
O'Barmy's Gang

As time goes by and the Obama gang continues to be on the war path they have chosen, alienating allies and strengthening anti-democratic oppressive Islamic organisations, the level of Obama's arrogance and the degree to which he is in support of Islamic terror organizations is rising to proportions beyond belief.

How on Earth could a nation such as the USA have chosen these treacherous double agents in office, the Obama/Kerry/Clinton type of gang so very much adored by the likes of Pelosi?
They singlehandedly destroy the US economy, its foreign relationships, and with utmost predictability they support Islamic regimes in the world to such a degree that Putin has acquired a reputation of being the protector of Christianity in comparison.

Obama is very successful in case you mistakenly thought him to be a blundering fool.
He is successful in destroying America's dominion in the world, successful in destroying democracy, successful in transforming the US into a totalitarian Islamic nation, successful in helping the cause of the Islamic Jihad against the infidels, successful in paving the way for a devastating war.
He truly has earned the title of being the great destroyer, and his depraved cronies Pelosi and Clinton worship his greatness.

And how he actively seeks to create a precedent for a war with Russia!
The Syria route failed, thanks to a question from a reporter, an unprepared and improvised answer from a blundering wicked fool named Kerry (who also demonstrated his genius recently when he demanded from Israel they stop their Gaza offensive and give Hamas one week to regroup), and a swift response from Syria and Russia.
So, they now are trying to reach their goal by means of the Ukraine, exploring every avenue to get that much desired war they are after.

Think of how many billions of dollars the Iraq operation must have cost, all because the madman Hussein was rumoured to have chemical weapons.
And look at the results: a nation which is in the process of being taken over by an Islamic Nazi faction called ISIS.
This organization demands total submission to Islam, killing thousands of Christians and even liberal Muslims if they do not comply.
A deadly Satanic group of fanatics have become heirs of the multi billion investment of US military personnel, not to mention the lives of US soldiers the Iraqi war has cost and which cannot be expressed in terms of money.

And Israel?
More than ever Israel knows it stands alone in this world.
The US has turned against Israel and clearly favours the bloodthirsty murderers of Hamas. 
Over one hundred Spanish celebrities demand that Israel stops its 'genocide' in Gaza as Israel seeks to defend itself against the never ending relentless assaults of Hamas.
All over Europe there are protestmarches in honour of Hamas, the one in France only one foot away from turning in a rehearsal of the infamous Kristallnacht.
All this adds up to an image which is an exact replica of the time just prior to world war II.

Now, the US has become more of an enemy to Israel than Russia used to be, especially since it avails itself of feigned friendship to keep Israel in bondage of the US foreign policy which is dead set on creating the 'Palestinian state' and thereby provide a legitimized platform for Islam to destroy the nation of Israel and 'rid the world of the vermin of the Jew'.

Well, take a good look at Hitler who felt the same way, and what became of him and the nation he used for his purpose.

Did anyone of the UN cry over the Jewish teenagers brutally murdered by Hamas?
Of course not, they were Jews...
But when Israel responds  to the brutal murderous assaults and targets Hamas terrorists hiding near a UN school, a UN correspondent bursts out in tears on the Islamic biased Al Jazeera network, as if to say to the world 'look at what those evil Israelis are doing to innocent people'!
Tell me who is Evil, the ones attempting to stop murderers from carrying out their nefarious intentions, or the murderers hiding near schools and firing rockets from playgrounds so that when Israel responds chances are they will generate bad publicity through the innocent victims the response may generate?
And how is it that Hamas is able to use UN schools as storerooms for their rockets and ammunition?
These Hamas cowards constantly hide behind public buildings, preferable buildings with children inside, and if Israel does not accidentally cause any victims, they are very likely to create some Palestinian victims themselves just to put the blame on Israel.
They are a ruthless, unscrupulous lying bunch of degenerates in their zeal to win the publicity war.

And what to think of a news item I read about a Belgian doctor who refused help to a Jewish woman, telling her to 'go to Gaza where she will feel no pain any longer'.
Or how about a Jewish woman who was attacked by three men wearing Palestinian shawls? The reason was the simple fact that the woman had the audacity to hang the Israeli flag over her balcony in Amsterdam East.
The Islamic fascist-loving rodents are crawling out of the woodworks driven by an insatiable thirst for Jewish blood, and how can I remain silent when I see these depraved supporters of Evil in this world proclaiming their support for today's Nazi's?
Time is becoming so perilous for Jews that I am actually wondering if perhaps I also should start preparing my suitcase.
Jacob's trouble will bring trouble to the entire world, and the world is not aware of it.

The seasons are changing, and an old but very familiar and ugly season has returned.
We are repeating the exact same order of events which led to the second world war.
Only this time the stage of the horror is not limited to just one nation where the Evil guys are in charge, no, this time the entire world is inundated with the puppets of Islam ready to engage in Jihad and disrupt the nations from within.
The hunting season has been opened, and the Jews are the foxes rounded up by the hunters and their bloodhounds.
More than that, those who are residing in the White House add to their list of crimes that they are giving support to the hunters and their pack of bloodhounds.
But they forget one most important element in the entire equation: YHWH, the terrible Judge and the dreaded Warrior.
Because, just as He is a kind Father to His own, He is the dreaded Warrior and terrible Judge of those who turn against His own and His Name.

People will do well to realize that as the US has done and will do to Israel, the great Judge will do unto the US, you better bear this in mind!
Just as Obama pressures Netanyahu into decisions which negatively impact Israel, YHWH will personally pressure and impact the US, even more so!
If Israel suffers from war, be sure YHWH will bring war to the USA (and Europe if Europe continues to align itself with Obama's support for the Islamic terrorists), if Israel suffers from terrorism and terrorist attacks, YHWH will make sure the US (and Europe) will suffer from terrorist attacks which will make 9/11 seem like a minor event, if Israel is threatened with extinction, YHWH will make the US extinct.
There is a great judgment coming to this world, and because of the dominant role the US has played in it, YHWH will not hold back when He implements His judgment.

And Europe will not be overlooked.
Europe will do well to think deeply before lending support to the Obama regime, because Obama considers Europe to be nothing more than a useful buffer for his own nefarious purposes, and he will not hesitate to give up Europe to the hounds of war.

As you do unto Israel, YHWH will do unto you, and even more so.
This means that if the US will broker a deal for a Palestinian state, YHWH will cut up the US, and you won't be able to put the pieces back together again.

As for me, I love Israel.
I know the name of the nation is tied to the Name above all other names, YHWH, and I love that Name, and the name of the nation.
That little nation is not perfect, far from it, but in this Dark world I consider it to be a little shining light in comparison.
And the Darkness in the rest of this world is so thick that it blinds many,  stupefying them in a self-indulgent cocoon of complacency when it comes to Israel's plight, unable to see how Israel is standing in the frontline of the battle for our most precious possession: freedom.
Because, when Israel goes down, the rest of the world goes down, but as long as Israel stands, there's hope for us.

But the sell-outs don't care, they believe that once Israel is gone the world finally will be a paradise, forgetting that once Israel is gone, this world will be gone too.
I just hope that there will be more people standing up and voicing their support for Israel and their condemnation of hate groups like Hamas and their ilk who love to avail themselves of western freedom to organize protest marches in support of the anti-democratic Islamic terrorist factions!

So pray for Israel, because when you pray for the welfare of Israel you actually pray for yourself and the welfare of the nation you live in.

May YHWH continue to bless and protect Israel, and remember how He has tied His Name to the name of this tiny nation on Earth.


The Empty Place - II

"You know what your folly is?", I asked the intruder on the mountain.
"I can conceive of the idea of the Box of No and the warped reality of what might be in it, yet reject it because its false unreal promise stands in contrast with the Word of my Father.
I can conceive of what is inside the Box and disbelieve it.

You, on the other hand, not only conceived of the idea of the Box, but you were taken in by it because you believed it and disbelieved the words of the One Who made you and Who endowed you with many gifts.
You even went so far that you were willing to risk your Soul in the danger zone.
Yet you knew in your heart that our Father cannot deviate from the Truth because He IS Truth, and yet, you lacked the strength to hold fast to that knowing.

How could you be so deceived?
It is not I who is the prisoner, but it is YOU.
Because, the moment you opened the Box to look inside it was the moment the Box swallowed your Soul and took complete possession of you.
YOU are the one living inside the Box and the Box lives in and through you as well as all those who fall for your deceptive words.
Because you live inside this bottomless pit of the Box, you reason according to the distortion of the Box."

The icy phony smile on his face now had turned into an ominous angry smirk.
"Then live as an obedient slave of ignorance on this wretched mountain for all eternity, never writing an original tune, but always the ones prescribed by the Despot up there!", he shouted in anger as he pointed at our Father's mansion.
His fiery eyes were the eyes of the Box of No looking at me through the lens of the one who used to be my brother.
He used to be as close to my Soul as my own heart, but now, the only tunes he could sing were the ones prescribed by the Box, and in his blindness he could not see his imprisonment but rather projected his own plight on all those who were still free.

He had become 'anti', 'the Adversary'.
Only this 'anti' was based on a paradigm which could never exist, a fantasy where belief in a Lie passes for Truth.
Talking with the embodiment of the Box was like listening to a rehearsed fantasy, one which may be entertaining as long as it is not real and it does not affect you.

The problem was that my brother was no more, and the Box had transformed him into a gateway for the Box into the world of the mountain, the real world.
The Box was the great void seeking to turn itself into substance by devouring it, an avatar of non-existence creating an appearance of existence for itself by means of appropriating that which exists, and turning it into a broadcast of its message.
In this case it had appropriated my brother through his own choice, and it saddened me since the form of my brother was a living reminder of the one who lived by my side yet whose Spirit had been turned into a medium for the impossible dream world of the Box of No.

I noticed how the paradigm of this Box took that which existed, and simply reversed it, thus creating contrasting 'anti'-images. 
The Box introduced the notion of Death and turned 'Life' into 'Death' while promoting 'Death' as 'Life', 'live' becoming 'evil' and 'evil' becoming 'live'.
I did not understand why someone of his intelligence and understanding could be so deceived that he was oblivious to the folly and deception of the Box of No.
Clearly if something contradicts that which you know to be true, then the contradiction is something you should never seriously contemplate and consider it to be some sort of an alternative truth.
It is so obvious that Death or non-existence can never exist and that there is no end to the Spirit.

He knew that very well, and I cannot understand how he could be so immersed in the deception that he came to accept the fantasy concept of No.
Instead, in true reactionary fashion worthy of a knight of No he told me that I was the one who did not see, because I was still too much a slave of our Father's paradigm of reality, and lacked the creativity and intellectual stamina to step outside the box of my mental, intellectual and spiritual confinement, as he called it.
But I DID see, and I saw how he had turned into a slave of the deception of the Box, surrendering himself to a mode of reasoning inside that Box.

His faith in the fantasy of the false paradigm blinded him in the Spirit, unable to see the folly of trying to breathe Life into nihilism.
The moment he stepped into the world of the negative, he began to think and reason as a negative.
The view of the Box became his own view, accepting it as Truth just as he rejected Truth as false, a Lie invented by our Father to keep us locked into the chains of slavery to our Father's will and concept of reality.

It was as if he had been absorbed by the Box and viewed the world in negatives which depict Light as Darkness.
The Box with its impossible dualistic paradigm had become his cage, yet he was unaware of his captivity.
Instead, he considered his captivity to be his liberty, and he the walls of the Box he believed to be his unlimited freedom.

He did not acknowledge how the Box distorted his view and warped his thoughts in the image of the Box, no, he simply could not see, because he had merged with the Box and became the Box.
Or rather, the Box became him and expressed its contents through him.
He could not see how the Box was like a negative filter applied to everything he knew, seeking to turn the entire Creation into a negative of the film of reality.
On this negative of the film, Light is turned into Darkness and Good into Evil, just as Darkness becomes Light and Evil Good.

He now believed in the Lie and eloquently sought to persuade others to share in his delusion, and that is how he became the father of the Lie.

The paradigm of 'NO' was a fantasy spinning a fantasy world out of that which exists, that which is real, and as a true disciple of the Box of No the Adversary now believed he was able to transform this fantasy into a reality, and re-create that which our Father built.
Unaware of his folly he no longer was able to distinguish between fact and fiction, incapable of detecting the line between fantasy and reality, fact and fiction.

How he had changed!
I used to love his music and marveled at his mastery of different instruments.
With such an abundance of gifts it was obvious to me why he carried the nickname of being the court composer.
Yet as he changed, his music changed with him, and I came to loathe the tunes carrying the lying Spirit of insane rebellion.
Their sound felt like a swamp, draining me of energy where before they used to fill me with energy.
He became the black stain on the canvas of the mountain, and he felt it was his mission to transform the canvas of the entire mountain into one large black stain, a monument to the glory of the Box.
He desired to re-create all in his own image, or rather, the image of the Box.

All of us who did not join his insane cause suffered from his presence on the mountain, until the moment arrived our Father decided to step in and protect us and His beautiful mountain.
The Adversary was banned from his premises and cast into the region of the valley below where he could roam freely.

"Don't think I will be Your prodigal son returning to You one day to beg for a position among Your slave idiots!
I will return alright, but when I do I will bring my armies with me and take this mountain by force!" he shouted angrily at our Father as he was thrown off the mountain into the valley.
"I will take back what rightfully is mine but which you stole from me just to give it to your obedient little slaves as their reward for bowing down and not utter so much as one single word which goes against Your despotic will.
Take a good look at Your palace and Your precious mountain, because the day is coming when ALL of this will be mine!"

It was as if the echo of his words linger in my mind to this very day.
His vacant place on the mountain only brings back those memories of someone who was given so much, yet who ultimately showed so little gratitude for that which was given to him.
Just as the Box had removed his substance from his form and filled it with the voice and presence of the Box Spirit, his tunes had become hollow celebrations of his own greatness, as if his talents originated with him!

Every remnant of energy, talent and Life-force within him had been transformed by the Box of No in the image of the Box.
The Box had taken over his entire being, turning a brother into a stranger, a living and breathing manifestation of the Box.

This Box was the ultimate black hole of Creation, since it absorbed everything it encountered and made it an integral part of its deep black void.
By now it had absorbed almost the entire valley below, and I knew that its ultimate goal was to absorb the mountain as well so everything would be turned into an extension of the hollow robotic Darkness emanating from this Box.
Letting my eyes dwell past the empty place to the valley below I noticed great thick black clouds hovering over the valley swirling upwards towards the mountain slope, and I knew that the time was near that my former brother would indeed seek to return to this mountain and claim it as his possession.

The valley is his kingdom now, but it does not satisfy him.
No, his heart is set on the mountain, and I knew that from the day he left he would return someday to take by force what never was his to begin with
Whenever I am sent on a mission in the valley, I can hear the sound of his many tunes and the inane dumb lyrics celebrating his folly, but what's more, I sense the presence of that same dreadful Spirit behind the sound of this Shadow music.
His omnipresent noise in the valley mesmerizes the valley-dwellers, drugging their minds with the relentless omnipresent sound of the tunes lulling them to sleep, so that in their stupefied state they do not understand the extent to which they are exploited and deceived.

As long as they remain asleep they do not have to face up to the reality of the horror they are submitted to.
The sleep renders them unconscious and oblivious to their captivity and exploitation.
They are addicted to the sick fix of his mocking tunes and his images, because they cannot tolerate the sobering silence and stillness of the presence of the mountain.
The silence makes them aware of the very thing they seek to blot out of their consciousness, so the silence becomes a threat, a vexation to their drained Souls.
They crave that distraction and refer to their addiction as their love.
Their captivity they refer to as their liberty, and they see the dire straits of their exploitation as opportunity knocking on the door of the drive of their implanted artificially cultivated ambition.

Words do not exist capable of describing my utter amazement and shock over the extent of their slavery to the Box and how they hypnotically accepted the lies suggested by the many voices of the Box.
How could anyone having lived on the mountain not be able to detect the Dark lies spreading their net over their existence and reducing them to robotic slaves serving the interest of the Dark String Pullers, how could they not see the chains around their Soul pulling them forward?
No, whenever their strings were pulled, they gleefully obeyed, whenever the chains were yanked, they slavishly followed.

Perhaps they did not come from the mountain, perhaps they could not remember the mountain and its beauty.
Perhaps it was amnesia which prevented them from understanding and being aware of the ugly Truth of their plight.
If so, that amnesia could be seen a blessing on one hand since it anaesthetizes them from the pain of a broken and reversed existence in the valley, yet on the other hand it also is a curse, because it keeps them locked into the stronghold of Darkness.
It was their blindness and their willingness to stand in agreement with the Box which rendered them as slaves to the one who DID come from the mountain yet chose to unite with the Box of No.

There in the valley he rules as a king.
He succeeded in painting the lives of the valley-dwellers in negatives to that they lived their lives in a reversed mode.
Whenever I am sent on a mission in that veiled nether region I am unable to see him, but I can sense his presence everywhere.
He chooses and appoints his court musicians, his composers, his movie makers, his ministers, his rulers and his servants willing and eager to do his bidding, the bidding of the Box of No in the valley.
And of course only the ones who comply with his demands and confess their faith in his deception reap the reward of being chosen and appointed as worthy servants of the Box.
They undergo their initiation rites like true obedient slaves, knowing that by passing the rite the doors to the empire of the Box will swing wide open and the world below will be at their feet.
They pay with their Souls just to reap a fleeting illusion of grandeur in the nether region.

There's no hope whatsoever for someone like myself to be able to live in that valley for a long time, since the few who do not share in the delusion of the Box of No can see the deceiver for what he is, and they are shunned, ostracized, relegated to the sidelines, and if we dare to make too much noise he even comes after us to destroy us and rid us from his empire in the Shadows of the valley.
We are the ones who fail the initiation rites, and how we are punished by the initiated!

The valley has become the stage where the play of the Box of No is performed, a dream reality  which thrives on exploitation, bloodshed, theft and deceit, a reality which requires sacrifice of innocent Souls to harvest their energy as fuel for the great doomsday machine of the Box.

How I hate being there!
I have to suffer the mockery and humiliation of the Shadow servants, I have to endure their indulgence in the false hypnotic twisted tunes of the Adversary, I have to walk under the oppressive Darkness of the many clouds.

How could the one who became the Satan to the mountain-dwellers not be aware of the stark contrast between his world, and the world where he used to dwell?
Nothing of him remained on the mountain after he was banned, except for this empty spot where he once stood, smiling in his splendor, rejoicing in his music.
And I rejoiced in his music with him, thanking our Father for the great gifts He bestowed on us in His goodness and kindness of heart.
He used to be my brother.

But then he changed, and I did not.
I felt great sadness over what he had become, because now the Box was in control, and he could not help but act out whatever the Box dictated.
The Box took his form, his voice and his gifts.
And his gifts were turned into the curse poisoning the world below and beyond, seeking to transform all it encountered into the image of the hollow Shadow world of the Box of No.


The Empty Place - I

The mountain was magnificent.
It stood head and shoulders above all the other mountains as if it reached straight into Heaven.
And it did!
It pierced the clouds and reached beyond them, so that it seemed like a pathway along which the beauty of Heaven travelled down the mountain to the Earth below. 

The mountain was my home, and I loved my Life in this picturesque painting displaying the wildest array of abundant colors known to Man.
The colors adorned not only the sweet flowers sacrificing their fragrance as a pleasing offering to their Creator, the colors abounded in even the smallest things, such as the wings of the many butterflies fluttering against the perfect blue sky, or the petals of the exotic flowers growing out of the soil of this magnanimous giant.

Never did the warmth feel oppressive and become the solid weight of heat pressing down upon the Souls of those living on the mountain, nor did the cold chill us down to the bone.
The cold was refreshing, and the warmth kindled our hearts with the joy it brought us.

All of us loved to dwell on this mountain.
It was there that we felt at home in our own habitat given to us by our Heavenly Father.
In the complete absence of even the slightest animosity we all lived in perfect harmony, enjoying our carefree rich and abundant life on the mountain.

Well, almost everybody did.
My eyes travelled to the vacant spot on the side of the mountain where he used to dwell.
Like all of us he had his own patch on this magnificent mountain, and his patch was even more radiant than ours.

And what a multitude of talents were given to him!
He left us with the rich legacy of a great multitude of different instruments, and he wrote music of such beauty and intensity that even the birds of the air were silent when he played his instrument and sang with the voice that touched the hearts of Angels.

One day he left the mountain, and he was gone for quite a while..
He left us guessing where he might have gone, since he had not told anybody of his plans.
We often wondered where he went and why it took him so long to return, but finally the moment arrived that he came back from his voyage, a day I will never forget.
Because, where a brother had left the mountain, a stranger wearing his face had returned.
The moment our eyes met I saw an alien cold glare staring back at me.

Prior to that moment I had never experienced that strange and unpleasant sensation which I came to know all too well whenever I was sent down the mountain into the valley, the feeling of the negative obstruction of Evil, yet now the time had come for me to have my first direct confrontation with pure Evil when I looked into the eyes of the one all of us would come to know as the Evil One, the Adversary.

When I asked him what had happened he did not even bother to give me any explanation, knowing all too well that upon his return we found ourselves standing on opposite sides of a great divide of the heart where before we used to be brothers, united in our joy and love for the One Who gave us our place on the mountain.
Only, the mountain and his presence suddenly seemed two incongruous elements unable to be joined together unless one of them would radically change.

Before he left, his pleasant voice was a blessing to our hearts.
Yet now, when he opened his mouth to speak, the air itself was filled with a sound carrying the most excruciating dissonance my Soul had ever experienced.
He had changed, and the man I saw was not the man I knew.

The stranger began to explain how he desired to leave the mountain driven by a desire to achieve the impossible, that he wanted to carry out the plan he had conceived to venture into the forbidden zone, AND return from it unscathed.
He needed adventure and a challenge to bring him that which his heart longed for, and he found it in the challenge beckoning him from the heart of the dangerous zone.

But, that was not all.
He had gone into the dangerous zone to see the mysterious Box of No with his own eyes.
Our Father had given us very strict instructions never to venture into the zone and look inside the Box of No, and so none of us had ever contemplated the ludicrous idea of going on a quest for this item in the most dangerous zone in all Creation.
Except for the stranger who used to be my brother.

He proceeded to tell me that he not only found the Box, but that he had done the inconceivable: he had opened the Box to look inside it.

"What!?" I shouted.
"You went into the forbidden zone knowing all too well that it is the most dangerous place in all of Creation?
You know very well that our Father warned us not to go there, since reality changes in that zone to such a degree you might get lost in it forever, and yet you ignored His words and took that risk just to open the Box our Father instructed us never to open?
Have you lost your mind?
Have you forgotten how He warned us for the consequences?
You KNOW that He always tells us the Truth, and yet you STILL went ahead with your folly and deliberately ventured into the forbidden zone!?"

An icy smile of contempt formed on his face, one which I never had seen before.
"You know, that always has been your problem, hasn't it?
Your tunes lack the inventiveness, the originality and ingenuity of my music, and that is why you have remained stuck in the paradigm of the same old tune and why you never really progressed."

"What do you mean", I replied.
"Does a dove lack inventiveness because it  does not sing like a mocking bird, does a cat lack inventiveness because it does not roar like a lion?
Each of them has its own unique sound and place on the mountain.
A cat which tries to roar like a lion would turn itself into a bad copycat, because it never was created to make the sound of a lion.
The tunes I write are unique and a sincere expression of my character and Soul, so of course I do not sound like you.
Because I was not made to be you, but be myself and make my own sound."

"But you could be so much more if you did not bow down and slavishly accept the role He assigned to you.
That's your problem: you think too much inside the prison box of your Creator", he replied.

It did not escape my attention how he came to refer to our Father as 'my' Creator and how he spoke with a tone of contempt in his voice when he mentioned Him.

"Why don't you take the next step and learn to think outside the box", he continued.
"You could be so much more than what you are now if only you would open your mind and conceive of the endless possibilities."

"You know what I brought with me?" he asked while pointing at a box.
Intuitively I knew it was the Box our Father had instructed us not to open, because once we would open it and look inside it, the Box would devour us.

"Of course He does not want you to open the Box" he said as if he could read my mind.
"He knows all too well that the day you dare to open the forbidden Box is the day He can no longer hold you captive in His paradigm, His deception, because that will be the day you will know the Truth of what really is inside the Box, and you will learn new tunes you could never conceive of as long as you remain a slave to His instructions."

"I always had confidence in you that you have the potential to grow beyond your confinement on this mountain.
Yes, it's pleasant to be here, but wait until you have experienced the leap in consciousness when you have the courage to stand up and see inside this Box for yourself!

Or...would you rather remain a good, trusting fool duped by something the Creator wants to hide from your eyes?
Why would He hide it from you, why would He try to keep it out of our reach by placing it in the heart of a zone where He reversed reality, like an impenetrable minefield which traps Souls forever?
Did He do that just for our own good, or could it be that He fears the day when your consciousness grows beyond the confines of the prison He put you in?
Think about it.
How did He become the almighty Creator?
Could it be that He looked inside the Box and transformed into what He is now?
And if that is so, perhaps He is threatened by the existence of other beings having the same consciousness and the same power He has?"

"I know you feel awkward at my return and observing the change in me, but could it be that you feel this way because the change in me threatens your comfort zone where you live securely within the confines of the paradigm your Creator placed you in?
Could it be that you project your fear of the unknown unto me?
I am still your brother, and you will know that I am telling you the Truth once you look inside this Box and know the Truth about that which was hidden from you.
So, are you ready to take the next step and break the bars of your own cage, are you ready to embrace true freedom?"

As I listened to his speech and looked at the Box I began to wonder.
What if he is right, what if I am projecting my own fear of the unknown on him, what if I have been too content with a comfortable life on the mountain, trading in the potential of freedom for security within a fixed paradigm?

But then I remembered my Father and His character.
This was not the character of a deceiver, nor was it within His ability to deviate from Truth.
And if His heart was Good and He always told the Truth, then His warning concerning the Box and the danger Zone was true, and my brother, or, my former brother, had turned into a promoter of un-Truth.
Such a change could only happen if he truly had been altered by the Box.
Didn't our Father warn us that if we would look inside the Box it would devour us?
If then the Box had devoured my brother it would make sense I felt as if a stranger wearing the face of my brother had come to the mountain.
And if he tried to seduce us to look inside the Box, it would mean that it was the intention of the masked stranger to devour us as well.

It's impossible that the Box created itself.
If our Father created everything, then He must have created the Box, as well as the impenetrable minefield of a reversed reality surrounding it.
Why would He have done that, unless there is a specific purpose He had in mind when He created the Box of No and the reversed reality field?

How is it that I trusted our Father and felt repelled by even the idea of trying to open the Box of No, while apparently it held a long cherished attraction in the heart and mind of my former brother?
How could anyone in his right mind go against his own nature and reject Truth and embrace the folly of the Box of No?

Could it be that the Box was created to force us into making a choice between loving and trusting our Father, or loving the idea of the Box of No?
It's really a choice of love, isn't it?
It serves to draw out the choice which shows the true fiber of what we are deep inside.
The Box offers us a choice which reality we desire to be part of, the reality which rejects the love of our Father, or the reality which accepts and submits to our Father's love.

It was obvious to me that my brother had made his choice and how sought to find allies joining him in his wrong choice.
But I still could not comprehend why one would voluntarily choose to believe in a fantasy which contradicts reality and flips it around.


The Road To Hell...

When you take a good look at history you will see many examples of idealists seeking to establish their ideal of Utopia on their own terms, from Nimrod's empire to Adolf Hitler's dream of the Third Reich.
And there are three words in that last sentence where all of the idealists end up shooting themselves in the foot: their own terms.
Because, you either do everything according to YHWH's ways, or you take one of the billions of other routes, all of them having in common that invariably they end up in destruction.

Because we are part of a reality which is based on Dualism.
It would be easier for you to jump so high that you can escape the pull of gravity, than that you are able to avoid the law of Dualism.
This principle is the outcome of a rule YHWH created.
This rule, in its most basic form a basic code, acts as an operator transforming everything it comes in contact with into a manifestation of 'anti-YHWH', everything YHWH is not.

So, if YHWH is Good, He creates, He builds up, and He brings Life, then falling away from YHWH invariably means you end up destroying, tearing down, bringing Death, because you have become an extension of Evil.

All of the idealists have in common that they love to project their failings and their particular Evil on a particular group of people so that it is not the idealists which are at fault, no, it is the group of people they point their fingers at.
They appoint and define the causes of obstruction to their ideal, and by getting rid of the causes they believe to be able to achieve the lofty ideal of their Utopia.

For instance, Adolf Hitler appointed the Jews in the role of being the greatest obstruction and threat to his ideal, and he believed that by getting rid of the Jews he was able to create the right kind of environment for his Third Reich.
All the while, as he zealously set out to exterminate every Jew he could find, he remained blind to the fact that the greatest obstruction to his Utopia was not external, but internal.
He replaced obedience to YHWH with obedience to his horrible party program, and YHWH was replaced by the image of the Third Reich, and he projected his own Evil on the group of scapegoats.
He set out to achieve perfection by aligning himself with the Evil side of Dualism, and as such he carried the seed of destruction within himself from the very beginning.
Because the law of Dualism dictates that where Good creates and builds up, Evil destroys and tears down.

Sometimes a picture can speak louder and clearer than a thousand words are able to, and I will never forget the image I saw in the movie 'The Pianist', a movie directed by Roman Polanski featuring the actor Adrian Brody.
If you have not seen the movie yet, I highly recommend that you do.

The story of the movie is about a Polish-Jewish pianist who escapes the dreadful fate of being deported like the rest of his family, and after he flees from the unbearable hard physical labor in the ghetto, he tries to survive by living in the ruins of Warsaw in search of some food and water.
In one scene he lives in an abandoned hospital when he notices that the Germans walking in the streets are using a flame thrower to burn down every building, including the hospital where Władysław Szpilman the escaped pianist hides.
He has to jump out of a rear window of the hospital in order to avoid being burned down with the building, and as he flees from the hospital and makes his way to climb over the wall which separates the back garden of the hospital from the street, the camera slowly goes up, and reveals Wladyslaw walking in the street with nothing but ruins as far as the eye can see.
Total devastation everywhere, and this one picture tells my story much clearer than I could ever hope to achieve with words.

The Nazis responsible for the destruction were not just brute destroyers without a plan, no, they were idealists seeking to establish their Utopia, a place which was designed to be a strictly ordered hierarchical Nazi concept of Heaven for the German people, a place where the impeccable straight lines of the Speer architecture expressed the perfect clean order of a perfect clean society.
The movie Gattaca features a similar society where everything and everyone is tightly arranged in a predetermined order, the New Order which certain parties hope to realize.

However, because the Nazis sought to build up their envisioned empire on a foundation of innocent blood they shed, hoping to create order out of chaos just as the New Order architects aspire to achieve, all they left humanity in the end is depicted in this one scene from the movie 'The Pianist', a complete and utter devastation, the direct opposite of their vision.
THAT my friends is the legacy the worshippers of the Satan ALWAYS will inherit, because in the end the Satan is the great destroyer, the great failure always unable to achieve his ideal of a Cosmos on his own terms and his own order.

The very same mindset as we have witnessed in the Nazis is present today in the form of organized Islam.
Like Hitler they appoint the scapegoats, which is the group of people who does not believe in their concept of Allah and refuses to submit (such as Jews and Christians), and once they get rid of this obstruction and rebuild the world on of the ashes of the infidels in the image of the 'glorious pure Islam', -which happens to differ from sect to sect-, THEN the world will be a paradise.
Like Hitler they do not look in the mirror and acknowledge their own faults, but they project all their collective vices and failings on the scapegoat, and like Hitler they seek to establish their Islamic paradise on their own terms.

Likewise the Arabs in Gaza and Judea/Samaria are brainwashed to accept the ideal of an independent Palestine and the annihilation of Israel in order to be able to prosper.
If they have to kill every Jew in Israel it is deemed unimportant, even a Good deed since Jews are the vermin of this world anyway, thus the hate-mongers reason.

Read these words: no paradise will ever happen on Man's or the Satan's terms.
Paradise can ONLY become a reality if you follow YHWH's rules, and the reason is found in the principle of Dualism which pervades the very fabric of our reality.
Seeking to establish your own concept of paradise in the way all the idealists from Nimrod to Hitler have attempted to do results in only one thing: complete and utter destruction.


Satan's Palestinian Dream

This Shabbat was disfigured by pro-palestine protesters in Den Haag voicing their objections against what they refer to as the Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people.
Some among the hypocritical, abject hate crowd walked around with swastikas and jihad flags, and I find it unbelievable that Holland should tolerate this.

Surely there are limits to the insanity we have to endure?
Hamas slaughters three Israeli boys in cold blood, the violent nutcrackers try to bombard a nuclear power plant in Israel, thereby showing very clearly that they don't care about radio-active poisoning of their own people, they constantly bombard Israel with the missiles they were given by the Iranian clergy idiots who love to oppress and exploit the nation Iran and steal from the poor of their own people in order to fund the criminals of Hamas, they continuously shout Nazi hate slogans and profess their admiration for the son of Hell named Adolf Hitler, they use children of their own people as a shield, they teach their children to kill and sacrifice themselves as food for the demons which inspired their hatred.
And when Israel is provoked to such a degree that it becomes unbearable and takes off the gloves, they pretend to be the 'poor, guiltless victims' protesting against the Israeli aggression.

The Palestinian ambassador said in a speech during the rally today:
"Thank you for standing up against the occupation...There are children under the rubble".
Really? And whose fault is THAT?
I find it so hard to hear these lies designed to manipulate people into giving sympathy to murderers by twisting facts and remaining silent about their own abuse of children.

"Mister Netanyahu, you can end this war.
Give us our dignity and independence back.
Peace comes about through justice, not through oppression" the habitual liar from Hell continued.
It's as if you're listening to a broadcast given by the hypocritical idiot bearing the title of the Satan himself.

The truth is that Israel will NEVER have peace as long as there will be sons of the Satan living in the midst of Israel seeking to satisfy their thirst for Jewish blood.
Israel will NEVER have peace, unless they will completely and utterly remove all the violent palestinian Satanists living in the Gaza and Judean area.
Exactly as foretold in the Bible.

There will NEVER be a two-state solution that will enjoy peace and prosper.
The ideal of a Palestinian state is a LIE designed for the sole purpose of having the license and power to wipe Israel and the Jews off the map, and YHWH will NEVER let this happen.
Because He has attached His Name to the fate of Israel, and for the sake of His Name He WILL act, and when He does, no one will be able to stop Him and stand in His way.

The so-called Palestinians with their undying hatred of Israel are an accursed nation, and YHWH will not rest until He has blotted the lie of their existence out of the history books.
I am not writing this because I hate the Arabs living in Israel.
I am writing this as a warning and a reminder that you cannot hate Israel and hope to prosper, you cannot hate the descendents from the one YHWH called His friend, Abraham, and hope that YHWH will be on your side.
He is not, no, He has turned against you.

You desire to destroy Israel? YHWH will destroy you. He simply holds up the mirror of what you are.
The words spoken by my brothers the prophets were true, and the time is very near that they will be fulfilled.
It will be a difficult time for the nation of Israel, but in spite of the ordeal the nation will be put through YHWH will hold out His protective hand over Israel, not because Israel is so Good, but because YHWH is so Good that He remembers His promises and makes them come true for the sake of His name.
Then the time will come that those who are left in Israel will see the One they rejected, and they will weep when they realize that all the time it was Him who watched over Israel and protected them.

There is no greatness which can be obtained through hatred.
You cannot become great by putting others down.
You cannot become intelligent by hating those who are intelligent.
You cannot become gifted by hating those who are gifted.
You cannot enter Heaven by choosing the road which leads to Hell.
You cannot serve and love the Creator when you do the will of His Adversary.
You cannot have peace when you teach and practice war.
You cannot be a vessel for Good when you practice Evil.

These are the lessons which the palestinians refuse to learn as they pass on the poison of hatred from one generation to the next.
Through this legacy of the curse they keep their children chained to perpetual poverty, and as victims of their parents' hate they turn their own children into victims also, establishing a long line of cursed, impoverished people never so much as being able to prosper for even a short while.
Then they stretch their finger to point at Israel as the cause of their misery, forgetting that by getting rid of Israel they still will have the cause of their poverty in their midst, for that cause lies deep within their own hearts.