
The Form Of Evil

All too often we think the face of Evil we see belongs to someone else.
It's always the Demon which haunts us, the Devil who obstructs our every move.
And it is true, YHWH's children all too often find themselves cast into the role of being the target in the hunting games of demonic forces.
But not all faces of Evil belong to 'the others', the strangers.
Some of the faces we see in the mirror are actually reflections of our own Dark side.

We are part of a strange reality which allows us to experience a duality within our Soul of Good and Evil.
For those mutually exclusive realities to co-exist within our Soul it was necessary that a special environment needed to be created to make this possible, one which resembles a dreamworld.

When I contemplate our physical environment and our concept of reality, and how this reality is interwoven with higher and lower realities in other dimensions in such a way that we can discern a hierarchy of dimensions through the eyes of the Spirit, when I contemplate how our existence is like a dream from the perspective of Heaven, when I think of how faith can radically alter our reality in impossible ways and how the imagination of our mind can transform itself into a reality, I cannot help but feel that we have been integrated into a metaphysical computer program which features different layers of realities.
Any computer with the capability of structuring such an intricate dense layer of realities would have to be of such a magnitude that today's computers would seem like simple kid's toys in comparison.

Have we been downloaded into an analog metaphysical computer where a program is running which allows our Soul and Spirit to be part of different experiences that help us grow?
Are we currently living inside an analog computer where we are locked into a physical reality layer by  means of a the physical avatar of our Body of Flesh, and when this avatar falls away our Soul and Spirit are released from this physical layer of reality and travel towards the destiny we have chosen during our Life within our Body, a new metaphysical layer of the program the Programmer wrote?

Today's digital computers here on Earth do not possess the power and the durability to be able to produce anything remotely similar to a multi-layered reality environment which endures forever, but a true analog metaphysical computer might be able to.
After all, our reality is based on numbers acting as operators on energy, and the same is true for the digital dimension.
So, if everything is based on numbers, then the conclusion that we may be living inside a computer-generated reality is a possibility.

But then again, what do I know?
The only thing I do know is that YHWH knows, and by being part of Him I also know.
And He let me know that all the things on Earth which we perceive as real beget that realistic quality because WE have been integrated into this dimension.
When our Spirit is released we will see how our existence here is like a dream-existence compared to Heaven.

We live in a dream where the impossibility of Dualism can exist as an internal reality of the human Soul.
YHWH is the One who wrote the program which has the ability to manifest Evil and thereby give birth to Dualism as we know it.
The Body of Flesh is set up to act as a vehicle for Evil so that we are able to experience within our Soul both Good and Evil.

The original program or instruction code of Evil is very simple: it consists of a basic instruction to manifest the opposite of an expression of Good.
So, if it is Good to love someone and love unifies, then Dualism would allow our Soul to conceive of the dualistic counterpart, which is to hate or be judgmental towards someone and thereby create the typical dualistic disparity.

But what causes us to experience temptation to do Evil, is it an Evil Spirit entering us?
Too often any form of temptation to sin is ascribed to the Devil.
But in fact, as the words of James indicate, most of the time this is not the case.
Most of the time the temptation is the result of the force of Evil at work within you, and the power Evil has is the result of the energy you gave it.
You fed it, and it grew stronger with each dish you served.

And the particular face of Evil, the particular form of the temptation, is the result of the filter of Evil applied to the psyche of your personality.
And your personality is largely shaped by the environment you were exposed to, as well as the Spirit-character of your Soul.

So, if you take all these aspects I mentioned into account, then you have found the reason why, through temptation in the areas of our weaknesses, the character of our Soul is shaped and strengthened through our right response where before we went down the wrong road.

If you love Yahshua, then the rise of temptation looks to you as if something or someone is messing with you, and this may very well be the case.
Evil Spirits DO avail themselves of temptation in order to create a portal to your Soul through which they can travel.
Whenever you sin you open up the portal in the network of Evil, so that Evil Spirits can access you without any interference of a firewall protecting your Soul.
So, temptation CAN arise due to the presence of Evil Spirits, and Evil Spirits even have the ability to project thoughts into your Soul in order to make you fall for the temptation.

BUT, you also have a rebellious Ego, an identity within you which is Evil in nature.
And that fallen identity has acquired Life-force from you through your Sins, so that it can use that energy to apply the filter of Dualism to your Soul and thereby assert a force tempting you to do the opposite of what is Good.

The growth process of your faith means that if your faith in YHWH/Yahshua wants to grow, your Evil identity (your faith in Evil) has to diminish proportionally.
The moments of temptation you experience are opportunities that your new identity of faith in Yahshua can grow, and your fallen identity protests against this growth because it comes at the expense of the presence of Evil within you.
Your fallen nature seeks to reverse this growth of your faith in Yahshua in its own favor.
When this happens either your faith in Yahshua is strengthened, or your fallen identity is energized.

Temptation is the result of the energy your rebellious Ego uses to assert itself.
It wants to be fed so that it can grow stronger, and it applies the filter of Dualism to concepts of Good in order to tempt you with the resulting anti-Good candy in your Soul, manipulating you into yielding to the lure of its candy so that energy from your Soul flows into the corrupt nature of your Ego.

When you sin, the portal of your Soul releases energy or Life-force to Evil, and the result is that your fallen Ego grows, and your faith diminishes.
In other words, the program of Evil is activated and given a more eminent role in your consciousness whenever you fall for temptation and Sin.
However, when you experience the tugs and pulls the force of temptation produces in your physical Body and your mind, yet you simply endure to the best of your ability and let these moments pass, the energy is reversed, meaning that there is less Life-force than before in your fallen Ego, and your new identity in Yahshua has the necessary space to grow stronger.

I have written how the principle of Dualism is digital in nature in the sense that it brings into existence a '0' next to the '1'.
It is the presence and the character of this '0' which establishes the concept of the Dualism between Good and Evil.

However, it is impossible for the '0' side of Dualism (Evil) to exist in real life.
So, how can we experience the force of something which cannot exist in reality?
Where does this '0' side, Evil, get its specific form in which it manifests itself from?
Did YHWH write specific instructions, such as 'molest a child', 'throw your child in the fire as an offering for Demons'?
In this article I discuss these questions, and as I have written, the particular areas of temptation can be produced by Demons, but most of the time they are the result of our own Dark side asserting itself in order to extract energy from your Soul.

Evil is capable of manifesting to us because of the special reality environment we are part of, which is like a dream reality.
It has a specific form of manifesting itself, but YHWH did NOT program these forms or write any of the suggestions I mentioned.
He merely created a specific simple basic instruction, and the form it takes is the result of OUR choices and the choices Angels make.
Evil begets its specific form and expression through our character and our personality.

YHWH devised a way for the '0'-state (Evil) to manifest its program code.
Think of it this way: a computer is a lifeless object incapable of performing any task, but the moment we plug in the power cord and send electricity into the object by pushing the 'On' button, the computer seems to have come to life by virtue of the electricity running through its veins whereby it is able to execute a the program.

The '0'-state of the Dualism principle follows the same rules: it comes alive in and through us when we donate our Life-force and energy to the basic instruction of Evil, and this basic instruction attaches itself to our personality and character so that its basic programming can manifest itself in us through the concepts we know and which have been given a reversed polarity by this instruction.

In other words, its particular form and shape are determined by our choices to let the leaven of Evil express itself in and through us.
Whenever the instruction code of Evil finds an area where we cave in to the temptation, it remembers that area as 'a place where it can feeds itself', and it will return to that place in order to be fed.
This is how an index of our weak areas is created, and the instruction code of Evil avails itself of this 'index' whenever it needs to be strengthened. 

The '0' is derived from the '1'.
If the '1' states 'A', the programming of the '0' states 'anti-A', which is the expression of the absence of 'A'.
This code of 'anti-A' then causes its reality within an individual to unfold by latching the program code of 'anti-A' to concepts, ideas and feelings we know.
And this is how Evil begets a specific form and expression within an individual: through the conceps, ideas and feelings we are familiar with AND where we allowed the basic instruction code of Evil to energize itself through our weaknesses, our Sins.

So, if YHWH instructs us to love one another, then the anti-instruction of Evil might express itself as 'cursing someone' in one particular individual, while in another individual it might express itself as 'slandering someone', and in yet another individual it expresses itself in literally beating up the hate object or even a murder.
It is one and the same programming, only the way it latches on to us and expresses itself through individuals depends on the character of a person, the concepts we are familiar with and the conditioning to certain responses (the 'feeding-places').
Regardless of the exact way the 'anti-instruction' expresses itself in different persons, everybody has in common that we have donated Life-force to the '0' of the Dualism principle, and we act out the programming code of the '0'.

So, the shape and form of the '0'-state (the 'OFF'-state of Evil), which causes Dualism to come into existence, is derived from the '1'-state (the 'ON'-state) in the same way as the shape and form of the digital realm is derived from the greater reality of our analog physical realm.

Likewise, the realm many refer to as Hell, or Gehenna, is derived from our reality on Earth.
This reality takes samples of everything on Earth which is an expression of Evil, and turns it into a Hell-reality, a dimension where the samples of Evil determine the nature of reality and our experience of it.
The dimension of Gehenna is derived from concepts we know (just as our analog physical world is derived from concepts in the spiritual realm), and the energy we invested in 'turning this reality 'ON' causes us to experience its predetermined programming.

Think of the digital realm and how it relates to our realm as a lesser reality which is derived from our greater reality.
Gehenna likewise is derived from the physical reality that we know.
If then our physical realm compares like a dream to the Spiritual reality, then Gehenna becomes the dream within the dream.
Or rather the dream within the dream within the dream, because there is one reality between Gehenna and our Earth reality, the reality which was designed as a safety net for human Souls: the reality of Sheol.

We can become part of the digital world by just putting on the interface of a helmet which draws our eyes and ears into the projection of a reality of a computer game.
We may be so absorbed in this computer game that we forget about our life in the physical world and instead fully immerse ourselves in the reality of the computer game.
We still are part of the 'real' physical world, but at the time we drown our consciousness in the reality of the computer game, the dominating reality becomes the digitized simulation of a reality.
The 'real' physical world still is the greater reality, and the reality of the digital dimension is a lower reality derived from this greater reality.
However, because we have immersed ourselves into the reality of the digital simulation, the digital world seems like the greater reality to us.

Have you considered the possibility that we might be living in a simulation where our spiritual senses are dimmed because they are overcome by the input we receive from our interface with this simulation?
Everything points in this direction, that the life we lead on Earth and which we consider to be so real that some believe it to be the highest and only reality, is nothing more than a simulation run in a higher dimension, and we -as part of that higher dimension- go through this simulation.
Our Spirit is plastered into a physical Body, and our Soul no longer receives the input of the Spirit ONLY, but it also receives information streams pertaining to the reality of the simulation, which is the reality of Dualism.

Because we have been plastered into the physical interface, the input we receive from the interface begins to override our consciousness when we are babes.
The Soul converts this input into an analog picture of dualistic reality, and the dominating influence of our physical interface (the Body) makes it seem more real than the reality of the Spirit.
From the perspective of being integrated with the physical setting, Spirits seem unreal and intangible while in fact WE, as physical creatures, are 'unreal'.
We exist as characters in a story, avatars in an artificial realm created for the specific purpose of allowing our Souls to venture through a series of experiences governed by the dualistic principle which allows our Souls to grow and shine.

This certainly puts a different light on miracles, phenomena which defy reason because they are impossible.
At least, they are impossible from the perspective of a physical reality governed by its immutable laws of physics as the highest and perhaps ONLY reality.
But it becomes different if we live in a simulation where a program code is running a specific version of reality.
Furthermore, this program code might produce millions of alternate realities we do not know of by simply changing the program code, or running alternate versions in alternate instances of the same program.

I am convinced that we will be very surprised once we leave this Earth reality behind us, because once we see this Earth reality from the perspective of our TRUE and greater reality of Heaven, the Earth reality will reveal its true character and we will have a much greater understanding of what we went through.
We live in a reality governed by Dualism, and it divides us, it torments us, yet at the same time it brings out the choice which matters and we are shaped in our Soul by the experience.

The force of the '0' as well as its specific character serves to bring out this one choice in us which matters, and it acts as a tool to help us work out and refine our choice.

Occult magic deliberately seeks to energize the '0'-state as an alternative state of existence, even though its practitioners may be in denial.
They view it as the way to be empowered,to  shape your own destiny and your own reality, and become a god unto yourself.
Practitioners of magic know that concentration of the mind and Spirit, lining them up, channels and focuses energy on that which is the object of our focus and our concentration.
The various rituals used in magic serve to focus and channel energy to the desired outcome, a way to shape reality and thus be gods unto ourselves, not taking into account the will of the Creator YHWH.
Energy we channel becomes part of the object we channel it to.

Yet although they may have blinded themselves to the Truth and believe in the Lie, even claiming to do good when they practice white magic, unaware of the fact that the difference between black and white magic is the difference between the Devil's right and left hand, eventually Truth WILL catch up and confront them with the ugly reality of what they have done.
By energizing the '0' in the quest to be gods unto themselves the practitioners of occult magic end up creating their own cage of torment from whence NO escape is possible.

So, the '0'-side of the program which makes us heirs of an internal Dualism comes alive through the energy we consciously or unconsciously give it, and thus begins to implement its programming into our character, begetting a personality of Evil when it merges with our personality.
And that is how the specific form of Evil is born and expresses its character on Earth: through our character and personality.
The instruction code of Evil latches on to our energy and becomes a filter through which we see the negative of the original thought.
When we act on it, the code becomes more prevalent and stronger in our consciousness. 
When we reject it in the right way, the code has to release its energy back to our Soul, and the psychological conditioning to temptation to Evil grows weaker.

We are born in a world which divides us and separates us.
But the good news is that there is one Man who was born to bring us back together in unity, and He sacrificed His own Life so that we might find ours in Him.
Yahshua is the One in Whom we are reconciled with our Heavenly Father, and in and through this reconciliation we can become one again and live as newborn Spirits in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Yahshua came here to draw us out of our Dualism back into unity with our Heavenly Father, and the crowning of His mission will be when our physical Bodies will be transformed so that we will be devoid of the '0', Evil.

Soon the day is coming when this physical reality realm will be integrated into the reality of the Kingdom of Heaven and YHWH's children will no longer know the present inner pull caused by an Evil identity.
Although the program of Dualism will not be over yet, whereas Evil prevailed in the past and turned men into biological robot slaves sacrificing their Life-force to the cause of the great Pretender, men will find their individual freedom again in Yahshua Who gave His Life so that we might live.

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