
The Greatest Victory

The greatest power lies in forgiveness.
That is where you deny the Evil One access to your being, your Soul.

Learn to let go instead of upsetting yourself by a compulsive train of thoughts which trigger negative emotions, which in turn give rise to more thoughts triggering more emotions.
It is a vicious cycle which looks like a perpetuum mobile, a downward spiral which continually seems to increase in strength, thus intensifying its gravity pull into a Dark bottomless pit which drains you from your energy, you Life-force.

The mastery over your own thoughts is the most difficult thing to do, and yet as you learn to submit your thoughts to the Sovereign Who rules over heart and mind, YHWH, you find yourself wondering over the fact that it really is the most easy and simple thing to do.
It is just that you forgot how easy it was because you kept investing energy in negative thoughts and associated emotions, and by this investment of energy (a manipulation of your Soul by the Forces of Evil), your thoughts turned into an autonomous machinery over which you seemed to have no control whatsoever.

Learning to be still and watching your thoughts, submitting each single one of them to the authority of your Creator, is one of the most important things you can learn in Life.

Why should we seek to submit our thoughts to our Creator instead of trying to subdue and tame our thoughts through sheer force of will?
Because we cannot generate anything which is Good.
Just try to master your thoughts through force of will, and in the end you will discover that you can't.
To combat Evil effectively you need to counter it with the force of Good.
You cannot combat Darkness if you are lacking the Light, and that is why you need to learn to be still so that the Light of YHWH can shine on the assault of Darkness within you and destroy it by its mere presence.

YHWH is the only One Who has the power to overcome Evil within us, and that is why it is so important to learn to be still in our hearts and minds.
Even the stillness comes from Him.
I know all too well that I do not have this stillness within myself.
When Evil attacks me, the inner turmoil my Soul experiences needs to be addressed by the One in Whom there is no turmoil, the One Who is the ultimate Source of Rest and Stillness.
In those moments I am like a small child crying out to my Abba, My Father YHWH, to take my hand and lift me up into His stillness so that I might be still and rescued from the attack of the Evil One.
And the Evil One has many vehicles working on behalf of Darkness so that he has ample opportunity to make the Life of YHWH's own miserable.

Did not Yahshua make this very clear in His parable about the wicked tenants, a parable you will find in Matthew 21?
The Owner of the vineyard sent out His servants to get His fruit, yet when the tenants of the vineyard saw the servants they beat them, treated them shamefully even to the point where they murdered some of them.
When the Owner finally sent His own Son, the tenants saw His coming as an opportunity to kill Him and take possession of the vineyard.

Ironically, when Yahshua told this parable He specifically referred to the religious leaders in His days, the ones who probably could recite large portions of the written Torah by memory yet who looked upon the living Torah as their enemy.

Not much has changed since those days, because just as those religious leaders were nothing but clowns in Babel's religious circus, their sons proclaiming the name of Yahshua build upon the foundation of blood as established by their forefathers, excluding, harassing and treating YHWH's own shamefully and with contempt while they dress up in holy robes and eat the fatted calf.
YHWH's own usually are left wanting in the cold streets as Babel's clowns celebrate and enjoy the good things Babel rewards them with.

The Evil One has many sons and daughters roaming through the alleys of this nebulous world.
All too often they appear as noble and respectable citizens while YHWH's own may look like beggars in the street.
All too often YHWH's own have lost their way for a season and look as if they are the greatest sinners on Earth, while the sons of Darkness seem to be the sinless, holy offspring of prophets.
Yet those polishes icons of religion, those smooth liars polluting the air with their eloquent empty words, all will have their share in the outer Darkness.

Do not let appearances deceive you.
YHWH knows the heart and mind of a person, and He knows who belongs to Him, and who belongs to the Evil One.
And YHWH is a faithful and kind Father Who forgives the sins of His own.
He does not see us as prisoners of a particular moment in time, but when He looks at us He sees the entire time of our Life on Earth as one, so that the outcome is already known to Him from the very beginning.
YHWH knows who and what we are in the end, and what we experience as the passing of time and the change of our character over time really is the result of YHWH sculpting our Soul.

Pain and adversity are part of this process, yet even though I do not like this one bit, I see the fruit it brings about and the growth in intensity of YHWH's Light shining in someone.
This is the result of living in a world which is like a negative film of reality: the tears of this world are the laughter of the Kingdom of Heaven, the sadness of this world is the joy of Heaven.
Whatever is accepted in Heaven is rejected on Earth, and whatever is esteemed in Heaven is spat upon in this cold, Dark world.

Because our world is Dark, vessels of Light are perceived as a threat which needs to be eliminated.
When you belong to YHWH, your mere presence on Earth is seen as an offence by the powers of Evil, and you encounter suffering because of this simple fact.

That is why the tears you shed now are really the result of the joy which is yours in the Kingdom of Heaven.
You encounter sadness, adversity and pain because you belong to the Light.
No, this is not something anyone of us desires, but I would rather have my share among those who are treated shamefully because they are the servants of the Owner of the vineyard than to be part of the workers of iniquity who seek to steal the vineyard to satisfy their Evil desires.

And we are more than servants, we are sons and daughters of the Most High in Yahshua.

Take heart, you are not alone.
Your Heavenly Father watches over you every single split second of the day, because you are VERY precious in His eyes.
When you suffer, bring to mind the privilege of knowing in your Soul that you are loved and precious in the eyes of the Almighty Creator, that you know Him as your personal Father where others are and forever will be irredeemably lost in the outer Darkness.
Those who make you miserable and treat you shamefully have much to fear, because the time will come that your Father will act and send His soldiers to take them out of your way.
I am not only referring to the time of YHWH's judgment, but also to moments in your Life when YHWH eliminates the adversity in your Life and you see with your own eyes how those who were your enemies are struck down.

Yet our greatest enemy is not on the outside, but within ourselves.
Yes, we are our own worst enemy.
The greatest battle we face lies within us, in our own emotions and thoughts which can be triggered and used against us.

That is why it is so important to learn to cry out to YHWH and not allow the train of thoughts to swallow you up and inspire you to act in accordance with the suggestions of the thoughts.
Learning to feel the reality of your thoughts and letting it hang in the air as you cry out to YHWH to take your hand and lift you up into His stillness is of the utmost importance.
Because that is where your ultimate victory begins and spreads from the 'inner' world into the 'outer' world.
The 'inner' world is the Kingdom of Heaven, the 'outer' world is our existence in this dream realm.

The battlefield of your own heart is where you defeat the enemy.
If you are able to see your own thoughts as if they do not belong to you, if you can feel the storm of your own feelings and emotions pass you by without being swept up by it, if you can submit it all to the One who has the power, you are invincible and a force for Good in this world to be reckoned with.
Because HE is invincible and the Rock that crushes our Adversary.
Our greatest victory is when we learn to get out of the way of this Rock and be one with Him.

Today is Shabbat day, the image of the rest and stillness I referred to in this article.
So feed your Soul with the Truth behind the words I have been given to write, and have a very blessed Shabbat.

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