The Painting
We all are painters.
When we are born we
receive an empty canvas of our life and a palette.
We put different colors
of paint on the palette, mix them, and choose the colors we apply on the canvas
to create the painting of our life.
Yet by what standard do
we make our choices?
When we look in the
mirror, we want to see the reflection of a free, autonomous individual.
We want to see someone
who is able to make independent decisions.
Yet if we take a really
close look at the reflection in the mirror of our lives, do we see truly
autonomous individuals making independent choices?
How do we know anything?
Isn't it by observing it
in relation to a standard we can use to measure and give it a place?
How do we know the grass
is green?
Because we have been
given a standard with names for certain colors, and when we say the grass is
green we express our knowledge of the standard we have been taught.
We give this color a
place in the entirety of the spectrum of color in accordance with the standard
we have been taught.
This is the problem.
We cannot know anything
other than by standards which have been given to us which allow us to place
everything in the perspective of those standards.
If we then substitute the
absolute standard of YHWH by standards created by man, who is subject to a
dualistic creation and therefore carries corrupt standards in his psyche, then
by judging and assessing something in accordance with these man-made standards
our knowledge and outlook on life will reflect the values of those standards.
In other words, if we use
corrupt standards, our views will reflect this corruption.
We paint the canvas of
our life in the wrong colors and wrong shapes.
If a prophet does not
reference to YHWH's standards, then inevitably his prophecies will reflect the
corruption present within his reference standard.
The main
characteristic of false prophets is that they have substituted YHWH's standard
of truth with man-made standards they refer to as truth, and as a result their prophecies lie.
They may predict a few
things accurately, but their prophecies in their totality show the evidence
of corrupt standards.
To be able to detect
their corrupt standards you must have a standard of truth which allows you to accurately
assess the standards of the false prophet.
Lacking this standard of
truth, you may end up painting your own canvas with the colors of the false
To be able to paint our
life in the colors of the vision YHWH had in mind for us when He created us, it
is important to embark on the quest for YHWH's standard of truth.
The closer we are to
envisioning this standard, the more accurate we are in painting our lives in
His true colors.
The further away from
YHWH's standard of truth, the more obscure and obfuscated our painting becomes
as it reflects false standards we used to create the painting.
Our problem is our belief
in false standards.
The human robot is
created by a conditioned response to accept false standards as his own,
reducing him to a robotic cog in the great wheel of deception.
The robot is set up to
follow orders and bow before titles of authority.
They take up their rank
in the big wheel, and if they are obedient robots they move up the ranks to
create more robots as cogs in the great big wheel which makes the earth system
of slavery move around and yield its harvest of souls.
Robots have handed over
their painting and let the deception behind the great big wheel dictate the
colors and shapes of their painting.
They have been
conditioned to learn to paint exactly within the lines, thus creating a
painting in the image of the false standards of the authority figures they were
subject to.
Robots learn to conform
and bow before authority regardless of the nature and integrity of that
As a result they receive
rewards: a place in society, honor and esteem from men, awards and medals,
diplomas, commissions.
Or the robots learn to become a manifestation of authority in the system of the big wheel themselves through rebellion and carving out a new system of cogs within the setting of the big wheel.
Or the robots learn to become a manifestation of authority in the system of the big wheel themselves through rebellion and carving out a new system of cogs within the setting of the big wheel.
They have to trade in the
quest for YHWH's standard of truth and supplant it with man-made standards,
which include standards of religions.
Whereas robots paint
their canvas in colors of conformity, the rebels paint their canvas in
contrasting colors.
Rebellion and conformity
are fruits growing on a tree which grew out of the seed of dualism, the tree of
the knowledge of good and evil.
Although different in
their colors, both rebellion and conformity produce the same painting.
You are probably familiar
with negatives of photos.
The negatives are exactly
the same as the photos, only the appearance of colors on the negative is the opposite of the
colors on the photograph.
However, although the
negative looks very different than a photograph, if you print a photo out of
the negative you will suddenly discover that the print shows the exact same image with the exact same colors as the photograph.
This principle also
applies to conformity and rebellion: rebellion is just the negative of the
photo of conformity.
All too often people fall
prey to the dynamic force which creates an expression of the dualism of
conformity vs. rebellion, a force which begets its power from our emotional
Mind you, this force is
not equal to our emotional reactions, but it feeds upon them.
It's the force which has
blossomed in the form of our pride, our need to be gods instead of serving Him.
Being exposed to a
religious veneer without the true depth of the Spirit behind it ends up as an
enticement to rebel against the veneer, OR, to conform to it due to suppressed
guilt rising out of hating the hate-object for the falsehood of the veneer.
The rebel not only
rejects the veneer because it fails to comply with what it purports to be, but
also the core values of the veneer are all too often thrown out along with the
That is the very thing
which causes the hypocrisy of a religious veneer to be passed on to the rebel.
The self-righteousness
behind the veneer of the religiosity gives way to the veneer of the prideful
self-righteousness of being right in the rebel.
Rebellion out of anger
against what is wrong does not make you right.
Rejecting falsehood
because you love and embrace the standard of YHWH is what makes you right.
Both reject, yet whereas
one still contains the poison which produced the hypocrisy, the other lacks
that poison because it could not enter the soul.
Control is exercised
through both conformity and rebellion over the ones who conform or rebel.
The control consists of
acceptance of that which the conformist seeks to imitate.
Yet the control also
extends into the rebellion against perceived hypocrisy.
Through his reaction
against hypocrisy the rebel allows an external source to determine his
direction in life and shape his attitude and his beliefs which are derived from
standing in reaction against something or someone.
"You say there is a
god while I can see enough behind your mask to tell me that you really live as
though there is no god? You secretly do things which you publicly denounce?
You're just lying and everything you say is a lie, and I will do my best to strip away
this veneer which lies to me and speak the truth: there is no god and your
values are just a demonstration of your lackluster showmanship!"
Our emotions are like the
colors we apply to the canvas.
The danger of emotions is
that they can make us feel right about our belief in wrong standards because of
the chemical reality they produce in our body.
To react angrily against
something makes you feel right in your anger, but feeling right does not make
your standards right.
To paint YHWH's vision of
our life on the canvas in the exact right colors we must learn to function from
YHWH's standard.
There IS NO other standard.
There is only ONE
standard of YHWH, who is the only Source of existence.
The millions of deviating standards are just expressions of different ways in which one can deviate from the one true standard, and they are simply trap-doors created to lure us into non-existence.
The deviations are just the by-product of the dualism of good vs. evil.
The millions of deviating standards are just expressions of different ways in which one can deviate from the one true standard, and they are simply trap-doors created to lure us into non-existence.
The deviations are just the by-product of the dualism of good vs. evil.
When we are able to
relate everything in our lives to YHWH's standard and give them a place in
accordance to this standard, we are free to apply the exact right colors on the
canvas and begin to paint the true vision for our lives.
As long as we use false
standards as our frame of reference, we will paint a robotic pseudo-vision on
the canvas in the drab colors assigned to us by these false standards.
When we look in YHWH's
mirror, we realize that we are not autonomous.
We all exist in relation.
Question is: to what
standard do we relate?
Because this standard
determines the quality and color of the vision we paint on the canvas of our
The art of life is about
learning to recognize and abandon false standards by identifying with YHWH's
standard only.
There is no other
All standards which
deviate from YHWH's standard automatically fall in the category of corrupt
Because YHWH is the
ultimate standard of knowing, and there is no other way of truly knowing
anything other than by YHWH's standard.
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