

I just read how Obamacare increases the monthly health insurance costs for middle class families in some cases with 400-600%, an absurd, insane inflation.
It should be obvious to anyone that Obama is the biggest liar America has ever known and the most incompetent president ever.
It is not about providing the poor with health insurance, it's about how to destroy a nation and get away with it.

He and his nefarious, equally incompetent team set out to destroy not only the economy of the USA, Obama also helped to establish a reputation of the USA as the great supporter of terrorism, availing himself of the military force of the USA to help and support fundamentalist Islam.

If you have a manager at the head of a company and the company is on the brink of going bankrupt due to the policies of this manager, surely you'd fire him instantly before he can do more damage?
You do not want such an incompetent man making decisions which affect the lives of those working for the company.

Why then should you continue to tolerate the gross incompetence of a man who broke almost every promise he made, and continues to lie in the face of the USA and the entire world?
He has succeeded in turning the USA into an object of ridicule and scorn.

He DELIBERATELY is destroying the USA, and as such he ought to be charged with treason.
First the USA was confronted with the slaughter of 9/11, then the traumatized dumbed-down hypnotized masses voted a candidate in office whose ambition drives him to bring the USA '9/11: part two'.
So even though I point the finger at Obama, the finger also points at the stupid gullibility of those who voted for the deceiver.
Actually, it was not just stupid gullibility but plain wickedness of heart for many who voted for Obama, and you certainly deserve what you get.

But others saw Obama for what he is, and they suffer as a result. 
My suggestion: get him out of office, today rather than tomorrow.
He should be in jail instead of the white house.
It is not an issue of democrats vs. republicans, because Obama simply avails himself of the blind support of democrats to bring destruction to the USA.
The party is simply the vehicle enabling him to carry out his dark plans.
This is an issue of whether or not the USA will let a criminal rule over the entire world.

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