
The Bankruptcy

The creditors are knocking on your door demanding that you pay them your dues, and you have no money left.
That is what we have become, bankrupt in a spiritual sense, bankrupt in a moral sense, bankrupt in an ethical sense, bankrupt in every conceivable way, and although we would love to appoint our Creator as the Great Culprit, the Truth is that WE have brought it upon ourselves.
It is the logical outcome of the choices we made, choices which rose from a stubborn stony heart which refuses to listen to the voice of our Creator.

Our Heavenly Father warned us NOT to indulge in Evil, because to foster Evil in our midst equals creating debt.
You put weight on the scale of justice in favor of the Evil side, and it disrupts the equilibrium our Creator has permitted in Creation.
The more weight you put on the scale in favor of Evil, the greater the debt you bring upon yourself.
Your donation to Evil results in a greater power and authority on Earth on behalf of the parties working for the Evil cause.
In other words, you donations are tantamount to IOU's you give to the Adversary, and you can be sure he will pay you a visit to cash in on what you owe him.

Our Creator gave us many warnings, yet we did not heed His words, we looked the other way when He painted a picture of the Destruction awaiting us in the end, we made ourselves deaf, dumb and blind.
We are a stubborn, stiff-necked people refusing to see the Reaper coming towards us.
No, we put up the blinders, we close the curtains, and we turn up the volume of our headset, we lock ourselves in the private dungeon of our home movie theaters.
We lose ourselves in our private fifty filthy shades of Destruction, thinking our descent into Hell is our stairway into Heaven.
Yet each step we take on the ladder we increase our guilt and we head closer to our inferno.

The Reaper does not care.
He simply responds to the invitation we sent him and pays us a visit as an invited guest.
And when he comes knocking on our door he will demand that we give him his due, our very lives.

How precious is our Life to us?
Do we cling to it so much that we will give in to any demand for the sake of preserving it?
Or do we still have some remnant of value left which is so important to us that we are willing to lay down our lives for the sake of preserving that value?

Will we offer our lives for the sake of an ideal of a united Europe with the vaguest set of values in human history, or a morally corrupt and depraved USA?
Will you give your Life for the self-enriching politicians who sold out your nation's sovereignty to the Brussels political elite, a inbred club of mostly incompetent buddies enriching themselves at the expense of hardworking people in European nations facing a constant barrage of a never-ending increase in the daily cost of living combined with uncertainty about having a proper steady income?
Will you stand up and fight for the possessions of banks who have managed to inflict so much damage to our economies that we seem to be on a perpetual downslide?

We may be willing to fight for our possessions and the things we identify with, but when everything we owned has been taken away from us, what is left to fight for?
Our family and friends perhaps, but if a war should arise because of what the political elite has decided, who are left that will stand up and fight for their sake?

Are the moral virtues and values of our nations worth defending?
And ask yourself, what are the moral virtues and values of our nations?
We live in a thick smog of polluted air, unable to see where and what we are, choking to death while relieving the pain with the soothing comfort of our distractions.

When the picture of reality is painted in the color of blatant honesty, we can see ourselves as complete and utter aliens, orphans wandering aimlessly in the streets.
There is no longer a set of good national or noble cultural values, there are no leaders we can trust because all of them are dead set on devouring the ones who elected them in office, we are exploited for the sake of financing the luxurious extravaganza of politicians, bankers and the company of leeches surrounding them, honesty lost from guile, Truth from the tidal wave of daily lies.
The net result is that we not only have been alienated, we have been isolated from our environment.

People go through the daily drudge of working in a prison camp which continues to usurp the few remnants of privacy they have left until the day they wake up to discover themselves living as cattle on a ranch owned by petty leeches, surrounding themselves with distractions in order to find some pleasure and joy in Life contained within a fantasy bubble of Disney-freedom.
Is that worth dying for?
Is that worth living for?

If there ever was a collective of severely weakened nations, then Europe fits the bill.
And when people have been so isolated and alienated from their roots that they will not put up a fight to defend an abstract alien political concept, then the nation is ripe enough to be plucked up by hungry predators.
Nobody will stand up against them except maybe for the military whose salary depends on their willingness to defend an abstract political ideal.

But the man in the street, what should he fight for?
For Brussels who leeched him dry?
For the leaders in Den Haag who are but an extension of Brussels?
For a society without a clear set of moral values?
For delinquent immigrants destroying the nation from within in the name of their religion?
For a fossil of a national identity which exists only in the museum?
For the cultural fornicators delivering mind numbing enslaving entertainment day after day?

We are abandoned by our political shepherds, no, even worse, we are devoured by the shepherds we trusted.
Should we risk our lives to defend their treacherous iniquity?
After being preyed upon, should anyone turn and defend the guilty predators?
No, we are bankrupt in every conceivable way, and the future looks darker than ever before.
We have lost even before the war begins.

A war against foreign invaders?
No, a war against a strongly emerging Evil.
This will come in the form of an international war, and it WILL happen in the near future.
The number '3' represents the fullness of the phenomenon it describes, and World War III will embody the fullness of the atrocities committed in World War I and II.
When that happens, -and I pray it won't although we have engraved it in our future-, the survivors truly will have nothing left they can identify with, and the people will be ripe to be harvested by the Adversary's Son.
The third massacre will come in the rhythm of a minute waltz, quick, unstoppable, and devastating unlike anything which preceded it.

In our bitterness over the injustice and alienation we face on a daily basis we sway all the way over to predators in our own midst who pretend to be against the ruling elite, but who merely manipulate the bitterness Brussels inspired as a force propelling their own nationalist set of ideals.
They know all too well the extent to which people have been alienated from their roots, and they will seek to turn the hunger for a clear set of national and cultural values into their advantage by a revival of nationalism, a return to the roots designed to transfer political power from the current crop of liars into the hands of the 'nationalist' predators acting against the established political predators we currently have.

And guess which group of people always receive the blame when nations fall into the hands of Evil?
Yes, the Jews have learned their lesson the hard way.

All too often people tend to forget that the Devil has two hands, two arms: the Left and the Right, and out of the dynamic interaction between the two his Evil evolves and grows to monstrous proportions.
And when Evil matures, the Reaper inevitable follows in its wake to demand that we give him his due.

So, is a return to our roots the answer?
Shall we try to complete ourselves in the old national identity, will that give us what we have lost?
Shall we return to that 'good-old-time-religion' and wear the mask of Goodness that we may grow in the image of the mask?
Isn't that exactly part of our problem, seeking to compensate what we lost within by external means of our culture, our environment?
Shall we seek to revive the 'old standards and old values' and wear them like a costume?
That was a lie all along and part of the reason why we became orphans.
And becoming orphans to the Lie, being alienated from our comfort zone, could be a blessing in disguise.
It all depends on us and the inclination of our hearts.

The only answer is the one we have rejected.
We rejected the quiet voice of our loving Heavenly Father reaching out to us for so long, so that He might preserve us from the destruction of Evil.
That voice is the sound we would not hear, and we preferred to dance to the beat of the deafening noise of our Destroyer.

And what image do you have of the one who is after Man's Destruction, the image of a mighty warrior, the great and strong bringer of Light and Peace?
What a shock will await you when you see him in his true form, for he is small and unimpressive, a fool who made the Lie his dogma.
You think he is powerful and strong?
Even when Yahshua humbled Himself to become like us, positioned below the Angels in Heaven, the Adversary was powerless in His presence, and Evil Spirits fled from Yahshua's presence.
Trying desperately to assert a semblance of power by yielding his force and influence to  murder Yahshua did not make the Adversary any bigger or more powerful, quite the contrary: his act only saw Yahshua triumph like a true King, yes, even overcoming Death itself and coming back to Life.

The Adversary is nothing, yet we make him everything by turning our hearts away from our Heavenly Father, we look up at him as if he is the greatest rebel in the universe.
He is not great nor is he a rebel, he is a feeble conformist to the Lie.
It is OUR Life-force which puffs him up with putrid air so that he becomes like a giant strong Goliath in our eyes.
Why on Earth should you seek to remain his slave for so long when the end of the story spells your Destruction?

We need to listen to that Voice we turned away from.
And after we have listened we need to take heed and turn from our ways.

The Kingdom of Heaven is not established by external formulas and ideals.
It lies within us, waiting for us to invite it in by a change of heart so that the quiet Voice of our Father leads us in His Kingdom, and the freedom and happiness of that Kingdom fills the world through us, the individual cells of the Body of this world.
Unless we learn to listen and take heed, Destruction has been decreed, and it will uproot our entire existence and annihilate everything we hold dear.
It does not have to happen, but you MUST learn to listen and act now, and turn back from your Evil ways.
Do no longer call Good what is Evil, and to not seek to silence the voice of YHWH internally in your heart and externally in His messengers, because that only creates more guilt, more Destruction.

To all of us the choice has been given, so CHOOSE then either your fifty shades of Destruction, or to fast from your Evil ways to seek forgiveness.
The forgiveness which destroys the IOU's you gave to the Adversary belongs to YHWH, and without it you better prepare to meet the Reaper.
Because he is on his way already.


The Change

Man can be restored, saved from the fall into the arms of Evil.
So if the Fallen Man can be saved, surely Fallen Angels can be saved from Evil as well?

Although this thought is very understandable from a human perspective, Angels cannot be saved once they have turned their Spirit against YHWH's Ruach, His Spirit.
To turn your Spirit against YHWH's Spirit becomes a split point where your own Spirit transforms into a vehicle of Evil.
The reason for this change lies in the paradigm of Dualism as created by YHWH where He made it possible for everything which He is not to manifest itself in Creation.

Angels who sinned have sinned on the reality level of the Spirit, the level of the ultimate reality.
Within this reality they split off from YHWH's Spirit and became a vehicle which stands in a dualistic contrast with YHWH's Spirit.

YHWH is Spirit, and if we become Evil in the Spirit there simply is no element within us left which might be able to connect back to YHWH's Spirit and thus be saved from the consequences of having sinned, which is equal to the consequences of becoming zero.
Not only Angels commit themselves to the Evil side permanently when they sin, human beings ALSO cannot be saved from the consequences of sinning in the Spirit.

The human knowledge of Good vs. Evil stems from the presence of a conscience within us which is part of our Spirit, and when the Spirit turns Evil, where can the contrast with Evil come from?
Not from the human Body, because it is a vehicle for the growth and expression of Evil from birth.
Our Soul is the element which chooses between the impulses it receives from either the Body or the Spirit, and if it cannot receive any impulses of Good from either the Body or the Spirit, how can it latch on to Good and identify with it?
Because Angels sinned with their Spirit, there is no part within them which might connect back to YHWH and be restored.

Human beings have an option the Angels do not have due to the fact that we are an integral part the physical realm of reality, a realm which is like a dream compared to the metaphysical reality of Heaven.
Sin (Evil) entered the human race through the physical (dream) interface, not the Spirit, and as long as we do not kill our conscience (which is part of our Spirit), we have a chance to be restored.
It is the choice we make in the Soul which determines whether or not Evil will confiscate our entire Spirit and permeate our entire being as is the case with the Angels.

The culturally and genitically shaped human Body draws the human Soul to Evil, a gravity pull we have inherited from our ancestors.
The more we sin in our lives, the more energy we give to the identity of Evil assaulting our Soul, and the stronger the grip and gravity pull Evil has on us, and the greater the dissonance with our conscience.

Even though we are drawn to Evil in our Soul because of the fallen Body we inherit, there still remains a part within our Spirit which contains the knowledge of Good, and because our Soul is connected both to the fallen Body AND the human Spirit, we become a living embodiment of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
In other words, we are intimate with Good in our Spirit in the form of our conscience, and we are intimate with Evil through our Sins, something which the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil in the story in Genesis illustrates.
The choice we make in our Soul for either the Flesh or the Spirit determines our identity in spiritual terms: Good or Evil.

If we do not regard our conscience as an alien element and reject it as Evil, we retain the chance to connect back to YHWH and thus be restored back to Good.
The method of our restoration is established through Belief, Faith.
Belief is our acknowledgement of the fact that our conscience is Good, and we should be Good but instead we have fallen and we need to be restored by our Creator in the form of His Salvation, the physical embodiment of YHWH's nature, Yahshua.

We may have sinned abundantly in all manners in Life, as long as we have not rejected our conscience as an alien Evil element we are able to come to accept and identify with YHWH's Spirit.
The moment we kill our conscience, we become like Fallen Angels, Evil all the way through without any element within us which might be able to identify with the Source of Good, which is YHWH.
So there is no Salvation for the Sin of the Spirit, and that is why Fallen Angels cannot be saved.

Isn't that cruel and unfair?
No, it is not, because Fallen Angels have transformed themselves into a new species which cannot stand the presence of YHWH.
They WANT YHWH out of their lives, and they cannot feel any differently.
In their eyes YHWH is the Enemy, the great Dictator, and although they love to regain access to all the good things in Heaven, they desire those things WITHOUT loving YHWH, for they cannot and will never love YHWH.
This is why YHWH had to create a special reality environment within His Creation based on the principle of Dualism, an environment which expresses the character of the Evil side of Creation, the side of the rebels who desire to be their own god and make up their own rules because they hate YHWH.
He created this compartment as the home for the Angels who desire to live apart from YHWH.
There they will experience YHWH as 'Jehovah', meaning, 'Yah is Ruin' (the Hebrew word 'hovah' means 'ruin, mischief, disaster', and it is the reason why I never pronounce YHWH as Jehovah: YHWH is Life and blessing to me, not ruin and disaster, and it feels very wrong to me to pronounce His name as Jehovah).

In YHWH we all exist, and there is no external 'beyond' apart from Him.
There may be a reality compartment which portrays the idea of an existence without YHWH, but it is a simulation, like a compartment in terms of the structures of reality.
There is no existence outside of YHWH, more than that, there is no 'outside of YHWH'.

YHWH's level of reality is the ultimate reality, the reality of the Spirit, and from this reality of the Spirit all other realities come into existence.
The level of the Spirit is not a special reality environment such as our physical dimension, or Sheol, or Paradise.
No, when the Angels sin, it is the switching of polarity on the level of the Spirit, the ultimate reality.
This polarity switch is permanent.

There is no Dualism in YHWH.
But because Dualism exists as an integral part of the current paradigm for dimensions, it affects those who are part of that paradigm.
Dualism gives the Angels and us a choice, even to the extent that it is capable of making an individual cut his Spirit loose because it identifies with the polarity which gives rise to Dualism: Evil.

If we sin against the Holy Spirit there is no forgiveness for us either, because we have sinned on the level of the Spirit, the highest reality.
If we are confronted with the pure Goodness of YHWH's Spirit, and we reject that Goodness and regard it as Evil, we switch polarity in our Spirit in the same way as Angels switch the polarity of their Spirit when they choose to sin.
The result is that we and the Angels change as the result of our choice into manifestations of Evil.
In that reversed frame of mind we regard everything which is Evil as Good, and everything which is Good as Evil.
We reject the paradigm of Good vs. Evil because it is designed by YHWH, and like the ancient Adversary we follow our own paradigm (which is not really our OWN paradigm, but the result of the dualistic programming).

Just as Darkness cannot ever become Light again for the same reason as multipying zero with any given number can never result in any other number than zero, nothing, the polarity change from Good to Evil in the Spirit results in an eternal Evil mind.
Sinning in the Spirit is turning from '1' into '0'.

When Angels sin, they sin in the Spirit, and it changes their polarity forever.
Their Sin buries their Spirit in the current reality for dimensions, which is a reality environment based on the principle of Dualism.
It is like a choice to be put in a coma rather than living in the real world of the Spirit.
Their Spirit no longer has access to YHWH's Spirit because it has become 'no-YHWH', or 'anti-YHWH'.
Another way of putting it is that YHWH is existence, and because they have become expressions of 'non-existence' they are completely cut off from 'existence'.

Because their Spirit reversed polarity when they sinned, Fallen Angels no longer are like Angels of Heaven, but they have transformed into another species.
There is no longer an inner conflict over their Sin so that they might repent, but instead there is a new instinct living within them which is the outcome of the principle of Dualism.
They have acquired an instinct of Evil, but they do not see it as Evil.

To think in terms of Good and Evil is to be in touch with and submit yourself to YHWH's paradigm of Good vs. Evil.
The Adversary -the Satan-, is not in touch with YHWH's Ruach any longer, and he no longer is able to relate to YHWH's paradigm of Good vs. Evil.
He thinks he is able to define realities on his own terms, and he has created his own paradigm of what is good and bad.
Whatever his new instinct whispers in his heart is deemed Good by him, and whatever goes against it is like Evil to him.
Because he fully identifies with his newly acquired instinct, he considers the inspiration of this instinct as his own.

That is why the description of the Satan as a serpentine being is very accurate, since he is ruled by a an Evil instinct just as serpents are ruled by a serpentine instinct, both having in common that they are primed for self-preservation and glorification at the expense of others, both moving in sly and subtle ways in order to be able to lash out at their chosen prey in the most effective way.

When people read about Fallen Angels the implication of this label is not always apparent to them.
These Angels have fallen away from their former glory and state of existence, and more importantly, they have fallen away from YHWH's concept of Good vs. Evil.
In other words, there is NO conscience whatsoever left in them.
In their fallen state they do not acknowledge the distinction between Good and Evil, but instead they think in terms of YHWH's will, His concepts and ideas, vs. their own ideas and concepts.
Not only have they fallen, they have transmogrified into a negative of what they were, an inferior species.
Only, in their mind they see themselves as an evolved superior species abiding by their own concept of reality because they 'cut themselves loose from YHWH's limitations'.

Evil materializes through words, deeds, thoughts, feelings, emotions, images and all other ways of expression by taking that which belongs to our Creator, and turning it into an 'anti-Creator'-statement.
YHWH did not create Evil as a strong force, but as a principle, a lever mechanism which is activated through our act of giving our attention to Evil and making the dualistic choice for Evil.
That is when Evil begins to take what YHWH put in us, and reverse the polarity so that all the talents we are given, the words we speak and write, as well as our deeds and the thoughts preceding them come to reflect Evil.

The existence of Evil is the result of a choice which changes the polarity of everything it comes in contact with.
This programming code of Evil cannot exist by itself, but it needs to be energized, 'turned ON', by the energy we and the Angels give it when we focus our attention on the forbidden.
Another way to describe 'the forbidden' would be to call it the 'introduction of no', the negative which is the lever capable of activating Evil, something I have illustrated in the story of the 'Box of NO' .
Evil installs a programming which is a process of polarity reversal by means of the transference of Energy and Life-force we give it when we identify with it and accept it.
Through your identification with Evil you literally transform into a negative where all the talents which YHWH gave you now come to stand in service of and be jumpstarted by the reversed polarity of Evil.
Only, the power and glory of these talents when they are reversed is inferior and less than when they stand in service of YHWH, because YHWH not only renews, He adds to them and makes them grow in His image.
To put it differently, Evil turns you into a dummy.

There is a downside to Evil, and that downside also is its greatest weakness: it is passive, and it depends for its survival and growth on what it is able to usurp from YHWH through our choice for Evil.
Our talents, words, thoughts, etcetera, are designed to come into existence as a result of YHWH energizing them and making them come alive in and through us.
When we have separated ourselves from YHWH through Sin, the only way to energize them is by means of stealing the fuel (the energy) from others.

This act of theft can be done directly by us, or it can be done by proxy, such as by means of aligning yourself to the cause of the Fallen Ones hoping that they will 'bless you' with energy, skills, talents, and good fortune.
Even if you are a talentless bum these Fallen Ones can provide you with the talent you need as long as you are willing to do their bidding.
But the moment you no longer are useful for their cause don't be surprised to see the talents you took for granted go up in smoke and find yourself reduced to the old talentless bum you used to be, whereas YHWH's people are like green trees who still bring forth new fruit in their old age, even though they may enjoy little to no material success in this world.

Whether the jumpstart of the talents in our rebellious fallen state is done directly or by proxy, we bring upon ourselves  bloodguilt either way, because the act of theft of energy comes at the expense of others, yes, even the murder of infant sacrifice (such as abortion or plain child murder).
How could any decent man or woman want to thrive knowing in his/her heart that it comes at the expense of the innocent?

But such is the downside of having aligned yourself to Evil: you need to get the 'inspiration' from external sources pouring out their elixir into your mind instead of getting it from YHWH flowing His Force into your Spirit, and through your Spirit into your Soul-mind.
You become externally motivated living at the expense of others instead of internally motivated living for the benefit of others.

When the Angels fell, their Spirit and everything which YHWH put in their Spirit was infected with the 'software virus' of Evil, and it reversed their very Spirit so that NO element within them could ever align itself with YHWH again.
They now belonged to the Dark side of the Dualism coin, standing in complete contrast with the Light side which belongs to YHWH.
Their choice transformed them into metaphysical expressions of Evil, living at the expense of Creation rather than to the benefit of Creation.

Because they no longer could relate to YHWH, they inherited an instinct of Evil which they regard as their own.
No longer could they relate to YHWH's Goodness, but instead they found themselves stuck in the mire of their own concepts of what is right vs. what is wrong.
Only, because of their altered nature they see the mire which bogs them down as the bliss of freedom which enlightens their path and lifts them out of the restraints of YHWH's prison.

This is why we cannot and should not ever project our own innate knowledge of Good and Evil on Fallen Angels as if they too will abide by that distinction which seems to come so natural to us.
Just as it can be a deadly mistake for human beings to project human feelings and emotions unto pets as if pets feel the same way as we do, it is a deadly mistake to project our own inner sense of Good and Evil, Sin and repentance of Sin, unto Fallen Angels.
A serpent responds to serpentine instinct and it has no regard for human feelings of gratitude, love, or kindness.

Likewise, Fallen Angels respond to their own newly acquired instinct with complete disregard for our sense of Good and Evil.
They will show kindness if they can use it to their benefit, they will show gratitude if they seek to manipulate you for the benefit of their purposes, they will show you inhuman cruelty if it serves their best interest, and whether it is kindness or cruelty makes no difference to them in a moral sense.
Whatever gets the job done, whatever works in their own best interest, is good in their eyes.
They live by their instinct, their own set of rules which is the set of rules belonging to Evil.

Evil is prideful, it takes care of number one first: anything and anyone should be used to your own advantage, and any means to reach your goal are deemed Good.
It is Machiavellian in nature and does not abide by what YHWH deems Good or Evil.
Never expect true Goodness from a Fallen Spirit, whether it is an angelic Fallen Spirit or a human Fallen Spirit, because the Source of ALL Goodness, YHWH, is no longer present in them.
They lack Goodness for the same reason a serpent lacks Goodness: it is not part of their nature.

If you want to deal safely with serpents you have to take the serpentine instinct into account and NEVER allow yourself to project your own feelings unto the serpent.
Likewise, you have to arm yourself with awareness of the serpentine nature of Fallen Angels and their ilk such as the Fallen Spirits operating in human beings, and treat them with the same aloofness you might have as when you deal with a venomous snake.
You know you have to keep your distance to such a snake and not attempt to show affection by stroking it on the head.

Be aware that not everything which looks like a human being is a human being.
There is such a thing as a Spirit within human beings, and some human beings carry an Evil Spirit within them.
Those who worship the great Serpentine Deceiver share in his callous, Machiavellian mindset.
This mindset avails itself of human psychology as a field of opportunities waiting to be exploited for the benefit of the owner of the Evil mindset.

To the Satan's initiated, gratitude, love and kindness are feelings they can manipulate for their own benefit.
When they 'give', they seek to inspire gratitude and a feeling of 'I-owe-you' which enables them to cash in on that feeling when the time is right.
When they 'do good', they seek to manipulate your heart in their favor for whatever purpose they may have in mind.
They 'give' to 'get', they show you kindness when they need to steer you in a particular direction, they seek to bind you in guilt-inspired 'love' to them.

Keep your spiritual distance to the Fallen Ones and their ploys to make you succumb to the carrot of temptation they may hold up to you, or the pressure of temptation bearing down on your Soul.
In their eyes YOU are their lunch, and to get their nutrients you have to surrender your Soul into their carnivorous predatory hands.

The Adversary is the one who has sown his own seed in the same plot where YHWH planted His seed, and both grow to maturity of what they are at the core, Evil to Evil, Good to Good.
The seed of the Adversary are Fallen Spirits incarnating on Earth to bring forth the fruit of their choice against YHWH, the seed of YHWH are His children who are destined to carry the fruit of their choice to love YHWH.

Our birth is the moment of our materialization in the Earth realm, not the moment we come into existence because we already existed as Spirits.
Because we are transferred into the blank slate of a human mind, we forget as we integrate with this blank slate.
Babies still have a special sense of knowing and seeing in the Spirit, but as their consciousness is drawn into this world, this sense of knowing diminishes proportionally, and the physical sight begins to dominate their Spiritual sight.

The Spirits who are born on Earth and make the choice for Good are already known by YHWH and intimate with Him before they came into this world.
The Spirits who incarnate as human beings devoid of a conscience are part of the seed the Evil One sows into the soil of the Earth, Fallen Spirits entering the Flesh.
Both grow up to maturity and express the side of the Tree they really belong to.

So arm yourself with this knowledge and keep the Fallen Ones and their human slaves at a safe distance from your Soul, never letting your guard down or relating to these Serpents with naivety, because you will suffer damage if you do.
They may look like you, talk like you, walk like you and smile like you, but they are nothing like you.


The Ugly Truth

Just the other day I passed a group of children walking two by two in a long line from school on their way to the gym.
On first glance it is nothing but a harmless display of children being trained in discipline.
However, what I saw were little lambs conditioned by the programming machine of our society so that they grow up for the single purpose of feeding the hungry monster with their very life-force.

The programming machine trains the children to respond in the expected manner to the pressures the machine applies.
They learn to live for the holy grade and put all their effort in obtaining the series of good marks which promise them access to the Utopian level of our society.
Little do they know that they are in the process of being transformed into useful building blocks of the structure which devours their very Soul and replaces it with an externally imposed cultural identity, a forgery to help them forget what they lost along the way.

In the course of their lives they seek to erase the nagging feeling that they have been scammed by the monster they were taught to worship by seeking the companionship of fellow boozers in the pub or the cafe, where the atmosphere is geared towards making them feel comfortable with forgetting.
Or they may fully submerse themselves into their cozy little family, turning it into the drug which helps them to escape the awareness of having lost their true identity.
Or they may seek the oblivion of entertainment, or a plethora of other forms of distractions from the horrible Truth that they were lied to, abused, and trained to function within a structure which robs Life of its beauty and its splendor, and substitutes it with stained distractions that we are conditioned to regard as beauty.

And what is the outcome of the conditioning process?
Man is turned into a creature needing a place within the structure in order to have a sense of purpose and joy in Life.
That is where the success of the programming really shines, when the programmed subject actually comes to crave the object of the programming in order to have a sense of identity.
Without that object, the position in the structure, Man feels horrible and devoid of direction and purpose in Life.
No, even the drudge of slavery seems good to him compared to that pointless sense of being adrift on the ocean of Life, so he comes to glorify and crave the slavery in order to have meaning and a sense of usefulness and purpose in his Life.
The success of the training becomes visible in the need for that which corrupts Man.
That is when the system will be held in place by the very victims it created.

True, there is nothing wrong with disciplined children walking pairwise in a long line.
But there is something VERY wrong with the system I see operating behind the discipline, a system which will proceed to rape the very Souls of the innocent ones who look up to us for guidance and help.
Yes, there is something VERY wrong with that sinister system.

I have always been a complete misfit in this system of enforced oblivion.
I can't partake of the drugs it offers in order to remain blind to the ugly Truth of being robbed of my freedom, robbed of the beauty Life has to offer.
I can't blind myself to the presence of an army of Shadow beings walking among us like the living dead, blessing those who offer their Souls as food and cursing the ones who do not fit into the mold.

The Shadows make the misfit feel like the accursed, while the conformists earn the blessing of the firstborn.
Yet the Truth is that the ones who sacrifice their Souls for the sake of receiving a place within the structure of the system are the accursed, and the blessed ones are those who are incompatible with the structure, the ones who refuse to donate their Souls to the structure of the Dragon.
They may suffer, but it is only because they do not take the painkiller the Dragon offers them.
The painkiller only takes away the awareness of the pain, and not the cause of the pain.

When I grew up I did not set out to discover a great conspiracy, nor was I prone to paranoid feelings which may have given rise to the notion of being duped by a conspiracy.
No, I did not set out to discover a great conspiracy, but the conspiracy discovered me long before I became aware of it.
And when I became aware of it, the pieces of the puzzle fell together.
As uncomfortable and ugly as the Truth may be, there is beauty to be found in the sense that
it liberates you from false expectations and exploitation by invisible forces beyond your control.
The Truth really sets you free from the Lie which rules the world.

The presence of the conspiracy is nothing new.
It can be found in very plain, simple and straightforward terms in the Bible, only the implication of the words simply seem to elude us for a season.
The system of our society and all other societies is ruled by a colonist, a being which exploits Man through his weaknesses.
The most explicit description you can find in the temptation of Yahshua, just read Luke chapter 4.

"And the Devil showed Him ALL the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time, and said to Him, 'To You I will give all this authority and their glory; for it has been delivered to me, and I give it to whom I will.
If You, then, will worship me, it shall all be Yours.'"

In other words, the Satan OWNS our nations, and he makes sure that only the ones HE selected make it to the top and receive special privileges.
You cannot give away what you do not own, so if the Adversary offers authority over ALL the kingdoms of the world, you can be sure that he really owns all of them.
It is the outcome of Man's fall which provided the Adversary with the authority to rule over Man, something which Yahshua reversed with His sacrifice.
We are on the threshold of one moment in time when Yahshua will cash in His victory, and instead of being exploited by the Adversary, who lives at our expense, we will be ruled by Yahshua who gave His very Life so that we might receive ours.
The Exploiter takes, Yahshua gives.

But as long as Yahshua has not returned we remain subject to the exploitation of invisible Fallen Ones, beings who have rebelled against YHWH and reject His distinction between Good and Evil.

Life was intended to bring us beauty and splendor, and look at what it has become!
An ugly stained veil has been cast over it, hiding the beauty from our sight.
A structure of Hell manifests itself in the form of the system we are born into, a structure which seeks to reverse our polarity and make us externally motivated and shaped by culture instead of the internally motivated creatures we are.
We were created to receive our identity from our Creator, and use the Life given to us to bring forth the talents of that identity, gifts which are unique to us.
Yet the system forces us into culturally determined roles where we end up serving a beast which slowly devours us.

If we want to avoid ending up in the streets without so much as even a blanket to shield us from the cold, we have to be prepared to pay the bills for housing, electricity, heating, dental care, medicare, food, drink, clothes, you name it.
And how can we pay the bills if we do not take up a position in the system which gives us access to the flow of money?
We are forced into a position of dependency on the flow of money within the system, and if we want to live in a nation we are forced to comply with the requirements of the system behind that nation.
Unless we drop out and live like fugitives without a social security number there is no escape for us, that is the sad reality.

The moment we are born is the moment we enter the reality of a cage where we are fed poison passing for food, so that illness drives us straight in the arms of the medicare professionals who proceed to act as extension of the pharmaceutical wizards with their medicine 'cures' which take away the symptoms, yet end up creating more problems, so that once we have entered the medical establishment we have bought ourselves a lifetime subscription to a healing scam which actually is a Death Camp in disguise.
Many who have gone that way left it a coffin.

We are given food which destroy our health, our teeth, and even our dentists 'repair' our teeth in such a way that we cannot live without their constant supervision, unless we are prepared to put up with tooth aches and a complete loss of our teeth.

We are fed poisonous entertainment which aims to marry our mind to the Evil lurking behind the temptation.

We are pressured to let our Soul be raped by the educational system in order to set us up for a lifetime's worth of debilitating experiences designed to turn us into biological robots.

We are pressured to go along and tell lies in order to get ahead with the pack and receive the bonuses.
If you refuse, you become the outcast, the one who is excluded from the circle of privileges.

We are fed poisonous religion which purports to lead us closer to God only to drive us straight into the arms of the Evil One masking as a god, binding us in dependency on a particular religious tenet which replaces a true living relationship with our Heavenly Father.
While purporting the restoration of our Soul it ends up corrupting it even further, and to show our gratitude for the religious corruptors we are pressured to offer our money to this corrupting religious stronghold, just as we are manipulated into offering our money to our medicare impostors, our educational rapists, our crooked entertainers, our lying booze, our debilitating family culture, our whores and the likes.

We all nod our heads in agreement with the thesis that money does not buy you happiness, but still, money gives you the means to buy the things you enjoy, and with those things you can dress up the walls of your prison in such a paradisiacal way that you completely forget that you live in a prison.
Yes, money does not buy you happiness, but it sure is handy when you have plenty of it!
And so maybe we should make a few compromises, just to get ahead and make Life a bit more comfortable...
Yet what profit is it to you if you gain the corrupt world, which is temporary, yet lose your very Soul?

Still, the lure of the profit becomes the prophet seducing us into surrendering to its false 'profitsy'.
So, we make sure that children get a good education, because if they want to thrive in the system instead of just surviving by means of low wages, they must study and meet the expectations the system has of them, so we are told.
They are sent through the training center of school where knowledge is slapped on them, where their brains are conditioned to function in the predetermined way so that they may grow into obedient little biological robots capable of rotating a cog in the machine of the structure.
Of course they are not regarded as robots, but as human beings developing themselves, getting good grades as they pass through schools and diplomas which guarantee them a secure position in the structure of the Dragon.

Some are smart in a worldly fashion, and learn the ways of the Dragon to make money.
They grow rich by adopting the Dragon's ways, building companies which serve as working hives for the lower slave classes passing through the programming structure of school.
At the top of the system an elite exists, a layer of individuals who are no longer dependent on the system because they have accumulated enough wealth and power to claim a position of independence.
They learn to operate the system, move the strings, and make it work for them, thus keeping the system alive and well for their own benefit.

And that is how the system of the Dragon becomes a self-perpetuating torture disfiguring the face of Life for all those who were born into the system: the victims actually come to crave the corrupting influence and thus keep it alive. 
The Shadow Master Architects behind the structure appeal to Man's weaknesses, they manipulate him through his fears, and they fine-tune their systems to Man's psyche, urging him along like cattle on the ranch.

Whether it is in the bottom layer of the structure where slavery is a daily torment, or the upper echelons of the pyramid where Man thinks himself to be free from the system, ALL are slaves, ALL seek distraction, ALL are food serving the pyramid builders.
And Life becomes a prolonged Death sentence in an invisible prison dressed up as a tawdry palace where Man is tortured to Death in the dungeons, comforted only by a daily dose of painkillers to diminish his awareness of the torture and the pain. 
So is it any wonder that most take that pill of oblivion in its various flavors?
And yet, there are people like myself who can't and have to suffer the full brunt of the pain of existence within this perverted theater which is nothing other than a foul, common cosmic jail.

And yet, this is not the way Life ought to be.
Life on Earth should not be a prison where Man is fed drugs to ease the pain of the awareness that the treasure of his Soul is taken away from him and given in the hands of those who inflict the pain.

Sometimes one system grows old and stale, and a new system takes it place.
But this new system is just another manifestation of the same prison wearing different clothes.
Once it has replaced the old system it becomes just a perpetuation of the old prison we were born into, a mining colony of human Souls.
Nothing ever changes, and revolutions only change the face but not the blueprint of the system which drains people and makes their lives miserable.
The sky may seem to clear up for a while, but it never lasts, and the clarity we perceive is nothing but the sight of lighter clouds compared to the old, thick black blanket of clouds which grew to be too heavy to sustain itself.
But some of us remember a pretty blue sky and wonder what happened to it, why we have to live under constant blankets of oppressive clouds which rob us of the sight of a blue stainless sky.
The coat of the system may change, but the blueprint of the structure always remains the same.

The pressure of fashion fornicating with the need for a sense of identity to dim the awareness of the lost true identity gives birth to the child of uniforms, where a particular code of dress is the external sign of the inward compensation for the lost identity, like a circumcision in the flesh as an external sign of the true inward circumcision of the heart.
Only, in this case the circumcision is caused by invisible Shadow Invaders making Man part of their Death realm by the stabs of their knives in Man's Soul.
The conformist dresses in the suit of his implanted identity just as the reactionary rebel dresses up in the outfit which symbolizes his rebellious identity.
Both are extensions of the same corruption, only the rebel has the advantage that he senses there's something wrong with the conformist way of Life.

We are born into a collective which has conformed itself to the blueprint of Darkness.
It is a dehumanizing swamp where we are trained to become swamp creatures, shadows of what we were intended to be.
The last and ultimate incarnation of this collective waits at the doorstep for the moment we invite it in.
That will be the moment when we usher in the most grotesque and extreme form of the oppressive system of exploitation masking as our personal savior, claiming to give back our lost Souls in the new Atlantis it promises us.
Many will be deceived by the mask and believe in it, only to end up becoming prisoners of the mask themselves for all eternity.

This last manifestation of the Satan's system of exploitation will mark the end of his age as the grand finale of what the Shadow pseudo-creators had in mind from the beginning of YHWH's creation of Man.
Yet as it soars its ugly head defiantly against the almighty Creator He will visit us in His Son Yahshua and destroy their works of Darkness by the brightness of His Light, and the Shadows will meet their destruction in Yahshua's appearing.

Yes, the Truth is so ugly that all of us live in denial of it for at least a season, most denying Truth their entire lives until finally they wake up in the arms of the Shadow beings which leeched their very Souls all of their lives through their ignorance.
The Truth is that Life on Earth has become a corrupting, debilitating experience which aims to take away all sense of true identity and happiness, and replace it with a surrogate, a drug which takes away the awareness of what we are robbed of.

This perpetuation of the same age old system which exploits Man and turns Life into a horrifying experience will never change as long as our Creator does not actively interfere and removes the Invader.
It is the Shadows moving to and fro, the Dark Overlords hiding in the unseen who manipulate Man and keep the system in place, and meaningful change can come about ONLY when they are taken out of the way.

There WILL be a moment when the leeching game ends.
That is the moment when Yahshua implements His victory over the beings which exploit us and drain the human Soul, robbing us of all the Good which Life potentially has in store for us.
Yahshua will come to liberate us from the forces which keep the system of exploitation in place so that we are free to enjoy Life and flourish as we were intended to.
I for one cannot wait until finally we will have that freedom from our invisible oppressors and they can no longer feed themselves at our expense.