
The Four Of Destruction

Some time ago I wrote about the meaning of numbers.
I explained how everything we know in our reality is the result of numbers manifesting themselves in energy, and how YHWH has allotted specific properties to numbers in His storyline for Mankind.

One such number is '4'.
When you read in Deuteronomy 28 about the curse, you will notice how the description of the curse consists of three incremental parts, and they result in the destruction of the nation.
In Israel's case the curse was part of the covenant, and YHWH warned them that if they would turn to Evil and rebel against Him, thus attracting the destructive power of Evil, curses would overtake them and become worse, and that in case the curses did not make them turn around and repent they would be destroyed as a nation and dispersed to the '4' corners of the Earth.

So, the '4' is the number YHWH assigned to destruction, and the sequence '3-4' within this context refers to the fullness of destruction, the '3' passing into the '4'.
It is part of the full sequence of '1-(2)-3-4': the unity in YHWH is broken and substituted by the Dualism (2) due to the presence of Evil through Sin, and when Sin causes us to persist in our rebellion and we go through the three phases of the Curse (the fullness of the Curse = '3') it ultimately will result in our destruction (4).

The interesting thing is that I read an article about the blood moon on April 4th (the fourth of the fourth month or '44'), and how this day also brings us the shortest lunar eclipse of this century lasting for 4 minutes and 44 seconds ('444').
In the article I wrote about the meaning of numbers I described how the Adversary uses YHWH's definition of numbers and their properties, and manipulates those numbers in order to build his own reality.
Thus he leeches YHWH's energy so that he can build his own niche in Creation, and gradually overtake and re-create YHWH's structure into his own.

The way the Adversary uses his technique of transforming the properties of YHWH's numbers into numbers representing concepts of his own is something I described more elaborately in my article series about numbers.
In short it means that just as Dualism is like the '1' splitting in two, the '1' representing YHWH and unity we have in Him is in the Satan's hands turned into the '11' on the level of Man's reality, and the '111' on the level of the metaphysical Satanic reality which knows no return to YHWH's reality.
When Man is born he enters the double digit zone from whence he is able to return to YHWH's '1' in the single digit zone through repentance, or he can kill the presence of the Spirit and destroy his conscience, and venture into the Satanic triple digit zone from whence he can never return.

So, YHWH's definition of the single digit numbers thus is transformed into double digit numbers with the specific goal to venture into the zone of the Lie, the triple digit zone representing the Satan's concept of his reality, a reality which is built on a lie and which can never be.
Within this system the greatest distance can be found between YHWH's reality of the '1' and the Satan's '999', an extrapolation of the number YHWH assigned to the perpetual reality of Evil ('9')  yet in the Satan's version turned into the Lie of an 'alternative reality' without YHWH.

The occurrence of the numbers '4', '44' and '444' are very alarming in this context.
The '4' stands for the destruction YHWH decreed, the '44' stands for the destruction on the level of Earth as a result of Satanic interference, and the '444' stands for the Satanic lie which seeks to achieve the '444' in order to establish the ultimate ideal, the '999'.
The '444' in the Adversary's eyes is the idea of building his own structure upon the ashes of YHWH's '4', in order words, the blood which YHWH's '4'  brings about is seen by the Adversary as the fuel necessary to jumpstart his own ideal of '444'.

Just think of how YHWH destroyed Israel for persistent rebellion.
Yes, there was a lot of bloodshed, but the completion of the destruction came in the form of sending the surviving members of the tribes AWAY from Israel, mixing them with the nations where they were sent so that they adopted pagan (Satanic) ways and customs which were not good for them (the Satan's Lie).
So, the '444' in this case came in the form of the Adversary absorbing Israel into HIS queendom, and that is where the '444' in this case also points to.

If it concerns Israel it means that as a result of YHWH's judgment the Adversary will seek once again to devour Israel and absorb the nation into HIS queendom where HIS rules and HIS false customs apply.
If it concerns the world it means that as a result of YHWH's judgment (which WILL give Evil the power to manifest and strengthen itself by means of leeching Life-force through a mass bloodshed we refer to as war and terrorism) the Satan will seek to establish his '444' in the form of his queendom of rebellion, something you perhaps are better familiar with as the 'new world order'.

Now that on the day of Passover, a day of blood sacrifice (and by the way, the Hebrew word for 'blood' is 'dahm', with the 'dalet' being the 4th letter of the alphabet), the sequence of '4-44-444' manifests itself so clearly, it is like the sound of an alarm bell and something we better not ignore.

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