Man can
be restored, saved from the fall into the arms of Evil.
So if the
Fallen Man can be saved, surely Fallen Angels can be saved from Evil as well?
this thought is very understandable from a human perspective, Angels cannot be
saved once they have turned their Spirit against YHWH's Ruach, His Spirit.
To turn
your Spirit against YHWH's Spirit becomes a split point where your own Spirit
transforms into a vehicle of Evil.
The reason
for this change lies in the paradigm of Dualism as created by YHWH where He
made it possible for everything which He is not to manifest itself in Creation.
who sinned have sinned on the reality level of the Spirit, the level of the ultimate reality.
this reality they split off from YHWH's Spirit and became a vehicle which
stands in a dualistic contrast with YHWH's Spirit.
Spirit, and if we become Evil in the Spirit there simply is no element within
us left which might be able to connect back to YHWH's Spirit and thus be saved
from the consequences of having sinned, which is equal to the consequences of becoming zero.
Not only
Angels commit themselves to the Evil side permanently when they sin, human
beings ALSO cannot be saved from the consequences of sinning in
the Spirit.
human knowledge of Good vs. Evil stems from the presence of a conscience within
us which is part of our Spirit, and when the Spirit turns Evil, where can the contrast
with Evil come from?
Not from
the human Body, because it is a vehicle for the growth and expression of Evil from
Our Soul
is the element which chooses between the impulses it receives from either the
Body or the Spirit, and if it cannot receive any impulses of Good from either
the Body or the Spirit, how can it latch on to Good and identify with it?
Angels sinned with their Spirit, there is no part within them which might
connect back to YHWH and be restored.
beings have an option the Angels do not have due to the fact that we are an
integral part the physical realm of reality, a realm which is like a dream compared
to the metaphysical reality of Heaven.
(Evil) entered the human race through the physical (dream) interface, not the Spirit,
and as long as we do not kill our conscience (which is part of our Spirit), we
have a chance to be restored.
It is
the choice we make in the Soul which determines whether or not Evil will
confiscate our entire Spirit and permeate our entire being as is the case with
the Angels.
The culturally and genitically shaped human Body draws the human Soul to Evil, a gravity pull we have inherited from
our ancestors.
The more
we sin in our lives, the more energy we give to the identity of Evil assaulting
our Soul, and the stronger the grip and gravity pull Evil has on us, and the
greater the dissonance with our conscience.
though we are drawn to Evil in our Soul because of the fallen Body we inherit, there
still remains a part within our Spirit which contains the knowledge of Good,
and because our Soul is connected both to the fallen Body AND the human Spirit,
we become a living embodiment of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
In other
words, we are intimate with Good in our Spirit in the form of our conscience,
and we are intimate with Evil through our Sins, something which the Tree of the
knowledge of Good and Evil in the story in Genesis illustrates.
choice we make in our Soul for either the Flesh or the Spirit determines our
identity in spiritual terms: Good or Evil.
If we do
not regard our conscience as an alien element and reject it as Evil, we retain
the chance to connect back to YHWH and thus be restored back to Good.
method of our restoration is established through Belief, Faith.
is our acknowledgement of the fact that our conscience is Good, and we should
be Good but instead we have fallen and we need to be restored by our Creator in
the form of His Salvation, the physical embodiment of YHWH's nature, Yahshua.
We may
have sinned abundantly in all manners in Life, as long as we have not rejected
our conscience as an alien Evil element we are able to come to accept and
identify with YHWH's Spirit.
moment we kill our conscience, we become like Fallen Angels, Evil all the way
through without any element within us which might be able to identify with the
Source of Good, which is YHWH.
So there
is no Salvation for the Sin of the Spirit, and that is why Fallen Angels cannot
be saved.
that cruel and unfair?
No, it
is not, because Fallen Angels have transformed themselves into a new species
which cannot stand the presence of YHWH.
WANT YHWH out of their lives, and they cannot
feel any differently.
In their
eyes YHWH is the Enemy, the great Dictator, and although they love to regain
access to all the good things in Heaven, they desire those things WITHOUT
loving YHWH, for they cannot and will never love YHWH.
This is
why YHWH had to create a special reality environment within His Creation based
on the principle of Dualism, an environment which expresses the character of
the Evil side of Creation, the side of the rebels who desire to be their own
god and make up their own rules because they hate YHWH.
created this compartment as the home for the Angels who desire to live apart
from YHWH.
they will experience YHWH as 'Jehovah', meaning, 'Yah is Ruin' (the Hebrew word
'hovah' means 'ruin, mischief, disaster', and it is the reason why I never
pronounce YHWH as Jehovah: YHWH is Life and blessing to me, not ruin and
disaster, and it feels very wrong to me to pronounce His name as Jehovah).
we all exist, and there is no external 'beyond' apart from Him.
may be a reality compartment which portrays the idea of an existence without
YHWH, but it is a simulation, like a compartment in terms of the structures of
There is
no existence outside of YHWH, more than that, there is no 'outside of YHWH'.
YHWH's level of reality is the
ultimate reality, the reality of the Spirit, and from this reality of the Spirit all other
realities come into existence.
level of the Spirit is not a special reality environment such as our physical
dimension, or Sheol, or Paradise.
No, when
the Angels sin, it is the switching of polarity on the level of the Spirit, the
ultimate reality.
polarity switch is permanent.
There is
no Dualism in YHWH.
because Dualism exists as an integral part of the current paradigm for
dimensions, it affects those who are part of that paradigm.
gives the Angels and us a choice, even to the extent that it is capable of
making an individual cut his Spirit loose because it identifies with the
polarity which gives rise to Dualism: Evil.
If we
sin against the Holy Spirit there is no forgiveness for us either, because we
have sinned on the level of the Spirit, the highest reality.
If we
are confronted with the pure Goodness of YHWH's Spirit, and we reject that
Goodness and regard it as Evil, we switch polarity in our Spirit in the same
way as Angels switch the polarity of their Spirit when they choose to sin.
result is that we and the Angels change as the result of our choice into
manifestations of Evil.
In that reversed frame of mind we regard everything which is Evil as Good, and everything which
is Good as Evil.
reject the paradigm of Good vs. Evil because it is designed by YHWH, and like
the ancient Adversary we follow our own paradigm (which is not really our OWN paradigm, but the result of the dualistic programming).
Just as
Darkness cannot ever become Light again for the same reason as multipying zero with any given number can never result in any other number than zero, nothing, the
polarity change from Good to Evil in the Spirit results in an eternal Evil
Sinning in the Spirit is turning from '1' into '0'.
Sinning in the Spirit is turning from '1' into '0'.
Angels sin, they sin in the Spirit, and it changes their polarity forever.
Sin buries their Spirit in the current reality for dimensions, which is a
reality environment based on the principle of Dualism.
It is
like a choice to be put in a coma rather than living in the real world of the
Spirit no longer has access to YHWH's Spirit because it has become 'no-YHWH',
or 'anti-YHWH'.
way of putting it is that YHWH is existence, and because they have become
expressions of 'non-existence' they are completely cut off from 'existence'.
their Spirit reversed polarity when they sinned, Fallen Angels no longer are
like Angels of Heaven, but they have transformed into another species.
There is
no longer an inner conflict over their Sin so that they might repent, but
instead there is a new instinct living within them which is the outcome of the
principle of Dualism.
have acquired an instinct of Evil, but they do not see it as Evil.
To think
in terms of Good and Evil is to be in touch with and submit yourself to YHWH's
paradigm of Good vs. Evil.
Adversary -the Satan-, is not in touch with YHWH's Ruach any longer, and he no
longer is able to relate to YHWH's paradigm of Good vs. Evil.
thinks he is able to define realities on his own terms, and he has created his
own paradigm of what is good and bad.
his new instinct whispers in his heart is deemed Good by him, and whatever goes
against it is like Evil to him.
he fully identifies with his newly acquired instinct, he considers the
inspiration of this instinct as his own.
That is
why the description of the Satan as a serpentine being is very accurate, since
he is ruled by a an Evil instinct just as serpents are ruled by a serpentine
instinct, both having in common that they are primed for self-preservation and
glorification at the expense of others, both moving in sly and subtle ways in
order to be able to lash out at their chosen prey in the most effective way.
people read about Fallen Angels the implication of this label is not always apparent
to them.
Angels have fallen away from their former glory and state of existence, and
more importantly, they have fallen away from YHWH's concept of Good vs. Evil.
In other
words, there is NO conscience whatsoever left in them.
In their
fallen state they do not acknowledge the distinction between Good and Evil, but
instead they think in terms of YHWH's
will, His concepts and ideas, vs. their own ideas and concepts.
Not only
have they fallen, they have transmogrified into a negative of what they were, an inferior species.
Only, in
their mind they see themselves as an evolved superior species abiding by their
own concept of reality because they 'cut themselves loose from YHWH's
materializes through words, deeds, thoughts, feelings, emotions, images and all
other ways of expression by taking that which belongs to our Creator, and
turning it into an 'anti-Creator'-statement.
YHWH did
not create Evil as a strong force, but as a principle, a lever mechanism which
is activated through our act of giving our attention to Evil and making the
dualistic choice for Evil.
That is
when Evil begins to take what YHWH put in us, and reverse the polarity so that
all the talents we are given, the words we speak and write, as well as our
deeds and the thoughts preceding them come to reflect Evil.
existence of Evil is the result of a choice which changes the polarity of
everything it comes in contact with.
programming code of Evil cannot exist by itself, but it needs to be energized,
'turned ON', by the energy we and the Angels give it when we focus our
attention on the forbidden.
Another way to describe 'the forbidden' would be to call it the 'introduction of no', the negative which is the lever capable of activating Evil, something I have illustrated in the story of the 'Box of NO' .
Another way to describe 'the forbidden' would be to call it the 'introduction of no', the negative which is the lever capable of activating Evil, something I have illustrated in the story of the 'Box of NO' .
installs a programming which is a process of polarity reversal by means of the
transference of Energy and Life-force we give it when we identify with it and accept
your identification with Evil you literally transform into a negative where all
the talents which YHWH gave you now come to stand in service of and be
jumpstarted by the reversed polarity of Evil.
the power and glory of these talents when they are reversed is inferior and
less than when they stand in service of YHWH, because YHWH not only renews, He
adds to them and makes them grow in His image.
To put
it differently, Evil turns you into a dummy.
There is
a downside to Evil, and that downside also is its greatest weakness: it is
passive, and it depends for its survival and growth on what it is able to usurp from YHWH
through our choice for Evil.
talents, words, thoughts, etcetera, are designed to come into existence as a result
of YHWH energizing them and making them come alive in and through us.
When we
have separated ourselves from YHWH through Sin, the only way to energize them
is by means of stealing the fuel (the energy) from others.
This act
of theft can be done directly by us, or it can be done by proxy, such as by
means of aligning yourself to the cause of the Fallen Ones hoping that they
will 'bless you' with energy, skills, talents, and good fortune.
Even if
you are a talentless bum these Fallen Ones can provide you with the talent you
need as long as you are willing to do their bidding.
But the moment you no longer are useful for their cause don't be surprised to see the talents you took for granted go up in smoke and find yourself reduced to the old talentless bum you used to be, whereas YHWH's people are like green trees who still bring forth new fruit in their old age, even though they may enjoy little to no material success in this world.
But the moment you no longer are useful for their cause don't be surprised to see the talents you took for granted go up in smoke and find yourself reduced to the old talentless bum you used to be, whereas YHWH's people are like green trees who still bring forth new fruit in their old age, even though they may enjoy little to no material success in this world.
the jumpstart of the talents in our rebellious fallen state is done directly or
by proxy, we bring upon ourselves
bloodguilt either way, because the act of theft of energy comes at the
expense of others, yes, even the murder of infant sacrifice (such as abortion
or plain child murder).
could any decent man or woman want to thrive knowing in his/her heart that it
comes at the expense of the innocent?
But such
is the downside of having aligned yourself to Evil: you need to get the
'inspiration' from external sources pouring out their elixir into your mind
instead of getting it from YHWH flowing His Force into your Spirit, and through
your Spirit into your Soul-mind.
become externally motivated living at the expense of others instead of
internally motivated living for the benefit of others.
When the
Angels fell, their Spirit and everything which YHWH put in their Spirit was
infected with the 'software virus' of Evil, and it reversed their very Spirit
so that NO element within them could ever align itself with YHWH again.
They now
belonged to the Dark side of the Dualism coin, standing in complete contrast
with the Light side which belongs to YHWH.
choice transformed them into metaphysical expressions of Evil, living at the
expense of Creation rather than to the benefit of Creation.
they no longer could relate to YHWH, they inherited an instinct of Evil which
they regard as their own.
longer could they relate to YHWH's Goodness, but instead they found themselves
stuck in the mire of their own concepts of what is right vs. what is wrong.
because of their altered nature they see the mire which bogs them down as the
bliss of freedom which enlightens their path and lifts them out of the
restraints of YHWH's prison.
This is
why we cannot and should not ever project our own innate knowledge of Good and
Evil on Fallen Angels as if they too will abide by that distinction which seems
to come so natural to us.
Just as
it can be a deadly mistake for human beings to project human feelings and
emotions unto pets as if pets feel the same way as we do, it is a deadly
mistake to project our own inner sense of Good and Evil, Sin and repentance of
Sin, unto Fallen Angels.
serpent responds to serpentine instinct and it has no regard for human feelings
of gratitude, love, or kindness.
Likewise, Fallen Angels respond to their own newly acquired instinct with complete disregard for our sense of Good and Evil.
Likewise, Fallen Angels respond to their own newly acquired instinct with complete disregard for our sense of Good and Evil.
will show kindness if they can use it to their benefit, they will show
gratitude if they seek to manipulate you for the benefit of their purposes, they
will show you inhuman cruelty if it serves their best interest, and whether it
is kindness or cruelty makes no difference to them in a moral sense.
gets the job done, whatever works in their own best interest, is good in their
live by their instinct, their own set of rules which is the set of rules
belonging to Evil.
Evil is
prideful, it takes care of number one first: anything and anyone should be used
to your own advantage, and any means to reach your goal are deemed Good.
It is
Machiavellian in nature and does not abide by what YHWH deems Good or Evil.
expect true Goodness from a Fallen Spirit, whether it is an angelic Fallen
Spirit or a human Fallen Spirit, because the Source of ALL Goodness, YHWH, is
no longer present in them.
lack Goodness for the same reason a serpent lacks Goodness: it is not part of
their nature.
If you
want to deal safely with serpents you have to take the serpentine instinct into
account and NEVER allow yourself to project your own feelings unto the serpent.
you have to arm yourself with awareness of the serpentine nature of Fallen
Angels and their ilk such as the Fallen Spirits operating in human beings, and
treat them with the same aloofness you might have as when you deal with a
venomous snake.
You know
you have to keep your distance to such a snake and not attempt to show
affection by stroking it on the head.
Be aware
that not everything which looks like a human being is a human being.
There is
such a thing as a Spirit within human beings, and some human beings carry an
Evil Spirit within them.
who worship the great Serpentine Deceiver share in his callous, Machiavellian
mindset avails itself of human psychology as a field of opportunities waiting
to be exploited for the benefit of the owner of the Evil mindset.
To the
Satan's initiated, gratitude, love and kindness are feelings they can
manipulate for their own benefit.
they 'give', they seek to inspire gratitude and a feeling of 'I-owe-you' which
enables them to cash in on that feeling when the time is right.
they 'do good', they seek to manipulate your heart in their favor for whatever
purpose they may have in mind.
'give' to 'get', they show you kindness when they need to steer you in a
particular direction, they seek to bind you
in guilt-inspired 'love' to them.
your spiritual distance to the Fallen Ones and their ploys to make you succumb
to the carrot of temptation they may hold up to you, or the pressure of
temptation bearing down on your Soul.
In their
eyes YOU are their lunch, and to get their nutrients you have to surrender your
Soul into their carnivorous predatory hands.
Adversary is the one who has sown his own seed in the same plot where YHWH
planted His seed, and both grow to maturity of what they are at the core, Evil to Evil,
Good to Good.
The seed
of the Adversary are Fallen Spirits incarnating on Earth to bring forth the
fruit of their choice against YHWH, the seed of YHWH are His children who are
destined to carry the fruit of their choice to love YHWH.
birth is the moment of our materialization in the Earth realm, not the moment
we come into existence because we already existed as Spirits.
we are transferred into the blank slate of a human mind, we forget as we
integrate with this blank slate.
Babies still have a special sense of knowing and seeing in the Spirit, but as
their consciousness is drawn into this world, this sense of knowing diminishes
proportionally, and the physical sight begins to dominate their Spiritual sight.
Spirits who are born on Earth and make the choice for Good are already known by
YHWH and intimate with Him before they came into this world.
Spirits who incarnate as human beings devoid of a conscience are part of the
seed the Evil One sows into the soil of the Earth, Fallen Spirits entering the Flesh.
grow up to maturity and express the side of the Tree they really belong to.
So arm
yourself with this knowledge and keep the Fallen Ones and their human slaves at
a safe distance from your Soul, never letting your guard down or relating to
these Serpents with naivety, because you will suffer damage if you do.
They may
look like you, talk like you, walk like you and smile like you, but they are nothing like you.
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