
The Wheel

A wheel is like a miniature version of eternity: if you start moving along the edge of a wheel, you could move forever without ever reaching a clear end point.

Of course it is bogus form of eternity, because eternity on the wheel is created by a visual deception.
When you focus on the movement along the edge of the wheel, and the entire edge of the wheel looks the same, you lose track of where you started so that when you pass the starting point again it looks like just another brick in the road of eternity.

It's not hard to destroy the deception.
All you have to do is look away from the wheel to the environment of the wheel, so that you become aware of your movement along the edge of the wheel in relation to the environment.
This way you become aware of when you reach the starting point again, and you realize that the starting point is also your finish line.

The destiny of evil and the ones who have become embodiments of evil is like being trapped in a wheel.
Evil is like being stuck in a perpetual motion on the same level.
You keep going through the same motion over and over and over again, yet you never get anywhere.
Where you came from and where you are going do not matter because they are the same.
Life in that circle is utterly meaningless and a torture, yet many choose this destiny for themselves by their embrace of the big lie of evil during their life on earth.

The problem with the robots is that they are too focused on their position as a cog in the big wheel which makes this world go round.
Their obsessive focus makes them blind to the fact that the wheel runs in circles, just as the cog runs around in a familiar circle, giving up its energy to the motion of the big wheel of lies.

They forget that in the capacity of a cog they will just be replaced by another cog when their existence on earth comes to an end.
The person who is the cog is irrelevant.
It's the energy he or she sacrifices which is the important factor, and this sacrifice is rewarded by the system invented to validate and motivate the cogs within the big wheel.

In the end when the last spark of life-energy has left the marionette, he will venture out of his costume only to wake up to the truth about the lie he believed in.
Yet when the cog finally realizes truth, he will find himself locked into the wrong side of the mirror, unable to reach back into the reality of life.
For this cog eternity will be spent in the pain of the realization of truth as an embodiment of the big lie running on the treadmill of eternity where nothing ever changes.

The cogs serve.
Servitude is good, and so, to promote this concept, servitude is rewarded.
Rebellion is evil.
And so, cogs who rebel against their slave existence are punished in order to enforce the concept of the cog-existence being a good and worthwhile existence.

Rebellion against servitude is evil, unless the rebellion can be transformed into a subset of wheels of the great big wheel of lies.
In that capacity the rebellion becomes institutionalized as part of the big wheel of lies, demanding servitude to its own image of rebellion.

The greater the servitude, the greater the reward.
That is, if the serving cog has certain assets and character traits which prove to be useful in the great big wheel of lies.
If the system fails to enforce servitude, a place is created within the big wheel for the rebels to entice them to serve as cogs in order to keep the system alive and well.
A different concept in the image of the rebellion is created, yet it is structured in the image of the big wheel so that it ends up becoming another system of cogs working to spin the big wheel of lies around.

The cogs keep the big wheel in motion.
They are driven by their faith in the deception of the system of the big wheel of lies.
Urged on by their misplaced faith they sacrifice their life-force in service of obtaining the illusions projected by the big wheel of lies and reaping the imaginary rewards.

The big wheel of lies is connected to a projector which projects a vision on the big screen of life.
On the screen the cogs can see the image of the big lie.
Their constant involvement with keeping the image alive keeps them locked in a state of mesmeric fixation on the image.
This image is given life by the life-force they sacrificed, and so, the image becomes them and they become the image, and the image becomes their god.

The image of the lie is shielded by the theater from the image of Truth projected on the big screens outside the theater.
The challenge presented to those who entered the theater is to become aware of the difference between the image of truth as they remember it, and the image of lies, and choose for the reality of the truthful image.

The problem is that the image of lies is so big and overwhelming that they forget the image of truth.
At least, for a season.

All of us who entered the theater forget, and some never wake up to remember.
They are swallowed up into the oblivion of the theater, mistaking it's fictitious reality for the reality of life outside the theater.
They become the cogs, they merge with their marionette costumes, and they foster an identity cultivated by the strings on their costume.
They cannot return to reality ever again as they grow into temporary stage props.

But some begin to remember.
Before entering the theater they had always taken the image of Truth as self-evident, yet here in the theater their involvement with the stage scenery caused an amnesia of the image of truth.

Yet, at some point, as they were maneuvered into acceptance of the image of lies, the image of truth suddenly popped up in their minds again, and they found themselves looking at the image of Truth from the perspective of their involvement with the image of the projected lies.

That is when the trouble really begins.
As the stage reality is seen from the perspective of remembering the reality of life outside the theater, the magnetic pull of the big wheel deception is broken.
No longer can they function as obedient cogs, and therefore the guardians of the system will do everything in their power to force them back into their place in the system of the big wheel.

Suffering and adversity always have shown themselves to be a very effective whip to enforce conformity and strengthen the stronghold of the hypnosis of the stage reality.
So, once the hypnosis of the stage reality is broken in an individual's mind, every stop of suffering and adversity is pulled by the guardians to whip the individual back into his place in the system, or at least to prevent him from destroying the stage illusion with his awareness of the truth.
For the guardians it's a matter of making sure that the contamination of the Truth virus does not have a chance to spread and infect others.

The guardians have to make sure to keep the pseudo-eternity of the big wheel in motion.
After all, this is how the flow of life-force is kept going through the strings on the costume, and this energy is the mortar for the bricks which keep the system in its place.

And so, the wheel keeps turning for the duration of the play, creating the illusion of a pseudo-reality where everyone is given a vision in the image of the big wheel which will yield the rewards of acceptance, prosperity, well-being and happiness for all.
Except for the ones who remember truth.

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