
The Lie Rules...

...but, sometimes the Lie is so obvious that it ends up destroying itself.

Is it Obama's unbridled blind arrogance which makes him believe he can get away with an excuse for invading Syria which makes no sense whatsoever?
I mean, who in his right mind would believe that Assad would be SO incredibly stupid that he attacks his own people with chemical weapons at the most opportune time for Obama?
Who would believe the 'evidence' for Assad's crime when there are SO many facts and observations contradicting these supposed facts?

Under Obama the US has grown into a terrorist attacking nations at will, simply because it fits in the agenda of the politicians who in turn are owned by substantial financial parties who in turn are owned by, well, you know who.
I am simply amazed that the political puppets believe they still can get away with the same game they have played for decades believing that since they were successful in the past the results for the future are guaranteed.
They really must believe that the people are so stupid that they are able to get away with anything.

The Lie is becoming so obvious that in order to persist in naivety you have to bury your head in the sand and make yourself unconscious to the many facts which contradict the lies the politicians are telling us.
Compared to Obama Assad looks like a genius.
All that Obama has going for him is his eloquence, yet in the face of many testimonies and facts contradicting Obama's eloquent yet ridiculous statements even the strength of his eloquence will not suffice.

But Obama is black.
And because he is black he should be supported, especially by other blacks.
After all, it's the color of the skin which makes you brothers, ain't that right?

Who could have thought that in 2013 you would find common sense and prudency coming from Russia, and a package of idiocy and lies from the USA?
I am amazed.
It takes only one decision to plunge the entire world into the mass sacrifice the Shadows have planned, and you can be sure that the world will never be the same afterwards.

Come to think of it, maybe that is a good thing...


The Box of NO

It did not always used to be a gloomy, dark place with secret trapdoors and a multitude of different partitions in the zone where the great big wheel turned day and night.
It used to be a bright place where no Shadows dwelled, a place filled with harmony and joy.
Shadows did not even exist, and the idea of living as puppets on a string was but an absurd product of the imagination, because everyone was free, and the concept of exploitation had not even entered the dictionary.

But then the Great Change came.
One of the Messengers had come to a decision, the most important decision he could ever make, because it would change not only who he was, but it would alter the very fabric of Creation.
He had decided to go into the great beyond to a zone called the 'Great Intellect', a realm which was divided into the 'High Intellect', and the 'Deep Intellect'.
No one had ever set a foot in the 'Deep Intellect', because the Creator had warned that even though it was easy to get in, finding the way back out was nigh to impossible, since the space in the 'Deep Intellect' was warped in impossible ways.

Yet in spite of the warning, one Messenger began to wonder.
He was gifted with great intelligence, and he began to consider ways for him to enter the 'Deep Intellect', and return again.
He was curious to see with his own eyes the thing the Creator had warned for, something which resided in the hidden chamber within the 'Deep Intellect'.
This thing was a Box containing a mysterious secret.
It was hidden in a chamber in the 'Deep Intellect', and the Creator had forbidden everyone to open this Box, because whoever would open the Box would be turned into a 'NO'.

In spite of the warning one of the Sons of the Light constantly pondered on what this really meant.
It made him so curious he found himself unable to stop thinking about the Mystery Box, until one day he decided to dedicate himself to finding a way to enter the 'Deep Intellect' which would allow him to get back out.
He simply wanted to see that Box with his own eyes.

All he needed to do was to find a way to venture into the 'Deep Intellect' without getting lost in the maze.
He knew the warning had been given for a very good reason, but since he was endowed with great powers of the mind he decided he would put them to work on a solution.

'Don't think in terms of problems, but think in terms of solutions to challenges', he had told himself time and again.
So where the Creator had pointed out the danger and impossibilities of the 'Deep Intellect', his mind translated this into opportunities for finding solutions which did not exist before.
He had to devise a special homing beacon which would not be affected by the odd bents in space.

Then, one day, he had finished his solution.
He had succeed in designing energetic markers which connected directly to his mind.
If such a marker was activated, it allowed him to record a mental image into the marker.
Whenever he would move away from the marker and focus on the image, a link of his mind to this marker drew him back to where he came from, like an artificial instinct.
By placing these markers wherever he went he would create a trail of beacons along which he would be able to find his way out.

And so he embarked upon his journey into the 'Deep Intellect', hardly able to contain himself in the anticipation of what he might find in the chamber.
After what seemed like the longest stretch of time he finally arrived at the heart of the 'Deep Intellect'.
It had taken him considerable effort to find it, and often he found himself going round in circles, encountering familiar markers which he thought were behind him.
Yet there they were in front of him in this strange impossible maze.
After a while he learned that in order to venture forward, he needed to apply the trick of thinking in reverse.

It was a very strange place indeed.
Objects seemed to curve in impossible ways, and going up meant going down, going forward brought you back where you were.
It took him a while to adapt to the odd bents in space and the odd ways the path toward the heart of the 'Deep Intellect' seemed to unfold through a maze of reversals, but finally he stood there in front of the chamber in the heart of the 'Deep Intellect'.

The Light in his being was pulsating as if it was about to explode from sheer excitement as he opened the door and found himself looking at the Box standing on a golden table.
It was  neither small or large.
The table on which it rested had rich and lascivious ornaments on its golden legs and along the side, and observing a smooth unblemished velvety black Mystery Box resting upon this magnificent table was a sight he would never forget.
Slowly he ventured towards the table to take a closer look at the closed Box which seemed to beckon him forward.
Upon the Box he noticed golden letters engraved in the lid, 'DO NOT OPEN'.

It almost made him laugh out loud.
Of all the cryptic references one might expect referring to the great secret contained within, it was just a plain warning engraved in impressive gold letters.

'Forbidden to open? Is that all? Why?', the Messenger wondered.
He remembered that the Creator had given a clear warning that it is dangerous to venture into the 'Deep Intellect', because He had created it as a reverse reality.
He remembered the warning NEVER to open the Box in the chamber, because whoever would open the Box would grow into a 'NO', and cut himself off from YHWH.

Often he had wondered about what the Creator exactly meant with the 'NO'.
If it was an acronym, what could it mean?

He knew that if the Creator had forbidden something, there always was a good reason for it, and even though his being was filled with disappointment over all the effort which went into this expedition only to look at a Box with a plain, dumb warning on the lid, he did not give in to the temptation beckoning him to take a quick peek inside the Box, and turned back on his way out.
As he slowly walked out the chamber, he suddenly stopped.

'Wasn't this the zone were everything seemed to be the reverse of what he was familiar with?'
Space seemed to unfold in impossible ways, geometrical connections existed which ought not be possible.
This was why he found himself staring at his familiar trail of crumbs so often, that is why he seemed to move out whenever he sought to move in, because the structure of space curled in impossible ways.
Slowly he learned to adapt to this strange new reality, so that it became second nature to him, and he was able to travel along paths which previously remained hidden from him.
All it took was a change in the way he thought, and by changing his thinking, adapting it to the reverse reality of the 'Deep Intellect', he was able to venture into the heart of this zone.

He wondered if, since everything was the reverse of the reality he had been familiar with, the warning on the lid did not mean the exact opposite of what it said?
'Maybe it was a trick designed to keep the ignorant out, so that only the ones with the proper insight would be able to understand the true meaning of the message on the lid of the Box?
Maybe to understand the real message you would have to understand that to grasp its true meaning you have to think in reverse, just as this strange maze seemed to be a reverse image of the reality he had always known?
In this maze to go forward meant to venture backward, to move to the left meant you have to move to the right.
So that means the message on the lid really reads 'DO OPEN'.
Why else would a plain warning be engraved on the lid, unless it was the clue to understand the true message?'

Excited over his musings he turned, and paced back to the Box.
One last time he glanced at the lid, hesitating to open it.

'What if I am wrong, what if I unleash something which should have stayed inside the Box?'
YHWH had given everyone a warning that they would cut themselves off from Him if they would open the Box, because they would become a 'NO', whatever that meant.
He knew that YHWH always showed everyone a mirror of who they truly were, and if He emphatically said that whoever would open the Box would...'

Suddenly he stopped and pondered on his last thought.

'YHWH holds up a mirror to everyone and everything, and He reflects the Truth of what you are.
If He then reflects the Truth of a reverse reality, then His warning could only be understood correctly by relating to it from the perspective of a reverse reality.
So if YHWH warned us NOT to open the Box, He reflected a reverse reality, and He really encouraged us to open the Box'. 

'Didn't the Creator say that by opening the Box you might grow into a 'NO'?
Isn't it by learning to think in terms of the 'NO'-reality I was able to find the chamber?
And doesn't a 'NO' think in reverse, so that 'YES' becomes 'NO' and 'NO' becomes 'YES'?
If so, then I would be a fool to simply walk away after going through all this trouble to witness the Box of 'NO'.
Thanks to the presence of the maze of the Deep Intellect I have learned to think in terms of the 'NO', and it opened a new perspective.'

'Maybe opening the Box will bestow the fullness of the hidden power of this perspective on me as a reward for all the effort I put into this mission, may this hidden power will make me more like YHWH, and I will be able to bring forth a whole new world of 'NO'.
Maybe YHWH designed it this way so that only the one with the right skills of intellect and the right talents would be able to decipher the true meaning of what He said, to make sure that the new God would have the skills and insight to fashion a new reality and a new Creation.
I could become like YHWH, a Creator of my own Creation, using YHWH's energy to build something entirely new'.

Torn as he was between his feelings to walk away and leave the Box for what it was, and the overwhelming curiosity to find out its secret, he stood there motionless for what seemed like a small eternity.
Then he chose.

'I don't care', he said resolutely, 'I want to know'.
'If the Box was dangerous and should never be opened, why would YHWH have created it?
Just so that it could exist in a chamber in a region which is impenetrable to the mind which is not able to venture through the maze?
It would make no sense whatsoever to create a Box for no purpose at all, UNLESS He wanted the Box to reveal its secrets to the one with the proper mental and intellectual disposition.'

Convinced by his argument he waved away his remaining doubt.
He wanted to become like his Creator and have the same kind of power.
Was that not the reason why he was formed?
The Son of the Light stepped forward and grasped the lid of the Box, slowly opening it that its deepest secret might be unveiled.

In the Box he saw a piece of cloth resting on black velvet.
'What is this?' he wondered with slight disappointment over what he had found.
The Box had turned into a double disappointment, first a simple almost comical warning engraved in gold letters, and now a piece of cloth in a Box.
He had expected rays of light to burst out of the Box, entering his mind to illuminate it in unprecedented new ways, something spectacular and breath-taking, but nothing happened.

'Quite an anti-climax', he mused as his eyes settled on that piece of cloth which seemed to have captivated his attention.

When he took it in his hand the cloth fell open and revealed itself to be a costume.
It did not look very exotic, nor did it seem to have any special properties.
In his hands it felt like a smooth silk suit, and the Messenger wondered if perhaps he had not overlooked anything at the bottom of the Box.

'No, nothing there' he whispered to himself as his hand searched the bottom of the Box to see if perhaps there weren't any hidden dimensions within the Box.
The costume he now held in his hands was pitch black, yet in spite of its darkness it looked as if it had a shiny glow which made it appear very slick and smooth.

It actually was quite beautiful now that he held it up and he could see the costume in its entirety.
For an inexplicable reason he could not release his eyes from the mesmerizing glow of the costume, and he wondered what would happen if he tried it on. 

'Why not', he said as he wrapped himself in the costume, making sure not to have any expectations in order to avoid a third disappointment.
Yet after he had put on the costume, suddenly the whole chamber seemed to light up.
As a matter of fact, the entire region of the 'Deep Intellect' which previously felt like an alien environment now seemed to him as if he had been living there for ages, as if it was his home.
And the costume he wore felt like a new skin, strong, smooth, and silky, giving him new and unfamiliar energy.

He felt a rush of excitement as he contemplated his discovery.
Everything seemed new and yet familiar, as if he just had been created into a reality which he always had been a part of.
Now he was able to see the world in a very different way than before, understanding the hidden constructs of the 'Deep Intellect' instantly, as if someone had turned on the light in his mind.

He no longer needed the markers he had left in his trail, because he knew exactly every nook and cranny in this maze.
The Mighty One began to see contrasts and ways to create contrast.
Wearing that costume had opened his eyes to the power of a completely new reality, the world of 'NO'.

'Was that the reason why the Creator forbade everyone to open the Box, a secret fear that His creatures might have the same understanding as their Creator, and possibly turn into rivals of the One who created them?'
Now he understood that the Box was meant to be opened by the Chosen One, the One in possession of the required intellectual skills and mental strength.

'It was created especially for me so that I might replace the order YHWH had created, and build a new and better order of the world of 'NO'.
Perhaps that is what the acronym stands for, 'New Order'?'

He liked the name for the world he wanted to create, a world where HE would sit on the throne, not YHWH, a world made in HIS image.

As he travelled back, he no longer was the same Messenger which had entered the Deep Intellect Zone.
His journey had changed the way he thought, and now that he had looked inside the Box, his eyes were opened.
He understood the world of 'NO', he understood how the Box brings forth costumes uniquely tailored for the one opening the Box, and how this costume once it is worn opens the eyes to a new world of contrasts which previously remained hidden.

He had the consciousness of a Creator, and the skills to match it.
His mission henceforth would be to unite the others in the common cause to create a better world of 'NO'.
As his mind was illuminated by the Box of 'NO', he saw it as his mission to let the others share in the heritage of the world of 'NO'.
He would be their Mighty Champion, leading them into a new existence, a new creation of the world of 'NO'.

No longer did he consider his Creator's paradigm to be of any value, for it belonged to the 'old world', the world He created.
His world was the world of Good, an outdated limited concept as the intergalactic reflection of the Creator's character.
Now that the Mighty One had learned the secret of 'NO', he had the knowledge of the reality of Good AND Evil, and the latter reality offered him the key to establish the 'Order of NO', a completely New Order of reality where YHWH's definition of Good no longer matters.

The Mighty One was free now, free from Good to embrace 'NO', and his heart rejoiced in 'NO', spreading its gospel wherever he went.
He persuaded many other Mighty Ones to open the lid of the Box he offered them, and the moment they lifted the lid of the Box a shiny black costume was waiting for them, a costume which miraculously seemed to fit like a glove and which opened their eyes to a new reality.

These Mighty Ones grew steadily in number, until their new leader had succeeded in enticing almost one third of all the Mighty Ones to join him in his cause of 'NO'.
The other ones refused to open the lid of the forbidden Box.
The legion of rebels laughed at what they perceived as their ignorance and weakness.
Who in his right mind would choose to exist as a mere messenger when they could grow into Gods of a new Creation?

Even though the Son of the Light who originally had opened the Box had great powers of reasoning and possessed the talent to speak like no other, the Mighty Ones who refused to embrace the ideal of 'NO' noticed how the 'NO'-legion began to change, and how their gifts now stood in service of their warped reality of 'NO'.
Where before they left their mark in the form of beauty and harmony, they now left a trail of division, strife and destruction in their wake.
Wherever they went, the harmony of the existing order was disrupted and transformed into an ugly picture of devastation and destruction.

Their thoughts had changed and reflected a reversed thinking.
When they inspired each other to rebel, they really meant to inspire conformity to the Box, when they wanted to achieve intellectual greatness they spoke of 'learning to think outside the Box', when they really meant 'learning to think inside the Box'.
The Box which was promised to become their freedom had become their prison, yet because they now were trapped in a mode of reversed thinking, they considered this imprisoned state as their new freedom.

Their appearance had changed as well.
They had grow into Shadows, a faint image of their former greatness which slides in Darkness and evades the Light.
And that is when the Son of the Light became known as the Son of Darkness, the Adversary, the Son of Perdition, the Satan.

The great Mighty Ones turned out to be the weakened Ones who had Fallen from their former greatness and splendor into Shadow Servants of 'NO', and a nagging awareness had come over them as they noticed their transmogrification process which turned them into inferior copies of what they used to be.
Is this what the YHWH warned for when He said that whoever would open the Box would grow into a 'NO'?
Is this what a 'NO' looks like, a faint echo of the splendor which the Creator bestowed on them?

But, they had their hopes set upon their leader and great champion, the first one to venture into the 'Deep Intellect' to open the Box to freedom.
He would create a New Order which would be better than the current existing order, a New Order where the Fallen Ones could live as gods unto themselves, creating their own laws and living as autonomous individuals not bound by any dictate from a Creator.
'Freedom from the Order', their cry was heard throughout the Galaxy.

Then YHWH designed a new creature and placed it on the stage in the play of Life.
With great curiosity the Fallen Ones observed this new creature, and how much YHWH cared for this new creature.
He had given this new creature something unique and of great value to the Mighty Ones: a human Soul, a package of talents with its own power generator which transformed his environment on the stage in the image of the will of the One who designed the Spirit of this creature.

'It is almost as if this creature is a walking living projector of reality, the reality which YHWH feeds to his Soul.
Imagine what we would be able to achieve if we succeed in taking control of this Soul, and use the power of the Soul to project our own order unto the stage?
We could transform the stage into an image of our New Order.
All we need to do is to trick this creature into giving us full control over his resources, and we will become his gods, and he will come to serve our cause'.

In his mind the Mighty One contemplated the advantages of using the gifts of this creature in service of his ideal to establish the world of 'NO'.
All he had to do was to persuade the creature to open the Box of 'NO', and he would be like them and serve their interest.
Convinced of their abilities to let this creature contribute in their New Order, the champion of the New Order entered the play of Life, intending to seduce the creature into opening the Box.

'I can't open this Box, just read the warning on the lid where it says 'DO NOT OPEN'.
If our Creator has forbidden it, we should not go against His instructions', the creature said when the Serpentine seducer attempted to persuade man to rebel against YHWH.

With great cunning the Mighty Deceiver intimated to man the secret of the Box, that it contained a costume which would give him superhuman powers, so much that he would become the equal of his Creator.
He explained how the Box was intended for only those who were ready to be illuminated, and how the world of 'NO' could be revealed to only those who open their minds to the concept of 'NO' and learn to think like a 'NO'.

'If our Creator made this Box which contains the secret of the world of 'NO', then surely He KNOWS the concept of the world of 'NO'.
Suppose He wants to reveal it ONLY to the ones who have the proper mental maturity to learn of the world of 'NO', because once they learn the secret of the world of 'NO' they will be like Him and have the same creative powers?
This mental maturity would mean that you have to decipher the message on the lid in terms of the world of 'NO', which allows you to see the reverse of all that exists.
Tell me, what is the reverse of 'DO NOT OPEN'?
Is it not, 'DO OPEN'?
Is this not the true message which your Creator gave you?'

Persuaded by the clever deception man opened the Box, and put on the costume waiting for him in the Box.
No sooner had he put on the costume, or man began to see a change in the image of the stage where he lived.
Suddenly he noticed contrasts on the stage he had never seen before.
But there was a dissonance in the observation of contrasts through this costume which caused him much pain and anguish.
It felt as if he had been poisoned and his Soul convulsed within him.

Upset as he was over the pain the costume brought him, he tried to take it off, only to discover that the costume seemed to be glued to his skin, as if it had merged with it to form a new hybrid skin.
After a while he realized that he had become a prisoner of a costume which increasingly brought him pain and discomfort.
His own Body seemed to have become his enemy and a vexation to his Soul.

The Fallen Ones were appalled when they observed man struggling with his costume instead of accepting it.
How is it that they felt at home in their new costume, but man seemed to experience it as an obstruction, struggling with it in order to break away from it?
Why would he desire to go back to ignorance when he had been given to partake of the wealth of the world of 'NO'?
What did the Creator do to man that He had such a stronghold on him that he is unable to free himself of the Creator's restraint?

For that reason the Fallen Ones began to despise man.
He was weak, frail, and unable to come to terms with the New Order.
Now that man had become an internally divided creature, the Mighty One decided to use the stage of Life as a mining colony where he might be able to harvest Souls from this meat package.

And so it came to be that one night the Mighty Ones entered the stage of Life again, and attached strings to the costume of 'NOT'.
To ascertain a smooth implementation of the plans to turn the stage into a mining colony, the champion of the Fallen Ones used the strings as an integral part of his plan to control man.
After all, in his internally divided state of mind man was not reliable, and therefore in need of supervision and control.

He assigned tasks to the Shadows to manipulate and maneuver man wherever the Mighty One wanted them to be.
As the Mighty One set about building his palace in the Loft, he designed the blueprint for the mining colony he intended to build on the stage, a colony featuring an intricate structure of wheels within wheels where man would be relegated to a position where his energy could be harvested for the glory of the world of 'NO'.
At least, that way man in his inferior weakened state could be put to good use in the cause of 'NO'.

The Mighty One contemplated building his own version of man, one which would have an integral place in the world of 'NO'
If YHWH built man as an inferior creature not having the intellectual resources to grasp the concept of the world of 'NO', then the Mighty One would show Him the power of the world of 'NO' by creating an improved version of man, one who was able to transcend the old paradigm of YHWH's Good vs. Evil to embrace the all inclusive liberated concept of 'NO'.
It would be a trans-dimensional version of man, a version which would be devoid of the blindness which had settled over the eyes of man so that he no longer was able to see beyond the partitions, a new man which would be able to travel beyond the partitions into the palace in the great Loft, the crowning achievement of the New Order.

In their plans they had set a time for the harvest season where they would replace YHWH's design of man by their own version of the new and improved 'NO-Man'.
As reapers they would reap the world, and fill their cups with man's blood to make way for the new Man of 'NO'.

And that is when the bright, happy, care-free world of the stage gradually began to change.
Darkness grew steadily to unbearable proportions, and the splendor and beauty of the scenery was replaced by the great contraption of wheels, a supernatural industrial area where man was put to labor as a slave for the benefit of the Shadow World.

The great exploitation of man began when the first one decided to open the Box of 'NO'.

Out of the Box of 'NO' the World of 'NO' sprang into existence, a world which was the opposite of the order as created by YHWH.
The New Order of the World of 'NO' knew no tolerance for YHWH's order, just as YHWH's order could not tolerate the order of 'NO'.
One was, the other was not, and dreams simply cease to exist in the greater overriding reality of being awake.
They only could have an appearance of co-existence in Creation as two different and completely separated projectors both projecting their image unto the combined screen of reality.
These projectors created two races of people: one is awake, the other is in a coma, yet both are connected in this Earth dream where they interact as elements of Light and Darkness.

The World of 'NO' became the great harlot, the seducer of Creation born from the mind of the former Son of the Light.
The price man had to pay for his fornication with the great harlot was that he became a living sacrifice, gradually being devoured by Dark Shadows draining his Soul and usurping his existence.
The Box was the Black Hole of Creation, and those who merged with it travelled on a one-way road into oblivion, becoming Black Holes themselves, Shadows.

It used to be such a beautiful place, but now, look at what the stage has become...
All because Man had learned to think inside the Box, just like the first Mighty One who used to be a Son of the Light, yet whose Spirit was devoured by the Box of 'NO' so that he became the god of 'NO'.
We live in the land exploited by the NO-gods imbibing our Life-force as if it is their tequila.
But their time of preparation is up, and they have to play out the drama they have in mind for man in order to harvest precious Souls.

It used to be such a beautiful place, but now, look beyond and see the ashes of tomorrow...


The Margin

The Margin is a very important principle.
It was created as a necessity, to make sure the Mix would continue to exist.
The Mix in turn was born from Dualism, which allowed the co-existence of Good and that which is NOT-Good, Evil.
Because of the war between Good and Evil, which sprang from the fact that the existence of one can only be at the expense of the existence of the other, the Mix would have ceased to exist on Earth a long time ago, were it not for the provision of the law of the Margin.
If the Margin is exceeded, YHWH will hit the reset button to safeguard the continued existence of the Mix for the time He has determined for it.

The Margin was created for our benefit, because we owe our Life to this principle.
It is the exploration of the Margin of the Mix, its borders, by unseen Forces of Darkness which accounts for the destruction of many cities and empires, and other calamities in nature.
To determine the boundaries of the Margin the Forces of Darkness had to do research, and this research yielded statistical data concerning the safety Margin at the cost of many lives.

But then again, where any sane individual would consider such research an abomination of the most Evil kind, to the Fallen Ones the paradigm of Good vs. Evil is the outcome of YHWH's mind, and since they consider themselves free from YHWH's paradigm they do as they like.
If for the sake of gaining knowledge they have to kill millions of people, then that is a noble and necessary sacrifice in their eyes.
And since YHWH always is the One responsible for correcting the imbalance which was caused by the Fallen Ones, He gets the blame for hitting the reset button, while the guilt lies not with YHWH, but with the Dark Shadows luring the hearts of men and women astray with their Dark enticements into Evil, which incrementally adds to the imbalance to the point where it ventures beyond the boundaries of the Margin.

But the Shadows love to point their crooked fingers at YHWH, blaming HIM for the Destruction, because, after all, 'it is YHWH who created the principle, it is YHWH who destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, so it is YHWH who is the violent bloodthirsty one, and not us'.
It is just another underhanded lie, because if YHWH creates reality as a path of two meters wide and He warns not to go beyond the two meters or else we will fall into the abyss, then if a Shadow shows up to manipulate us into stepping off the path so that we fall into the arms of Destruction, is that YHWH's fault?
Is it YHWH's fault that He has to set the imbalance straight in order to protect the ones who love Good from the ones who have a love affair with the deceptive Destruction of Evil?
Who are the ones upsetting the balance, who are the ones luring man to go beyond the two meters of the path of reality?
THEY are guilty, and THEY are the hypocrites because in their smugness they try to blame YHWH for the consequences of THEIR injustice.

The Adversary does the exact same thing in our lives.
He inflicts suffering, adversity and obstruction, He tempts us in order to set us up against YHWH, and then points the accusing finger at YHWH, after all, HE is the one who makes you suffer, right?
Don't be fooled by giving in to the doubt this ancient liar tries to stir up in you, because if HE is the one who manipulated your circumstances in order to give YHWH a bad name, then isn't HE the one carrying the guilt of your misery?
His lies serve to test your love for YHWH, whether you are inclined to agree with the Accuser, or whether you hold on to YHWH because you truly know who He is in your heart.

The best thing you can do in those situations is to tell the wretched Deceiver to get lost and double down on your dedication to YHWH.
Make it a rule that every obstacle and obstruction the Evil One brings on your path you will meet with an even greater determination than before to turn yourself against the Liar, and FOR YHWH.
DON'T let him intimidate you, but instead learn to intimidate that Serpent with your ever increasing devotion to YHWH and by speaking up against him even more than before.
Don't waver, make your head harder than flint, send the message home to the Adversary that with each move he makes against you, you counter it with more determination to serve YHWH than ever before.

YHWH does not lie because He cannot lie, and He wants to do Good, because that is His nature.
The Adversary on the other hand sees us as mere pawns, little opportunities to thwart YHWH and setting us up against Him by making us believe in the lies the Satan uses to inspire doubt.
He puts a stumbling block on our path and pushes us so that we fall on our face, and then he comes along and asks us why a loving Heavenly Father would put us through that experience?
He makes the liars and the wicked ones prosper and robs YHWH's people of opportunities in his empire, and then tells us that YHWH must be a liar because He allows the wicked to prosper and the righteous to perish.
He is a sneaky arrogant deceiver, don't fall for his trick & pony show.

In previous articles I explained how we live on a dualistic planet ruled by Evil Shadows operating the strings on our costumes behind the scenes.
I also made it clear that the Evil masterminds, -if they want to be successful in implementing their plans-, have to make sure that they operate within a certain Margin where there is a Mix of Good AND Evil, the 'two meters wide path of reality'.
If they cross the boundary of this Margin by destroying everything which reminds them of YHWH, then the result is a great imbalance, the tension of which cries out to be resolved.
It is like a piece of elastic stretched out so far that it simply MUST snap back.

You will understand that it is to the advantage of the Evil One to know the boundaries of the Margin, so that his manipulation of man to cross over into the Evil realm does not unintentionally venture beyond the boundaries into the danger zone.
Man has a predictable psychological profile, one which can and has been exploited in many ways by the Fallen Ones, the Master Psychologists.
But man also is unstable in his ways.
It is the instability factor in man the Fallen Ones have to be careful with, because sometimes it can cause man to act contrary to their wishes, especially when unforeseen circumstances meddle with the conditioning of man's psychological profile.
To stir up the fire of hatred in the hearts of man is to stir an explosive cocktail.
The way and manner the cocktail will explode, although calculated beforehand, has uncertainties which may yield unexpected results, especially when YHWH interferes with the cocktail.

This is why the Fallen Ones have to be careful when they use man to explore the limits of the Margin.
Especially when YHWH enters the arena.
The Fallen Ones may have stirred up a cocktail of hatred and aggression and appointed a catalyst for the release of this hatred in for example a nation like Israel, but then suddenly YHWH makes one tiny move which causes the foaming cocktail of anger to turn on itself, like we have seen in the case of Middle Eastern nations where suddenly Babel's united fist of Islamic nations against Israel appears to be suffering from spasms.
YHWH is the most unpredictable element in the equation, and the Shadows fail time and again to anticipate His moves.
Whenever YHWH interferes, the grand plans of the Mighty Ones are reduced to damage control.

YHWH is the One who created the principle of a balance in a dualistic Creation to protect His own children.

Perhaps you may have wondered why YHWH would destroy entire cities like Sodom and Gomorrah, surely this does not match the character of a loving and forgiving Creator?
Actually, it DOES match YHWH's character perfectly, because He merely reflects back at the Evil-doers what they have become: vehicles of Destruction.

Furthermore, by creating a safety-Margin which allows the co-existence of Good and Evil, YHWH created a provision to make sure that the Satan will not completely eradicate His own.
So the principle of the Margin actually serves to protect those who love Good from the Evil-doers.

Yes, if YHWH had not created the Mix (which in itself is by definition already an imbalance since ALL manifestations of Evil upset Creation) which is kept in existence by means of a Margin, we would not be alive on this planet today.
Instead, planet Earth would have no reminders of YHWH's paradigm whatsoever, and it would be a Satanic playground.
Man as YHWH has designed him would no longer exist, and no Spirit from Heaven would be able to live on this Earth in the Flesh.

The Margin defines the extent to which the imbalance caused by the presence of Evil can grow without attracting its own complete Destruction.
It is ONLY thanks to this Margin as created by YHWH that the Adversary cannot afford to eradicate man as designed by YHWH on this planet completely, and he HAS to tolerate the presence of YHWH's own children on the face of this planet.
Ignoring the existence of this Margin by transgressing its limits inevitably leads to the destruction of planet Earth, and thereby the destruction of an opportunity for the Satan to exploit this planet.

This is the reason why there is a Mix of Good and Evil involved in the creation of nations and why the Adversary allows YHWH's own children to have a place in his empire.
To make sure the ongoing process towards the Satanic paradise cannot be curtailed or disrupted, the Evil Shadows have to make sure to allow for the presence of Good in order to prevent YHWH from interfering with their plans.

As much as the Evil overlords of this planet would love to eradicate all reminders of YHWH's paradigm, which is the distinction between Good and Evil, they CANNOT kill all of YHWH's people and get rid of ALL laws based on YHWH's paradigm.
To do so would mean the activation of the Sodom and Gomorrah principle, which translates into the destruction of the process they set in motion.
To make sure they are able to continue their work and progress towards the implementation of the Satanic reality, they have to make sure to keep YHWH's people around and allow them some room to live.
They are the Satan's insurance policy against unwanted interference from YHWH's side in the form of complete Destruction of everything the Adversary has set out to accomplish.

To compensate for the dissatisfaction over having to tolerate YHWH's people in his empire, the Adversary simply employs the same old strategy whenever YHWH makes His move: he places them within his own context so that their presence, energy and talents end up strengthening and energizing his context.
This means he takes YHWH's own, and he puts them to work as slaves within the great contraption of the big wheel of the Lie with the other slaves, tormenting them at will in order to leech their energy and talents in support of his grandiose Lie.

If you ever wondered where the Communist ideal of 'redistributing the wealth' came from, just take a good look at the Master of Deception, the Satan himself.
He steals energy and talents YHWH gave to man, and re-distributes them among his own.
We are exploited by a Dark Slave Master who relentlessly whips us into conformity to his order on Earth, and woe to the rebels who dare to speak up against him, like I do here on this blog.

If YHWH's own are too troublesome, the Shadows will not hesitate to put them in their place and teach them the importance of remaining quiet and do as they are told.
You have to conform and say 'Thank you, Sir' whenever the Shadows abuse you and have their fun at your expense.
You may suddenly lose your comfortable job and be unable to find any decent replacement so that you end up on welfare, or you have to be content with a boring, menial dead-end temporary job where you earn just enough to stay alive, or you may even find yourself in the streets as a homeless person living in a cardboard box.

Don't fear their stupid tactics and distractions, YHWH will pave a way for you personally, and the Shadows will look in exasperation how you simply will walk away from their traps.
If He was able to pave a way out of an impossible situation for the people of Israel when they saw Pharaoh's army behind them and the sea before them, He is able to lead you out of a dead-end situation on a path where the Evil Pharaoh cannot follow.

As self-confident as the Evil One may be over the fact that he appears to be able to exploit YHWH and make Him work in his own service when he uses YHWH's people to support his structure of rebellion against Him, YHWH out-uses the moves of the Evil One.
Every injustice the Adversary inflicts upon YHWH's own becomes a tool in YHWH's hands to bring out the character of His own, so that Evil serves to bring out the Good, and Evil ends up serving Good.
Furthermore, the Adversary is limited by YHWH in what he is able to do.

So in fact, the user ends up being used, and the manipulator is manipulated.
It is YHWH holding His perfect mirror of justice to the Evil One.
And that is the way it will be in the end: the destroyers will be destroyed, the manipulators will be manipulated, to the Evil-doers Evil will be done, the slayers shall be slain, those who live by violence  shall die by violence, the ones striving to eradicate YHWH's order to establish their own new order shall be eradicated together with their new order.
This will be YHWH's ultimate judgment: He will hold up his mirror of perfect justice to the world and the Forces of Darkness, so that in this mirror they will receive back what they have invested, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, as they withheld mercy, mercy shall be withheld from them.

So, if you have been wondering why the Satan has not yet exterminated all of YHWH's children, you will find your answer in the necessity to maintain a balance between Good and Evil on this planet.
The Seducer has had ample experience in exploring the limits of this Margin.
All you have to do is to look into the past, and you will encounter examples of nations and cities which went across the borders of the safety Margin and had to pay for the imbalance they caused by destruction, the reset button which YHWH activated.
At one time the Satan's experimentation with the blueprint of a new order and a new man on Earth led to the destruction of his experiment when YHWH sent the great flood upon this planet.
So he learned the hard way that it is wise to make sure to stay within the Margin of the Mix, and not to step across the boundaries.

In all cases where the Evil One went too far, Destruction of his work was the result.
YHWH restoring the imbalance by simply holding up his mirror to the Fallen One so that he experienced the Destruction he brought upon YHWH's order in this world.

The Fallen One considers his knowledge of the boundaries of this Margin to be an advantage, because it allows him to integrate this knowledge into his own plans, and point the Evil finger at YHWH to lay the blame on Him for situations he engineered to such an extent that they resulted in Destruction.
By means of his knowledge of the boundaries of the Mix he considers himself capable of using his anticipation of YHWH's actions as an integral component of his own plan, and put YHWH to work on his behalf.

In doing so he once again seeks to plagiarize YHWH Who uses the presence of Evil to bring about Good.
Likewise, the Satan avails himself of his knowledge of the principle of the Margin to make it work to his own advantage, so that he ends up using Good to bring about Evil, as if he is able to put YHWH to work for him.
It is the old god-game, a game inspired by the puffed up ego of the Adversary where he considers himself capable of out-smarting YHWH.
But if you look at history you will see how YHWH uses the Satan's puffed up ego and his tactics as an integral part of His own plan, and whereas the Evil One has blundered quite frequently, YHWH NEVER failed.
If anything, this ought to make Babel a little insecure about her imagined future.

The problem is that the Satan may have statistical knowledge of the Margin of the Mix, but to turn this knowledge into an integral of his plans is a BIG risk, because YHWH is unpredictable.
He ALWAYS has unexpected surprise moves which none of the Shadows anticipated, and once YHWH makes His move, the Shadows are reduced to salvaging whatever they can from their former great plans.
The Satan found out the hard way that whenever he seeks to exploit and manipulate YHWH, YHWH has an ace up His sleeve and outsmarts the Satan with a surprise move the Evil One did not anticipate.

Man may have a predictable psychological profile, YHWH on the other hand has plenty of surprises in store.
It's as if He knows every move of the Satan in advance...
Tell me Babel, how will you be able to have victory over Someone who already knows how you plan to establish your victory even before you conceived of the idea for a plan?

So, even though the Adversary has a detailed knowledge of the Mix and what he needs to do to remain within a safety Margin, the moment he seeks to venture beyond that safety Margin in order to implement a plan, he enters into an insecure zone where he cannot be 100% sure of HOW YHWH will react, and exactly WHEN He will react.

This is why the Adversary wants to have everything in place before he takes the big plunge, and seeks to turn this world the stage of a Satanic reality.
He knows YHWH will manifest as Destruction to this stage once the Satanic reality destroys all remnants of YHWH's paradigm on Earth, in which case the Adversary needs to have his answer ready, an answer he has been anticipating for many, many centuries.

The Accuser has no choice in this matter.
YHWH has determined a fixed time-table for mankind, a fixed order of the cyclic motion of time, and once the clock of man's appointed time-table moves from the '6' into the '7', the Adversary HAS to take the risk and act, or else he will be relegated to the sideline awaiting eternal isolation in the realm of Gehenna.

Yet at the same time, by acting out the plan he has in mind, the Satan runs the risk of fulfilling prophecy, something which he has done before in the past.
It is a bit of a dilemma for him, because to do nothing equals passive acceptance of YHWH's paradigm, yet to act out his plan brings the risk of unexpected counter-moves from YHWH's side, and he may end up fulfilling YHWH's prophecies.

I suppose the Satan would love to drag his exploitation of mankind and YHWH's children into eternity.
After all, he is in charge, and man provides him with the opportunity to harvest energy and talents from them.
But YHWH will not allow this exploitation to carry on forever.
He has created a slot on the time-table where man is allowed to attend the school of Dualism and let his character be shaped by the experience, after which the final slot on the time-table serves as a prelude to the new beginning in a new Creation.

And that is why the Satan is forced to come up with a strategy to thwart YHWH's plans and prevent Him from carrying out His resolve to confine the Adversary to a realm of Devastation, the realm of Evil.
In his heart the Satan may be under the compulsion to rebel against YHWH and reject His paradigm, but he does enjoy the goodies he finds in YHWH's creation.
So, he wants to take those goodies and incorporate them into his own Satanic reality, take the Good and leave Bad.

Oops, wasn't that a bad slip of the tongue, a direct reference to YHWH's paradigm, 'take Good, leave Bad'?
Babel seeks to appropriate what SHE deems beneficial without compromising her precious 'freedom' by submitting to YHWH's bigoted paradigm of Good and Evil, isn't that how you would phrase it,  Babel?
But in order to succeed, Babel has to trump YHWH in this final phase.
Failure is not an option.

If the plans of the Satan do NOT work out, you can be sure that in his anger he will NOT allow YHWH to have this planet as a stage for His millennium, and he will do everything in his power to blot out man and erase life on this planet.
If he goes down, we go down.
Or so he believes.

But sometimes the plans do not work out as well as you had hoped, isn't that right Babel?
The nations you had hoped to shape into a gigantic fist of channeled and purposed aggression suddenly turned on themselves, and the mighty fist is crumbling.
Suddenly the serpentine circle of nations poised to suffocate the tiny splinter in the eye of the Fallen One can't wrap itself around its prey Israel as easily as the Evil One planned it.

That's the problem when YHWH meddles with your plans, isn't it?
Man becomes unstable under emotion, and when something or Someone pushes him while you are stirring up his fire of anger and hatred, he just might drop that Molotov cocktail in your own backyard.
And wouldn't you know that somehow YHWH always seems to have a hand in this?
Yes, YHWH is the Great Mystery Factor, unpredictable and unforeseen.

In the light of the internal crisis in the Evil empire your agents must be working over-time, Babel!
Do I sense an air of subdued panic?
I mean, your smooth trajectory is crudely interrupted, and your game of exploitation no longer works as well as it should in the current dire straits of economic malaise.
People are bereft of the reward of your blessings for conforming to your exploitation, and they are beginning to ask questions.
The Truth about a game of exploitation is dawning in the consciousness of many people, and your great structure of the wheels within the wheels begins to creak and move slower than before as the unrest and the awareness of the exploitation game grows steadily.

More people than ever before are waking up out of their slumber of comfort, and you must be busier than ever, Babel.
How are you going to make sure your contraption of the big wheel of the Lie can continue to run as smoothly as it always has?
You better hurry to make your next move if you want to remain in the driver's seat.
But then again, if you have to rush your plans because circumstances force you to, who then is the one in charge, you, or your circumstances?
Or should I say, you, or the One shaping circumstances?
You don't like this idea too much, that Someone is able to manipulate the Great Manipulator, do you Babel?
It's an insult to your over-sized ego, and you don't cope very well with anything which makes you look bad in the eyes of people, and even more so, in the eyes of your fellow compatriots in the Evil cause, do you Babel?

I am just a small voice in the wilderness of nations, but many small voices make one big noise, the sort of noise YHWH might use to bring down the walls of your Jericho.
As more and more people are released from the mesmerizing veil of deception, the noise is building up in an ever increasing crescendo.
This is not quite the prelude to your grand finale you had hoped for, is it Babel?

The Adversary underestimates YHWH's power because his arrogance has made him blind.
Although he may have his plans and schemes for the end, YHWH has already foreseen these plans and He incorporated the moves the Evil One makes as an integral part of His plan for the restoration of mankind.

And yet how many are seduced to believe in the false promises of the Evil One when he holds up his image of the Satanic paradise where 'man can do as he pleases'!
It is based on the Lie of freedom, where the law of 'do as thou wilt' is promoted as man gaining autonomous control over his Life, but which really is man reducing himself to a slave puppet of Evil instinct.
You will not end up doing what YOU want, but what the instinct of EVIL makes you believe that you want.
You are tricked into believing that this dictate of Evil is your own will, but once become aware of Truth and you seek to escape, you realize that you are a prisoner unable to set yourself free from Evil.

Those who fall for the Lie fail to realize that the Adversary does not have their best interest at heart, but instead he seeks to eradicate and replace man.
His entire notion of a Satanic paradise is an absurdity at best, something which can never exist.
They trust in a liar and a notorious con-artist, thinking he will not deceive them because he loves them and cares for them.

I trust in a Father who will NEVER leave His own children alone, I love a Father who has descended into the depths of the Pit to lead His children back home, and I reject the false comforts of a liar who never had any love in his heart for man, one who instead sought to steal, exploit and murder man in his vulnerable, weakened state.
Yes, that is you, Babel, the deceiving harlot locking man into fornication with hell itself.

I trust in YHWH, and He will take care of me and all those who belong to the same Family, my brothers, my sisters, my mothers, my fathers who came from Heaven also to be part of this Earth Experience.
Our Father will lead us into His Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven, and NO plans or schemes of the Wicked One will prosper against YHWH, because He will become Destruction to the Destroyer, just as He is Life and Light to the ones who love the Light.
Light amplifies Light, but it destroys Darkness because of what Darkness is.

The Satan loves to take pride in his plans and the empire he established here, and how well he is able to manage and exploit people.
Yet I have a prophetic word against that unbridled ego which has puffed its owner up to the imaginary position of a god: your plans will hatch chaos where you sought to build your order, and your unity will spawn strife and division as it implodes and turns on itself.

In the end you will make a complete mess of your plans as you have ALWAYS done, and your lot shall not be in the splendor of a paradise, but in the Dark recesses of the dungeon you made your home the moment you ventured into the deception of your intellect.

The Adversary's empire is not as tightly integrated as many people believe it is, and the evidence of its weaknesses will become increasingly clear as the Satanic Conglomeration turns on itself like a cancer devouring itself, a process which already is set in motion.
Yet YHWH's Light shall shine, and it will unlock the gates of paradise for man where finally, FINALLY, we will be able to lead constructive lives focusing on developing the talents our beloved Father gave us without having to waste time on never-ending patterns of inane obstruction the Evil One sends on our path.

I long for that Kingdom of Heaven, because we pine away in this twilight zone, constantly suffering from the omni-present Falsehood and the rewards it bestows on those who worship it, while punishing the ones who stand in contrast with it.
On this darkened planet we experience obstruction and exploitation at the hands of unseen enemies so that whatever we are able to bring forth is a miracle in itself.
We have to witness how the Liars, Haters, the Cheaters who are part of the Satanic Idiot Crew receive all the rewards and bonuses while the witnesses of Truth are despised and hated, how honest people are duped and robbed by deceivers who are blessed by their crimes, and how the bright intelligent minds of YHWH's children are forced to comply with the moronic dictates of the Satanic Idiot Crew, or else face up to the whip of the relentless punishers.

I take comfort in the knowledge that the golden age of mankind is yet to come, and I pray that YHWH will no longer delay the manifestation of His Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven.