The Conspiracy - III
The conspiracy on its most basic level consists of the
strategy of Fallen Angels, who have become manifestations of Evil, to overcome and
overthrow YHWH and the Angels who love Him.
This strategy of the Fallen Ones manifests in a war
they wage against Good since the definition of Good is based on YHWH's will.
This battle started in the metaphysical realm, and from the
metaphysical realm it extended into the physical realm.
The leader of the Fallen Ones aims to prove that he is
at least equally capable of meeting the requirements for a Creator, yes, that
he is even better than YHWH Himself.
The conspiracy is born out of pride, and out of pride the ambition to defy YHWH and find a way to escape His judgment is born.
The conspiracy is born out of pride, and out of pride the ambition to defy YHWH and find a way to escape His judgment is born.
For this purpose each move YHWH makes begets a
counter-move from the Fallen Ones which seeks to eliminate YHWH's move and
trump it.
So, if YHWH makes the distinction between Good and
Evil as defined by His standards, and operates through Truth, the Fallen Ones
reject YHWH's definition of Good, and they use Lies as their means to
overcome YHWH's Truth.
Each move is countered by a Shadow-move.
The physical dimension is a lower reality compared to
the spiritual realm, like the world of a dream compares to the physical world.
The conspiracy began in the real metaphysical world as
a dream in the mind of the Fallen One which captured him into its false
From this dimension the conspiracy grew to incorporate
the level of the physical world as well.
Through giving in to the seduction of the Fallen Angel
the first man signed away not only his autonomy under YHWH, but also his
It used to be an environment where YHWH ruled, but
Adam gave it away to the rulership of Fallen Angels.
They took over and began to shape man's environment
into a structure where Falsehood thrives.
All this was done for the sake of the one basic ideal
to let rebellion against YHWH prevail over YHWH's way, so that the Fallen Ones
could claim rightful ownership of the throne of Creation if they manage to beat
The conspiracy was translated from a spiritual battle
into a physical battle, and the structure of exploitation serving the basic
ideal of the Fallen Ones is just a tool for the implementation of the
conspiracy on a physical level.
Within this structure the conspiracy further
translates itself into different aspects of Life on Earth, such as politics,
religion, education, medicine, art, entertainment, family, business, in short,
every aspect we are familiar with is controlled by the poisonous substance of
the conspiracy.
The conspiracy consists of the Fallen Angels, both in
metaphysical form and the flesh, and the ideas they plant into the brains of
puppets who are willing to subscribe to their philosophy and their rebellion.
Together with the Demon Spirits they form the hard
core of the conspiracy which is invisible to our eyes, but which manifests
itself on a physical level in the form of individuals acting in accord with the
agenda of the conspiracy.
They may believe in the ideal of the Fallen Ones, or
they may simply go along for the sake of receiving material rewards on the
physical level.
They are the brainwashed collaborators, willing pawns
who are tricked into acceptance of the Lie and who will promote the Lie for the
sake of running after the elusive carrot the Fallen Ones dangle in front of
The stage of this physical world is flooded by many
sell-outs to such a high degree that the entire stage has become one huge
manifestation of the Lie.
Genuine Goodness has become extremely scarce and hard
to find.
The Fallen Ones have made themselves blind to the fact
that YHWH is not locked into a struggle between Good vs. Evil as if He has to fight
Evil in order to stay in power.
Yes, there IS a battle between Good and Evil, but although He manifests Himself very clearly and distinctly in the battle YHWH
stands above it all.
He translates His will in the domain of the battle in
the form of the Father who judges Evil, the Son who saves and liberates from
Evil, and the Ruach HaKodesh who builds up a new identity which is free from
Evil is not a threat to YHWH by any means, because on
His level of being Evil does not exist.
Evil is an artificially engineered state of being
which YHWH created in order to give His children a different perspective on His
nature, and to carve out qualities in our character by means of this duality of
Good vs. Evil.
Compare it to the personification of wisdom as a woman
beckoning people on the street to pay attention to her words, as Solomon did in
Proverbs 8.
Wisdom in the form of a woman becomes real on the
level of literature, a literary avatar of the principle of wisdom.
Likewise the manifestation of Evil, which is
non-existence, becomes a reality on the level of the current phase of Creation
as an avatar of a principle, one which divides Creation into that which is, and
that which embodies and manifests everything which is the absence and opposite
of that which is (Light - Darkness, Joy - Depression, Heat - Cold).
As such Evil is merely a tool in YHWH's hands, and the
Fallen Ones have made themselves blind to the fact that they compulsively act
out an instinct of Evil.
They refer to this compulsion as freedom from YHWH's
will, but in fact their freedom is slavery to the Shadow side of a dualistic
They chose to lock themselves into a prison of Evil,
and although they see themselves as formidable opponents of YHWH, they have
become like air to Him.
In their delusion the Fallen Ones regard themselves as
the rightful heirs to the throne of Creation, and to prove their point they
have devised the strategy of a cosmic conspiracy, one which aims to re-create
the entire order of the cosmos.
The great conspiracy is not limited to an exclusive
club of the wealthy and powerful elite plotting to dominate the world in order
reduce the average man in the street to cattle in their ranch, while they build
their luxurious paradise on his back.
It is not just about a few Illuminati who work out
Weishaupt's legacy, consciously and willingly labor towards a Luciferian
utopia where they can sit by the pool while the man in the street bleeds.
No, the conspiracy is much bigger and far more
It involves the Fallen Ones seeking to spite YHWH in
one last final move.
It is about an invasion carried out by beings who
operate on Evil instinct yet who are able to appear as if they are angels from
It aims to replace man carrying the image of Good and
Evil within him by a new man in a new order, an order which is not tied to
YHWH's paradigm of Good vs. Evil, but one which is the result of rebellion
against YHWH, a New Order in the image of Evil.
The Fallen Ones aim to create a new body.
A new, immortal body with instant regeneration,
resistant to disease because of a modified, enhanced immune system, a body which
no longer is limited to the bandwidth of physical creation, a body which has no
place in YHWH's order so that it is disconnected from YHWH's interference and
therefore an ideal vessel for the Spirits of the Fallen Ones, a body which acts
as a new synthetic shield against YHWH so that the Fallen Ones can escape the
consequences of their rebellion.
You think the Fallen Ones are just going to sit around
twiddling their thumbs, waiting for YHWH to lock them into Gehenna?
No, they have set up a plan to escape their fate, and
throughout the centuries they have been pacing forward towards their goal by conducting many experiments
on both man and beast, perfecting their knowledge so that they will be able to
implement an entirely new order that will replace YHWH's order.
In their current form the Fallen Angels cannot escape
from YHWH because they are created by Him as an integral part of His order.
This is why the Demon Spirits were so afraid when they faced Yahshua, because they were unable to shield themselves against Him and feared that He might decide to send them into Gehenna, the realm of destruction.
This is why the Demon Spirits were so afraid when they faced Yahshua, because they were unable to shield themselves against Him and feared that He might decide to send them into Gehenna, the realm of destruction.
This is why the Fallen Ones are desperate for a synthetic shield
against YHWH's interference, and they hope to find this in the creation of a
new man which has no place in YHWH's order, and then proceed to merge with the
new man in order to hide behind this synthetic shield.
By BECOMING the synthetic shield against YHWH they
hope to remain out of His reach and thus escape His punishment, since the shield
is like a force-field, a wall of static interference against YHWH's signal.
For the Fallen Ones the new order is not just about a
game of chess.
They have placed their bet on their ability to provide new bodies and a new order for themselves, one which can exist in a state of separation from YHWH.
They have placed their bet on their ability to provide new bodies and a new order for themselves, one which can exist in a state of separation from YHWH.
The conspiracy aims to eradicate mankind and replace
it with a new mankind.
The conspiracy means the complete destruction of this
planet, either through replacing it with an entirely new synthetic order, or,
in case the Fallen Ones fail, by leaving YHWH a heritage of scorched Earth so
that Earth will look like a twin planet of Mars in all aspects.
It is about winning from YHWH and escaping His
judgment, and the Fallen Ones will leave no stone unturned in their desire to succeed
and triumph.
If you think you knew already of the horrors the
Shadows are capable of, you have seen nothing yet compared to what is to come,
especially since YHWH is about to actively become engaged in the final battle
with them, with Earth as the final bastion of the Fallen Ones to be conquered.
This battle will manifest itself in its most intense
fury here on Earth.
For the Fallen Ones their illusion of freedom is at stake, and they will go to extremes to
make sure that their empire maintains its status.
Their freedom is nothing other than a cloak of slavery
to Evil instinct, and their quest to preserve this freedom is just a quest to
remain in control, a power struggle.
A snake does not contemplate whether it is Good or
Evil to bite an animal and poison it to death.
It just operates from instinct, and the serpentine
Fallen Ones operate from a similar Evil instinct which does not think in terms
of Good vs. Evil.
Instead, they have an ideal they want to realize, and
whether or not it involves the destruction of man is irrelevant to them.
In their eyes there is no intrinsic value of Good or
Evil attached to blessing or killing someone.
The conspiracy involves beings from another dimension
who set up a structure on Earth allowing them to control man through both
visible and invisible strings.
The invisible
strings are our weaknesses and our mental conditioning which bind us as slaves
to the whims of the Shadows.
They are able to manipulate us through our weaknesses
and fill our mind with ideas they are able to project into it.
The visible
strings in the hands of the Fallen Ones are the power structures which force us
into a straightjacket, the blueprint of society in the form of schools, politics, offices, laws, religion, health care, etc.
At the mercy of the strings we live out empty lives in
the dream the Shadows have created.
To make us blind to the emptiness of
the absurd existence on this stage, the Shadow Masters surround us with many distractions
and pre-occupations so that our involvement with them keeps us locked out the
realization of the ugly truth.
The ones who gradually begin to wake up are given a
new false perspective which incorporates the new elements into their vision of
the stage reality in order that they, through acceptance of this new
perspective, still remain locked into the dream prison, albeit on a different
level and in a different configuration of their ideas of reality.
The visible strings manifest themselves in collective
political agendas, and the organizations and clubs organizing regular meetings
to fine-tune the individual ambitions of local politicians to the collective
agenda for the entire world, like during the Bilderberg meetings where
political forces are united in the common cause of the implementation of the
How does this agenda come into existence?
Through the interference of the Fallen Ones who select candidates to pick up and promote their agenda, and who plant their ideas into minds which are open to their suggestions.
Yes, thoughts and ideas can be projected into a mind and picked up
by the personality of the one into whose mind the idea was projected.
The acceptance of the agenda can be and almost always
IS manipulated through engineering the circumstances which necessitate the
acceptance of the agenda.
A problem is created where the agenda points towards a
solution which brings the new order a step closer.
A very clear and obvious attempt of this kind of
engineering is the effort which is put in trying to disarm the American people.
Put an automatic weapon in the hands of a brainwashed
idiot who kills a lot of children with the gun, then point at the availability
of the gun as the cause for the massacre in order to maneuver the people into
disarming themselves.
If the strategy fails, then the division between the brainwashed Americans and those who resisted the manipulation can become so severe that the two camps end up waging an internal war against each other, so that the nation ends up being destroyed from within, which was the original purpose behind the disarmament to begin with: to destroy the autonomy of the USA as an independent nation so that it will no longer be an obstacle to the creation of a new world order.
Instead, the USA and whatever is left of its armament can be used to support the implementation of the new polical world union.
The most effective way to promote the agenda of the
Evil Ones is through manipulation of the circumstances so that the people are
left with the choice between the devil and the deep blue sea.
Isn't that exactly what the elections for our nations
have become, given an occasional exception here and there?
The illusion of a democracy is kept alive by presenting
candidates and political parties which are nothing but different shades of one
and the same phenomenon.
Every step of the way which leads to the awakening to the Truth the Fallen Ones have planted new
traps to hook us into a different level of the dream they created.
It is a highly sophisticated, complex and refined
structure of manipulation thriving on a combination of socio-political and
psychological strategies.
The Devil truly is a master psychologist.
Having the awareness that we live in a prison where
unseen forces exploit us is not so much of a threat to the Shadow Masters,
because most of us can be trapped in the ways we seek to escape our
These ways all too often are nothing other than
subsets of wheels within the big wheel of Lies, and they trap us in an illusion
of our rebellion against our imprisoned state while in fact we still remain
trapped, albeit in a different configuration, a different set of glasses
through which we view the stage reality.
There is only one escape route, and that is the choice
to believe in the ultimate freedom fighter, Yahshua.
Yet even on that level the Shadow Masters have
provided us with another level of their dream world in the form of religion
seeking to lock our souls into a plastic conformity to religious dogma passing
for the liberating Truth.
The only way to freedom is through establishing a
living relationship with YHWH in Yahshua, and once that happens, you become the
misfit, the one who is waking up in a world which is dead intent on remaining
Once the Shadow Masters see that you are no longer
plugged into their matrix, they will turn against you and seek to make sure
that you will experience punishment in various forms for your rebellion.
They will seek to ruin your life, deprive you of
prosperity and finances, isolating you from interacting with others in the
Just like Yahshua said, 'if they persecuted Me, they
will persecute you'.
The movie 'the Matrix' was eerily correct in many
different ways, even to the point where it shows how the release from the
system begins on the most basic level with the choice.
The choice is what life here is all about, and the
choice is our key which can open up the door of our prison.
And still, in spite of the symbolism of a movie like 'the
Matrix', the Fallen Ones love to serve it as entertainment, watching with great
amusement how we are looking at our plight and praise the makers of the film
while at the same time we cannot really figure out who or what or how we can
escape from our prison.
The Fallen Ones have access to our dimension at will,
and they walk among us as they please.
They are the ones who select candidates for key
positions in the great wheel of Lies to make sure their agenda is promoted and
Within the ranks of power in Babel's contraption some
are very aware of the sinister agenda they serve, and they work consciously
towards the Luciferian society.
Others are mere brainwashed pawns who are not able to
see the horror they are part of, or they may simply close their eyes in denial, selling out for the sake of gratifying
their own programmed needs and desires.
The conspiracy is to implement a system of
exploitation and total control which will receive its crowning glory in the
replacement of the slaves by genetically modified substitutes.
The horror of the ugliness of Babel's system has been
foreshadowed many times before on Earth, and today you only have to look at a
nation such as China where the Communist mask of Babel forces laborers to work
in camps under the most dire conditions, like working 15 hours each day, 7 days
per week, being rewarded with next to nothing.
If you have to work all day long in order to be able to afford food and rent, you simply are too tired to rise up against the whip of the stern taskmasters.
The conspiracy means the deliberate destruction of
economies as we are witnessing on a global scale today.
It serves to destroy the old system in order that the
new system of one global currency and one global market can be established, so
that a global top-down power structure as present within the structure of the wheels
within the wheel of the big Lie comes into existence, the physical
manifestation of the structure of the pyramids.
The Fallen Ones and those who are in alliance with
them could not care less if this destruction means suffering for the many who
become jobless and even homeless because they cannot afford to pay the rent any
Just look at what the socialists(!) did in Spain
where some of the old people are forced to live in tents.
Weren't the Socialists the ones who take pride in
having a heart for the underprivileged?
Look at their deeds and observe how it is just a ploy
to gain power and serve Babel's minions.
Socialists are just the Evil handmaidens of Communists
seeking to control man and reduce him to the rank of a slave serving the
privileged Socialist elite.
The conspiracy aims to transform Earth into one big cattle ranch.
To streamline the organization of this ranch a large electronic information grid has been built.
To streamline the organization of this ranch a large electronic information grid has been built.
I am sure you all are familiar with the the extent to which we already are under constant surveillance through an
electronically documented network which keeps track of our moves, and which expands on a
daily basis until it fully has enveloped us in its tentacles.
It is the physical manifestation of the all-seeing eye on top of the pyramid structure of Evil.
It is the physical manifestation of the all-seeing eye on top of the pyramid structure of Evil.
The existence of an electronic grid where every move
we make is linked and organized into one electronic document of who we are and what we do is
like candy to the ambition of those who seek to establish world domination.
The conspiracy means that you are being served an
illusion of a democracy while in fact you have no choice at all.
The only option left at your disposal is the choice
between servant A and servant B in Babel's empire.
There is no democracy.
The Lie rules, and the biggest Liar reaps the biggest
The situation is so bad that good men cannot survive
in politics, because even in the case they have gained access to power Babel
will make sure they will not last very long.
If they try to rebel and cause damage to Babel's
structure you can be sure they will make acquaintance with the grim reaper or a crippling scandal, or perhaps they die because of an undetected poison.
I'm sure the Vatican can give some tips on the ingredients of untraceable deadly cocktails.
The conspiracy is fuelled by Babel's ambition to win from YHWH.
She plans to replace YHWH's order with a new order of
Creation in her own image, and delete each one of Yah's own from the face of the Earth the
moment her plan is successful.
Even in the unfortunate case that YHWH's decides to
step in before Babel can finish her plan she has a back-up scenario which
involves the complete destruction of mankind through force, just to make sure
that upon His return to Earth Yahshua will find nothing but the ashes of a
scorched Earth to welcome Him.
If she loses she will do her best to spite Yahshua,
and if she can present His kingdom in the form of a legacy of a pile of ashes, she will not hesitate to get her revenge that way.
This is why the Bible prophecies warn us about the
final days bringing a tribulation upon YHWH's people such as there never has
been before, because Babel will seek to eradicate Yah's own, and replace mankind.
No one knows the horror Babel has planned, and man
will be the gullible sheep following the false shepherd to the slaughterhouse.
In Babel's plan man carrying the knowledge of Good and
Evil is slated for removal from the stage, and his place shall be taken by man
carrying the knowledge of Evil only, a man acting out an instinct of Evil
because in this new man the spirits of the Fallen Ones can live.
She will prepare a new immortal body for herself, the
most beautiful body that ever walked on the stage, and she shall rule as the
queen of Heaven for all eternity over the new immortal man in an entirely new
ecological order.
a new Earth and a new Creation", Babel
solemnly spoke to the smiling queen in the mirror, "a new Creation in the glory of thy
wondrous image my queen".
The shadow of her smile cast a great Darkness unto the
Earth, one which has never been nor will there ever be a Darkness so dense, so
thick, so utterly impenetrable.
Yet YHWH knew, and YHWH smiled.
For He had His own plan, and He knew He had already
succeeded even before it came to pass.
Any man with an ounce of sanity left in him knows you cannot play chess with YHWH and
hope to win.
But then again, sanity is not a trait one can hope to find in Babel's
Babel had her plans worked out to the tiniest detail,
in spite of the fact that YHWH had already announced the day of His victory many centuries ago.
Babel may plot and scheme, but YHWH has His Sons standing by for the
great offensive which will culminate in the liberation of Earth from Babel's
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