
To Be Or Not To Be

Why not give the Palestinians a state of their own?
Why not comply with the pressure of the EU and the USA and give in to the ardent desire of the Palestinians to turn Gaza and the Judea-Samaria area into a state of their own?

Aside from the fact that land never was the issue but the presence of a Jewish Israel in the Middle-East, aside from the fact that you can be sure that independent Palestinian Gaza and Judea-Samaria states will not end the terrorism but rather give it an international politically protected platform, aside from the fact that the Middle East already knows a Palestinian state named Jordan, there is a spiritual principle at work.

YHWH has promised the physical presence of a land named Israel as a representation of the spiritual Israel to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and He has tied His Name to this promise.
The Adversary, the Satan, does not care for Man as YHWH created him, he cares for the promotion and establishment of everything which is anti-YHWH.

If YHWH would have decreed that the land of Israel ought to be split between Jews and Arabs, the Adversary would pull every string to promote the idea that Israel should never be divided and the Palestinians should NEVER be allowed to have a state of their own.
But as it is, YHWH decreed that the physical manifestation of the land of Israel is given to the line of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and it should not be divided and given to any other.
Israel is supposed to be a light in this dark world and never follow the false ways and idolatry of the other nations, but instead the nation should be kadosh, set apart for YHWH's purpose, and stand in contrast with the ways of the current world.

So, armed with this knowledge the Adversary promotes the idea of giving the Palestinians a state of their own in Israel's territory, not out of humanitarian concerns for Palestinians or because he seeks to establish peace and unity, but because he uses the Palestinian Arabs in Israel as pawns to establish the anti-YHWH statement in the matter of Israel, which is to cut it up before he can wipe it off the map and thus render YHWH's promise void.

The majority in Israel has clearly voted against giving the terrorists an independent state as their platform for future killing sprees, and anyone with an ounce of common sense would have done that.
But it is not common sense which rules the minds of the EU corrupt bunch of leeches, nor is it enlightened understanding and a love for what is good which guides Obama, nor does any sense of reality and love for YHWH rule the minds of left-wing Israelis who align themselves with the Adversary's ploy, quite the contrary.
The immense arrogance and lack of a sense of reality produced some very distasteful reactions in the left camp, which seems to be unable to fathom the idea that there are people who think differently than they do and dare to disagree.
No, those who dare to disagree are idiots and they ought to shut up and comply with the views of 'those who know better'...

And what to say about Obama, a villain in charge of the USA who single-handed proceeds on the most devastating foreign policy the nation has ever witnessed, giving evidence of being guided by a very dark ominous force residing in his heart.
If any military high ranking officer disagrees with Obama because he still has a sense of decency left in his heart, he is fired and replaced by a straw puppet which will meticulously execute any decree of this modern day Pharaoh.
He will stop at nothing to please his dark master, as evidenced by the rise of fundamental Islam in the Middle East thanks to American interference, and the frantic quest for an excuse to start a war with Russia using Europe as a buffer zone.
So what if Russia nukes the Eurozone, it's a region far away from Washington, so who cares if it is destroyed and the radiation reduces Europe to a zone where no one wants to live anymore?

But know this, when push comes to shove, Washington will not escape a nuclear holocaust, and safety shelters will turn into concrete coffins.
From the West the sound of thunder will be heard when YHWH shakes its mighty trees and lays waste its high places.
The entire West will be shaken and many will fall because of its unbridled arrogance and its adultery with the Evil One.
If Israel will NOT compromise and divide the land of Israel and if Israel refuses to adopt the idolatry and customs of other nations because the nation holds fast to YHWH's instructions, then YHWH will act on behalf of Israel as Israel's Protector.
This means that if the USA and Europe turn against Israel, YHWH will turn against the USA and Europe.
If foreign troops will enter the promised land, YHWH will enter the land of the occupier, if the occupier kills Israelis, YHWH will cause a bloodbath among the aggressor, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

And be sure that in case of any nation aligning itself with the political force which is after Israel's destruction, YHWH will bring destruction on that nation as well, and it will be buried under the ashes as the strong reminder of the hardness of heart which prompted that nation to turn against Israel and thereby against YHWH.
Not because Israel is so good or because the Jews have earned YHWH's protection, but because YHWH is so good, because YHWH has tied His Name to the fate of Israel, because there's a spiritual component at work behind the scenes and He will not have the Adversary have his way.

Surely it has not escaped your attention how YHWH already has applied this principle of 'an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth'?
When Western nations did not show enough sympathy for Israel when she suffered under the constant aggression of Muslim terrorists, YHWH filled our nations with them and allowed them to harm us, albeit to a very small degree, just enough to make us feel ashamed of ourselves for not having enough compassion on Israel.
When we refuse to listen and the EU and the USA will cut up the land of Israel in order to donate part of it to a strange god, be warned for YHWH's anger when it is unleashed, for nothing will stand when the fire of His anger goes forth.
He then will cut up the West as one who slices bread, and fill it with blood and violence as the just reward for its insolence and hardness of heart.

Against all odds, there's hope for Israel.
As long as Israel does not act in agreement with the pressure to render YHWH's promise void AND as long as Israel follows YHWH only and no other gods, Israel can count on YHWH as the great and almighty Protector.
But the moment there's a crack in Israel's resolve to rather stand alone defying the entire world for the sake of YHWH's promise than to gain the world's approval by joining the ranks of those who act as extension of the Adversary, then Israel faces YHWH as the Destroyer.

And that is really the prime target of the Satan: to seduce and pressure Israel in choosing his side so that Israel will have to face YHWH as the enemy and suffer destruction.
The Adversary gets a great kick out of seducing the hearts and minds of people so that he succeeds in 'making YHWH work for him'.
Only, when this happens there's a kick-back, and that is always when the Adversary realizes that when he tried to use YHWH as the horse pulling his cart, YHWH was using Him to fulfill His own plans.

Always remember this, also for your own personal lives: the Satan best and most effective way of destroying you is through the twin mechanism of pressure and seduction, so that by allowing Sin into your lives you turn YHWH into your Enemy, and you end up suffering as a result of having made YHWH your Destroyer.
It is not because YHWH wants this, it is not because YHWH likes to destroy, quite the contrary, but when you identify with Sin and excuse it in your life, YOU choose for your own destruction, YOU are the one who turns YHWH into an Enemy, YOU are the one who chose for the Darkness which experiences the presence of YHWH's Light as Destruction.

This is the spiritual aspect of Israel's dilemma, and the people and leaders of the nation better take heed.
Because no force exists which is able to overcome YHWH, and the moment anyone turns against YHWH he/she automatically aligns him-/herself with the Adversary and will suffer the same fate.

Unfortunately, today Israel is divided.
It is divided on the issue of giving away YHWH's promised land, it is divided in following YHWH vs following the world, and in spite of Netanyahu's recent victory in the elections the crack in the nation will hinder and even cripple it, especially if the leader is not strong enough and gives in to reap imaginary promised benefits.
That is when the switch is pulled and YHWH will turn against the nation of Israel in order to cleanse it, like He had to do several times in the past.

This world is colonized by the Evil One, and to be a friend of this world means to be a friend of the Evil One, which in turn means to be an enemy of YHWH.
Northern Israel, the 'house of Ephraim', where is it?
Did this kingdom not seek the friendship with the world by following after its ways, and thus meet destruction in YHWH?
Southern Israel, the 'house of Judah', has it not been destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD?
Judah descended into Sheol for almost two millennia before it was resurrected by an act of grace on YHWH's behalf, an act which infuriated the Adversary.
Both kingdoms are like twin sisters guilty of seizing every opportunity to defile themselves with adultery, rejecting the One Who held His hands stretched out for the longest time.

Do not reject the One Who once again is holding out His hands in love.
Because by rejecting Him you embrace your destroyer, the one who always has hated you for what you are. 
The Satan wants Israel dead, buried and gone, and the best way to achieve this is by turning Israel against the One who loves her most, YHWH.
Don't make YHWH your Enemy by embracing the true enemy.
It is better to face the entire world as your enemy because you cling to YHWH than to be friends with the world and have to face YHWH as your Enemy.
He has never been your enemy, it's just that you MADE Him your enemy.


The Change Of Soul

Can people change?
The optimist will answer with a resounding 'Yes', while the pessimist will point out that nothing really ever changes.
I think you have to specify this question in order to get a meaningful answer.
People can change and do change, but can people make themselves Good?
Can we choose for Evil and afterwards make ourselves Good again?
And the answer to that question is 'No, we can't'.
At best we can create an illusion of being Good, but once we have crossed over to Evil, there's no way back.

We live in a dualistic reality designed by YHWH.
He wanted to establish a reality which would allow for everything He is not to manifest itself in order to create the greatest contrast imaginable, Light against Darkness.
So, if YHWH is existence, the counterpart (Evil) is non-existence, if YHWH is Light, then the absence of Light is sensed by us as Darkness, if YHWH is 'something', then Evil is 'no-thing', or, to put it in the most basic mathematical binary terms, if YHWH is '1' ('ON'), then Evil is '0', ('OFF').

If then Evil equals zero, ask yourself: how can nothing ever become something again, or, how can a zero ever become anything else than zero out of itself?
It can't, because once you become a zero (nothing) you can never become something again, even if you multiply the zero a million times.
Nothing can never become something out of itself.
If we choose for Evil, we choose to become a zero in spiritual terms.
How then can we ever hope to be able to change ourselves from a zero into something else again?
At best we compensate to create an illusion of changing from a zero into something, but neverhtless the fact remains that zero can never be anything other than zero.

If we have chosen to do Evil and we compensate by adopting a habit which makes us feel comfortable to get rid of the guilt, then we may have created a change on the surface, a change of habits, but on the inside the Evil identity remains what it is.
We may change habits, customs, ideas, but true change on the level of the Spirit is something we cannot give ourselves.
For a true change we need to be GIVEN something we lost, namely eternal Life in YHWH.
YHWH is the '1', the Creator in Whom no Evil dwells, and to bring about meaningful change in our lives on the highest and deepest level of reality we need to be given the '1' in order to be something other than '0'.
The '1' has to be added to the '0' so that it can be '1' again, it needs to come from another Source who has the power to give the '1' to us.

Yahshua has been given the role as the One in Whom we are restored back to '1' again.
Without Him we remain stuck in the '0' position of Creation, which means that our Spirit and the Life-force contained therein serves as a motor for the '0' state of Creation, keeping us stuck within the Evil side of the Dualism paradigm.

As I wrote in my previous post, the human race is divided.
Some Spirits come from Heaven and are destined to return to Heaven, other Spirits come from Darkness and will return to Darkness.
Both have a human form, yet beyond the surface of the form they are two different species.
One is Angelic, the other is Devilish, one is predestined by YHWH to return Home, the other will inevitably venture into Gehenna.

Because in the Spirit of the Fallen Ones there is no knowledge of Good, no Light.
In other words, their Spirit has become a '0' and by entering into a human form they simply multiply '0' with '0'.
They can never become anything other than '0' again because there is nothing in them left which can identify and accept the '1' again.
They may simulate an appearance of change, even a change from an Evil into a seemingly Good person, but that 'Goodness' will be nothing more than surface Goodness while underneath the rot remains.
They do not think like a Good person because there is not even a remnant of a conscience guiding them, but they think in terms of predators, Evil leeches seeking for ways to gain benefit for themselves at the expense of others.
And if the guise of a Good person helps them get ahead and FEEL good about themselves, they will assume that guise while underneath they remain what they were.

Fallen Spirits do no longer have a knowledge of Good AND Evil, but of Evil only.
YHWH's elect acquire a knowledge of Good AND Evil, and the remaining element of Good guides them back Home.

YHWH weighs the Spirits and knows which Spirit loves Him, and which will grow to split off from Him.
He already knows the inclination of our Hearts and the outcome of the choices we will make on Earth, and that is how He knows in advance who belongs to Him, and which Spirit belongs to the Adversary.

The Bible refers to YHWH's 'elect', a term describing the Spirits chosen by YHWH to return back home.
The 'advance knowledge' of knowing the outcome of our choices on Earth and the inclination of our Hearts are the elements which YHWH uses to determine His elect.

This term does not refer to an arbitrary process of choosing some while others are left out, no matter how hard they desire to be Good and love YHWH.
No, YHWH knows the outcome of our choices in advance, and based on the choices we make and the inclination of our Heart He chose some as His own and destined them to go through the Earth dream where they are exposed to Evil.
This knowledge of Evil serves to draw out our choices and refine our Heart and Soul, thus becoming a tool to sculpt the Soul in the image YHWH has in mind for it.
All the events of our Life, the hardship, pain and suffering, the Evil we experienced, all will be forgotten like a bad dream, but the fruit of our encounter with Evil will remain with us, because it served to draw out certain qualities in our Soul which will remain with us forever.

Although the consciousness of YHWH's elect falls to Evil the moment they enter the Flesh as human beings, their Spirit retains an element of the Light of Heaven.
Yes, the wrong choices of the Soul causes us to experience Evil, but the element of Light YHWH put in our Spirit does not change with the change in our Soul, and it stands in contrast with the false identity which now has entered the Soul.
Our fall to Evil in our Soul necessitates that we need to be drawn out of this nightmare and brought back home, and Yahshua has taken upon Himself the role of being that Savior Whose Salvation is activated through our belief.
The remaining element of Light in our Spirit, the Light which serves as our conscience, is the element which enables that belief, because if we in our Soul do not deny the Light in our Spirit and reject it as wrong, then we are able to identify with the greater Light of Yahshua and believe in Him just as we believed our conscience.
Our conscience serves as a beacon to Yahshua, and without that beacon, how shall we find Yahshua, how shall we as creatures of the Darkness be able to believe in the Light?
This element which was put in our Spirit by YHWH for the benefit of His elect drives us to search for 'answers', 'the way out', 'the solution', 'Truth', and when it meets that Truth in Yahshua it knows beyond a shadow of a doubt it has found the way back Home, and the search is over.

Then the refinement process begins, a process which carves out the beauty in the human Soul, and like a woman who is about to bring a child into this world experiences labor pains, we have to bear the labor pains of our Soul patiently.
Because just as a woman forgets about the pains the moment she sees a sweet child resting in her arms, we will forget about the pains of our Earthly existence the moment we will be restored and given our glory as new human beings living in full unity with YHWH.
Yes, this world and our Life in it is nothing other than a womb giving birth to eternal Souls.
The mother womb is like a womb within the greater womb of Life: one gives birth to the cocoon of a Body, out of which the Soul emerges as a beautiful butterfly carrying the image of YHWH's artistry on its wings.
Life is the process of emerging out of the cocoon, and as you very well know, like the birth of a child the birth of the Soul into eternity is not without pain.

The element of Light which YHWH put within our Spirit and which we identify with in our Spirit, even though it may bring us pain and conflict due to our wrong involvement with Evil, never changes.
It came from Heaven into the Evil Earth Dream, and it stayed a part of Heaven reaching out to Heaven for Salvation in order to bring us to Yahshua and thus lead us back to Heaven.

Just as there is an element of Darkness in the Fallen Spirits which drives them to fully identify with Evil and reject YHWH's Spirit, YHWH's elect have an element of Light in their Spirit which draws the human Soul back to the Father of Light.
Thus, Evil goes to Evil, Good goes to Good, and in that sense nothing really changes on the level of the Spirit.
Except for the human Soul which DOES change as a result of going through the human experience.
Evil perfects itself in Evil and brings the Soul to destruction, Good perfects itself in Good and brings the Soul to eternal Life.

Even when YHWH's elect sin and identify with their fallen nature for a season, the element of Light within them stands in contrast with the false implanted Evil identity and creates pain and discomfort in the Soul in order to make it return back home.
How does the Soul return back home?
When it has reached a saturation point of Sin and yearns to be saved from the power of Sin.
At that point it has made the choice to identify with the element of Light in the Spirit and cries out for that Light to liberate the Soul from the stronghold of Evil.
That is when Yahshua comes to rescue us and let His Light destroy the Dark cocoon of Sin, so that the vexed Soul can find rest and peace, and a Life which seems new in comparison to the old Death state of Evil it experienced.

YHWH's elect always will have a conscience that keeps bothering them if they do wrong, and invariable they always will have a breaking point where the stress of Sin is too much for them to handle.
The human Soul is connected to both the Spirit and the mind of the physical Body, and it receives input from both.
Based on that input the Soul decides which input it identifies with, and that is where YHWH's own always get in trouble, because initially they cannot help but identifying with the Evil identity growing in the mind of their physical Body.
The basic foundation of the Evil identity was seeded the moment they were conceived in the womb, and as it grew and manifested itself, it produced conflict with the other side of their split schizophrenic identity, the identity which is rooted in the Spirit and which identifies with the conscience, the element of Light which keeps haunting YHWH's elect.

Even though YHWH's own appear to change from Good into Evil for a season, their venture into zero-county is temporary and followed by another change from Evil back into Good.
That change can only come about as a result of YHWH interfering with their lives by bringing them to the point where they willingly choose to identify with His Spirit in His Son, the One Who was destined to become our Savior, the Gateway which allows us to change from a '0' back into a '1' again.
Yet this change from Good to Evil and from Evil back to Good is a change in the Soul for YHWH's elect, because their Spirit is restrained by an element of YHWH's Light which keeps haunting them until they surrender and can be restored from their diseased false implanted identity of Evil.

Whereas YHWH's people know a spiritual change in their Soul from Good to Evil and from Evil to Good, the seed of the Adversary will never know that change during their stay in the Flesh.
Their change is from Evil to more Evil, and on the level of the Spirit nothing can ever change for them, because they do not have that element of Light within their Spirit, the Light which represents the '1' state of Creation.
Instead they are '0' all the way.
On the surface they may create appearances of having changed, but on the level of the Heart, Soul and Spirit they can never change in a billion years because there is nothing within them which can identify with YHWH.
As I wrote before, they are a different species, and they do not abide by YHWH's paradigm of Good vs. Evil, but instead they act out an Evil instinct.

Our physical reality is a very strange interactive dream reality where Good and Evil seem to be able to coexist as long as a balance in maintained between the two.
Due to the predatory nature of Evil the balance can be upset so that a reset needs to follow.
That reset always involves the destruction of the cause of the imbalance: Evil and those who are acting as vessels of Evil.
So, even though we live in a realm ruled by predatory exploiters living at the expense of the innocent, these predators are very aware of the need to make sure the balance is not upset before the time of their planned make-over of this realm in the image and the corresponding technology of the Fallen Ones.
They make sure to allow at least a measure of YHWH's own into their premises and give them a slice of the cake as well, just as an insurance against attracting destruction as a result of their works of Darkness.
As long as they have that insurance, they are free to work out their plans and lay the foundation for what they have in mind.

That really is the ONLY reason why YHWH's own are not exterminated and why they are given a (limited) measure of space and freedom on this planet.
We are tolerated for the sake of the Evil Kingdom, and the moment they no longer have any use for us is the moment we will see them without their masks, and they will seek to exterminate us. 
When they promote diversity, it is the diversity of a 1001 different expressions of ways to rebel against YHWH's way, when they promote tolerance it is the tolerance towards different masks of Evil.
But YHWH's people should never expect to be included among the promotion of diversity, and the only tolerance YHWH's elect encounters is the predatory tolerance which allows them the bare minimum for the sake of serving as an insurance against destruction and living in the capacity of vessels (energy barrels) the Fallen Ones can prey on.
The Fallen Spirits cannot help themselves because they cannot change, and they will ALWAYS respond to their reptilian instinct.

So, can people change?
The Fallen Spirits cannot change, and when they enter the Flesh their only option is to manifest Evil and mature in what they are in the Spirit.
YHWH's elect CAN change on the level of the Soul, but the element of Light in their Spirit which drives them home and which serves as their conscience does not change.
So you might say that on the most fundamental spiritual level YHWH's elect do not change either, even though the Soul's involvement with Evil and the restoration process after being saved from Evil constitutes a change in the Soul.
Maybe that is why the Adversary hates YHWH's elect so much, because they are given the opportunity to identify with Evil in the Earth dream, AND be restored back to eternal Life and YHWH's Goodness afterwards, an option the Adversary lacks even though he would like to have his old glory back (albeit without loving YHWH).

Life on this planet was created for the benefit of YHWH's elect.
Its dualistic nature serves as a womb which gives birth to human Souls in eternity.

But isn't there is a third group of people who do not have a Fallen Spirit, yet who make the wrong choice on Earth so that they end up as Fallen Spirits in the Flesh?
Doesn't the Bible indicate as much when it tells us that 'many are called, few are chosen?'
I asked YHWH about this, and about the masses of people who simply do not seem to care about Him or anything spiritual, people who cannot recognize YHWH even when He stares them in the face.
Are they too Spirits from Heaven, or do they belong to the temporary Earth setting, characters living only for a season as part of the storybook?

To this day I have not yet received a clear answer.
The only answer I have received is the insight into the two different species living on this planet, and that I have to urge you to be serious about making your choice in this Life and working out that choice by eliminating the role of Sin, and that is what I do.
Renew your choice on a daily basis by loving your Heavenly Father and paying attention to your innermost thoughts that they may not lead you to stumble and fall.
We are here to let our Souls grow and be released into eternity, and pain and adversity are part of the process.

So if you are in pain, if you see nothing but adversity and set-backs, endure to the best of your ability knowing that nothing is hidden from your Heavenly Father.
He knows, and although there are powers in the other dimensions seeking to destroy you and make Life impossible for you, YHWH will vindicate you, pull you through, and cause you to triumph in the end.
Because we trust in and rely upon His Power, and His Power is endless.