
I AM In Hell

I'm in Hell.
And I have been in Hell for some time.
The word Hell may conjure up images of dancing fire and smoldering lava, but there's another kind of Hell, one which is invisible to all but the one who is in it.

I have cried out many times for help, yet no one seems to listen.
Because, despite my many cries, I am still here, left in the ashes of my unfulfilled hope.
If I were able to express the grief in my Soul over my private Hell, the flood of tears would extinguish any remaining flames.
But I have run out of tears.

My voice has been smothered and reduced to silence, even though I have so much I would like to say, so many unspoken words and unheard sounds locked up in the silent chamber of suffering.
My Soul cries out, but the cries are nothing but stillborn children conceived in this Dark prison.
All I can hear is the oppressive sound of grief stricken silence, tormenting and vexing my Soul with its unheard voice.

I don't understand, is this a test, a school,  a training camp, a preparation for something better?
If so, then tell me, does an athlete prepare for a tournament by a strict regimen of exercise each day, or does he prepare to run the course by having his legs broken?
When his legs are broken, shall he run and win the first prize?
No, all that is left for him is time to heal, a time which restores him back to what he was.
Yet if he comes out of this process just as he was before his legs were broken, then what's the point?
Is there a point to meaningless suffering, is there a point to this Hell I am in?

Every day I cry out to Him who made me, daily I cherish a small hope that He will care and look upon me with pity in His heart.
I know one day He will show mercy, that is what I still believe.
But why this torment, why does He remain silent for such a long time, even to the point where my Soul ran out of tears and lies down in silent agony?

Even the little I had has been taken away from me.
The moments when the Light breaks through the clouds have become scarce, and I have to be content with a dish of tears served in complete and utter Darkness.

I have become as one who has been placed on Earth under a dome of glass.
I can see the good things life can offer from within the invisible dome, yet I cannot partake of it.
My eyes yearn to feed my Soul with a few morsels of the Good, but I have to witness how those who hate the Creator of Good devour it all like scrounging pigs in a trough.
All that is left for me is the empty longing for something I cannot have.

How I curse the day I was born!
Why did I come into this world?
Just to be a prisoner within this suffocating dome of unbreakable glass?
Have I sinned in Heaven and am I given the sentence of my existence on this wretched Earth where Evil thrives and Good suffers?

I have thanked my Heavenly Father for the Good, I have endured Evil to the best of my abilities, but when the Darkness does not lift and all I can see is the relentless presence of Evil in my Life, what am I to do but cry because of the pain?
I have become an object of scorn, even my own family turned into strangers looking at me with dismay.

"Is that the reward of the righteous, does the Creator punish the innocent?"
As if my pain is not enough I can feel the sting of their silent unspoken words.

I have to endure humiliation at the hands of those less skilled, making fun of my plight.
They have no regard for their Maker, and their words are but empty vessels devoid of understanding, a mockery of existence itself.

How my Soul yearns to discern some Light in them, how my Soul is vexed when all I see is Darkness, everywhere, all around me.
They are without Light, yet suffer no pain because of the Darkness, no, they love the Darkness, they are the Darkness.
And yet, whereas I see their folly, I am the one who has to suffer their correction though I am right.
Whereas I walk with honor and dignity, holding fast to the promise of the Light, I have to suffer mockery and contempt at the merciless hands of those who are deceived by their love for Darkness.

How long am I required to carry this weight around?
Why is He silent when I offer Him my everything and ask Him to be restored that I might proclaim His Name in a world which does not want to know Him?
Why is my love unrequited, why do my trust  and faith return to me like hollow echoes?

I do not understand the silence.
I pray, I shout,  yet even though I am in great distress and my Soul has become the ball in the playground of Demons, nothing but silence answers the cries of my Soul.
I trusted You, I believed in You, I cling to You because I love You, and how great the pain is when You appear to be unmoved in the face of the great turmoil in my Soul.
Vexations are my daily bread and bitter tears fill my cup until it spills over.

Where are You, my Creator, why don't You speak to me?
Is it because You will not forgive the Sins of my past, is it because You are angry with me, why?
Why do You leave me guessing and give me no answer?
You know that I love You with all my heart and all my Soul, and I don't understand Your silence...

Oh, that You would consider my plight and my solitary confinement in this place of torment which wraps my Soul in Darkness!
Why have You given me over to those who despise and hate me, why have You cut me off from all the Good things on this Earth and given me the bread of affliction?

And yet, though I cry out in pain, there are days when my weight feels like the burden of a stranger, when my tears seem to roll down the face of another, when the burden of my Life seems to rest on someone else's shoulders.
Though these days are scarce, they tell me the story from a different perspective, one of Light, one of encouragement, one of Hope.
In those moments when Darkness still seeks to wrap its tentacles around my Soul and I still remain a prisoner, my Soul can shut its eyes to this dungeon and dream for just a short while a dream of freedom, a dream of happiness.

But then the Shadows return and crudely interrupt even these scarce few moments that my Soul could dream, and I have to watch the world once again from my prison, the invisible dome which turns me into a spectacle for the entertainment of the Shadow Spirits.
No one can see it, no one is aware of it but for me, the prisoner.

The Demons hemmed me in on every side, and my Adversary smiles as I am thrown at his mercy.
And I can tell you firsthand that there is no true mercy in his heart whatsoever.
I have lived in the prison he created for the longest time, suffering at the hands of his tormentors, and I have come to know the true character of my Adversary only too well.

When shall my Liberation come, when shall my Deliverer set me free?
I suffer the torment my Adversary subjects me to, and pain has become a familiar companion on this Dark road.

Sometimes I think of how easy it would be for me to end this relentless misery by changing my mind and agree with my Adversary.
All that is required of me is to give in to the Darkness, say 'Yes' to the tormentors and abandon my great Love.
Suddenly the dome would be lifted up and the world would be at my feet...

But how could I?
How could I turn away from my own heart and the One to Whom it belongs?
How could I walk away from my one True Love?
How could I trade in my dome on Earth for a dome in Heaven?

I know all too well that this is why my Adversary torments me and heaps weight upon weight upon my weary Soul.
It is his desire to break me and build me up in his own image that I might become the trophy he can flaunt in the face of my Elohim.
He eagerly seeks to destroy my love for my Father in Heaven so that he might take His place and be my master.
I would become the physical embodiment of his victory over YHWH.

Yet he does not seem to know that I have surrendered my all to the One I love, and it is His strength the Adversary puts to the test, an endless strength which cannot be broken because He is endless and unbreakable.

It's just a passing thought, knowing all too well I could never change my mind, because I can never change my heart.
For my heart belongs to Him, my Father.

They ask, who in his right mind would love a Creator Who turns a deaf ear to the cries of His own when they are in pain?
Many would have abandoned Him, and they urge me to forsake Him just as they would have done.
Yes, there are times when even my own feelings try to push my Soul away from Him.

But then again, who indeed in his RIGHT mind would forsake His own father?
How could I turn away from Him?
I can't, I won't.

I love Him, I trust Him, even though I am a fool in the eyes of strangers for trusting Someone whose ears seem deaf to my cries.
But He has shown me His smiling face, He has given me His loving heart, He has guided me with the light of His wisdom and filled my heart with understanding of the things He hid from those who hate Him, and how could anyone in a truly right mind and a right heart forget that?
Perhaps the others never have seen that face, maybe they looked away when He desired to show them His heart, but I have not.

And so I suffer, and I cry, wondering why my name has been written upon this miserable Earth as a absurd monument to suffering.

Even among those who profess His name many have turned against me.
I have become the object of their scorn and ridicule.
When I speak up to defend the Name of My Salvation and I proclaim the purity of His being, they invariably turn against me, chosing sides with those who drag the Name through the mud of their polluted minds.
I have to suffer their insults, their animosity, and I see in their eyes the great divide, one which one day will lead them to persecute my own for the sake of the Name of my Salvation.

In their mouths the Name of my Salvation becomes a dagger of iniquity, for their hearts are turned against the One I love.
They use the Name to validate a strange law working through their Souls, a law which did not come from Him I love.
Their words, spoken in the name of Love, Life and Truth, become smothering cloths wrapped around the Lie bringing Death and Hatred.
Yet in their eyes I have become the hater, I have become the lover of Death, even though I speak out of the true Love of my Father, even though tell them the Truth of His Salvation gives me Life.

When I testify of the Truth, they condemn me, because they love the Lie.
They cannot endure Truth, for their hearts are set against YHWH's Salvation and those who abide in it.

When the season comes for this world to enter the darkest of nights, my brothers, my sisters, my mothers and my fathers shall be fodder for the Darkness in those who will claim to act out of love and their belief in their god and savior.
They will come to share in the legacy of an impossible life, watching life go by as they are turned into objects of scorn and ridicule shunned by many.
The lovers of Darkness will call my Adversary 'God' and 'Mighty Savior', isolating the few who are left that still worship the real Elohim, YHWH, and His real Salvation, Yahshua.

Here I am, seeing my plight this day while witnessing a foreshadowing of the greatest plight of my own in days to come.
I am given to see across the seasons of this world the suffering which the lovers of Darkness will bring to the lovers of Light.
My heart sinks deep within me when I observe the unbearable burden of this vision across time.
My sadness, born from the weight of my own plight, becomes overwhelming upon seeing the suffering of those who are destined to venture through the darkest of all nights.
They shall be abused, ridiculed, persecuted and even killed by those who made the Darkness their haven and the Fallen One their God.

The lovers of the Lie shall rule in the darkest of nights, yet my Elohim shall keep a remnant for Himself who will refuse to bow their knees to the shrine of the Lie.
Isn't this the way it has always been since the first man placed himself and his offspring under the dominion of the Fallen Ones?
The Lie waxes and devours everything standing in its way, rewarding those who serve the Lie while the ones who dare to reject the Master of Lies are given a diet of tears.
The only hope they have is the protection of our Father in Heaven.
Yet when He is silent and the Darkness makes itself felt into their lives, what else is there to do but to sit in the dust in silent agony?

Our grief is like the dry soil carved up by a multitude of cracks and crevices, unable to bring forth water from its eyes that it might restore itself.
It can only wait for the rain to come.

I wish I had died at birth, that my eye would not have seen the misery of a Life awaiting me, no, I wish I had not seen the night coming upon the face of this world!
How could I voice His thunder when my sound is silenced by the relentless assaults of unseen Shadows?
How am I, so little and so small, to make the big sound of Your thunder?
Still, I know that it is YOUR sound YOU make, and I am but the mere incapable vessel in YOUR capable hands.
It is YOU Who makes the incapable capable, the unqualified qualified, the weak strong, the stammerers eloquent.
I know I should focus my eyes more on YOU, but the distraction of my pain often seems so powerful.

Here I am, watching Life go by, just as as it will be denied to those who shall venture through the nights to come.
We have a right to live, a right to a place of our own, so why am I being denied even that, why are we forced into an impossible straightjacket of lies in order to have a Life upon this Earth?
As if we have no right to be here, and no place is given unto us.

My tears are not just for me, but for all those who share in my plight.
For I see their pains, their suffering, I feel their torture, yes, I have to watch the cruel mercy of my Adversary snatching them away as if they are garbage littering his road of the Lie.
He pierces them with the sword, cuts off their heads with the axe, throws them into the fire and drowns them in the Dark Well.
He turns them into jesters born to entertain their tormentors with their suffering.
He even takes the One to Whom my heart belongs and nails Him on a tree, though no Evil passed his lips, no injustice was given form by His hands, yes, even within His deepest thoughts no Darkness was found.
Yet he takes the Shepherd and slaughters His lambs over and over again, until the darkest night will have passed away.

In the eyes of our Adversary I have no right to be here, nor do any of those who will come after me in whose hearts the love of our Father lives.
If he cannot kill us, he forces us to live under the isolating dome within this short fading dream, where all we can do is watch life go by.

What is there to do for me but to look at Life from the window of my tower under the dome, isolated, watching others enjoy the Life I could have had, observing the many generations of my own and that one last generation across the landscape of time itself.
As I am imprisoned within this tower under the dome, they shall become prisoners of solitude and isolation, they shall sit inside their prisons awaiting Death.
For they shall find no home in the empire of the wicked.

My name has been written in the dust only to remembered for the misery ascribed to it, and my heart cries for those who shall inherit a life like mine, those who shall venture through the insane inferno.

Yet He knows my name, because it is He who wrote it in the dust of the Earth.
And that is why I trust, despite the lies of the Life given to me, that is why I love, in spite of the deception of my circumstances, and that is why I believe, because I know He cannot lie.

I am given the name which shall be shunned by many, for I am Job.
Yet though the name abhors my Soul for the misery ascribed to it, I cherish it nevertheless, because He gave it to me. 
For even in my Hell of misery, even when my own feelings are forged into weapons used against me and create delusions wrapping my Soul in Darkness, I know that I AM is near, and He shall vindicate me against my Adversary.
He is my Deliverer, HE IS, I AM, even in Hell.


The Law Of Religion

When religion replaces a pure conscience, insanity rules the land, and those living in the land will call it the 'law of the land', even the 'law of God'.

Everything becomes religion to the man who denies Truth, so that Truth is substituted by the false sense of truth dictated by religion.

Take a close look at today's religious systems and how they validate corruption so that a man's conscience is silenced by his embrace of the 'religious conscience' which assures him that his indulgence in corruption is good.
Take a close look at history and the violent and immoral practices sanctified by the men in the holy robes.

In the name of Jesus instruments of torture were designed to be used against Yahshua's own people.
In the name of Jesus the holy robes enriched themselves by exploiting the poor.
In the name of Muhammad and his Allah pedophiles are sanctioned to gratify their depraved lust and wicked desires at the expense of the young and innocent.
In the name of Muhammad's Allah Yahshua's people are murdered in cold blood, beheaded because they held fast to Truth and refused to submit to the Lie of the Islamic dogma.

The satanic nature of religious bonds becomes especially noticeable when men are led by the chains of dogma to act out abominations in the name of the Creator.
Just bring to mind how Islam is used to legitimize Sodom's perversions so that bloodshed and immorality are transformed into holy acts performed in obedience to the corrupt creed.

The problem with religion (and this includes ALL ideologies which become a surrogate conscience to the fallen man) is that it dresses a man in holy robes in order to match his heart with the surrogate holy robes, whereas YHWH shapes and changes a man inwardly so that he clothes his life in correspondence with the change within.
Two diametrically opposite flows from two diametrically opposite forces.

Following Yahshua because you chose to believe in Him is not religion, although outwardly it may have an appearance as such.
It is a relationship with the Spirit of a living Man Who was and is Good, and as you get to know the Man better you furnish your life in agreement with His instructions.
Not because you are forced to, but because you love Him and you want Him to be close to you, which means that there are certain things you should do, and other things you should avoid.
It may have an appearance of religion to the world, but in spite of the external similarity the flow is the diametrical opposite of the flow of religion.

One dresses up to be holy, the other is dressed by holiness.
One flows from the world into the heart, the other flows from the heart into this world.
One is shaped by external dogma, the other is shaped by the living Spirit from within.
One is in agreement with dogma, the other is in agreement with the Spirit.
One is Death in the eyes of Heaven masking as Life, the other is Death in the eyes of the blind world yet Life coming from Heaven.
One is the absolute Truth changing a man's heart from bondage to the Evil of the Lie to the Freedom of the Light of Truth, the other is the Lie seeking to imprison a Soul and shape a man's heart in the image of the Darkness of the Lie, even though it presents itself as light to this world.
The Evil One always presents himself to the world as the bringer of enlightenment.

As the world is turning into Darkness, the violent cold star of Islam is rising and shedding its icy light on the corpses of the victims it created.
Do any of those who bear the name of being the Western brothers and sisters of the ones who are beheaded by Islamic zealots care about the ones who were murdered because they held fast to their love for Yahshua?
Or do they simply shrug their shoulders and worry more about possibly losing their jobs, or being unable to go on vacation because of the rise of daily expenses?

Today I read a news item about a Dutch crane building company which was hired to work on a gallery around the ka'aba in Mecca.
If the company wanted the contract it was obligated to let Muslims do the work since infidels are not allowed on the premises of the ka'aba.
So, the crane builder came up with the solution to persuade employees to convert to Islam in exchange for a salary of 10,000 Euros per month.
Can you image what kind of feeble, spineless idiot you have to be to sell your Soul for money?
Yet the crane builder had no difficulty in finding the men willing to bow down to Allah and sell their Souls, and he referred to them as 'real Dutch guys', as if their sell-out was born from a noble charactertrait.
Men and women have sacrificed their lives because they refused to betray Yahshua by professing the Islamic creed, and here a number of men cave in for a measly 10,000 Euros...

But, we have more important matters on our minds, such as which team will win the soccer world championship, or where we shall go on vacation, right?
Wickedness abounds, and the entire world grows darker by the minute.
Conformity to the Lie pervades every aspect of our lives, and if you want to succeed it is required that you profess your conformity to the Lie in order to haul in your reward.

Satanism no longer is considered to be an abject ideology.
It is promoted openly and an integral part of popular culture, as evidenced by satanic ceremonies performed during events such as the MTV awards.
Yes, the reward for conformity to and promotion of the agenda of the Fallen Ones can be public acceptance and financial success.
I emphasize the verb 'CAN BE', because you may just end up being bamboozled by the one you made your dark lord.
Bands no longer excuse their indulgence in Satanism or give vague references to it, but instead they openly promote their dark lord and perform religious rites on stage as part of their 'creative act'.
They refer to it as 'rebellion' while in fact they end up kissing the feet of their tormentor.

What is done openly in the West is performed in secret iunder the cloak of Islam, so that the various Islamic decrees become the conscience which enables the worst kind of perversions and bloodshed.
Everywhere your eyes can see, Darkness abounds.
Is it any wonder destruction is rushing our way to devour us?

When religion replaces YHWH, wickedness rules the land.
Until it is destroyed.

When religion replaces a true, undefiled pure conscience, religion becomes the conscience.
It shapes a man's identity and turns him into a puppet on the strings of the religious puppet masters.
You become a good Christian, a good Baptist, a good Catholic, a good Muslim, a good Buddhist, a good Hindu, a good fascist, a good Nazi, a good communist, a good libertarian, a good socialist, a good atheist, a good evolutionist, a good hedonist.

But not a good man.
Because to be a good man you have to be shaped by the Spirit of Good Who shapes a man's heart from within, and that is exactly the opposite of how religion works.
It is the exact opposite of the flow of this world.
As Paul wrote, don't be conformed to this world, but let yourself be renewed by the Spirit from within.


Death And/Or Liberty

We are born in a world which divides us and separates us.
When we come into this world we are integrated into a dualistic cage which blinds our perception and corrupts our thinking. 
From our newly acquired perspective we come to think in dualistic terms, so that concepts are tainted and perverted by the dualistic perspective.
Like the concept of freedom, which the corrupted imagine to be the freedom to sacrifice their Life-force to Evil.

Yet when we sin, which is the sacrifice of our Life-force to Evil, we actually trade our freedom for slavery to Evil, and we defend this new paradigm of slavery induced by a conditioning to the impulses of the Evil side of our mind as our 'new-found freedom'.
As long as we trap ourselves in the '0'-state of our dualistic mind, -the '0'-state of Evil-, we are tricked into defending our slavish corruption as expressions of freedom.
We defend our vices as 'natural inclinations', 'things we do to enjoy ourselves and have fun'.

Yet when YHWH in His grace allows us to be in touch with His Spirit, we receive a view from a different perspective, a perspective which is like a helicopter view which gives us a detailed view of what we consider to be freedom within its greater context.
From the perspective of Heaven our freedom suddenly reveals itself to be the walls of a cage, hidden from our sight by a veil which is put over our minds and which blinds us and dumbs us down to the ugly reality of the cage.

Those who immerse their identity in the fictitious '0'-state of our dualistic existence defend their concept of freedom, even though it is NOT freedom, but imprisonment.
Because they have put on blinders, they defend their precious freedom as the highest ideal, seeking support for their ideal even though it is Evil in nature and as such WILL lead to destruction.
So in fact they seek to enlist companions on the road to destruction in their quest for the unholy grail of corrupted freedom.
'Give me Liberty or give me Death' then becomes a perverted creed which they defend to death quite literally, simply because they turned away from the Light when it beckoned them.
They preferred to stumble around in Darkness, unaware of the chains around their ankles.
When Slavery passes for Liberty, the slogan is transformed into 'give me Liberty AND give me Death'.

Yet to those who have been given the privilege to open their hearts to the Light of Heaven, the Bread sent to us to save and feed our Soul, a new identity is given.
This new identity has its roots in a higher reality, and it sheds light upon the cage of our old perverted identity.
We see ourselves wearing the chains of captivity, chains we imagined to be part of our idea of freedom, and we realize how blind we must have been to accept these chains as freedom, as if they are the crowning jewels of our ideal of personal freedom.

We either accept this new identity and await our full liberation from our Liberator, or we reject this identity and embrace the Darkness.
Should we embrace the Darkness as our home, we will be haunted forever by the inner knowing that we rejected the Light which showed us the Truth of our plight.
Yet we ran and immersed ourselves in a fantasy tale where we think our chains around our ankles to be strings of jewels shining in the firmament of our Heaven of personal freedom.
Yet this Heaven is Hell in disguise, and it WILL reveal its ugly face at a time when we can no longer escape from the cage.
When that time has come, we will be prisoners of the cage for all eternity, a cage we created by our choice to reject the Light of Truth.

To us the choice has been given to defend our corrupted fallen identity, or to be prepared to bear the pain the Light of Truth brings us.
Truth can be very painful, and that is why we are given Truth in small doses, so that we might be able to handle it bit by bit.
Truth can be ugly because it reveals the ugliness within ourselves.
Not that Truth itself is ugly, but we are.
The realization of our own ugliness is painful, yet it also brings about a quality of humbleness in the Soul.

Our dualistic cage is the blindfold worn by many, and it is the reason why this world is heading towards the great abyss of Darkness, the complete self-annihilation of a species named Man.
This is the future of the world we live in, a race towards the abyss where Man collectively plunges into the Lake of Fire.
The road towards the abyss it littered with false concepts of freedom which are in fact ways to spread and accumulate Darkness upon the face of the world.
Depending on our choice we either participate as willing fools and head for the abyss, OR we stand in contrast and let our voices be heard. 
Because, if we remain silent and do not speak, are we not part of the problem?

Those who chose Darkness will merge with Darkness and plunge in the Lake of Fire like lemmings off a cliff.
But the One who created Truth will not let His own be dragged along.
There will come a moment right before the pivotal point when He will pave the impossible path for His own to escape the Pharaoh's relentless pursuit of those who stood in disagreement with his ideals and his authority.
YHWH will move His own out of the way right before He will confront the lovers of Darkness with what they have become and what they embrace.

Then Yahshua will take His own and lead them forth into a new restored world where Evil is bound for a season and cannot deceive and manipulate Man into destruction.
Dualism will still exist, but without the obstructing influence of demonic Spirits Man will be truly free to experience the bliss of Yahshua's kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven, and it will inspire and influence Man for Good.

To us the choice has been given, and that choice is either to be liberated from our captivity, or to consider our captivity as liberation.
Our problem is our dualistic plight which distorts the concept of freedom.
Yet in Yahshua we find our Liberator who delivers us from the element which causes the distortion so that we are free to make sensible choices based on Truth rather than the Lie.


The Form Of Evil

All too often we think the face of Evil we see belongs to someone else.
It's always the Demon which haunts us, the Devil who obstructs our every move.
And it is true, YHWH's children all too often find themselves cast into the role of being the target in the hunting games of demonic forces.
But not all faces of Evil belong to 'the others', the strangers.
Some of the faces we see in the mirror are actually reflections of our own Dark side.

We are part of a strange reality which allows us to experience a duality within our Soul of Good and Evil.
For those mutually exclusive realities to co-exist within our Soul it was necessary that a special environment needed to be created to make this possible, one which resembles a dreamworld.

When I contemplate our physical environment and our concept of reality, and how this reality is interwoven with higher and lower realities in other dimensions in such a way that we can discern a hierarchy of dimensions through the eyes of the Spirit, when I contemplate how our existence is like a dream from the perspective of Heaven, when I think of how faith can radically alter our reality in impossible ways and how the imagination of our mind can transform itself into a reality, I cannot help but feel that we have been integrated into a metaphysical computer program which features different layers of realities.
Any computer with the capability of structuring such an intricate dense layer of realities would have to be of such a magnitude that today's computers would seem like simple kid's toys in comparison.

Have we been downloaded into an analog metaphysical computer where a program is running which allows our Soul and Spirit to be part of different experiences that help us grow?
Are we currently living inside an analog computer where we are locked into a physical reality layer by  means of a the physical avatar of our Body of Flesh, and when this avatar falls away our Soul and Spirit are released from this physical layer of reality and travel towards the destiny we have chosen during our Life within our Body, a new metaphysical layer of the program the Programmer wrote?

Today's digital computers here on Earth do not possess the power and the durability to be able to produce anything remotely similar to a multi-layered reality environment which endures forever, but a true analog metaphysical computer might be able to.
After all, our reality is based on numbers acting as operators on energy, and the same is true for the digital dimension.
So, if everything is based on numbers, then the conclusion that we may be living inside a computer-generated reality is a possibility.

But then again, what do I know?
The only thing I do know is that YHWH knows, and by being part of Him I also know.
And He let me know that all the things on Earth which we perceive as real beget that realistic quality because WE have been integrated into this dimension.
When our Spirit is released we will see how our existence here is like a dream-existence compared to Heaven.

We live in a dream where the impossibility of Dualism can exist as an internal reality of the human Soul.
YHWH is the One who wrote the program which has the ability to manifest Evil and thereby give birth to Dualism as we know it.
The Body of Flesh is set up to act as a vehicle for Evil so that we are able to experience within our Soul both Good and Evil.

The original program or instruction code of Evil is very simple: it consists of a basic instruction to manifest the opposite of an expression of Good.
So, if it is Good to love someone and love unifies, then Dualism would allow our Soul to conceive of the dualistic counterpart, which is to hate or be judgmental towards someone and thereby create the typical dualistic disparity.

But what causes us to experience temptation to do Evil, is it an Evil Spirit entering us?
Too often any form of temptation to sin is ascribed to the Devil.
But in fact, as the words of James indicate, most of the time this is not the case.
Most of the time the temptation is the result of the force of Evil at work within you, and the power Evil has is the result of the energy you gave it.
You fed it, and it grew stronger with each dish you served.

And the particular face of Evil, the particular form of the temptation, is the result of the filter of Evil applied to the psyche of your personality.
And your personality is largely shaped by the environment you were exposed to, as well as the Spirit-character of your Soul.

So, if you take all these aspects I mentioned into account, then you have found the reason why, through temptation in the areas of our weaknesses, the character of our Soul is shaped and strengthened through our right response where before we went down the wrong road.

If you love Yahshua, then the rise of temptation looks to you as if something or someone is messing with you, and this may very well be the case.
Evil Spirits DO avail themselves of temptation in order to create a portal to your Soul through which they can travel.
Whenever you sin you open up the portal in the network of Evil, so that Evil Spirits can access you without any interference of a firewall protecting your Soul.
So, temptation CAN arise due to the presence of Evil Spirits, and Evil Spirits even have the ability to project thoughts into your Soul in order to make you fall for the temptation.

BUT, you also have a rebellious Ego, an identity within you which is Evil in nature.
And that fallen identity has acquired Life-force from you through your Sins, so that it can use that energy to apply the filter of Dualism to your Soul and thereby assert a force tempting you to do the opposite of what is Good.

The growth process of your faith means that if your faith in YHWH/Yahshua wants to grow, your Evil identity (your faith in Evil) has to diminish proportionally.
The moments of temptation you experience are opportunities that your new identity of faith in Yahshua can grow, and your fallen identity protests against this growth because it comes at the expense of the presence of Evil within you.
Your fallen nature seeks to reverse this growth of your faith in Yahshua in its own favor.
When this happens either your faith in Yahshua is strengthened, or your fallen identity is energized.

Temptation is the result of the energy your rebellious Ego uses to assert itself.
It wants to be fed so that it can grow stronger, and it applies the filter of Dualism to concepts of Good in order to tempt you with the resulting anti-Good candy in your Soul, manipulating you into yielding to the lure of its candy so that energy from your Soul flows into the corrupt nature of your Ego.

When you sin, the portal of your Soul releases energy or Life-force to Evil, and the result is that your fallen Ego grows, and your faith diminishes.
In other words, the program of Evil is activated and given a more eminent role in your consciousness whenever you fall for temptation and Sin.
However, when you experience the tugs and pulls the force of temptation produces in your physical Body and your mind, yet you simply endure to the best of your ability and let these moments pass, the energy is reversed, meaning that there is less Life-force than before in your fallen Ego, and your new identity in Yahshua has the necessary space to grow stronger.

I have written how the principle of Dualism is digital in nature in the sense that it brings into existence a '0' next to the '1'.
It is the presence and the character of this '0' which establishes the concept of the Dualism between Good and Evil.

However, it is impossible for the '0' side of Dualism (Evil) to exist in real life.
So, how can we experience the force of something which cannot exist in reality?
Where does this '0' side, Evil, get its specific form in which it manifests itself from?
Did YHWH write specific instructions, such as 'molest a child', 'throw your child in the fire as an offering for Demons'?
In this article I discuss these questions, and as I have written, the particular areas of temptation can be produced by Demons, but most of the time they are the result of our own Dark side asserting itself in order to extract energy from your Soul.

Evil is capable of manifesting to us because of the special reality environment we are part of, which is like a dream reality.
It has a specific form of manifesting itself, but YHWH did NOT program these forms or write any of the suggestions I mentioned.
He merely created a specific simple basic instruction, and the form it takes is the result of OUR choices and the choices Angels make.
Evil begets its specific form and expression through our character and our personality.

YHWH devised a way for the '0'-state (Evil) to manifest its program code.
Think of it this way: a computer is a lifeless object incapable of performing any task, but the moment we plug in the power cord and send electricity into the object by pushing the 'On' button, the computer seems to have come to life by virtue of the electricity running through its veins whereby it is able to execute a the program.

The '0'-state of the Dualism principle follows the same rules: it comes alive in and through us when we donate our Life-force and energy to the basic instruction of Evil, and this basic instruction attaches itself to our personality and character so that its basic programming can manifest itself in us through the concepts we know and which have been given a reversed polarity by this instruction.

In other words, its particular form and shape are determined by our choices to let the leaven of Evil express itself in and through us.
Whenever the instruction code of Evil finds an area where we cave in to the temptation, it remembers that area as 'a place where it can feeds itself', and it will return to that place in order to be fed.
This is how an index of our weak areas is created, and the instruction code of Evil avails itself of this 'index' whenever it needs to be strengthened. 

The '0' is derived from the '1'.
If the '1' states 'A', the programming of the '0' states 'anti-A', which is the expression of the absence of 'A'.
This code of 'anti-A' then causes its reality within an individual to unfold by latching the program code of 'anti-A' to concepts, ideas and feelings we know.
And this is how Evil begets a specific form and expression within an individual: through the conceps, ideas and feelings we are familiar with AND where we allowed the basic instruction code of Evil to energize itself through our weaknesses, our Sins.

So, if YHWH instructs us to love one another, then the anti-instruction of Evil might express itself as 'cursing someone' in one particular individual, while in another individual it might express itself as 'slandering someone', and in yet another individual it expresses itself in literally beating up the hate object or even a murder.
It is one and the same programming, only the way it latches on to us and expresses itself through individuals depends on the character of a person, the concepts we are familiar with and the conditioning to certain responses (the 'feeding-places').
Regardless of the exact way the 'anti-instruction' expresses itself in different persons, everybody has in common that we have donated Life-force to the '0' of the Dualism principle, and we act out the programming code of the '0'.

So, the shape and form of the '0'-state (the 'OFF'-state of Evil), which causes Dualism to come into existence, is derived from the '1'-state (the 'ON'-state) in the same way as the shape and form of the digital realm is derived from the greater reality of our analog physical realm.

Likewise, the realm many refer to as Hell, or Gehenna, is derived from our reality on Earth.
This reality takes samples of everything on Earth which is an expression of Evil, and turns it into a Hell-reality, a dimension where the samples of Evil determine the nature of reality and our experience of it.
The dimension of Gehenna is derived from concepts we know (just as our analog physical world is derived from concepts in the spiritual realm), and the energy we invested in 'turning this reality 'ON' causes us to experience its predetermined programming.

Think of the digital realm and how it relates to our realm as a lesser reality which is derived from our greater reality.
Gehenna likewise is derived from the physical reality that we know.
If then our physical realm compares like a dream to the Spiritual reality, then Gehenna becomes the dream within the dream.
Or rather the dream within the dream within the dream, because there is one reality between Gehenna and our Earth reality, the reality which was designed as a safety net for human Souls: the reality of Sheol.

We can become part of the digital world by just putting on the interface of a helmet which draws our eyes and ears into the projection of a reality of a computer game.
We may be so absorbed in this computer game that we forget about our life in the physical world and instead fully immerse ourselves in the reality of the computer game.
We still are part of the 'real' physical world, but at the time we drown our consciousness in the reality of the computer game, the dominating reality becomes the digitized simulation of a reality.
The 'real' physical world still is the greater reality, and the reality of the digital dimension is a lower reality derived from this greater reality.
However, because we have immersed ourselves into the reality of the digital simulation, the digital world seems like the greater reality to us.

Have you considered the possibility that we might be living in a simulation where our spiritual senses are dimmed because they are overcome by the input we receive from our interface with this simulation?
Everything points in this direction, that the life we lead on Earth and which we consider to be so real that some believe it to be the highest and only reality, is nothing more than a simulation run in a higher dimension, and we -as part of that higher dimension- go through this simulation.
Our Spirit is plastered into a physical Body, and our Soul no longer receives the input of the Spirit ONLY, but it also receives information streams pertaining to the reality of the simulation, which is the reality of Dualism.

Because we have been plastered into the physical interface, the input we receive from the interface begins to override our consciousness when we are babes.
The Soul converts this input into an analog picture of dualistic reality, and the dominating influence of our physical interface (the Body) makes it seem more real than the reality of the Spirit.
From the perspective of being integrated with the physical setting, Spirits seem unreal and intangible while in fact WE, as physical creatures, are 'unreal'.
We exist as characters in a story, avatars in an artificial realm created for the specific purpose of allowing our Souls to venture through a series of experiences governed by the dualistic principle which allows our Souls to grow and shine.

This certainly puts a different light on miracles, phenomena which defy reason because they are impossible.
At least, they are impossible from the perspective of a physical reality governed by its immutable laws of physics as the highest and perhaps ONLY reality.
But it becomes different if we live in a simulation where a program code is running a specific version of reality.
Furthermore, this program code might produce millions of alternate realities we do not know of by simply changing the program code, or running alternate versions in alternate instances of the same program.

I am convinced that we will be very surprised once we leave this Earth reality behind us, because once we see this Earth reality from the perspective of our TRUE and greater reality of Heaven, the Earth reality will reveal its true character and we will have a much greater understanding of what we went through.
We live in a reality governed by Dualism, and it divides us, it torments us, yet at the same time it brings out the choice which matters and we are shaped in our Soul by the experience.

The force of the '0' as well as its specific character serves to bring out this one choice in us which matters, and it acts as a tool to help us work out and refine our choice.

Occult magic deliberately seeks to energize the '0'-state as an alternative state of existence, even though its practitioners may be in denial.
They view it as the way to be empowered,to  shape your own destiny and your own reality, and become a god unto yourself.
Practitioners of magic know that concentration of the mind and Spirit, lining them up, channels and focuses energy on that which is the object of our focus and our concentration.
The various rituals used in magic serve to focus and channel energy to the desired outcome, a way to shape reality and thus be gods unto ourselves, not taking into account the will of the Creator YHWH.
Energy we channel becomes part of the object we channel it to.

Yet although they may have blinded themselves to the Truth and believe in the Lie, even claiming to do good when they practice white magic, unaware of the fact that the difference between black and white magic is the difference between the Devil's right and left hand, eventually Truth WILL catch up and confront them with the ugly reality of what they have done.
By energizing the '0' in the quest to be gods unto themselves the practitioners of occult magic end up creating their own cage of torment from whence NO escape is possible.

So, the '0'-side of the program which makes us heirs of an internal Dualism comes alive through the energy we consciously or unconsciously give it, and thus begins to implement its programming into our character, begetting a personality of Evil when it merges with our personality.
And that is how the specific form of Evil is born and expresses its character on Earth: through our character and personality.
The instruction code of Evil latches on to our energy and becomes a filter through which we see the negative of the original thought.
When we act on it, the code becomes more prevalent and stronger in our consciousness. 
When we reject it in the right way, the code has to release its energy back to our Soul, and the psychological conditioning to temptation to Evil grows weaker.

We are born in a world which divides us and separates us.
But the good news is that there is one Man who was born to bring us back together in unity, and He sacrificed His own Life so that we might find ours in Him.
Yahshua is the One in Whom we are reconciled with our Heavenly Father, and in and through this reconciliation we can become one again and live as newborn Spirits in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Yahshua came here to draw us out of our Dualism back into unity with our Heavenly Father, and the crowning of His mission will be when our physical Bodies will be transformed so that we will be devoid of the '0', Evil.

Soon the day is coming when this physical reality realm will be integrated into the reality of the Kingdom of Heaven and YHWH's children will no longer know the present inner pull caused by an Evil identity.
Although the program of Dualism will not be over yet, whereas Evil prevailed in the past and turned men into biological robot slaves sacrificing their Life-force to the cause of the great Pretender, men will find their individual freedom again in Yahshua Who gave His Life so that we might live.