
The Great Wall

On the stage of life there's a wall which is called the Great Wall of Ranks & Rites.
Shelves are attached to this wall in the ranking order of the lowest trophies on the bottom shelf, to the highest trophies on the top shelf.
These trophies are made of the same fabric as the costumes of the marionettes on the stage.
They call them Ranks, and to each Rank a Rite is attached.
These Rites are symbolic expressions of the warped reality of the mirror to which the Rank belongs, and they come with special privileges.

This huge wall reaches all the way up into the air, the dark Loft, and the higher you reach, the closer you are to the deep darkness of the unknown Loft.
Those who worship in front of the wall refer to the top of the wall as Heaven, or nirvana, the ultimate bliss.
They cannot see the Darkness at the top, because they have sold out to the Lie which makes them project the illusion of light where there is nothing but darkness.
Their entire life stands in service of climbing up the Holy Ladder of Compliance to reach for the top shelf and be rewarded with the highest Rank and the highest Rite which comes with the Rank.

In front of the Great Wall of Ranks & Rites stand the Guardians of the Mirrors.
Nobody is able to see them since they hide in the dark shadow of the wall.
They are the ones who determine the candidates qualified to receive the Ranks and Rites.
They select and judge the candidates based on their compliance to the reality of the Mirror they guard.

The better the reflection of the candidate in the mirror, the higher the reward with one of the Ranks becomes.
These Ranks and their Rites support and assist in the shaping of identities in the image of the mirror.
Failure to live up to the image in the mirror results in chastisement with the rod, conforming to this image is rewarded with higher Ranks.

These Ranks have a magical power given to them by the Guardians of the Mirrors.
This magical power is like a magnet: it captivates the attention of the marionettes as if they are under a spell where their hearts resonate in perfect unison with the words of the Rite spoken by the one who wears the Rank.
The magical power installs the image of the Rites in their minds.
Just like a fisherman uses a fishing-rod to catch the fish, the Rites use the image in the minds as bait on their fishing-rods of magic to draw the identities of the marionettes into the image of the warped mirror.

The magical power begets its strength and magnetism from the power, esteem and approval which is bestowed on the image in the mirror.
The more you live up to that image, the more you partake of that power and esteem, and this creates the magnetic pull of the Rites upon those who dwell on the stage.
A higher Rank and Rite means a closer embodiment of the doctrinal image reflected by the mirror, and therefore they beget a greater authority in the minds of the ones who want to live up to the image of the mirror.

All the while the Shadows who created the image are the ones with the real power, and they use this power to harvest souls of victims whose ambition drives them to chase after the perfect image in the Mirror, the perfect plastic identity.

Most of the marionettes who wander on the stage are in love with the reflection they behold in the mirrors.
They are captivated by the harvest of praise and esteem they receive for their compliance to the standards incorporated in the mirror.
The more they conform, the greater the harvest of approval, the more powerful the lure into the mold of conformity becomes.

The approval and praise for the reflected image in the mirror and the sense of belonging is the fishing hook which draws them into an externally imposed identity.

The measure of conformity to these images in the different mirrors is related to different grades of authority and standing within the Ranks of the reality of the mirrors.
Once a marionette has been seduced into identifying with the reflected image, he is allowed to reach for the Rank on the bottom shelf to pin this Rank on his costume.
With each higher Rank he pins on his costume he gradually grows into the embodiment of the Rank and Rite system of the Mirror he identifies with.

The greater the conformity, the higher he is allowed to reach on the great Wall of Ranks & Rites.
The Rank is an outward sign of the identity the marionettes have acquired, supporting and reinforcing that identity.

There is a secret hope in each marionette to be changed more in the likeness of the ideal of the mirror with each Rank it pins on its chest.
This hope is fuelled by the magical powers bestowed on the Ranks and Rites.

Marionettes believe that by pinning more and more Ranks on their costume, their hearts will be changed more and more in the image of the Rite which comes with the Rank so that they can reap the rewards which come with the image.
After all, the better the reflection in the mirror becomes, the greater the approval and the more authority and power they have within the Rank of the mirror.
And surely, at the top of the Great Wall they will be closer to the light of Heaven than ever before, right?
So they reach for their projected image of Heaven up there in the dark Loft.

Yet they fail to realize that as they seek to plaster an identity on their soul derived from the magical powers of the Rites, they are drawn into the marionette costume even more than before.
Their eyes begin to assume a vacant flat look where once there was an expression of a soul looking through the windows of the body.
They stepped into the mirror and became the reflection instead of the reflected, and the image in the mirror stepped out into the marionette costume to live out a surrogate life.


The Fools

But then there are fools who say in their hearts: there is a god!
And they merrily go on their way to carve a god out of the wood of their concepts and ideas.

They build a structure and protocol of worship around this god and seek to attract fellow robots in support of this idolatry.
They carve out a place in the big wheel of the slave system of this world for their religion and shape it in the image of the wheel so that it looks like a wheel within a wheel, a parody on YHWH's original design.

They sacrifice souls on the altar of the wheel within the big wheel of the Lie to keep it moving forward in endless circles, feeding the shadow masters who created the multitude of images and pseudo-visions the wheel projects and installs in the minds of the slaves as the carrot at the end of the stick.

Because they have been successfully conditioned to respond to certain buttons during their training as a robot, these same buttons now yield a loyal following in support of the slave system pushing these buttons.

Ultimately, anything which replaces YHWH in our lives becomes our form of idolatry.
When we sell out on principles for the sake of financial gain, we have made our finances our god.
When we are obsessed with food, we have turned our stomach in our god.
When we put someone we love on a pedestal and seek to draw love from that person, we have created an idol out of that person.
When our work absorbs us and we are obsessed by it, we have turned our work into our god.

As long as we are not fulfilled in our heart by our Creator, we seek to compensate for the lack by artificial means which take the place of our Creator YHWH.
Whether it is money, a person, an ideology, our work, art, our family, yes, even the Bible, anything which is used to fill the void becomes our form of idol worship.
Yes, even the most noble things in life can become enablers of idol worship, not because of what they are, but because of how we relate to them.
And our relationships can NEVER be right UNTIL YHWH's Light fills our spirit and soul.
From that inner fulfillment we are able to relate to everything from the right perspective, and NOTHING can become our idol.

The problem is that whenever we relate to something or someone from the perspective of lacking the inner fulfillment which only YHWH can give us, our idol becomes our corrupting influence and turns us into a deeper comatose state to the reality of Truth.
It has nothing to do with the object of worship, but it has everything to do with our state of separation from YHWH which turns us into slaves of the shadow masters, who exploit the presence of this inner void to strengthen their grip on us and drive us deeper into Darkness.

We have inherited the fatal flaw when we put on our costumes in the play of life.
The moment we put on the costume, our spirit and soul were absorbed by the costume and experienced the flaw in its design.
Although the design is flawed it does not mean that the One who created the costume is incompetent when He designed these costumes, because there is a purpose to the flaw.
The purpose is to allow us to make a choice for the Creator YHWH from the perspective of exercising our free will in this dualistic realm.

Furthermore, the costume is flawed because of the choice our ancestors made.
Their original costume was perfect, yet after a while they made the choice to put on this flawed costume IN SPITE of the warnings of YHWH, and that is how the current exploitation game began and grew into the monster as we know it today.

Because we experience good and evil, we are given a unique perspective which enables us to be drawn into the fatal flaw of evil, and yet by our choice to love YHWH and identify with our conscience and His Spirit be saved from being absorbed into the death trap of evil.
The choice is the manifestation of the inclination of our soul and spirit, and the flaw in the design is there on purpose in order to draw out the choice.

This flaw in the costumes is the reason why we are driven by hungers that turn us into slaves of the shadows.
Because we lack the inner fulfillment which only YHWH can give us, our inner imbalance causes us to create imbalanced relationships which turn into a form of idol worship.
Our work becomes the compensation for the inner void, or our hobby, or our money, anything we use to fill the void becomes a god unto us.

The shadows love the 'design flaw' of our costumes, because their entire structure of the rotating big wheel of lies is based on the manipulation of the flaw.
The shadows create suggestions within our psyche to fill the void by artificial means, and the moment we follow their suggestions, the form of compensation we turned into our god becomes our enslavement to the corruption.
And behind the corruption stand the masters of corruption, the dark shadows who maneuver us into a false identity which rises out of the means to compensate for the flaw in the design.

The more we indulge in the idol worship, the more we are releasing energy of our soul to the shadows.
And this is the sole reason why the shadows are so diligent in forcing us to succumb to the big Lie.
The energy we end up giving them is a transfer of the life-force which YHWH gave us, to the dark shadows.
They use this energy to enhance and expand the manifestation of the Darkness.
Evil can only manifest itself by this transfer of energy since it is not a source of energy or existence out of itself, but it can build upon its most fundamental DNA by extracting energy from YHWH through our choice to believe in evil and doubt YHWH.

The shadows use the design flaw in our costumes to create the mirrors.
The flaw causes us to relate to everything on the stage of life in a wrong and corrupt way, and this allows the shadows to manipulate this flaw by suggestions which drive us towards a mirror which is the embodiment of the suggestion.
We end up living up to the image in the corrupt mirror because we learn to identify with the corrupt reflection of ourselves.
Our artificial identity has sprung up out of the basic flaw.
It grows out of compensating for the consequences of the flaw, the inner imbalance caused by our separated state from the Source of Life, YHWH.

This artificial identity is an identity which worships a false god and a false image.
The false god requires us to sacrifice our life-energy upon his altar, so that the entire circus of idol worship becomes a process of being drained of our life-energy for the sake of getting a false sense of self-worth through that plastic identity.

Through the strings of our costumes the light of our energy flows to the unseen shadows in the dark, while darkness takes over where the light has been extinguished.
As long as we are obsessed by the circus and we keep our gaze fixed on the image in the mirror we remain oblivious to the ugly truth of getting a false sense of self-worth from our idol worship, which is that we are contributing to a parasitical system where we have been assigned a role on the dinner plate of the dark shadows.

The entire stage is the platform for the manifestation of a parasitical system which empowers the big wheel of the Lie.
The Lie provides us with dreams of grandeur and empowerment as an anesthetic which drowns out any knowledge of how the false dreams really debase and rob us of our power and our life-energy.

As long as we choose to live the Lie, we remain food on the plate of the shadows.
But such is the nature of evil.
YHWH is the great Giver, for He gives life, He gives well-being, He gives an identity rooted in Truth, He gives and gives and gives, and never leeches for He is the Source of Life and all Energy.

Since we abide in a dualistic realm where evil is everything which YHWH is not, evil ends up as the great taker, for evil takes life, it takes our well-being, it robs our true identity and replaces it with a false identity to compensate for the loss of our true identity and thus keeps us oblivious to what we lost.
Evil is not a source of life and energy, but it absorbs life and energy to create an appearance of existence while in fact evil is an artificially create state of being which can never exist in YHWH's reality.

To be able to exist in YHWH's reality, evil would have to be a source of existence and energy in its own right.
But evil does not have existence and energy of itself.
Evil can only manifest itself by stealing energy from us and the angels, and it succeeds in doing so by creating a lever which is operated by us when we choose to believe a Lie of evil, and thereby disbelieve and doubt YHWH's Truth.
When that happens we have shifted our identity, and we end up energizing evil so that it becomes alive as an alternative reality for us.

Our choice is the switch which activates one of two realities.
One reality exists, the other exists only as an artificially created state which manifests in a dream realm.
By our choice we become part of the real Life of the Spirit, or we lock ourselves in a perpetual dream, the ultimate nightmare.

YHWH created one basic instruction set for evil, which is the rule to manifest and express everything YHWH is not.
Just as an embryo grows from a basic instruction set whereby energy is extracted from the environment to enable the growth of the embryo, evil grows by extracting energy from our soul, and it grows in the image of the basic DNA of evil, which is to embody everything which is anti-YHWH, everything which YHWH is not.

This is why evil is able to manifest on the stage of life.
We have built upon the fatal design flaw of our costumes and thus ended up sacrificing our life-force to the shadows.

YHWH becomes 'Yes' and evil becomes 'No', and we are given the choice between the two.
When we say 'Yes' to 'No', and thereby 'No' to 'Yes', we surrender energy to 'No' as we grow into manifestations of 'No'.
But when we say 'Yes' to 'Yes', and thereby 'No' to 'No', we are energized by YHWH through our 'Yes' and we grow into manifestations of 'Yes'.
Out of our choice the reality for our soul and spirit unfolds.
That is what Dualism is all about.

The shadows are empowered by us through our wrong choice and our persistence in our denial of Truth.
They used the power we gave them to build the entire contraption of the big wheel of Lies to automate the draining process of our life-force, and drive us further into the arms of Darkness.
We donated our life-force to the shadows so that they might make our lives miserable.
So, how wise can we be?


The Print

The fool says in his heart: there is no god!

Yet who is printing us then into the physical dimension?

And so it happens that entire generations are turned into fools as they are shaped in the school factory, an automated process with the cogs placed in the exact right position to produce robots at the end of the line.
To impose  a lie on the minds of children by upholding the theory of evolution whilst denying the Creator is part of the process to produce a long line of mind-controlled fools, slaves of the shadows which created the lie.

It truly takes a darkened mind and a blinded eye to deny the existence of evidence pointing to an intelligent design.
The plethora of different areas where intelligent design can be detected is huge.
Instead of exploring this huge body of evidence, let me just mention the way we come into existence in this world.

Consider for example DNA.
An instruction set which causes cells to divide and absorb energy from their environment to build a complex body out of the few cells.
DNA is like the physical representation of the code by means of which we are printed into the physical realm.

It takes a far greater belief to be able to assert that this has come into existence as a result of coincidence, which is really what the evolution theory comes down to, than to accept the fact that an Engineer has been at work and came up with a way for biological machines to be printed into the physical realm.
Printing code does not write itself, let alone the complex code necessary for the human body to be printed in the physical dimension.

A Mercedes is simple in design compared to the human body, yet still there are those even carrying a badge of authority in scientific communities who deny the evidence of design in creation.
They pride themselves in their intellectual capacity, yet fail to allow this capacity to be fuelled and shaped by understanding.

With technology progressing in its current pace it won't be before long that we can download the code from an internet shop which will print out a brush, or a chair, or a pen in a three-dimensional printer.
This printer will follow the instruction code to build the brush or the pen on a molecular basis, molecule by molecule.

There will be no need to first manufacture the object, sell it, put it in a parcel and ship it to the buyer.
Instead, the buyer will receive a printing code which contains the instructions for the 3-D printer to print out the purchased object.
Today it is science fiction, but tomorrow it may be reality.

Now take a look at the human body.
It begins with a code embedded in single cells which divide and grow according to the pre-specified patterns into a hugely complex human body.
The mother's womb is like the 3-D printer providing the cells with the basic nutrients necessary for the printing process to complete itself.
The nutrients are like packets of energy which can be absorbed by the cells to build the organism according to the specified plan.
Without the instructions of the plan, nothing can be built.

Hence my initial question: who is printing us in the physical dimension?

Who wrote the code which contains the blueprint for a complete complex human body?
Who made the printing machine?
Who wrote the properties regulating the behavior of elements of the printing machine?
If everything has a beginning and an end, what then is the beginning of physical matter?
What or who is the original Cause for the unfolding complex structure we refer to as Creation?

And yet the fools say in their heart: there is no Creator.
Seeing, they remain blind, and claiming themselves to be wise, their words paint them as fools.

Atheism truly is the fool's religion, another false mirror on the stage of life.


The Delusion

So we can see the contraption of cogs keeping the smaller wheels  which are part of the big wheel in motion.
So we find ourselves rejected and at odds with the dream produced by the big wheel.
So we are ridiculed and obstructed in the most inane ways because we fail to function well as obedient cogs in the wheel.

But to what end?
Is it just to turn us into slaves without being aware of it?

We wear ourselves out just for the sake of following a carrot dangling at the end of a stick.
In the end we have turned ourselves into empty, dried up remnants of what we used to be, just for the sake of keeping the wheel in motion in our pursuit of what amounted to nothing more than vanity.

We sacrifice all of our life-energy in the process of keeping the wheel go round.
The big wheel uses part of that energy to keep the dream alive, the carrot at the end of the stick which seduces us to continue sacrificing our very essence for the sake of obtaining that carrot.

The wheel holds up an elusive dream to the cogs so that they come to believe in the dream as their reality.
It projects a vision unto a screen for their lives which is rooted in the Lie, and the cogs run even harder to make this vision come true for them.
The dream-vision is the Lie which throws sand in the eyes of the cogs to make them fall asleep and become part of the Lie which projected the dream.

As the cogs fall asleep and become the dream, they dream themselves to be alive and filling a significant place in the greater scheme of things while all the time they are perishing and wasting away on the stage of life.
They dream dreams of splendor as they fade into the monochrome grey.
They lose their identity as they embrace the identity of the suit they wear.

And so, those who are perishing through their own stubborn belief in the Lie He will visit with the great delusion.
Just as they fill their needs with the dust of dreams, YHWH will give them the ultimate Lie to eat, so that their abuse and rejection of His people will become their own abuse, their own rejection.

The contraption on the stage has been holding up false promises by its dream magic for ages.
It was put into place the moment we consented to its presence.
We knew the consequences of our consent, but we did not realize the full extent of these consequences.
We did not know that we consented to an existence of slavery where we would be reduced to puppets fading into the shadows, cogs serving to keep the machinery of the dream alive and running.
We did not know that by our consent we actually traded in a glorious existence for a pseudo-existence in a dream-state, thus anaesthetizing ourselves into a state of oblivion to reality.

But surely dreams are good?
If one does not dare to chase after dreams, then a dreary existence will come to haunt and taunt us.
Ah, but what dreams do we chase?
Are we chasing the carrot at the end of the stick to make us oblivious to how we are actually entering into a deeper dream-state as we run from the reality of what we are becoming?

To those who are perishing, reality lies, and the dream is truth.
The dream is real and reality cannot be seen through their closed eyes.
Yet to those who are waking up out of the dream-state it is obvious that the dream lies, and reality is the truth.
Because their eyes are open and behold reality, the dream is revealed for what it is: a Lie.

The dreams of the lovers of the Lie lead them to see corruption as regeneration and death as life, yet the vision of the lovers of Truth lead them to see the corruption on the stage as corruption, and the carrot held out by the wheel of Lies they recognize as the seduction to venture into the web of the spiders where they will find death and decay.

Now the time has come for the big wheel to spread more dream dust than ever before and drown the theater into a perpetual dream, cutting it off from the world outside.
Up to this point the light from the real world spread into the theater through the windows and the doors.
The light restrained the shadows and kept them from moving about freely on the stage of the theater, but the moment the darkness of the loft will be able to descend on stage unhindered, the shadows are free to move everywhere and do as they like.
By that time, any remnant of sanity and reminders of truth will vanish as the hellish pandemonium of the shadow world overtakes the stage.

So the shadows are scurrying about to seal off the windows and the doors that no light may enter the theater and darkness will be be complete.
Wherever the light is, the darkness cannot exist.
And wherever the darkness is not present, no shadow is able to venture.

The shadows have created a plan for darkness to triumph, setting up the stage to be able to resist the entrance of the Promised One.
Availing themselves of secret societies, kings and especially the men and women behind the kings, they have created the structure of the big wheel so that it runs efficiently without any obstruction.
They labored to make sure all the wheels would work together towards the realization of creating an all-encompassing empire of darkness that will take over the entire theater.
Now the setting is in place to bring forth the vessel of darkness that he might consolidate the darkness and envelop the entire stage in it.
Their vessel of darkness will be the one held up as the promised one, THEIR promised one.

Soon the big wheel will reveal the ultimate Lie, and those who have come to live the Lie and identify with it will be fully raptured out of reality into this Lie.
They will surrender all, their very essence in order to serve the dream-reality of the Lie and have their place in the ultimate big Lie.
In the end they too will come to know the ugly truth of the strings on their suit and how everything they believed in was just part of a false dream, the great Lie.
But by then they will find themselves an integral part of the darkness, unable to extricate themselves from the web which caught them.

And how could they be caught into this web?
Because of one simple principle: they CHOSE to believe the Lie as they CHOSE to reject Truth.
That is how they ended up as food for the spider.

Because they rejected Truth and loved the Lie, they are given up to the torture of being trapped in the dream, looking at the splendor of the life they rejected from the wrong side of the mirror.