
The Road To Hell...

When you take a good look at history you will see many examples of idealists seeking to establish their ideal of Utopia on their own terms, from Nimrod's empire to Adolf Hitler's dream of the Third Reich.
And there are three words in that last sentence where all of the idealists end up shooting themselves in the foot: their own terms.
Because, you either do everything according to YHWH's ways, or you take one of the billions of other routes, all of them having in common that invariably they end up in destruction.

Because we are part of a reality which is based on Dualism.
It would be easier for you to jump so high that you can escape the pull of gravity, than that you are able to avoid the law of Dualism.
This principle is the outcome of a rule YHWH created.
This rule, in its most basic form a basic code, acts as an operator transforming everything it comes in contact with into a manifestation of 'anti-YHWH', everything YHWH is not.

So, if YHWH is Good, He creates, He builds up, and He brings Life, then falling away from YHWH invariably means you end up destroying, tearing down, bringing Death, because you have become an extension of Evil.

All of the idealists have in common that they love to project their failings and their particular Evil on a particular group of people so that it is not the idealists which are at fault, no, it is the group of people they point their fingers at.
They appoint and define the causes of obstruction to their ideal, and by getting rid of the causes they believe to be able to achieve the lofty ideal of their Utopia.

For instance, Adolf Hitler appointed the Jews in the role of being the greatest obstruction and threat to his ideal, and he believed that by getting rid of the Jews he was able to create the right kind of environment for his Third Reich.
All the while, as he zealously set out to exterminate every Jew he could find, he remained blind to the fact that the greatest obstruction to his Utopia was not external, but internal.
He replaced obedience to YHWH with obedience to his horrible party program, and YHWH was replaced by the image of the Third Reich, and he projected his own Evil on the group of scapegoats.
He set out to achieve perfection by aligning himself with the Evil side of Dualism, and as such he carried the seed of destruction within himself from the very beginning.
Because the law of Dualism dictates that where Good creates and builds up, Evil destroys and tears down.

Sometimes a picture can speak louder and clearer than a thousand words are able to, and I will never forget the image I saw in the movie 'The Pianist', a movie directed by Roman Polanski featuring the actor Adrian Brody.
If you have not seen the movie yet, I highly recommend that you do.

The story of the movie is about a Polish-Jewish pianist who escapes the dreadful fate of being deported like the rest of his family, and after he flees from the unbearable hard physical labor in the ghetto, he tries to survive by living in the ruins of Warsaw in search of some food and water.
In one scene he lives in an abandoned hospital when he notices that the Germans walking in the streets are using a flame thrower to burn down every building, including the hospital where Władysław Szpilman the escaped pianist hides.
He has to jump out of a rear window of the hospital in order to avoid being burned down with the building, and as he flees from the hospital and makes his way to climb over the wall which separates the back garden of the hospital from the street, the camera slowly goes up, and reveals Wladyslaw walking in the street with nothing but ruins as far as the eye can see.
Total devastation everywhere, and this one picture tells my story much clearer than I could ever hope to achieve with words.

The Nazis responsible for the destruction were not just brute destroyers without a plan, no, they were idealists seeking to establish their Utopia, a place which was designed to be a strictly ordered hierarchical Nazi concept of Heaven for the German people, a place where the impeccable straight lines of the Speer architecture expressed the perfect clean order of a perfect clean society.
The movie Gattaca features a similar society where everything and everyone is tightly arranged in a predetermined order, the New Order which certain parties hope to realize.

However, because the Nazis sought to build up their envisioned empire on a foundation of innocent blood they shed, hoping to create order out of chaos just as the New Order architects aspire to achieve, all they left humanity in the end is depicted in this one scene from the movie 'The Pianist', a complete and utter devastation, the direct opposite of their vision.
THAT my friends is the legacy the worshippers of the Satan ALWAYS will inherit, because in the end the Satan is the great destroyer, the great failure always unable to achieve his ideal of a Cosmos on his own terms and his own order.

The very same mindset as we have witnessed in the Nazis is present today in the form of organized Islam.
Like Hitler they appoint the scapegoats, which is the group of people who does not believe in their concept of Allah and refuses to submit (such as Jews and Christians), and once they get rid of this obstruction and rebuild the world on of the ashes of the infidels in the image of the 'glorious pure Islam', -which happens to differ from sect to sect-, THEN the world will be a paradise.
Like Hitler they do not look in the mirror and acknowledge their own faults, but they project all their collective vices and failings on the scapegoat, and like Hitler they seek to establish their Islamic paradise on their own terms.

Likewise the Arabs in Gaza and Judea/Samaria are brainwashed to accept the ideal of an independent Palestine and the annihilation of Israel in order to be able to prosper.
If they have to kill every Jew in Israel it is deemed unimportant, even a Good deed since Jews are the vermin of this world anyway, thus the hate-mongers reason.

Read these words: no paradise will ever happen on Man's or the Satan's terms.
Paradise can ONLY become a reality if you follow YHWH's rules, and the reason is found in the principle of Dualism which pervades the very fabric of our reality.
Seeking to establish your own concept of paradise in the way all the idealists from Nimrod to Hitler have attempted to do results in only one thing: complete and utter destruction.

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