In this
article I want to discuss the language and properties of numbers.
In my
discussion I will focus on the 'why', WHY YHWH uses certain numbers, WHY the
Fallen Ones use certain numbers and WHY they mimic YHWH in this regard also.
Once you
understand the why, the deception of the 'glamorous' occult mystique is shattered.
I will
explain in this first part the function of numbers and their properties, and in
the next part I will discuss with you how YHWH uses numbers and tells a story
by means of numbers, followed by the third part where I will explain how the
Dark side seeks to pervert YHWH's numbers and use their properties to establish
their own utopia, a realm where YHWH has no dominion which in reality is a
madman's fantasy.
tell a story, they create links and relationships, and they are an integral
part of a construction plan.
we see around us is based on numbers, from the colors we perceive to the sound
we hear, from the vast constellations in the cosmos to the single atom which is
part of a molecule.
YHWH spoke Creation into existence, His sound was the vibration of energy which
brought forth our physical cosmos among other things.
vibration of energy is based on and expressed in numbers.
When we hear a sound, we hear numbers, when we see a color, we see a number, when we touch an object, we touch a physical expression of a number.
Our reality is born from the vibration of energy, and this vibration expresses itself in numbers.
When we hear a sound, we hear numbers, when we see a color, we see a number, when we touch an object, we touch a physical expression of a number.
Our reality is born from the vibration of energy, and this vibration expresses itself in numbers.
think of sound, and how we perceive sound by means of air pressure variations.
A single
tone is expressed in terms of a frequency, and this frequency is nothing other
than the number of air pressure variations per second.
changing this number, we change the tone.
numbers are an integral part of our reality and how it manifests to our
They are
much more than just a passive tape measure, and the forces of Darkness know
this only too well.
That is
the reason why in occultism you will see certain numbers recurring over and
over again.
play an important role in the manifestation of reality as we know it.
I mentioned that when we hear a certain tone, this tone is the result of cyclic
variations in air pressure.
For instance, the tone
'A' on the piano can consist of 440 of these cycles, and when we play that 'A', we hear acoustic
energy where a number expresses itself in an audible tone.
If you
then use the number '2' to multiply that frequency of 440 Hertz, you suddenly hear a different
manifestation of the tone 'A', which is the 'A' an octave higher.
If you
then take this new tone and combine it with the original 'A', the result will
be a harmonic interval, a relationship between two numbers manifesting as one
new reality of sound.
number you use to multiply the 'A' with, including decimals, will result in a
different manifestation of a tone in the aural spectrum our ears can perceive.
By multiplying the 'A' with a decimal, and adding the new resulting tone to the original 'A', you can make it support a dissonant if
you so desire.
The original character of the 'A' is changed in a very dramatic way because a different number derived from that 'A' was added to it to form the reality of a dissonant interval.
In other words, the acoustic energy of the 'A' as a pure tone now has been usurped into the new reality to support the dissonance.
Remember this, because this principle is at the root of the numerical system of the Fallen Ones.
They use what YHWH created and absorb it into a context of their own in order to use the energy of YHWH's creation for their own purposes.
The original character of the 'A' is changed in a very dramatic way because a different number derived from that 'A' was added to it to form the reality of a dissonant interval.
In other words, the acoustic energy of the 'A' as a pure tone now has been usurped into the new reality to support the dissonance.
Remember this, because this principle is at the root of the numerical system of the Fallen Ones.
They use what YHWH created and absorb it into a context of their own in order to use the energy of YHWH's creation for their own purposes.
What I wrote here about sound is also is true for light and the wavelengths (numbers) of light.
entire cosmos as we know it is based on numbers and their relations.
So too
the entire cyclic construct of time is based on and expressed in a numerical
plan, and by using these numbers and their properties it is possible to change
the manifestation of time and all of Creation, just as when we multiplied the
frequency of 'A' on the piano with a decimal and a new tone was the end result.
A very
clear example of how numbers affect reality is to think of the chemical
structure of carbon dioxide, CO2.
If you
change the number of oxygen molecules in this structure, you suddenly get
carbon monoxide, CO, a toxic compound whereas CO2 is not.
CO has
different properties than CO2, and so by simply changing the number of oxygen molecules in CO2, the
properties of CO2 in our physical reality is changed.
CO2 won't kill us, CO can.
CO2 won't kill us, CO can.
Adversary uses the construction of numbers as it is created by YHWH, and turns
the numbers into vehicles for the creation of a Shadow world, a world which no longer
is under YHWH's dominion but under the rule of the principle of Evil, the
rebellion against YHWH.
Fallen Ones place YHWH's numbers in different contexts, adding other numbers to
them or multiplying them with their own numbers so that YHWH's numbers end up
as constructional elements in the realization of the plans of the Fallen Ones.
are an integral part of YHWH's structural plan, not just for Creation, but also
for individual lives.
I am
sure some of you (if not all of you) have been aware of the occurrence of
certain numerical themes in your life, recurring numbers as if someone is
playing with you.
It is
not so much YHWH playing with you as the fact that He constructed your life as
a symphony, and the recurrence of certain numbers is like a theme for your life
which He gave you.
The fact
that He makes you aware of them is His way of letting you know that nothing in
your life happened by chance or coincidence.
you, the Adversary knows this, and he attempts to use those numbers in his own
plan for your life, beware of that!
use of numbers often is derailed into the realm of absurdity, where it takes on
the equivalent of a horoscope with 'lucky numbers' and other types of
You have
to make sure to do certain things on certain dates, and avoid other things in
order to make it through the day successfully.
This is
just a lie the Adversary created, just as the horoscope is the Adversary's way
of making you blind to the story YHWH has portrayed in the Heavens.
It is
the perception shell of lies created by the Adversary to make you blind to the Truth
behind numbers and the constellations, a form of idolatry where you look to
numbers and stars for guidance in your Life, and a strategy designed to divert and hide
the deeper Truth.
All too
often I see how Christians reject good and worthwhile elements simply because
the Adversary has put them in a package where they are surrounded by lies.
But that
is the way the Fallen Ones work: they take what is created by YHWH, and proceed
to subvert it and twist it by incorporating it in a framework of falsehood.
If the
term 'meditation' is connected to Eastern religions, then everything which uses
that term therefore becomes Evil in the eyes of reactionary Christians, if
horoscopes are Evil, then everything which refers to the presence of a story in
the form of a Zodiac is Evil, if numerology uses numbers as an equivalent of
horoscopes, then every association of numbers to anything other than a
mathematical order is deemed Evil.
This is
a dumb and reactionary attitude which cuts people off from a deeper understanding, an attitude which locks people into servitude of a particular religious dogma and therefore just another form of idolatry.
All you
have to do is to learn to distinguish, and separate the Lie from the elements
of Truth instead of rejecting the entire package the Adversary presents to
people, which also includes elements of Truth used in support of the Lie.
very rarely the Fallen Ones present to us a straight Lie.
The best
Lie consists of a large dose of Truth mixed with a small leaven of the Lie
placed at strategic points so that the entire package will come to refer to the
Lie, and the elements of Truth are there to lend credibility to the package of Falsehood.
take the Good, and leave the Bad, accept the elements of Truth, and strip away
everything which stands in service of the Lie, the exact reverse of what the
Fallen Ones did when they took Truth and added the leaven of the Lie to it.
It is
good to learn to discern, and separate the elements of Truth from the leaven of
the Lie.
created the form of the Zodiac to tell a story, just as He uses numbers to not
only tell a story, but also to create a reality founded upon these numbers and
their relationships.
bear in mind that Evil is completely derivative and reactionary in nature.
It is
not a source of existence in itself, it does not have any energy of its own
other than the energy and Life-force we were given by YHWH and which we
sacrifice to Evil by means of choosing for Evil, operating the switch of choice
to rebel against YHWH through Sin and thereby convert His energy into the
energized state of Evil.
Once we
have aligned ourselves with Evil we begin to reflect this derivative and
reactionary character.
vessels of Evil, be they man or angel, become embodiments of this derivative,
reactionary character of Evil.
When we become expressions of Evil, our way of getting energy and feeling good is by stealing it from others.
We take
that which YHWH gave to others, such as specific talents, and appropriate them
for ourselves,.
We absorb the rewards due to others, we steal the carefree joyous attitude from YHWH's own which we are so jealous of, and we make them feel miserable so that we can feel good by comparison, secretly reveling in their misery which replaced the joy and happiness.
We absorb the rewards due to others, we steal the carefree joyous attitude from YHWH's own which we are so jealous of, and we make them feel miserable so that we can feel good by comparison, secretly reveling in their misery which replaced the joy and happiness.
Once we
align ourselves with Evil, we live Life in reverse.
Fallen Ones also display this reactionary, derivative nature of Evil in the way
they steal what YHWH created and make it their own, like in the case of YHWH's
use of numbers.
plagiarize YHWH's system in order to free up its energy in service of their own
false numerical system, so that they can build up their own reality in the
image of their rebellion.
Yet they
live in a bubble of illusion, believing that they can succeed while in fact
they have become living embodiments of a failure the moment they aligned
themselves with non-existence, Evil.
Even though they may plot and scheme and invent their own numerical code and building blocks for their imagined reality, it will come to naught, because Evil is passive and reactionary, and all it takes for YHWH to undo the works of Darkness is to shine His Light on them, and what remains are the things which originated in the Light, and what vanishes are the things which embody the absence of Light.
Even though they may plot and scheme and invent their own numerical code and building blocks for their imagined reality, it will come to naught, because Evil is passive and reactionary, and all it takes for YHWH to undo the works of Darkness is to shine His Light on them, and what remains are the things which originated in the Light, and what vanishes are the things which embody the absence of Light.
can't outsmart the Master-Designer.
because the Fallen Ones have become Evil and display the character of Evil,
since insanity is one of the character traits of Evil they believe they can
succeed in triumphing over their Creator.
It is
important to remember that numbers are much more than just a symbolic
expression of a concept.
Not that
numbers have 'magical powers' contained within themselves, but they cause energy to manifest in certain ways and have certain properties, and as such our reality can be changed by changing the numbers.
If you
multiply the frequency of a tone with a number, you no longer get the same tone, but a different tone, and if you change the number of molecules of a chemical element in a chemical substance, you change its properties and its behavior.
The same
of true for every aspect of Creation, and that is where numbers show their
function as constructional elements of our reality.
You will
find in the Bible many examples of recurring numbers.
Why do
you think the tabernacle, the temple and the Heavenly Jerusalem are described
in numerical detail in the Bible?
indicate how numbers are constructional elements in the building plan, and how
the application of these numbers results in a particular manifestation of the
building to which they pertain.
At the
same time the usage of these numbers spells out a story of reality, of YHWH's
plan for mankind.
Just as
these numbers are constructional elements of the building as well as relate a
story, numbers are used to construct our reality and the story of man in his
cyclic time-based existence on Earth.
And how
about a musical score?
musical score is a notation of numbers you are looking at, numbers determining
the pitches you will perceive and their character, as well as numbers
regulating the construction of the music you are looking at.
these numbers combined result in the reality of a particular piece of music, a creation of numerical expressions of
acoustic energy together forming the reality of a musical composition.
That is
the reason why the Adversary goes to such great lengths to create his own
reality by means of his perversion of YHWH's numbers.
I am
convinced that the original language of man was perfectly aligned with a
numerical system, unlike the many languages we speak which are jumbled and
mixed up.
YHWH spoke Creation into existence, the sound He made carried the energy
expressed in numerical sequences as constructional elements, and the end result
was the reality we are part of.
think of how a molecule has different properties and a different behavior
depending on the atoms and their number, and how the atom consists of a nucleus
which is surrounded by a certain number of electrons.
In other
words, the properties of matter which we observe, and how they behave, thus
forming the scenery of our reality, are determined by vibrations of energy in a
numerical relationship, meaning, numbers are constructional elements of
determine properties and behavior of matter, and they are an integral part of
the 'sound of Creation', YHWH's spoken word.
This is
why numerical formulas can be used to describe the laws of physics and chemistry.
remember that numbers are a language, like a form of hieroglyphs.
Just as the
meaning of words can change depending on the context of the sentence in which
they are placed, the meaning of numbers is more than just the sum of the meaning
of individual numbers combined.
Together they
express a concept which depends on the entire context of the numbers.
numbers are constructional elements of our reality.
When you
hear a sound, you hear a number expressing itself by means of air pressure
variations and the electro-chemical circuit of your brains.
When you
see a color you are looking at an electromagnetic manifestation of a number.
when you reflect on your life you are looking at a configuration of numbers.
is built upon the principle of energy expressing itself in numbers so that the
energy manifests in a particular way.
In the
next part I will discuss YHWH's use of numbers and their meaning.
Update September 20 2013:
ReplyDeleteI just read an interesting article published on September 13th which discusses reality and how that which we perceive as the reality of Creation may be a manifestation of numbers (it is!), and the numbers bestow specific properties on the form in which numbers manifest.
The article I am referring to ( is not exactly easy to read, but nevertheless it may be of interest.
Here's an excerpt:
"Over the past century and a half, field theory has transformed physics as a science. It has also changed our view of reality. As theoretical physicists now see it, the core of nature is nothing more substantial than waving fields. As Carroll told us, fields are “the true reality” while the apparent substance of matter – its solidity and point-like concentration – is an artefact of our limited powers of perception.
And so we return to our original question: what exactly are these fields? If fields are “states of space”, what exactly is “the state” that is changing here? At the end of Carroll’s lecture, I put this question to him. His answer, after a considerable pause, was both illuminating and confounding.
Each state of space, he said, was a matrix of numbers, one number for each point in space. As a field changes, what is really changing is the value of the numbers.
Carroll seemed simultaneously elated and a bit dazed by this idea. For myself, I could not help thinking of the film The Matrix, in which Keanu Reeves’s character discovers that the world he has known all his life is actually a computerised simulation generated by the matrix.
I recognise here the apprehension that Lord Kelvin expressed when he worried that the power of mathematics would carry physics beyond comprehension, not only of ordinary human beings but of physicists. “I am never content until I have constructed a mechanical model of the subject I am studying. If I succeed in making one, I understand; otherwise I do not,” he wrote. Yet as a great mathematician, Kelvin recognised the mysterious power of equations and numbers, noting that “the more you understand what is wrong with a figure, the more valuable that figure becomes”.
There is no question that with field theory physicists have been able to describe with enormous precision how forces and particles behave, thereby giving us a platform on which we have built so many of the technologies of modern life. By figuring out the world with their equations and numbers, physicists have transformed the very fabric of everyday experience.
But are we able to accept ourselves as flickers in a matrix of shifting sequences of numbers?"