation of YHWH's own will become the
never-ending rape of their Soul by the Evil they promoted.
As the
embryo of Evil is ready to be born into this world, so too Judgment will come
into our world, and like the pains of a woman in labor it will manifest in a constantly increasing and more intense rhythm until finally it will give birth to the
righteousness of the Son of Man appearing into this world, and Evil will be destroyed from the face of the planet.
the Light which exposes and destroys the Darkness.
exposes the lies we are fed in our lives, He lifts up the blanket so that
finally we can see what lie beneath.
that true freedom, freedom from deception, freedom from being manipulated
through lies?
is depicted as the Great Dictator who seeks to keep Souls in bondage to His
paradigm of what is Good, while the Father of the Lie is depicted as the great
Liberator who releases Man's Soul from that paradigm in order to 'do whatever
pleases him', which always comes down to the kind of 'freedom' a drug addict
experiences when he injects the drug into his veins.
not freedom, it's a dimming of the awareness of the degree of bondage to the
then whom you will serve and the freedom you desire, and accept the consequences.
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