
The Third Cloud - III

The irony is that in terms of computing, the cloud really is...nothing!
It is just an image reflecting the idea of various interconnected computers, servers and paraphernalia requesting and delivering services throughout the network, but the computing cloud in itself is nothing but an image, a concept, an idea, a perspective.

Likewise, the first and second Cloud are images describing a flow of information originating from those who are interconnected in a network and thus part of the respective Clouds and their networks.
The second Cloud really is nothing other than a total picture of traffic originating between those who are connected to the network.
It is the contributors in this network, Evil Spirits and their higher dimensional technological equipment, which collectively make up this network designed to manifest the Evil side of the Dualism coin in Creation.
And you can be sure that the Fallen Ones DO have technology integrated into the network of Evil, the second Cloud. 
The human Body in its current state is plugged into this network, which is the artery structure of the second Cloud.
The Body can be cloned, it can be manipulated and reprogrammed to serve as slaves of the Evil One on Earth.
It is the human Body which fascinates the Fallen Ones, because it is like a coat, a vessel where the Spirit and the Soul can make their home.

The fallen Flesh is the coat into which the Spirit and Soul integrate, it is the interface to and an integral part of the physical realm and it exists in a state of separation from the first Cloud, the network of YHWH's Spirit.
In that capacity it presents the Fallen Ones with a theoretical notion: can it contribute to the development of a potential shield allowing the Spirit to hide from YHWH?
The genetic experiments they conducted were not just a hobby or a way to relieve boredom, or even an expression of sick twisted minds seeking to entertain themselves as pseudo-creators playing the creation game.
No, they served the purpose of exploring the realm of possibilities to find the holy grail the Fallen Ones are looking for.

The holy grail for the Fallen Ones is to find the perfect shield in order to create the perfect cancer in Creation which will enable them to expand and make-over YHWH's Creation in the image of and based on the ideas of the Fallen Ones.
This would mean the destruction of YHWH's Body of Creation as the synthetic Creation within His own Creation gradually eats up more and more of His Creation, a parasitic cancer eating up the healthy organic cells of YHWH's Creation.

In our current biological Body the Spirit and Soul are unable to escape from YHWH's influence.
If He determines it is our time to leave, our Spirit and Soul have no other option left than to leave the human Body.
That is why the quest for a synthetic Man is of such importance to the Fallen Ones: if they find a way to merge Spirit with a synthetic vessel which acts like a coat the Spirit is able to merge with AND as a vessel which also possesses the capacity to transcend into other dimensions, then the possibility of an escape route and even a synthetic shield becomes a viable notion.
That is, in THEIR minds it becomes a viable notion.
Succeeding in the creation of such a shield as an element which YHWH cannot penetrate with His Spirit enables the existence of a second Creation with YHWH's Creation which has the potential to take over YHWH's Cosm.
The big dilemma is this: if their Spirit is able to penetrate and merge with a synthetic creation, then surely YHWH, Who IS Spirit, also is able to penetrate that creation.
So the holy grail of the perfect cancer is a lost cause to any sane mind.

But then again, the Fallen Ones know all too well what fate has in store for them, and they are not going to sit back and do nothing, patiently waiting for the moment YHWH will lock them into Gehenna.
They are driven by Evil intellect and pride, and it drives them to find the perfect solution to their dilemma.
When they chose against YHWH, the brightness of their intellect dropped and became subject to the Darkness of Evil expressing itself in a blinding prideful attitude which makes them believe that they are able to achieve the impossible.
And so they chase after an illusion, an empty bubble, a way to escape from Gehenna.

Yet I tell you who turned against YHWH that you shall never escape the consequences of your choice, for this is how YHWH created it, and this is what it shall be, and no man or angel shall be able to change it.

Our 'physical realm' is not the only reality within YHWH's Creation.
As a matter of fact, our physical reality compares like a dream to the reality of another dimension the Bible refers to as 'Heaven', or the 'Heavens'.
In the hands of religious institutes and their religious terminology this greater reality of 'the Heavens' tends to transform itself into an abstract, unreal spiritual dimension, as if it is a lesser reality than our Earth-reality.

The theological description of the reality of the Heavens and how we relate to it morphs it into an unreal stained-glass icon of an intangible spiritual nature.
Religious terminology has acquired a reputation of being a self-referencing system, an elaborate word game with an emotional conditioning attached to it which turns the words into an emotional reality.
The word game then becomes a dogmatic system and a way to control people.
It even morphs into a branch of pseudo-science taught at universities where they refer to it as theology, and once you have signed up to jump through the maze of hoops, you are rewarded with a degree and a position within the institute founded on word games and the riddles associated with them.
Within this church system, -which is built on Babel's blue-print for her hierarchical corporate structures-, you then can make a career and receive matching bonuses and rewards for moving up the ladder.
You end up as a religious icon hanging on the walls of the Adversary's palace in the sky, a seal performing his trick in service of Babel's religious entertainment branch.

Yet Heaven is a reality like our physical reality, and not just a vague spiritual notion, just as YHWH's work with Man is not a painted window in a church wall, but a tangible reality which produces tangible results in the form of a changed heart and Soul.

When you are reading this you are sitting in front of a monitor, and you probably have a computer at home.
You can do things with the computer which seem unspectacular and ordinary to you, yet people in the Middle Ages would regard them as miracles.
Just as that which the ones living in the Middle Ages would describe as a box of miracles and which you have come to know as your computer and its technology is a reality for you,  and not something abstract and miraculous, the realm of Heaven is real, and not just a vague, abstract concept belonging to the field of theology.
The Fallen Ones utilize technology just like we do, only it is far more advanced and utilizes a much broader spectrum of Creation.
These Mighty Ones are fallen Spirits endowed with insight, power and knowledge.

When I describe the second Cloud and the ambition of the Fallen Angels to create a third Cloud I am not referring to an abstraction.
You now know what a Cloud is in computer terms, and you can extrapolate this phenomenon to the realm of the Fallen Angels, who have a similar Cloud at their disposal, a Cloud which utilizes methods we may refer to as 'black Magic', forbidden ways to manipulate YHWH's principles and the energy He has put into His Creation.

The second Cloud, formed by the network of Evil, is something very real.
It allows Evil Spirits not only to detect us, but it allows them to manipulate us.
This network allows them to project images into our minds, generate feelings and emotions, yes, they can even download themselves into our form and steer our Soul, have 'a human experience'.
The second Cloud avails itself of principles YHWH created in order to create a network of Evil like a virtual underworld imprisoning Souls by turning them into an integral part of this network. 
Sin sends out a signal across the network of the second Cloud that there is an open portal to our Soul and puts us in danger, because Evil Spirits can venture through the opened portal to our Soul and take possession of us.

Sexual seduction is a successful, favored method of luring men and women further and deeper into the network of Evil.
YHWH created the principle that the man and the woman who are physically intimate become 'one Flesh'.
This principle of 'one Flesh' refers not just to the physical, but to the metaphysical aspect which comes with it, namely, the joining of Souls. 
Evil Spirits avail themselves of the existence of this principle, and turn it into a way to seduce men and women into something which seems like pleasure but which really is their way of hacking themselves into the Soul of the one who is seduced.
They use Sin as a means to convert this principle of becoming 'one Flesh' into a way to hack into someone's Soul.
Once the targeted victim CHOOSES to give in to the seduction to partake of the forbidden fruit, the act of sexual intimacy activates the principle of becoming 'one Flesh' so that it becomes a way by means of which Evil Spirits can enter the opened portals to the Soul of the corrupted through the open portals in the Soul of the corruptor.

In other words, a man falls prey to Sin through the seduction of the woman who is an instrument of Spirits acting through the second Cloud, and thereby becomes subject to the perverting Spirits acting through the woman.
The portals to his Soul are opened through the choice to Sin, which turns the principle of becoming 'one Flesh' into an instrument used by Evil Spirits to hack their way into their victim.
The principle of becoming 'one Flesh' thus is used in service of enslaving men to Evil and opening them up for possession by Evil Spirits coming through the woman.
It becomes a means to forge a link between the corruptor and the corrupted, whether they be men or women.
And through the corruptor the corrupted is part of the network where the Spirit of Evil can flow through the corruptor into the corrupted.
The woman acts like a router to the Evil Spirit allowing them to route Evil Spirits through the seductive woman into the man (or woman).

Although YHWH gave marriage as a special area of protection for a man and a woman, a potential extension of the first Cloud, it does not automatically mean that whoever is married is sealed into the protection zone.
Men identifying with the Spirit of the second Cloud in women, or women identifying with this wicked Spirit in men, are taken up into the second Cloud in spite of their married state.
Their marriage, -which was intended for Good-, becomes a deadlock into the suburbs of Hell, and their families are turned into concentration camps where the Evil One is in charge.
It is the choice to identify with either YHWH or Evil which turns marriage into a protective covenant or a prison of Evil, and it is this choice which can turn the principle of becoming 'one Flesh' into an instrument of Good or Evil.

Prostitution, fornication, adultery, all have in common that they set aside YHWH's provision of marriage as a covenant which protects the man and the woman, and because they go against YHWH's instructions they automatically become ways to bind men and women to Evil.
The role of Sin in the forbidden sexual fruit is the reason why the sexual initiation rite is an integral part of Satanic rituals.
Evil Spirits are invoked through the open portal to the Souls of the ones partaking in the ritual.
The sexual ritual is not just a magical way of manipulating reality, -even though Satanist may believe it to be-, nor is it just a pleasurable pastime, quite the contrary.
With this ritual you put your Soul at risk, and it can have devastating consequences for your Life because Evil Spirits now are part of you and have access to your reality.
Why should you be so stupid to sell away your freedom and the power of our Soul to Spirits whose ambition it is to turn you into slaves of Evil, just as they are?
They live at YOUR expense.

Once the corrupted have partaken of the forbidden fruit, the forbidden fruit becomes their slavery, with an Evil Spirit driving them to revisit this trauma and enact it over and over again so that not only the memory causing the psychological conditioning is reinforced and the Evil Spirit's grip on the victim is strengthened, but also other Spirits can attach themselves to the Soul of the victim through the open portal of the Soul and live at his/her expense.
A slavish obedience to the pattern of traumatic conditioning is the result, and once the corrupted begins to identify with this corruption then the addiction to the pattern becomes a lifestyle, and acting out the lifestyle becomes an expression of freedom while in fact it is slavery, a death-style masking as a life-style.

Perhaps in the light of the perspective of the second Cloud, the network of Evil, you now have a different understanding of the reason why sexual ritual is used in Satanic rites and why it is important to practice discipline and turn away from temptation: your Life is at stake.

By availing themselves of the principle YHWH created which dictates that sexual union creates 'one Flesh' and thereby links Souls into a network of either Evil or Good, Satanists have a way of invoking Evil Spirits through the act of sexual union by making sure that Sin is involved in the union, because Sin is the factor which turns the '+' polarity of YHWH's principle into a '-' polarity.

'We are born in Sin', I'm sure you have heard this phrase before.
Now that I have explained to you the phenomenon of the second Cloud and the third Cloud which the Fallen Ones aspire after, you now have another perspective of what it really means.

Being born in Sin means we are born into the second Cloud, the network of Evil.
Everything on our planet is affected by this network, including animals.
This is why Evil Spirits can take possession of animals, if they should desire to do so.
And because we are born into Bodies which by nature are nodes of the second Cloud, we are born in Sin as nodes in a network which gives the Evil One the power to influence and steer our Soul.

Because we are born into a vessel which is integrated into the network of Evil, we by nature tend to act out the nature of this network.
This is what being born in Sin really means.

Being born into a vessel which is part of the network of Evil renders us susceptible to information broadcasts sent across this network.
What I mean is that this information broadcast is the equivalent of a Spirit moving across the network, mobilizing people's feelings and hearts in favor of something or someone, and against another thing or person.
And we tend to regard this manipulation of our feelings as coming from ourselves, but it does not.
These feelings and thoughts are the result of a hypnotic involvement with the network of Evil.
It is hypnotic because initially we are not conscious of the manipulative involvement of Evil Spirits.
Once YHWH reaches out His hand in Yahshua and we accept that hand, He will shed His Light into our Darkness, and the Light reveals the extent of our bondage to Evil and the manipulation games of Evil Spirits.

When we sin, we open up a portal to our Soul, and because we are part of the second Cloud this opened port provides Evil Spirits with the opportunity to download themselves and attach themselves to our Soul.
This allows them to have a human experience at our expense.

Yahshua was the first One who was born into a Body which was NOT part of this second Cloud.
He was born into a world where He was surrounded with human vessels that were plugged into the second Cloud, yet He was the only one who was not plugged into the second Cloud.
This is what the Bible means when it refers to Yahshua being born without Sin: He was not burdened with the genetic conditioning to Sin which turns the human Body into a vessel which is plugged into the network of the second Cloud, Evil.

The womb of a woman is like a 3-D printer of human Bodies which is hooked up to the second Cloud, the network of Evil.
It prints out Bodies carrying the legacy of a genetic condition which connects them to the second Cloud.
For Yahshua to be born as a Man without this legacy His Body would have to be 'genetically altered' by the Creator Himself.
This is why the Bible should be taken literally when it states that Yahshua was not born out of the union of a man with a woman, but as a direct result of the interference of the Ruach HaKodesh, the Holy Spirit: his genetic structure had to be altered in such a way that He would have a Body like Adam before the fall to Sin.

Yahshua was born as a pure manifestation of Someone who was an integral part of the first Cloud, YHWH's network.
By becoming a Man Yahshua truly became the missing link between us and YHWH's Spirit.
Our belief in Him opens up the portals of our Soul to the network of YHWH's Spirit, the first Cloud.

The ONLY way for the Satan to get access to Yahshua's heart was to seduce Him into making the choice to sin, and thereby become part of the infrastructure of Evil, the second Cloud.
The Satan failed, and ultimately eradicated Yahshua's presence from his domain on Earth by killing Him.
However, Yahshua triumphed over Evil and Death, and became our Life-line, the living Link to the first Cloud, the infrastructure of Good where YHWH's Spirit moves individuals.

Each human Soul choosing to believe in Yahshua, recognizing His Spirit and identifying with this Spirit, now become part of this first Cloud.
Whereas our Spirit became subject to the gravity pull of the second Cloud the moment we entered our Body, and the gravity pull increased due to Sin, Yahshua's Salvation means He reverses the flow so that our Spirit is fully restored to the first Cloud, and the gravity pull on the Soul now gravitates towards this first Cloud.

However,  the Soul still continues to receive the input of two networks.
Since the Body remains part of the network of Evil, the second Cloud, the Soul experiences two opposite traffic lanes: the first Cloud vs. the second Cloud.
The Soul has access to the first Cloud through the restored Spirit, yet it also experiences the connectivity to the second Cloud in the fallen Body.
Our restored Spirit, our identification with YHWH's Spirit, and our dedication to keeping that connection pure, provides our Soul and Body with the equivalent of a 'firewall': the fire of YHWH burning up every Evil Spirit which seeks to enter our human Body.
The result is that although our Soul is still linked to the second Cloud through the Body, the portals to our Soul remain closed and Evil Spirits cannot enter us.

Evil Spirits CAN bombard our being with their attacks in the same way as hackers can bombard a computer, but even though we experience this bombardment as moments of oppression and/or temptation, they are unable to have access to our Soul and our reality on Earth as long as we turn to our Heavenly Father in Yahshua to be delivered.
Because YHWH's Spirit has the power to seal the portal of our Soul in the second Cloud and become our living Firewall burning up any Evil Spirit trying to gain access to our being.


The Third Cloud - II

Human consciousness is not just the result of software processes digesting a database of information.
Our unique consciousness comes from our Soul receiving the input of the Body AS WELL as the Spirit, and it is the Spirit and the input it gives to the human Soul which is the problem in Kurzweil's theory.

The Spirit originates in the One who is Spirit, YHWH.
The Fallen Angels  are Spirits themselves, and they cannot migrate the consciousness and identity of their Spirit unto a synthetic cloned Spirit which is able to live independently from YHWH.
Ultimately, everything which exists, exists in YHWH, and there is no existence apart from Him.
We cannot separate the essence of whom we are, our Spirit, from the Father of Spirits, and as such there is no way to be able to create an effective shield between us and YHWH.
And it is the quest for this synthetic shield which drives the Fallen Ones in their search for  a New Order within their ideal of the third Cloud, a separate realm they would love to create and which enables them to escape from the realm of Gehenna.

I have written about the role of numbers in Creation, and how numbers cause energy to manifest in certain particular ways.
The Fallen Ones know that YHWH has assigned properties and energy to numbers, and to usurp this energy and make the properties of YHWH's numbers stand in service of their own ideals they have invented a parallel numerical system, so that by means of their numbers they can utilize this energy in service of their own ideals.

A third Cloud stands for the creation of a realm of reality which can come into existence by means of the energy it is able to usurp from YHWH's Creation.
Ideally this Cloud would be like the great Satanic collective, a logistical structure which interconnects a realm which is shielded from YHWH and thereby becomes a new Creation unto itself, a realm which YHWH cannot penetrate because it contains synthetic structures of energy built by the Fallen Ones and not YHWH, structures into which YHWH's Spirit cannot venture.
The Satanic perversion of YHWH's numerical system refers to the creation of the New Satanic Order in the Satanic Cloud, a new cosmos separate and isolated from YHWH where the Evil One rules as a god, the great Administrator and Authorizer of all traffic within this realm.

The problem the Fallen Ones face is the same problem as with human beings: we can never be an integral part of a Cloud in the sense that it can capture our essence and shield it from YHWH's interference.

Although the Cloud of Evil exists already as a cosmos of Evil within the greater cosmos of Creation, something I refer to as the second Cloud,  it cannot separate and shield itself from YHWH's interference.
Both Man and Angel are Spirits in essence, and because of this YHWH knows our innermost thoughts like an open book.
And it is the Spirit which is the obstacle in the realization of the ideal of the synthetic third Cloud as a shield against YHWH.
How can you transfer the consciousness and identity of the Spirit into a synthetic structure so that this consciousness and identity can live in that synthetic structure?

YHWH made it possible for a second Cloud of Evil to come into existence, and even though this network offers the opportunity to download Spirits into organic Bodies, these Spirits still fall within YHWH's reach.
That is why the Evil Spirits were so afraid of Yahshua in His days on Earth, because they met YHWH in Him, Who was able to send them straight into Gehenna.
And that is why a synthetic shield is the ultimate ideal for the Fallen Spirits, because it will put them out of YHWH's reach.
Yet it also is an unattainable ideal.

The problem is that if the Adversary wants to shield himself from YHWH, he has to invent a way to leave behind his current Spirit existence.
If he should desire to upload his consciousness and identity into the Cloud, the consciousness and identity of his Spirit would not be able to be 'raptured into' the Cloud.
At best the end result would be an Angelic Borg type of god facsimile carrying the personality traits of the Satan, but the consciousness of the Adversary would still remain with his original Spirit.

If I were in the shoes of the Fallen Ones I'd have this nagging awareness that ALL energy and building blocks of energy in Creation belong to YHWH, and that there is no escape possible within Creation unless another 'I AM' exists capable of generating energy out of himself.
We cannot generate energy as building blocks for a new Creation out of ourselves, nor can Angels generate Spirits which might enable a transfer of our (and their) Spirit to the newly generated Spirit.

Kurzweil has his own ideas about how to achieve immortality, but by separating it from YHWH as an accomplishment of Man's intellect he treads on the same dangerous ground as the engineers of the Titanic who thought they had created the unsinkable ship.
We can only know what we are able to perceive, and if our perception is limited then the outcome of processing the information of that perception will reflect that limitation.
And that limitation could have lethal consequences.

We are more than products of our DNA in its physical form.
The DNA in our Body is part of our source code which enables us to live in the Earth-reality, but the source code extends itself beyond our physical dimension.

Copying all the data of our existence in all possible dimensions and uploading this into an interdimensional synthetic Cloud does not transfer the core of our identity and consciousness into this synthetic structure.
To be able to transfer whom we are into this Cloud, this Cloud would have to function on the level of a creator capable of transforming Spirits.
A software model of our personality which animates the data of our existence will not be able to transfer our Spirit into the synthetic interdimensional Cloud.

Behind Kurzweil's vision of Man's future lurks a sinister reality, a reality envisioned the one who seeks to be a god unto himself in charge of his own synthetic Creation: the Satan.
The Satan desires to be something he can never be: a Creator on YHWH's level, a second alternative 'I AM'.
And if he cannot have what his heart desires, he will do everything in his power to rob YHWH of what He created and eradicate the presence of Man from Creation.

The Adversary seeks to cut our Spirits off from the One who controls them, and replace them with a new Spirit created by the Spirit of the collective, the Cloud, which in fact is Death.
The Satan is the god of Death, and to embrace him he must lure us into the embrace of Death, where we cease to exist as Spirits under YHWH and begin a new existence as spirits of the Cloud.
Only, it can NEVER be.

Simply transferring the data collected by the product of our DNA into a computer model does NOT transfer the essence of whom we are, our Spirit, and our Spirit comes from YHWH and cannot hide itself from Him.

This is also true for the Fallen Angels.
They too have a source code which made them what they are.
This 'genetic' code transcends the level of Heaven and extends itself into YHWH's level of existence, like our genetic code.
How on Earth can they believe to be able to create a synthetic shield which locks YHWH out of their existence, a Cloud which permanently blocks out YHWH's Light, when they too are MORE than a collection of data gathered by the Angelic 'genetic' code?
Their Spirit also belongs to YHWH, and the idea of shifting their consciousness and identity, which reside in the Spirit, into an artificial synthetic structure like the third Cloud is an absurdity.

The Satan WILL ultimately rule in his private realm, but it will be on YHWH's terms.
This world is Gehenna, and it will be agony to all those who were seduced into believing in the various deception games of the Evil One.
Gehenna is where the joy and meaning of existence in YHWH will be absent.
But the Satan does not like to be told where he can and cannot go.
So, instead of Gehenna he seeks to bring his own New Order in his own synthetic third Cloud to life, an order with a new version of Man designed by the Adversary.

The Satan does not step forward and tell us the Truth about his plans for Mankind, no, he wraps his plans in the paper of a Lie.
Man in his current form is a design and form created by YHWH, and that is why in the New Order YHWH's creation of Man must be eradicated.
But the Satan hides his true intentions behind the ideal of creating a Utopia for man where he no longer will be prone to diseases, old age and Death.
And this is what transhumanism is all about: the end of Man as created by YHWH, an ideal designed to facilitate the extermination of an entire species.

Instead of telling us in our face he wants to destroy Mankind, he turns it into a philanthropic ideal.
He tells us he wants to develop our untapped potential and rid us of disease, suffering and Death, and in order to achieve these 'noble' goals he wants us to rewrite our DNA, even uploading our consciousness into the Cloud so that we can have the liberty to choose whatever and whomever we want to be.
The Satan rules through ignorance of his lies.

What possesses you, O Mighty Ones, to believe in your king's ideas?
If he lies to Man to achieve his goals, if he deceives and harms those who made a pact with him, what makes you think he will be truthful to you and that you can rely on your chosen god and king?
If he pretends to have Man's best interest at heart while in fact it is his own selfish interest he seeks to serve, what makes you think he has your best interest at heart?
You think your common plight will inspire trust and fidelity in the one who abides in the Lie?
If Man cannot trust the Adversary, what makes you think you can trust him?
If he always ends up cheating Man out of any advantage, what makes you think he will refrain from cheating you if he can find advantage in that?
If you made the god of Deception your king, do not be surprised when he acts according to his nature and leaves you nothing but a legacy of empty words and lies tormenting your mind.

Kurzweil's idea of immortality is very dubious and dangerous.
The man made great synthesizers, but his ambition to synthesize man is one step too far and an enterprise doomed to end in an abysmal failure.
Worse than that, it is a ploy designed by the Evil One to destroy Man.

Besides that, immortality is an absurd notion in itself.
It ONLY begets meaning if immortality means existence in YHWH and living in harmony with Him, because in His presence and in His joy Life begets meaning. 
Immortality as a notion of eternal existence in separation from YHWH becomes an eternal hell, a form of torment where you loathe the very idea of existence because it has no meaning for you.
Because that meaning can ONLY be found in YHWH, and NOWHERE else.

Experiencing the nearness of YHWH in your heart lifts you up out of this realm, and the unspeakable joy you experience causes the question about the meaning of Life to become meaningless.
Because, in the presence of that great joy all you want is to continue to experience that joy, and your mind will regard the question about the meaning of Life as a meaningless absurdity.
In YHWH we find the meaning.
But apart from YHWH we begin to wonder about the meaning of Life in the absence of that infilling joy.

The Third Cloud is Hell wearing a mask of Heaven on its voracious head.
The Synthetic Cloud is the god of Darkness holding out the promise of eternal existence apart from YHWH.
The Satanic Cloud is the seductive harlot embracing lost Souls into the comforting arms of the Lie.
The Satanic Cloud is Death pretending to be Life.
The Synthetic Cloud promises to print out a new Life for those abiding in the Cloud, giving new spirits to the Body prints, yet these 'spirits' will be none other than batteries energizing a Spiritless printed object.

The Satanic Cloud exalts herself as a goddess creating new spirits, yet she cannot give birth to the Spirit of Man or Angel. though she pretends to.
Our Spirits come from YHWH, the Father of Spirits, and the best the Kurzweilian ideal of the Cloud can hope to achieve is an energized activation of a personality model operating a collective of data in a printed synthetic Body.
However, we shall NEVER inhabit this new form nor shall we be part of a third Cloud, because our Spirits will have returned to the Owner of our Spirits, the Father of All that lives.

The third Cloud so desired by the Fallen One shall never be.
It is a fantasy, and the only Cloud they will ever have is the second Cloud, the Cloud of Evil.

YHWH defined Himself as the 'I AM', and the Fallen Ones know this all too well.
So, they seek to create a cancer in the Body of YHWH's Creation where they can live and spread further into the Body, perhaps eventually taking over the entire Body, a cancer which YHWH cannot control or destroy.
This is the true face of the third Cloud.

So in fact the Fallen Ones seek to kill YHWH by taking over the Body of Creation and banishing His presence from Creation.
The idea is to take over the entire Creation, transform YHWH's energy into synthesized structures where YHWH's Spirit cannot dwell, like a cancer of Evil spreading into the Body of Creation until it has devoured everything and YHWH is shut out of His own Creation.
They want to climb the stairway of dimensions all the way up to Heaven, so that in the end they can ram the gates of Heaven itself.
That is really what the stairway to Heaven is all about: the make-over of Creation in the image of Evil.

If they seek to spread their cancer into the Father's Body of Creation in order to eliminate His presence, 'kill Him' in other words, do you believe they intend to let His children live?
YHWH's children bear the image of their Father, and His Spirit lives in them, the Spirit Whose presence the Fallen Ones seek to banish from their domain.
THAT is why the Fallen Ones seek to eradicate Mankind, because Man's design and building structure carry YHWH's signature, and to eliminate His presence they MUST rid themselves of the ones bearing YHWH's signature.

They let YHWH's children live as long as they are a useful insurance policy against YHWH's wrath.
Furthermore, they can function as living batteries and talent pools for the Fallen Ones.
But when the moment comes when the Fallen Ones are forced to make their move, it will be all or nothing for the Mighty Ones, and they will take the leap and strive to fully implement their synthesized version of Man, while exterminating the 'old and unreliable' Creation of Man.

The quest for the third Cloud is part of the reason why the Fallen Ones have carried out so many genetic experiments throughout history: conduct genetic experiments, research the outcome of possible combinations, combine Man with Angel to create interdimensional hybrids, all part of the quest for the ultimate shield, the perfect cancer.
The Fallen Ones search for a way to create the shield which allows them to exist within the One who cannot lie and defined Himself as 'I AM', existence, without YHWH being able to have a grip on them.
They know that the second Cloud, the network of Evil which came into existence as the result of what YHWH created, will eventually render them hostage to the realm of Gehenna, and they are unable to escape this fate.
UNLESS they succeed in accomplishing the impossible: the creation of a network where YHWH cannot venture.
Yet as I have tried to explain in this article, this quest is nothing but vanity, a waste of effort because it cannot exist.

The third Cloud is represented by the three-digit numbers of the Satanic corruption of YHWH's numerical system.
We all originate in the One, '1', manifesting Himself and His designed reality into the single digit range, and our rebellion causes us to cross-over from the single-digit range into the double-digit range.
Through repentance we are given the opportunity to be restored to the '1', but if we come to identify with our rebellion we venture into the Satanic ideal of the triple-digit range.
In the triple-digit range Man will find Death in the arms of the new synthesized version of Man.
The order of the single-, double and triple digit range runs parallel to the first, second and third Cloud.

YHWH created Dualism, the principle which allows for the manifestation of opposites where one phenomenon portrays the absence of another.
Dualism caused the second Cloud to manifest itself as a Shadow by means of a choice the Angels made.
Out of this choice the 'Cloud of Evil', or the 'second Cloud', grew.
There will never be a third Cloud, because it is an impossible ideal.

In the second Cloud those who reject YHWH are able to experience the reality of an existence apart from Him.
Because we live in a Creation governed by the principle of Dualism, this realm of the second Cloud automatically is defined as the negative side of the Dualism coin, Evil.
This Cloud usurps all the Souls and Spirits of those who choose Death over Life, Evil over Good, in a network which will print out these Spirits in Gehenna, the final stage and manifestation of this Cloud.

In the Cloud of Destruction the joy of existence in YHWH cannot be found.
In this Cloud, existence becomes a tedious agonizing burden.
In this Cloud those who sought eternal Life apart from YHWH will yearn for Death to come, only to discover that Death as a permanent end of Life does not exist.
They will be bound in their self-inflicted prison of absurdity, an eternal existence separate from YHWH.


The Third Cloud - I

You probably are familiar with Raymond's Kurzweil's ideas about the future of mankind.
I recently came across an article which reports the following:

'Kurzweil's ideas are even more radical. He considers the human body to be just "a software process," and believes that in the future, humanity will no longer be limited to its physical form: We could upload our consciousness into a cloud, transport ourselves through space and use nanobots to recreate our physical bodies at will. We would then have "a biological body at one time and not at another, then have it again, then change it, and so on."'

Are you familiar with the phenomenon of cloud computing?
Cloud computing refers to the phenomenon of the cloud, which includes a set of hardware, networks, storage, services, and interfaces interacting with each other through the network (internet).
Usage of services which can be delivered by those participating in the cloud, such as storage, software, printing, etc., is offered as a service.
When you avail yourself of such a service you can for instance use an application which runs on a server of a company in London, store the products you produce with this application on a server in Berlin, and make a 3-D print-out of it in Tokyo.
All you do is connect to the internet and log in to the company's website which offers you the use of a particular application, and type in commands such as 'do this, do that, compute this, print out that', and the server of the company receiving these commands uses its computing power to execute your commands.

Kurzweil's idea is to be able to upload ourselves as a collection of data and software processes into the cloud so that we end up living in this cloud, and choose to design a Body we want to live in and download ourselves into that Body.
We end up living both in the Cloud and in an interface of the Body so that when the Body dies, we still are alive in the Cloud.
It's like a facsimile of Heaven, only this one is engineered by Man.

Reading Kurzweil's words I could not help but sense a very familiar agenda, the agenda of the One who seeks to create a New Order in Creation, an Order which is able to come into existence by usurping the energy YHWH put in His Creation to create a realm which is shielded from YHWH's presence.

Kurzweil is describing his idea of the next step in human evolution which will bring us immortality.
In fact, it resembles the Biblical idea of the great transformation of Man, only in Kurzweil's version YHWH is left out of the picture.
He seeks to establish a way to achieve the great transformation of Man as an energetic manifestation of information which is able to assume different forms, a collection of data and software processes within the Cloud.

It almost sounds as if Kurzweil is trying to turn himself and those who believe in his ideas into Angels inhabiting the sphere of the Cloud, the artificially created realm of interconnected networks enabling man to 'free himself of his current imperfect and limited physical form', and print out whatever form he desires to have in order to live in that form for a specified period.
When that version of Man loses his form, i.e., he 'gets killed in some way', his consciousness resulting from a continually updated set of information, returns to the existence in the Cloud again where he can choose to assume a different incarnation, should he so desire.
The Cloud becomes like a 'Heaven' from whence the new uploaded Man can incarnate himself again in order to explore new regions and times of Creation.

The Cloud already exists.
Fallen Spirits are already in charge of a network which allows them to 'have a human experience'.
By means of this network Evil Spirits are able to download themselves into a human form and have access to a Soul and a Body wherein a human Spirit dwells.
This phenomenon is called 'possession' in spiritual terms.
Whenever we are locked into a habit of Sin, we are opening the portal to our Soul to the network of the Cloud of the Fallen Ones.
Our Sin causes us to be detected within the Cloud, and the Fallen Ones can choose to let a Spirit download himself into our Body through the connection we created to the network of the Cloud.
This Fallen Spirit merges itself with our Soul so that our identity is compromised, and we are at conflict with our Spirit.

Many do not realize the danger of losing ourselves in Sin.
Sin links us up to the network of the Cloud of Evil, opening up a portal in our Soul so that not only our presence within the network of the Cloud is detected, but we actually are offering our Soul and Body to Evil Spirits 'as a service'.
They can download themselves into our Flesh through the portal we created.

The Adversary loves his Cloud.
He is like the Great Administrator, the God of the Cloud ruling over all the information streams passing through the Cloud.
Through Sin we become part of his Cloud, and this is how he is able to rule over our Life on Earth.

The Cloud of the Fallen Ones is a Cloud residing within the greater Cloud of YHWH's reality.
'Being saved by Yahshua' means that we are part of and sealed into this Cloud which lets YHWH's Spirit 'download' Himself into us.

YHWH's Cloud and the Cloud of the Fallen Ones are two manifestations of the coin of Dualism.
By being part of a Cloud we are part of the reality belonging to that Cloud and we act out the nature of the Cloud.
The problem the Fallen Angels face is that their Cloud, the network of Evil, does not shield them from YHWH's interference, because even in their fallen state the Angelic Spirits are like open books for YHWH.

The Fallen Ones know that they separated themselves from YHWH, and that He will isolate them into a realm the Bible refers to as Gehenna, the realm of eternal destruction or the Lake of Fire.
Rather than sit a wait for YHWH to implement His Judgment, the Evil Ones seek to establish a realm of existence where they can abide without YHWH being able to interfere, a synthetic shield which enables them to exist as part of YHWH's Creation without Him being able to influence and steer them.

This ideal resembles Kurzweil's idea of the 'Cloud from whence human beings are able to print themselves into a particular synthetic form of existence'.
It is an ideal which seeks to take YHWH out of the picture.
A cloud has the property that it can block the Sun and create a Shadow realm.
Within the Shadows Darkness is able to move and have its being, and so it is very appropriate that Kurzweil refers to his ideal of Heaven as 'the Cloud'.

For human beings aspiring to have immortality there is a problem in trying to achieve this immortality by means of a Man-made structure which seeks to take YHWH out of the picture.
Access to Kurzweil's ideal of the Cloud actually is a trick designed to kill Man.
In the guise of bringing Man the gift of immortality it ends up taking a Life and substituting it with a synthetic motor driving a set of parameters describing a particular personality.

Kurzweil's ideas may seem farfetched, they are not as far off as they may seem at first sight.
He actually is describing a transformation of Man whereby he is not limited any longer to the current physical Body.
Isn't that similar to what our Creator YHWH has planned for us, a time when we will live in transformed Bodies which are not confined to the limitations of the time/space domain, but which are capable of adapting themselves to the metaphysical dimension of Heaven?
These new Bodies will be immortal and self-regenerating, a manifestation of energy which can tune itself to different bandwidths of different realms in Creation.

At this point we are Spirits living in a human Body having a Soul which receives the input from our Spirit and the Body, thus distilling an image of reality and an identity for itself from this input.
When we die on Earth we do not cease to exist, but we leave the current biological Body behind, the interface with the physical dimension.
The consciousness of our Spirit and Soul move out of the Body and do not die with the Body.
You might say we are 'uploaded back into the Cloud', returning to 'Heaven where we exist'.
So Kurzweil's idea that we are more than our Body and that we can live beyond the confines of our Body is accurate.

The problem lies in the way Kurzweil envisions being able to capture our consciousness into an artificially engineered Cloud structure, because this consciousness is part of our Spirit and Soul, something Kurzweil does not take into account.
You cannot capture the human Spirit into a synthetic environment, and download it again to a new genetically engineered Body at will.
This is the domain of our Creator YHWH, the One who is Spirit and in Whom our Spirit exist.
He is linked to our Spirit and He is the One who is able to download our Spirit into a particular form, and upload it again.
He also is the One who operates the switches of our DNA.

Ideally the human Body would be able to adapt to the different bandwidths of reality and transform itself instantly by the mere flick of switches in our DNA, but the problem is that our current mortal Body is locked within the bandwidth of the physical dimension.
Translating the Body into a different dimension requires that someone to operates the switches within the DNA, and although YHWH DOES operate these switches on a special occasion, He set the switches of our DNA to a standard setting which results in the Death of our physical Body as a result of integrating with the temporal, cycle based physical realm.

Kurzweil describes a process where the human Spirit and Soul and the consciousness residing therein no longer are obstructed by a malfunctioning human biological Body and thereby free to transcend the current limitations of time and space.
The problem is that Kurzweil seeks to bypass the Creator.
In Kurzweil's vision we become an integral part of his concept of the Cloud, a network of interconnected information streams, and from this Cloud we can transport ourselves and download ourselves into whatever form and location we desire.
Like playing little gods dictating our own terms upon reality.

But as I mentioned, there are a few problems.
Our Spirit and Soul are tied to our human form by our Creator, and by disconnecting the consciousness of the Soul and Spirit from this Body you end up killing someone.
Yes, the data describing the personality traits of human beings may then be uploaded into the Cloud, but what resides in the Cloud is nothing other than a collection of data run by a software program, and NOT the Spirit of the one who was uploaded.
You upload Johnny and liberate him from his restricted physical form, and what you get is that Johnny's Spirit and his consciousness returns to Johnny's Maker, while the personality traits which were unique to Johnny are uploaded into the Cloud where a program named Johnny resides which acts out the programming parameters describing Johnny and displaying a pseudo-consciousness, one which is limited to the parameters of the uploaded information and the software model of Johnny.
It no longer is Johnny but a computerized version of Johnny.

This is the problem with Kurzweil's proposal for achieving immortality: he does not acknowledge the authority of YHWH as our Creator and the unique way He created us as an integrated unit of Soul, Spirit and physical Body,
We cannot separate one component from the other, because YHWH is the One who holds the controls in His hands.
Ignoring YHWH's authority as our Maker results in our Death the moment we succumb to being uploaded into a structure like the Kurzweilian Cloud.
We may transfer all the information in our physical Brain, but that is like copying one hard disk to another.
Our Soul and Spirit make the information come alive and reflect our personality which resides within our Soul.
Without these metaphysical elements you may be able to cause the transferred information come alive by means of a software program animating this information, but instead of this information reflecting the Soul and Spirit it now becomes a set of parameters steering a computer program.
The Soul and Spirit are no longer there.

So, Kurzweil's idea is both a trap for human beings as well as a reflection of the ideal of a New Satanic Order within YHWH's Creation as a realm engineered by the Fallen Ones which YHWH cannot access.
For Man the idea of being uploaded into the Cloud is a scam, a bogus resurrection inspired by the Fallen One to entice us into accepting his immortality trap which REALLY is a guillotine end our existence on Earth.

You can be sure the Fallen Ones have technology far beyond our imagination, and they have ways to capture and exploit a human Soul, ways we refer to as 'black magic', 'voodoo'.
But the only way a human Soul can be captured is by abusing principles which YHWH created so that they come to serve as enablers of rendering Souls hostages of the Cloud of Evil, prisoners of Evil Spirits.
The capture of a Soul is not a creation by the Satan, it is achieved through manipulating and abusing principles created by YHWH.
To be able to capture Souls and Spirits into a synthetic Cloud, instead of the provision for a network of Evil which YHWH created, would require a bridge, a link between the synthetic Cloud as a secondary realm of Evil besides YHWH's created realm for Evil, and Souls and Spirits.
Since none of the Angels are Creators on YHWH's level this simply is not possible.

So, ideally the Fallen Angels would like to create a third Cloud.
YHWH created His own Cloud as the realm of Good, and its dualistic counterpart, the realm of Evil or the Death Cloud.
Both these 'Clouds' are defined and given their properties by YHWH and thereby fall under His authority and influence.
The Fallen Ones would love to have a third Cloud which locks YHWH out of the picture for all eternity, like a permanent cancer in YHWH's Creation.

Yet this third Cloud is an absurdity which can never be, because it would require that the Fallen Angels are Creators on YHWH's level, being able to bring forth energy out of themselves and assigning properties to this energy so that it can function as a building block for the New Synthetic Order.
That is actually the ultimate ideal of the Fallen Ones, a New Synthetic Order, a New Creation, a New Cloud which locks YHWH out of the picture.