
The Design

The presence of the dark Shadows in the theater is by no means a coincidence.
YHWH planned it that way.

He built the theater to facilitate the play of Life, a play based on the plot of Dualism.
The representation of phenomenon A has its counterpart in the manifestation of what A is not.
Light is contrasted by Darkness, Truth by the Lie.
Darkness is the absence of Light, just as the Lie is the absence of Truth.

This dualistic principle causes the presence of one phenomenon to cancel the presence of its counterpart.
One phenomenon is active, the other passive.
Shine light into a dark room, and the darkness ceases to be.
Show the Truth about something, and every lie which contradicts this Truth ceases to exist.

YHWH created Goodness as part of this play, together with its counterpart Evil.
Goodness is designed to embody YHWH's character, and Evil is designed to embody everything which is not part of YHWH's character.

YHWH is existence, and there is no existence outside of Him.
So, since Evil is everything which YHWH is not, Evil basically is the manifestation of non-existence.
But wait a minute, how can non-existence exist in the theater?

To make this possible YHWH created a fictitious play, a special environment where the manifestations of Evil would be able to have form, shape and power by means of an energy transfer.
This energy transfer happens when we decide to break faith in YHWH and believe the Lie.
Losing faith in YHWH automatically translates in a reversed faith in Evil.
The energy of our Soul is transferred to the presence of Evil, and it awakens the DNA of Evil so that it can grow into an Evil monster in the play of Life.

Evil gets its form and shape from concepts residing in our reality, and passing them through the filter of 'NO'.
Kindness becomes NO kindness, love becomes NO love, care becomes NO care.
NO kindness can take on a thousand different forms which all have in common that they are derived from the 'NO' applied to the concept of kindness, and this is true for all things which pass through the filter of Evil.
Evil is the manifestation of the dualistic 'NO', a program or filter which takes the image of reality YHWH created and transforms it through the energy transfer which results from the choice to Sin into a particular expression and form of Evil.

In this theater we are confronted with the co-existence of an absurdity.
It is an absurdity, because without the principle of Dualism, which was CREATED by YHWH, there would never be the possibility of the 'existence' of Evil, which in essence is designed to depict a dream-reality of 'non-existence'.
The manifestation of Evil is like a reality-metaphor in the same way as wisdom became a woman in the Bible book Proverbs.
The environment which allowed wisdom to be personified in the form of a woman was the reality of literature, just as YHWH allowed Evil to come into existence as a force by first establishing the reality of Dualism so that within this setting Evil could have an appearance of existence.
Just as the woman named wisdom may exist in the reality of literature but not in 'real life', Evil may exist in the dualistic reality but not in the 'real life' of YHWH's level of existence.
When YHWH ends this dualistic phase of His creation and moves into the next phase Evil will no longer be present.

YHWH created Dualism and the expression thereof because He needed to draw out the choice in us, and this could only be done in a dualistic reality.
The basic choice and the reason why we are participants in the play of Life is to choose either for YHWH, or for Evil.
The process of working out this choice is the process which shapes and draws out our character of Faith.

The choice we face is that we either believe YHWH and His Truth, or we believe in the Lie and thereby align our Soul and Spirit with the manifestation of an absurdity.
Because Evil cannot exist in YHWH's ultimate reality, the choice to build our identity on Evil means we merge with this artificial reality of Dualism we are part of, and we lock ourselves into the negative side of the coin of Dualism, the realm where we will live in the illusion of being free from YHWH.
But, once we experience existence in this realm of outer Darkness, we realize that we aligned ourselves with all the character traits of Evil, the traits which are not part of YHWH's character.
And since joy, happiness, love, kindness, and goodness are all part of YHWH's character, we will never experience those states of existence any more in the outer Darkness.
Not only that, but the idea that anyone can be free from YHWH is an illusion, because YHWH is all there is, so how can anyone be free from Him as if there is some state of existence besides YHWH which allows us to separate ourselves from Him?
So too Evil does not exist separate from YHWH, but it is able to have an appearance of existence in a special environment and setting which YHWH created.

Life in the theater is about making the choice and building upon that choice.
YHWH knows that once we sin, it becomes a part of our being and has its physical manifestation in our brain cells and our DNA.
This is why He does not expect us to be without Sin, because our Body is like a recorder carrying the legacy of Sin passed on from the first man and woman who entered the theater and as such retains Sin after we make the choice to believe in YHWH.
Aside from the presence of Sin in the memories of brain cells we carry memories of Sin within our DNA.

YHWH has created a provision for our restoration in the form of belief in the Man embodying His Salvation, Yahshua.
By latching on to the One YHWH created to restore us in faith, we are drawn out of Sin into the Son, back into perfection, not regaining freedom by our own effort but because YHWH pulls us out of our legacy.
YHWH created one single Man Who, by entering this theater, left us a lifeline back to the real spiritual world on the outside.
In Yahshua we find freedom from Evil and perfection.

Adam and Eve's faith in YHWH was reversed when they believed the Adversary.
The energy and Life YHWH gave them now was passed through the filter of Evil, and since the Body reflected the transformation of energy so that it began to manifest Evil, the DNA of Adam and Eve became the energy of Life YHWH gave to Adam and Eve carrying the recording of their Sin in the form of a modification of it.
The DNA now passed on the energy originating from YHWH after it had been filtered through the filter of Evil, thus turning us into inheritors of faith in Evil.

YHWH reversed this process in Yahshua.
The energy of Life is passed on to us not by means of Flesh and Blood, DNA, but by means of direct Spirit-energy passing from Yahshua to us through the channel of faith.
Thus we become inheritors of the Spirit, the Ruach, inheritors of unbroken faith in YHWH.
Believing in Yahshua is a reversal of the reversed faith, and it is a spiritual restoration creating spiritual offspring.

Adam and Eve passed on mortal Bodies of Flesh containing the legacy of a reversed faith, Yahshua passes on new eternal Bodies of the Spirit containing the legacy of restored faith, a new Body which is Spiritual in origina but which also is able to be part of the physical world.
The Flesh creates temporary offspring which is locked into the dream world of the Flesh, but the Ruach, the Spirit, creates eternal offspring which abides in the real world of the Spirit.
One moves in cycles of birth-decay-death, the other does not move in cycles but it is part of eternal existence, I AM, YHWH.

Faith is simply this: we believe in Yahshua, we believe in the Truth of His words and the words of our Heavenly Father.
It draws our Soul and Spirit to YHWH's Light like a magnet, a force which feels like the most natural thing to YHWH's children.
It is not a formula which you repeat in order 'to be saved' which usually amounts to nothing more than being integrated into one of the religious wheels in Babel's contraption of the Lie on the stage of this world.
The magnetism drawing you to YHWH and Yahshua is not verbal, it's an experience of your Soul and Spirit.

Our belief is the investment of the energy of our Soul and Spirit in that which we believe in, and our belief activates the lifeline so that we find freedom from the gravity pull of Evil.
To make us strong in faith YHWH allows Evil to manifest the Lie in our lives which contradicts our belief, so that we are challenged in our faith: do we believe the Lie because it has been given power to hover over our heads as a temporary dark cloud, or do we persist and endure, believing in the Truth of YHWH's words?
That is how our faith learns to spread its wings and fly towards Heaven, by defying the gravity and flying towards the Light of YHWH's words and His promises, trusting Him, believing in Him, even though Life may bring us pain and grief and thus creates the impression that it contadicts YHWH's words and promises of blessings for those who put their trust in Him.

All that is required of us is to make the choice to believe, and walk in that choice.
Once we make the choice to believe, the identity of Sin within us begins to die, and since it took time for Evil to grow inside us, it takes time for the conditioning to Evil to die off and wither away.
It's a process of ups and downs, but gradually the ups begin to prevail and the downs begin to subside.

When we make the choice the believe in Yahshua our Spirit is restored back to Life instantaneously in an indivisible moment outside of time manifesting in the physical dimension.
Then we journey through the process of the restoration of our Soul where it is pulled back into the identity of the Spirit, and this means a tug of war between our saved Spirit, which is an extension of YHWH's Spirit, and the Body carrying the memory of Sin.

Our Soul is suffering from a conditioning to the reality of Evil in the physical Body.
This conditioning consists of memories of past Sins and traumas, and the registration of these memories is physically represented by interconnected brain cells, neurons, which in turn are linked to chemicals which, when they are released into the Body, cause the experience of emotions and feelings of the thoughts on a physical level.
When these emotions turn the thoughts into a physical reality, our Soul suffers from the stress of the temptation produced by these links as they are triggered.

Thus the Soul, being the element connected to both the Body and the Spirit, experiences two conflicting realities: one of the Spirit urging the Soul back to YHWH, the other from the Body producing memories and feelings linked to Sin which together behave like a gravity pull on the Soul.
Faith in YHWH's Salvation, Yahshua, means learning to defy this gravity pull as well as the gravity produced by times when we are sojourning under the Dark cloud of Evil casting its Shadow into our lives.

The last element to be restored is the physical Body.
Restoration of the physical Body means the transformation of this Body into a new spiritual Body, or rather, the integration of the physical Body into the Spirit.
The Body in its current fallen state is a costume carrying the signature of the Shadow Masters, and it is a playground for forces of Darkness which enables them to project Darkness into our Soul and vex us with that Darkness.

Yahshua is our righteousness before YHWH.
In Him we are perfect, and in Him we are connected back to YHWH through faith.
Our choice to believe changes us.
It revives our Spirit in an indivisible moment.
Then in the course of time the wounds Evil inflicted on our Soul are being healed, and the healing process spreads into the physical Body.

The strings on our marionette costume grow weaker as the process of inner renewal does its work within us.
The Shadow Masters no longer can steer us the way they used to, and we regain our freedom in the process.

This is why the presence of the dark Shadows in the theater is not coincidental, but part of YHWH's plan. 
The presence of the Shadows and their efforts to pull the strings on our marionette costume serve the purpose of creating a rupture.
If our faith in Yahshua draws us away from the destiny the Shadows have in mind for us, then the tension between the direction of our faith and the opposite direction towards Darkness strains the strings our costume to the extent that the strings begin to snap and our Soul begins to emerge from the cocoon.
YHWH created the play of Life for the purpose of fashioning us into His image, and the Shadows end up serving His purpose in their attempts to serve what they believe to be their own purpose.
The tension between Light and Darkness ruptures the cocoon which holds us captive so that our faith can be released and fly towards Heaven.

Life within this theater is all about the choice to believe, and this choice to believe in the Man Yahshua justifies us and restores us back to Life.
The choice reveals to Heaven who we truly are, our true identity, and THAT was the reason YHWH put us here, that our true identity might be brought forth.
Once this true identity has been brought forth, the theater served its purpose and we are ready to take up our place in the real spiritual world as true sons and daughter of YHWH.

No, the presence of Evil in the theater is not a mistake, it was planned from the very beginning as part of the dualistic reality we are part of.
Everything on our stage of Life has a beginning and an end, an entry unto the stage and an exit.
All things move in cycles of birth into decay, and any faith and hope we invest in this temporary realm which journeys in cycles of birth morphing in decay is bound to become an ultimate disappointment, because that faith and hope will go the same way as the thing we believe in and hope for: into decay.
It will disappear and leave us empty-handed.

Faith and hope invested in YHWH will not suffer because they are eternal.
They are not subject to the cyclic manifestation where the beginning of the fulfillment inevitably is followed by an end.
Hope and faith which are fulfilled by YHWH remain filled for all eternity, and that is why we should not focus the vision of our faith on this realm as if THIS stage is what it is all about, THIS Life, THIS exact moment.
Yes, YHWH will deliver as promised in this Life as well, but we should practice patience and hold on to our beloved Heavenly Father in full Trust and Faith when passing clouds block the light of the sun and cast a Shadow over our lives.

Just read the story of Abraham, how he did not even see the fulfillment of all the promises YHWH made in his lifetime, but nevertheless trusted that they would come to pass.
He had to wait until the promised son was given to him at a time when it was impossible for his wife to have children.
That is when YHWH showed Abraham that He knows no impossibilities and the fulfillment of His promises WILL come even when it seems to have become impossible.
The time leading up to the fulfillment serves the purpose of teaching us how to fly on the wings of faith, trusting YHWH with all our heart in spite of impossible situations.

The waiting is more important than the time of fulfillment, because the waiting is a process of learning to trust, having our hope and faith in YHWH and persisting in this faith.
The time we are waiting is the process of being carved out in the image YHWH wants us to be.
The waiting is the cocoon from whence we emerge as butterflies flying on the most beautiful wings of faith.
Put all your Trust, Faith and Hope in YHWH, because He CANNOT lie, and every words He speaks becomes a reality.

We should keep faith in spite of the pain, in spite of the hardship and suffering, we should have that faith which transcends time and space because it is not dependent on time and space but on the One Who IS, beyond time and space, the One Who is eternal and knows no cyclic mood swings, YHWH.
In that faith we become part of that eternity, and in Truth, we have always been part of that eternity.
It's just that this play of Life cast a spell on us which blinded our vision and made us lose sight of our origin and our home.
But, that too is just a temporary moment of severe myopia.
The sand washes away, and the vision is restored.

Believe in this world, and this world will let you down in the end, even though it may bring you everything your heart desires in the beginning.
Believe in YHWH in Yahshua, and YHWH will never let you down in the end, even though this world may deny your heart's desire for a temporary season.
The things of this world are part of a passing dream, yet the things of the Spirit are part of a lasting reality.
Yes, the Ruach, the Spirit, is infinitely more real than the Flesh, even though your dream senses may create the illusion that the opposite is true.
One brings, yet also will take, the other brings and will not take away, one is bound to a dualistic cyclic reality and as such has to obey the laws of cyclic motion, the other is part of an eternal reality which is not restricted by the law of the dualistic cyclic motion.

What the Ruach, the Spirit, brings really has always been there already.
It's just that the dream scene of this world robbed us of our sight so that we no longer could see that it always has been, is, and will be there.
What would you rather have, that you dream you win the lottery or that you win the lottery in real life?
Well then, the Spirit is part of the real Life, but the Body is the vessel of a dream.
Everything in the Earth-dream comes but also goes, and nothing lasts.
Be wise then and invest in that which knows no cyclic beginning inevitably followed by an end, invest in that which does not perish.

YHWH's children do not belong to this dualistic theater of the damned.
We are eternal Spirits having a night out in the temporary theater.
When the play of our Life is over, we leave the theater and venture back into the real Life of the Spirit which does not move in endlessly repeating dualistic cycles.
The Spirit only knows existence, since the Spirit came forth out of YHWH and in YHWH there is no Dualism of Good and Evil, Life and Death, existence and non-existence.

The purpose is the CHOICE to believe, that's all.
Yahshua is our righteous 'interface' with YHWH, that is all taken care of.
All we have to do is believe and persist in that belief, overcoming the manifestation of lies in our Life and our circumstances by holding on in faith in YHWH's words and His vision for our lives.
Life in this theater is about making the choice to believe and working out this choice by continuing and persisting in that faith.
Be unwavering in your Trust, be like a rock in your faith because you have made the Rock your foundation.


I just want to mention one more example why it is important that we should learn to trust and obey YHWH.

In our Soul we experience the reality of our Spirit vs. the reality of our Flesh.
The dissonance between these two realities creates an environment for our Soul to grow and develop so that the process which YHWH began in this dualistic form can mature and produce characters shaped in YHWH's image.
Life in this physical dream world is a process of growing inside the womb of this physical world.

We live in an age where it is becoming possible to alter one of those two realities, namely the reality of the physical experience.
Technology has 'progressed' to the point where it can begin to change the human experience of the physical reality, not just by restructuring the human brain, but by creating new 'improved' synthetic brains availing themselves of synthetic neurons.

Imagine if all your bad experiences and traumas could be erased, and your brain could be programmed to make you feel good no matter what.
Sin would have no longer any significance, because the human Spirit would no longer be able to express the conflict of the Evil impulse of the Flesh with the Spirit in the form of uncomfortable feelings.
It would mean that in the absence of this conflict we would be robbed of our learning experience, and the process which was designed to allow our characters to grow and mature would be disrupted.

Trusting YHWH and obeying His instructions because we have chosen to love and trust Him means that we do not seek to interfere with the processes He designed and implemented simply because these processes imply that we have to learn to endure discomfort and negative feelings.
YHWH is not an idiot, and He designed the reality we are part of with a very specific greater purpose in mind.

To disrupt this purpose simply because we lack Trust in YHWH, or because we deny Him and His existence, would be the equivalent of robbing a student from his education and placing him in Disneyland for the remainder of his youth.
The learning process would be disrupted, and the outcome would be a young man brainwashed with the Disney mantra after his opportunity to increase his knowledge and develop his skills has been replaced by an overdose of make-belief entertainmen producing a dumbed-down mind.
It would be a disaster severely handicapping the young man in life.

So too the effort to alter our experience of the physical reality is doomed to become a disaster for mankind because we are robbed of the input the physical reality provides for our Soul so that we can grow and learn in the way YHWH has designed it.
It would be the equivalent of aborting the human Soul.

The transference of the human mind into a synthetic robotic mind will in effect turn out to be abortion in disguise, since the human Soul is hard-wired to both the Spirit AND the human Body as it is in its current state.
To cut the wires of the physical vessel means the Soul is cut loose from it.
The end result will be a 'new' human being lacking the Soul it used to have, and as such it serves the purpose of the Adversary to replace YHWH's concept of Man with his own concept which allows for Evil Spirits to take over and have a physical experience in the vessel the Evil One engineered for this purpose.

The problem with many scientists is that they are not aware of the occult intelligence urging them on by dangling the carrot of technological progress in front of them so that they are blind to the Truth about where their quest will lead them.

As I have said before, you either have Trust and Faith in YHWH, or you reverse your faith so that it becomes faith in the Adversary, even though you may not refer to it as such.
The absence of faith in YHWH automatically means you are bonded in reversed faith to the Deceiver, there is no middle ground in this dualistic reality.
To turn off the light automatically makes you part of darkness.
And then the question arises: how smart can you be if you trust and follow the lead of a Fallen One who has established a reputation for himself as the father of lies, a murderer from the beginning?


The Clouds

And the clouds?
They come and go, and that is the way it has been for mankind ever since the fall to Sin.

I am sure many of you (if not all) will recognize the words of Psalm 44.
The Psalmist describes the presence of the cloud seeking to block out YHWH's promises and absorb faith into the black hole of Evil.

He asks, 'why are You sleeping, YHWH?', looking at YHWH from the distorted perspective of the Earth simulation, the dream we live in, and he makes the cognitive error we all fall prey to.
It is an error all of us make because our picture of reality is painted by the colors of the Earth-dream, and we relate to everything from that perspective, including matters which belong to the real world of the Spirit.
Because we have come to relate to the twisted Earth-dream as a 'normal reality' we have difficulty in understanding matters of the Spirit.
We see through the tainted glass of our sunglasses, a glass darkly or a mirror dimly.
We try to connect spiritual matters together based on the way we relate to the way everything is interconnected and interrelated on Earth, and this translates in the form of an imperfect spiritual vision.

The cognitive distortion causes the Psalmist to feel as if YHWH is asleep, and the Psalmist's experience of delay in response to the many prayers for His interference on YHWH's part makes it seem as if YHWH is asleep, as if He is untrue and not faithful.
But the Truth is that the Psalmist (like all of us) is asleep.
Because we are asleep, we live in a dream, and in this dream Evil produces clouds which block the Light of the Son so that it seems as if the Son is untrue.
Yet the Truth is that the clouds serve to strengthen the wings of faith so that we can fly out of the dream back into the reality of the Son.

The clouds are just a passing illusion, a fading prop on the stage of the Earth dream.
We live in a simulation, a dream world which was created for a specific purpose: to draw out the choice and shape the character of what and who we truly are.
The image of reality we experience is the result of our senses, which are the interface to the reality of the dream world.
We are fed electrical signals, and out of these signals we distil an image of reality.
Everything we see or hear or smell is the result of the interfaces of our eyes, ears and nose producing the input of electrical signals in our brain, which our brain translates into an image of reality.
Everything we touch and feel is but the result of the input of electrical signals.
Even the form and function of the interfaces, including the brain processor, is the result of information signals we process.
We abide in the information network of a dream matrix, and nothing we build in this dream has lasting value.
Only our investment in that which is real, our Soul and our Spirit, is that which we take with us after we have run our course in this simulation.

In this simulation Evil exists and it has power, but it is only because of the fact that we live in the impossible reality of a dream that Evil is able to exist as an avatar on the level of the dream.
In this dream Evil can block YHWH's Light and wrap its target in a blanket of Darkness, that is, if YHWH allows it to.
As I pointed out in the previous article, YHWH allows clouds to block the vision of His Sonshine in order to teach us how to spread the wings of our faith and transcend the illusion of the Earth dream.
Evil serves to help us learn to fly in the Spirit through faith, disregarding the illusion of time and space.
This process of learning to fly is a process of being strengthened and filled with Life and energy in our faith.
In the course of this process the clouds blocking the sun are there to help us focus on our faith and look beyond the clouds, because in reality they do not exist.
To us it may seem as if YHWH is sleeping, as if He does not listen, but in reality He is always listening and helping, only, a temporary distortion caused by the Earth-dream robs us of our experience of YHWH's help.

Because the Psalmist relates to YHWH from the perspective of his dream-experience, it seems as if YHWH has left him, yet the spiritual Truth is that YHWH never has left him, but the dream clouds impress themselves on his experience.

"O Elohim, we have heard with our ears,
our fathers have told us,
what deeds You performed in their days,
in the days of old:
You with Your own hand drove out the nations,
but them You planted;
You afflicted the peoples,
but them You set free;
for not by their own sword did they win the land,
nor did their own arm save them,
but Your right hand and Your arm,
and the light of Your face,
for You delighted in them.
You are my King, O Elohim;
ordain salvation for Jacob!

Through You we push down our foes;
through Your name we tread down those who rise up against us.
For not in my bow do I trust,
nor can my sword save me.
But You have saved us from our foes
and have put to shame those who hate us.
In Elohim we have boasted continually,
and we will give thanks to Your name forever. 

But You have rejected us and disgraced us
and have not gone out with our armies.
You have made us turn back from the foe,
and those who hate us have gotten spoil.
You have made us like sheep for slaughter
and have scattered us among the nations.
You have sold Your people for a trifle,
demanding no high price for them.
You have made us the taunt of our neighbors,
the derision and scorn of those around us.
You have made us a byword among the nations,
a laughingstock among the peoples.

All day long my disgrace is before me,
and shame has covered my face
at the sound of the taunter and reviler,
 at the sight of the enemy and the avenger.
All this has come upon us,
though we have not forgotten You,
and we have not been false to Your covenant.
Our heart has not turned back,
nor have our steps departed from Your way;
yet You have broken us in the place of jackals
and covered us with the shadow of death.

If we had forgotten the name of our Elohim
or spread out our hands to a foreign god,
would not Elohim discover this?
For He knows the secrets of the heart.
Yet for Your sake we are killed all the day long;
we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered.

Awake! Why are You sleeping, O YHWH?
Rouse Yourself! Do not reject us forever!
Why do You hide your face?
Why do You forget our affliction and oppression?
For our Soul is bowed down to the dust;
our belly clings to the ground.
Rise up; come to our help!
Redeem us for the sake of Your steadfast love!"

Maybe you sometimes wonder whether all those wonderful quotes in the Bible about how YHWH will never let you down if you fully trust Him, and how He cares for you like a Father aren't just one-liners designed to make you feel good, yet which have no value other than that.
After all, if you are living under the cloud, if you go through a tunnel where you pray and pray and nothing happens, then surely you begin to wonder why nobody is at home when you knock, why are you left in the tunnel on your own?
Or so it seems.

I am here to remind you that the tunnel as well as the cloud as nothing but an expression of Evil on the level of an Earth dream, and that YHWH is always there, always listening, always caring.
His care and His love often seem to be the reverse of what they are purported to be, but that is caused by the fact that we live in a reversed world.

YHWH wants your faith to learn to use its wings, and there is no other way for your faith to learn to fly than by experiencing the pull of gravity in the form of adverse conditions.
Your strengthened faith will bring you closer to YHWH and draw out the character of a unique individual walking in faith.

If He then allows you to go through a tunnel, know this that He has a greater purpose in mind and in His love and care for you He wants you to grow closer to Him.
YHWH gave Yahshua all power in Heaven and on Earth, and in Yahshua we are the most powerful beings in Creation, untouchable by Evil, because in Yahshua we have His power and authority.
But YHWH allows for times when clouds seem to have power over you so that you may grow into embodiments of His power, the power of a strengthened faith which soars in the many skies of His creation effortlessly.

So, TRUST in Him, LOVE Him, and I guarantee you that your trust and your Love WILL be answered.
They ARE already answered, it's just that sometimes the illusionary clouds rob you of the sight of them.
The clouds are part of this dream, and because we live in a dream, a simulation, we experience these clouds as if they are real.
But they are NOT.


The Unanswered Prayer

I am sure all of you have known times when your prayers seemed to fall to the ground, as if no one was listening, and you wondered why nobody answered your knock on Heaven's door.
If Yahshua told us that whatever we ask in His name would be given to us, why is it that the prayers we sent up in earnest faith remain unfulfilled?

The reason for unanswered prayers is very simple yet it may seem contradictory on the surface: unanswered prayers serve to build up our faith.
You probably wonder, how can an unanswered prayer build up faith?
Isn't the opposite true, that if we pray in faith and we receive, this confirms our faith and builds it up?

Faith has to grow wings like a bird.
It has to learn to fly, defy gravity and transcend time and space, because it does not belong to the realm of time and space of the physical dimension, but it comes from the dimension of Heaven, or rather, YHWH who exists in and beyond Heaven.
How will the bird learn to fly if it does not experience the pull of gravity towards Earth?
Without gravity the bird would simply float around in the air, and it would never learn to develop the skills to fly because there is no need to flap its wings.

Faith isn't any different.
It has to learn to abide in the power of Heaven, YHWH, and the way it learns to abide in this power is through defiance of the gravity pull of Evil.

How does Evil produce the gravity pull on faith?
I have mentioned in previous articles how the forces of Evil seek to manipulate our circumstances against us so that they come to embody the opposite of what we hoped and prayed for.
We pray for one thing, and we receive the opposite.
It seems as if our prayers have no effect whatsoever.

When we experience moments when our prayers fall to the ground, then the next time we pray we tend to remember our 'failed' prayers.
That is when our faith is challenged.
Do we begin to doubt a little bit, trading in our certainty that YHWH hears us and will act on our prayers by replacing our 'certain expectation' with a 'hoping that it will come to pass'?
Do we pray expecting our prayers to remain unanswered because the previous hundred times we prayed it had no effect whatsoever?

That is when the manipulation of our circumstances produces a strong gravity pull on our faith.
And that is when our faith has to learn to spread its wings and learn to fly as if there is no gravity pull whatsoever.
Our faith needs to learn to remain strong and intact as if there is no stress of the Lie manifesting in our Life and contradicting our faith.
Faith has to learn to ignore the gravity pull of Evil as if it does not exist, and it really does not exist.

Evil cannot exist in YHWH's reality, because if YHWH is IAM, then Evil being the opposite is I AM NOT, non-existence.
It is the code which enables the manifestation of non-existence, and as should be obvious, non-existence cannot exist.
But because we have placed in a reality where a transfer of energy is able to occur from the energy YHWH gave us to the code of Evil, it is able to use that energy as electricity to manifest itself in our dream-reality as an avatar of non-existence, a package of reality which embodies everything which YHWH is not.

So, when we pray and the forces of Evil have been given the authority to mess with our circumstances so that our prayers do not seem to work as they should, our faith, which comes from the ultimate reality in YHWH, experiences a pull of the artificial gravity of Evil.
This gravity pull in the form of manipulated circumstances and our memory of unanswered prayers DOES NOT REALLY EXIST, because Evil cannot really exist!
The only reason we experience the pull of gravity is because we have been put in the simulation of a physical world, a holodeck where Evil is given an appearance and form of existence and where it is able to express its character as the embodiment of everything which is anti-YHWH.
It is as if we put on our 3-D glasses which make us part of the computer simulation where we experience obstruction from Evil forces and unanswered prayer.
The moment we put off the glasses we are back in reality, and we realize there really was no such thing as unanswered prayer or manipulated circumstances.
The only reason we experienced the obstruction of Evil is because we were temporarily part of a dream world where Evil could manifest itself and create a situation where we felt as if our faith was fruitless and our prayers nothing but empty words.

Because faith is the element which belongs to the real world of the Spirit it needs to transcend the illusion of the 3-D world.
In this illusion it may seem as if faith is powerless when our prayers are not answered.
The lack of fulfillment of our prayers exercises a gravity pull on our faith where it is under attack of doubt.
'If my prayers remain unanswered now, then the next time I pray my prayer will very likely not be fulfilled either', and if you accept that notion you end up praying in doubt, hoping that MAYBE YHWH will be listening to your prayer, but thinking in your heart your prayer will probably not come to pass.
That prayer of doubt testifies of a belief in the manipulated 'reality' of your circumstances, and you end up with a reversed faith, a faith which believes the Lie because it rejected Truth.

So, in order to learn to fly you need to develop a pit-bull mentality when it comes to faith, and persist in spite of the gravity pull of Evil.
The reason YHWH allows this gravity pull is to draw out your faith and fill it with His strength so that it learns to fly in Heaven even though we are bodily still present on Earth.
If you persist in your faith and you keep believing in spite of your circumstances and unanswered prayers, and you seek to draw your strength from YHWH, He is able to breathe Life and Energy into your faith which gives it more strength than it used to have.
The Life and Energy are food for our faith which gives it the strength to move its wings and learn how to fly and defy the gravity of Evil.
If we persist, our faith becomes the flying bird which does not even experience the pull of gravity anymore because it has learned to use its wings to such an extent that gravity has no effect on it whatsoever.
That is when we become free as a bird, released from the grip of Evil, and that was the sole purpose why YHWH allowed Evil to have the authority to create circumstances for our lives which contradict our faith.

Faith learns to fly through the contradiction of faith brought about by Evil.
Like birds we may fall out of the nest a few times, but YHWH is always there to pick us up and put us back into the nest to have another try at it.
After a period of trial and error, we may seem to fall like we have previously, but because we operate our wings which focus on the freedom we find in Yahshua, instead of falling to the ground like before, we begin to fly, higher and higher.
We learn t0 use our wings and steer our way through the sky.

Our Faith is meant to be filled with strength and energy from YHWH so that it has the fuel to fly.
The process of learning to fly is a process of being filled with strength and energy from YHWH so that our faith and our character of faith is drawn out and nourished, and we grow into the individuals YHWH intends us to be.

So, you wondered why prayers remain unanswered?
Because they serve YHWH's purpose for us, and we have to learn to persist in faith in spite of everything.
Failing that, we fall to the ground and we obstruct that purpose.
But if we fail, YHWH will provide new opportunities, other times when our prayers remain unanswered so that we can learn to be persistent in our faith.

Sometimes He cannot answer our prayer on our Earth (dream) level because it does not fit into His plan for our lives.
Whatever the reason may be for answered prayers, all of them are elements challenging our faith, and if we want to become strong individuals in the image of YHWH, we have to learn to cling in faith to YHWH and not to waver with doubt, allowing our faith to be exchanged for hope, and our hope for the expectancy that our prayer will 'probably'not be granted.
If we lose faith in YHWH, we are bonded in reversed faith to Evil, there is no middle ground.
We either believe YHWH, or we believe the suggestions of Evil.
Faith in YHWH flies to Heaven, reversed faith in Evil falls to the ground and leads into the grave.

Do not let the lying gravity-pull of the simulation cause you to think that you cannot fly.
Birds are created with wings that they may fly and soar in the sky, and in the real world of the Spirit we know our power and ability to fly.
It's just that the world of the Flesh tends to rob us of that knowing.

The moment we were born into this world, we were downloaded into a simulation which made us forget our ability to fly so that we need to learn to fly again, this time from the perspective of Dualism which produces the force which seeks to keep us down and prevent us from flying.
As a result, the simulation helps us to grow into stronger birds as we learn what it means to fly again, and this learning process is a road where our faith is built up and strengthened by YHWH, so that when we put off the glasses of this 3-D simulation we are stronger in faith than when we were before.
We USED to be strong, and we ARE strong, only our consciousness forgot the strength of our faith because of our involvement with the 3-D simulation.
Our way back to remembering this strength is a renewal of our faith and a strengthening of it.
It is YHWH's way of shaping and carving out our character.

We come here expecting blessings and joy, only to find grief and curses on our path, and because we are so focused on the reality of the 3-D glasses we wear, we often forget that we are living in the equivalent of a dream where Evil has power and authority to twist YHWH's Truth.
In this dreamworld, which is the reverse of the reality of Heaven, YHWH's Truth is turned into a lie and the Lie is turned into truth, and the weight of this reversal stresses our Soul and challenges our Faith.
Will we accept the Lie as truth, or will we be able to retain faith in our hearts, keeping the eyes of the Soul and Spirit fixed on the reality of Heaven even though this remains out of reach of our Earthly senses?
When the Lie manifests as truth and Truth is depicted as a lie through manipulation, our faith and trust are challenged.

But remember the words Yahshua spoke, as recorded in John 16.20-22:
"Truly, truly, I say to you, you will weep and lament, but the world will rejoice.
You will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will turn into joy. 
When a woman is giving birth, she has sorrow because her hour has come, but when she has delivered the baby, she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a human being has been born into the world. 
So also you have sorrow now, but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you."

"In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16.33

All too often these words are forgotten by those who profess to believe in Yahshua and come to expect a smooth Life full of blessings where every wish they have is granted.
That is true for the real Life of the Spirit, but we abide in a realm where a reversed reality has been given the authority to manifest, please bear that in mind lest the disappointment drags your faith down.

As long as we are locked into the Flesh we abide in a realm where Evil has the authority to reverse the true reality of the Spirit.
All too often this reversal comes in the form where those who do Evil are rewarded, and those who do Good receive punishment.
You may pray for one thing, but Evil makes the opposite manifest in your Life.
Then the challenge comes: will you believe the manifestation of the fiction of a Lie, or will you look through the eyes of the Spirit, transcending the dream of the time/space environment because you see in your heart that the manifestation of the Lie is not real, but your faith is, and YHWH is real and unable to lie.

The reality of the Spirit is this:
"Truly, truly, I say to you, whatever you ask of the Father in my name, he will give it to you." -John 16.23"
"And whatsoever you shall ask in My name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
 If you shall ask anything in My name, I will do it", -John 14.13-14
"Then came the disciples to Jesus apart and said, Why could we not cast him [the demon] out?
And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief; for verily I say unto you, if ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, ‘Remove hence to yonder place,’ and it shall remove. And nothing shall be impossible unto you." -Matthew 17.20

It is this reality of the Spirit which is reversed and thus distorted by the reality of the Flesh, the domain where a dream-reality rules which creates impossible scenes, just as when we fall asleep and we dream of things which cannot happen or exist in reality.
Our problem is that we have grown up in the reality of a dream, and from that perspective we relate to the real world of the Spirit which creates the sensation of looking at reality in a mirror dimly, or a glass darkly.
We are born into an impossible dream reality, and after we have grown accustomed to this twisted dream world and its own impossible logic we try to relate to the Spirit from the twisted perspective of the dream scene we are part of, like looking at your image in a distorted laughing mirror.
Only, the pain of the dream all too often drains the laughter out of our lives.

Just as the dream we have at night is derived from concepts in the real waking world which are depicted and often interconnected in often impossible ways, the Earth reality is derived from the greater reality of Heaven, yet it embodies a distorted and reversed image of reality.
Because the dream is derived from a greater reality, the dream cannot exist without the greater reality preceding it.
In this lower reality of the Earth-dream it seems as if suddenly our faith stopped working and we are without the authority we have in Yahshua in Whom we are given all authority over Creation to shape reality.
Prayers suddenly seem to remain unanswered and unfulfilled, trust and faith seem fruitless and meaningless, and the notion of impossibility replaces the reality of unlimited possibility of the Spirit.

From this dream world we have to learn to believe all over again, becoming child-like in our trust and faith in YHWH so that our faith spreads its wings and learns to fly to Heaven, defying any artificial gravity pull of the Earth dream as it reaches out and transcends the holographic illusion of time and space.
Faith learns to see through the deception of the holographic lies Evil projects into our Life, it ignores the interference of Evil because it is part of a dream and therefore does not really exist.
Faith learns to ignore the distortion of time in our 3-D time/space environment.

When we learn to ignore the obstruction of our spiritual sight because of manipulation of Evil forces in our lives, when we learn to hold fast in faith because the circumstances contradicting our faith are recognized as lies and as such completely ignored by us, then our faith begins to manifest as the channel or conduit of YHWH's reality destroying the Earth illusion, and that is the moment the forces of Evil fear most.
Evil always manifests in our lives in the form of a lie contradicting YHWH, and on Earth we have to learn to treat those periods, those tunnels we have to go through, as LIES, jamming stations disrupting YHWH's broadcast, elements of an impossible dream which do not exist in reality.

Faith is the bond with YHWH, so that every word from living faith, whether spoken or written, every deed, every expression of that faith becomes a reality- bomb detonating in the dream-world of Evil.
That is why the forces of Evil seek to destroy faith in YHWH, because it turns people into untouchable reality-bombs destroying the stronghold of the illusion, the Lie.
That is why the forces of Evil fear the moment when someone sees through their game and grabs hold of faith in YHWH, no longer responding to the manipulation of circumstances with a wavering faith but instead clinging in faith to YHWH, in spite of the pain of unwanted circumstances and prayers which appear to remain unanswered.

If you walk in faith, then your very presence on this world becomes an act of terrorism in the Evil illusionary dream-world, because every breath you take, every smile you show are expressions of YHWH's reality shattering the dream illusion.
Your existence on Earth is a manifestation of Heaven's greater reality, and because reality shatters an illusion your very existence is a threat to those forces who made an illusion their home.

The forces of Evil seek to spin a cocoon of the Lie around us by manipulating our circumstances and turning them against us so that we feel as if we are robbed of our blessings, and our prayers are not answered.
Then the Adversary comes along and tells us: 'look around you, don't you see the physical evidence of the fact that what you believe is just an illusion, an invention of your own mind? If what you prayed for in Yahshua's name does not come to pass, then isn't this evidence of the fact that what Yahshua said is not true, and if you trust in YHWH and walk in His ways, and instead of blessings you only get adversity and misery, then does not the reality of the physical evidence of your Life make it clear to you that this is not true?'

That is the moment when the gravity pull of Evil seeks to bring our faith down so that it cannot fly anymore.
When we accept the suggestions the Satan put in our minds, then we:
1. integrate in the illusion of the dream because we accept the dream as reality and deem the spiritual reality of our faith to be an illusion,
2. lose our wings which enable our faith to fly and be free from the deception of the cocoon,
3. reverse our faith so that instead of believing YHWH we now believe in the Satan who manipulated our lives and made us suffer, and
4. we give him the authority to continue his game of manipulation through our consent to his suggestions.

The cocoon of Evil is like a cloud blocking the sun.
In Heaven these clouds do not exist, but here in the illusion of the Earth-dream the clouds of Evil can have an appearance of existence.
When they block the sun, the sun is still shining as it always has, only it seems as if the sun stopped shining because the cloud is blocking the sunshine.
Should we lose faith in the fact that the sun still shines its light if clouds rob our sight of it?
Do we believe the Evil One when he points out the 'reality of the absence of the sunshine' and tells us that there is no such thing as sunshine?
The sun is still there, it still shines its light, only a passing dream-cloud robs it from your sight temporarily.

So too the promises YHWH made and the words Yahshua spoke are always true, only, Evil has been granted opportunity to become the cloud blocking the sun of YHWH's words.
If we then lose faith, we give permission for the clouds to grow thicker and permanently block the Son out of our Life.
YHWH's Word, like the sun, will always remain, but our faith in the reality of clouds which are but a passing illusion locks Him out of our sight permanently.

Therefore, don't believe the clouds, but learn to see the clouds for what they are: passing illusions seeking to separate us from the light of the sun eternally.
Live as if clouds do not exist, for in the real Life they DO NOT exist and CAN NOT exist.
Evil is just an avatar which we give existence because we breathe Life in it through our reversed faith, our Sin.

The father of lies seeks to capture our Soul in a cocoon of lies, a cocoon he seeks to turn into our coffin.
He weaves a large cocoon of lies enveloping entire nations, selecting agents who become leaders perpetuating lies and trapping the people into their web of lies.
The Adversary breathes life into deception, and the life he breathes into the monster of deception is the life we sacrificed to him.
He recycles it so that our 'donation' is 'rewarded and blessed with' torment.

The breath of Life does not originate from the Adversary.
It originally comes from YHWH Who gave it to us, but in our Sin we sacrifice the precious Life energy He gave us on the altar of the maculate temple of deception sending up thick columns of black smoke into Heaven, clouds conglomerating into a dense blanket of Darkness hovering over our heads.
If we do not change, the clouds will curse us with thick black drops of rain, and the land will change into a ruinous heap reminding us of what we have become.
Lies and the conformists to the Lie are everywhere, and there seems to be no end to the barrage of lies the Adversary wraps around the world.
It is your faith which you are going to need in the time to come more than ever before, because without it you will fall to the ground.

Trust YHWH, believe in Him, put your faith in Him, for He cannot lie nor will He ever let His children down.
How often have I written this message?
I can't write it often enough, because our unwavering trust in and love for YHWH feeds our faith, and our faith feeds our Soul, and our Soul feeds our character, so that YHWH's Life, Energy and Strength flows through this link into the character of our Soul, and we become as free as a bird flying in the sky.

The Evil One seeks to own our Soul so that its character comes to reflect the rebellion of the Evil One, and its talents are made to serve the purpose of the Adversary.
Reject the passing illusions which are nothing but traps for our Soul.
Cling to YHWH's lasting reality that He may set your Soul free and express Himself in your character, and you may be called true children of the Most High, sons and daughters in YHWH's image.