
The Ideological War

If anything, the recent killing spree of Islamic murderers showed the consequences of giving Islam a place in our midst.
The values upheld by Islam are at odds with our Western values of individual freedom and freedom of speech.

Anyone ought to be able to speak  his or her mind, that is what we believe, that is what our forefathers have fought for.
If you take a good look at Islamic nations you can see how the Islamic ideal is diametrically opposite to our Western ideal: if you speak your mind and your words are considered blasphemous by the Koran, then chances are you will be killed for speaking your mind.
Now that we have invited Islam we are faced with this war of cultures and ideological values right on our doorstep.

It is beyond me how anyone in his right mind is able to consider a pedophile murderer as a prophet, even more than that, as the greatest prophet.
Muhammad is such a fraudulent wannabe prophet, and his god Allah is an abomination, the outcome of Muhammad's sick twisted mind.
You have to be completely brainwashed to be able to accept someone of Muhammad's low criminal caliber as a prophet.

The strange phenomenon we see is that those who follow in Muhammad's footsteps and practice what he preached display the same sick dumbed-down mentality.
'Doh, you have to repeat our creed and submit to our god or else we will chop off your head'.
If they meet intelligent criticism, if they are faced with a witty poignant critique in the form of a cartoon, it is beyond their intellectual grasp to respond in an intelligent way.
No, you insulted the prophet and you must die.
You have to shut up and repeat the Islamic mantra and become stupid like they are.

Take a close look at the Jews and the nations where they settled.
Did they embark on killing sprees in the name of Torah, did they seek to force people in submission to YHWH, have Jews established a reputation of terrorists?
No, they respected a nation's customs and the ideologies people subscribed to.
They sought the nation's welfare, because they understood that if they lived in a nation, that nation's welfare is their welfare, something the Islamic zealots apparently do not understand.
All the Jews wanted was a measure of religious freedom for themselves to keep Torah, and they have made major and valuable contributions to all fields of endeavour.

The exact opposite is what we can see in zealous Islamic immigrants.
The zealous Muhammadians insist that they are superior to the people living in our Western nations, and they demand not just religious freedom but that we accept their Islamic values and reject our own values.
Instead of honoring a nation's values and traditions they seek to destroy everything and replace it with an idiotic Islamic mantra.
It's a time bomb ticking away until the time comes when the bomb goes off, and we find ourselves in a civil war.
All thanks to our lying political leaders who have made this scenario possible, let's not forget that!

Islam simply does not mix with Christian or Jewish or secular liberal values.
The fault does not lie in Christianity, or in Judaism, or in Humanism or Secularism, it lies within the ideology of Islam which knows no tolerance and respect for those who reject Islam and those who dare to criticize the Islamic religion and its founder.
Islam is a deadly poison pervading our society like Nazism, and just how deadly this poison is can be witnessed in the form of the recent tragedy where the pen of Charlie Hebdo met the bullet of moronic Islamic self-justified hatred.
But the pen lives on, because it is mightier than the sword as anyone with wisdom and intelligence is able to understand.
Yes, the pen will survive and even triumph over Muhammad and his band of idiots roaming this world in their quest to satisfy their thirst for blood.

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